Apple music event set for Sept 7



  • Reply 61 of 78
    hattighattig Posts: 860member

    Originally posted by ajprice

    640x480 on a 3" screen??!! The PSP is 480x272 on a 4" screen and is rated as one of, if not the best small portable screens around.

    As for the 1000 songs in your pocket, here we go again line. How about a 4Gb shuffle, maybe with a screen?

    I've played with a Dell PDA with a 640x480 TFT display. It was really really nice, but only 65k colours, whereas more standard 320x240 TFT displays on PDAs show 262k colours these days. I think for a vPod something similar to the latter will be used (the larger pixels allow more light through, which is important for this type of application), but the video output on the device will show the full resolution of the video (720x480).

    Given the processing power and display, I hope that Apple also install a J2ME JVM and/or a proprietary, but documented, C/C++ interface - my Motorola A1000 which I'm getting tomorrow has this, and I've noticed that games like Hexen run on it without a problem (so graphics are better than PS1, but not as good as say Dreamcast or PS2). Maybe Apple can take on Sony's PSP - if people realise their portable media player can also play games reasonably decently, then will they bother to buy a PSP?
  • Reply 62 of 78
    hattighattig Posts: 860member

    Originally posted by snipe

    Video iPod is my vote if the invitation is a clue. Note centering on the WATCH Pocket...

    Oh, they're "watch pockets" ... I thought they were for condoms or something.

    But yes, that's yet another clue. It's pretty much cemented in my mind what is going to happen*.

    Oh, and imagine your car having a vPod dock, and being able to show a movie in that car to your kids in the back to keep them sedate. This will be a necessary capability, so the vPod will have a different dock connector. If we're lucky old-style docks will still work, albeit only for audio and charging.

    A 720x480 DVD resolution movie is 1Mbit a second or thereabouts. You could encode the Lord of the Rings trilogy Extended Edition (all 662 minutes of it) into 5GB using H.264 (actually, at 2.35:1 it'd probably be encoded at 720x306, meaning an even smaller file size - 3-4GB).

    * Well, if it isn't a video iPod, then expect the iPod Watch! With 1GB/2GB of flash memory and bluetooth audio connectivity. Using AAC-Plus you can fit 1000 songs on your wrist!
  • Reply 63 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    heh. watch pockets are quite useful for one or two condoms.... you know, when out and about, better safe than sorry, you never know where you might end up, and a few condoms are handy... this applies if you are a girl or guy.

    now, iPodMusicVideo - 1000 music videos. $399 40gb no worries, sounds good.

    h.264 of course, with quicktime7 for windows and mac required for iPodMusicVideo. all done through iTunes, not iPhoto5. iPhoto for your camera mp4s, iTunes for your h.264 music videos

    top iApps IMO in descending order (best first):

    iTunes 4.8+

    Keynote 2.0+

    Safari 2.0+

    iPhoto 5.0+

    iCal 1.0+

    good but needs work:

    Mail 2.0+

    Pages 1.0+


    iSync on Tiger. Sync is all over the place (y'all know what i mean Tiger users)

    Pages has a lot of potential but can be in the freakish category.
  • Reply 64 of 78
    Anyway, I see Sir Mccartney getting the new (spec. edition) beatles G5 iPod out of his designer jeans (made by his daughter)proclaiming the war is over.

    I mean his lastest/newest single isn't that called "New Line"

    Imagine all the possibilities....
  • Reply 65 of 78
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by snipe

    Video iPod is my vote if the invitation is a clue. Note centering on the WATCH Pocket...

    I think it's best known as a change pocket these days. Besides, I think it's pretty obvious that Apple is announcing a line of jeans.
  • Reply 66 of 78
    hattighattig Posts: 860member

    Originally posted by Hattig

    1000 Broadcast Quality Music Videos in your Pocket would be around 40GB assuming an average of 4 minutes per video [/B]

    My mathematics sucks. Well, I had it correct and then edited it.

    4 minutes is 240 seconds, which at 1Mbit/s is 30MB per song. So a 40GB (37Gib) vPod can indeed hold 1000 music videos (30GB), 1000 songs (4GB) and 1-10000 photos (3GB, depends on size of photo).

    The 80GB (74GiB) vPod (available October) will hold 1000 music videos (30GB), 10000 songs (40GB) and 2-10000 photos (4GB).
  • Reply 67 of 78
    jimbo123jimbo123 Posts: 153member
    And maybe a new Express station with 'n' standard...

    to stream video?

  • Reply 68 of 78

    Originally posted by RolandG

    The IFA - international radio/television/digital home entertainment fair - is taking place right now in Berlin. One of the hot topics is home media centers and content distribution. It seems all of the shown devices either run Windows XP MCE or are heavily MS reliant.

    The Airport Express was a first step in the right direction for Apple. Its introduction dates quite a few days back now and the product has seen no improvements yet. Nor has the concept been driven anyfurther on Apple's part or the product range been broadened.

    For the ITMS and Apple's music/digital entertainment strategy to further succeed they have do something in this direction and not rely on third parties - ie the "Made for iPod"-programme or Elgato.

    I sure hope the announcements tend to be of that sort.

    P.S.: I hope the introduction of the iTunes phone will bring better cellular synching support...

    Air Vids?
  • Reply 69 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by ThinkDifferent

    Air Vids?

    heh... iPodVideo now with AirportExpress2 featuring AirTunes+ AirVideo

    anyone spot mockups on the net yet? eg landscape-mode iPodVideo?? c'mon ya lazy bastards. get out your photoshop..! my excuse is i am using suse linux at the moment and Gimp scares me. also because of it's name.
  • Reply 70 of 78
    Yup that definitely wouldn't surprise me...
  • Reply 71 of 78
    I doubt a "vPod" is going to happen.

    Here's what I think:

    ? iPod mini gets updated with color screens

    ? Line of Motorola iTunes-enabled phones revealed

    ? 5th Gen ipod with wireless capabilities that connects to itunes music store via mobile network.
  • Reply 72 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by bdkennedy1

    Well, with that analogy, you can't view pictures while you walk, can't view pictures while you drive, can't view pictures while working. But there's an iPod photo isn't there? The Sony PSP can play movies so I'm sure Steve can handle the technology of playing videos on the iPod. And yes I wouldn't mind a simple portable solution to bringing my videos over to a friends house to hook up to the TV.

    The iPod photo isn't to watch like a movie or a music video. It's to organize your photo's.

    Not exactly the same thing, is it?
  • Reply 73 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    remember that mad respects go to hardmac for they are the ones that first posted the "Life Is Random" iPod shuffle with no screen news... (they managed to get into moscone and scope things out a little macworld sf2005)

    here's's latest take on things... not saying that it is accurate but it at least gives us a bit of perspective

    One thing is clear, Apple can really attract news networks by simply sending away invitation to a Special Event; and immediately the web is boiling about amazing new products, rumors, and so on.

    Competitors are probably upset of seeing so much effects generated by such a cheap PR while they might need millions of dollars communication campaign to reach such attention.

    Regarding, the sentence, one should notice that it is the past : "changed" and not "change"; so this special event does not describe a future product, but it will be related to the revolution initiated by the launch of the iPod.

    But this new product will be available for a large number of customers; in addition it might not be only Mac-related since such announcement will be made earlier than the AppleExpo (only 3 weeks away).

    so what to expect:

    - a brand new flash-memory-based iPod (possible with the recent rumors regarding Apple-Samsung deal)

    - a video iPod associated with iTunes Video Store.

    - iPhone (but if it is the only product release during the event it will be a bit disappointing)

    - A new multimedia product to compete with the poorly performing Windows Media Center.

    We would love that last proposal to be true, since the market for such HD-based product is exploding. Apple has everything in its hands to gain immediately a large percentage of this market:

    - G' or even intel processors

    - iApps

    - a well known experience to deliver a fully integrated product (obtained from the Mac mini development)

    One week to go for the answer.

    [translation by Eric]
  • Reply 74 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    One thing is clear, Apple can really attract news networks by simply sending away invitation to a Special Event; and immediately the web is boiling about amazing new products, rumors, and so on......

    heh. Creative must be SOOOO pissed off right now. All this hype about new iPods while they are dealing with the very un-Zen issue of viruses shipping with your Creative music player. poor bastards.
  • Reply 75 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    One thing is clear, Apple can really attract news networks by simply sending away invitation to a Special Event; and immediately the web is boiling about amazing new products, rumors, and so on......

    heh. Creative must be SOOOO pissed off right now. All this hype about new iPods while they are dealing with the very un-Zen issue of viruses shipping with your Creative music player. poor bastards.

    Of course, Creative just announced thei patent.

    So if it's valid, they might be rubbing their hands together.
  • Reply 76 of 78
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    [Moved reply to melgross to this thread]
  • Reply 77 of 78
    What if THIS was announced on the 7th...

    Haha just kidding, if that happened though, it'd be pretty cool!
  • Reply 78 of 78
    holy fuck these journalists/analysts can afford some good drugs. what the fuck are they smoking? Apple buying SixFlags? now? ahhahahahah hahahha hah hahah haha hahhahh WTF? NewsCorp, okay, Sony, possibly, because they're dumb, but Apple? hahahahhhahhah these analysts don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
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