Reports confirms Sept 7 iTunes phone launch

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple and Motorola indeed have plans to unveil their long- awaited iTunes music phones next week during the special event to be held in San Francisco, The New York Times is confirming.

The publication cites "a telecommunications industry analyst who has been briefed on the announcement" in saying that the Sept 7th event coincides with the launch of the phones. The findings corroborate an AppleInsider report from last week, which also placed the iTunes phone launch on Sept 7th.

Roger Entner, a telecommunications analyst with market research firm Ovum , told the Times he had been informed by an industry executive that the iTunes phone would be marketed by Cingular Wireless. The Wall Street Journal also reported on Monday that Apple and Cingular had struck a deal that would make the phone available in time for the holidays.

"Apple also may introduce a line of iPod digital music players intended to replace its hugely popular iPod mini line," a source told the Journal.

Apple, Motorola and Cingular all reportedly declined to confirm or deny the reports. However, Apple on Monday, through digital invites to the media, announced that it would hold a special media event on Sept. 7 at San Francisco's Moscone Center. The invites flaunt a teaser reading, "1,000 songs in your pocket changed everything. Here we go again."

It's expected that Motorola and Apple will introduce a complete line of music-oriented phones that go by the name ROKR, rather than a single handset.



  • Reply 1 of 31
    Why can't I get excited about an iPod phone? I have an iPod and a mobile phone and can't see paying out the money for a combined product. The people who would financially be in the market will also have both at their fingertips now and will face the same question I do. Only those that want the latest gadget would get excited. For me it's Moto being a day late and a dollar short yet again.
  • Reply 2 of 31
    These phones better be good, or I'll be wicked pissed!

    This ROKRs just seem SO motorolaish! I agree can't seem to get excited about it, just to many rumors and speculation about this thing that NEVER seems to get resolved...
  • Reply 3 of 31
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    If this event is just to announce this phone then I'm not really that excited. Give me a moto equivalent to the Treo 650 that plays iTunes music and you've got my attention.
  • Reply 4 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    arghghhhghhghhh. this better be good. i think steve just wants to get this over and done with, but he knows it's gotta be RDF'ed right.

    that CEO of moto is such a smarmy dodgy-looking daggy salesman type dude. and now having it tied into a carrier, Singularlycraptacular, i have a bad feeling about this. apple wants it out of the way so they can continue on refreshed iPods and iPodVideo eventually, and of course Macintels for 2006 OS X domination (well, gradual increase in market share)

    the mobile market, ringtones, and handhelds is just such a messy space right now. apple is better to do a top-down approach, which is what they are thinking with intel -- somewhere along the lines in 2006 the iBook will meet the iPod and it will access ubiquitious broadband (wiMax ?)
  • Reply 5 of 31
    If this phone is done well, and doesn't cost a fortune, I'm all for it. I don't want a super-duper-does-everything smartphone, just a plain old regular phone and iPod combined. Those are the only gadgets I carry around with me everywhere, and if they're integrated properly, with neither function adversely affected by the other, and if the package is still reasonably small, then YES I want one.
  • Reply 6 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by TrevorD

    If this phone is done well, and doesn't cost a fortune, I'm all for it. I don't want a super-duper-does-everything smartphone, just a plain old regular phone and iPod combined. Those are the only gadgets I carry around with me everywhere, and if they're integrated properly, with neither function adversely affected by the other, and if the package is still reasonably small, then YES I want one.

    yeah the problem is Moto is involved. i've tried 3 of their phones in the past 2.5 years and it just never did it for me. why can't Sony f())(king get their act together and work closer with Apple? bloody helll
  • Reply 7 of 31
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by TrevorD

    If this phone is done well, and doesn't cost a fortune, I'm all for it.

    Not me -- I want a phone that isn't done well, and costs a fortune!
  • Reply 8 of 31

    Originally posted by wilco

    Not me -- I want a phone that isn't done well, and costs a fortune!

    I was commenting on the fact that many people don't seem to want it unless it's a Treo-like smartphone, or they don't see a significant market for an iTunes phone. I, OTOH, wouldn't buy a full-blown smartphone, iTunes or not. I just want a simple, straight-forward phone that works like a phone, and I want a simple, straight-forward music player that works like a music player. If they can successfully merge those two devices without hampering either one, then I will be very excited. My only concern is that many convergence devices end up forsaking simplicity in favour of features, and that would be a bad thing.
  • Reply 9 of 31

    Originally posted by TrevorD

    My only concern is that many convergence devices end up forsaking simplicity in favour of features, and that would be a bad thing.

    And very un Apple Like, which is why I can't understand why Steves making this announcement, its primarily a MOTOROLA PRODUCT that just happens to have an iTunes feature!!!
  • Reply 10 of 31
    If this is the iTunes phone release, then I think Apple did its worst campaign announcement ever.

    First, they're mentioning the 1000 songs of the original iPod. Then, they?re releasing a device that doesn't hold as many songs and has a shorter battery life when combined with current cell phone features.

    Second, they're comparing it to how the iPod changed everything. I feel, in personal audio, it did. Okay, actually the iTMS did. However, do they really think this phone will change everything? If so, why are they officially announcing its release in a campaign that almost puts it against the iPod. I mean if they're changing everything, again, shouldn't I lose my iPod and just get an iTune Phone.

    On the other hand, in the end the phone doesn't seem like a big deal for Apple until they design their own - maybe with Motorola's help, like they have used Sony in the past. Apple software driving the phone. Apple makes their money off their iPods and skims some off of iTMS. The phone would be mainly Motorola's cash. iTunes on it is basically just an application with some licensing fees.

    My analysis, I think Apple will announce some new products from San Francisco and then pass the floor to Motorola on the east coast to announce the phone. Or. No phone at all.

    Then again maybe it?s something some are only hoping for:

    1. Apple Media Center

    2. Video iPod and iTunes 5

    3. Updated Airports with streaming video

    4. Higher capacity shuffles with playlists (no screen please)

    5. Flash based iPod Mini with color screen

    Palmer Deville
  • Reply 11 of 31
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    No comment.
  • Reply 12 of 31
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by pdeville

    If this is the iTunes phone release, then I think Apple did its worst campaign announcement ever.

    "Beyond the Rumor Sites. Way Beyond." was so much better?
  • Reply 13 of 31
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by pdeville

    If this is the iTunes phone release, then I think Apple did its worst campaign announcement ever.

    First, they're mentioning the 1000 songs of the original iPod. Then, they?re releasing a device that doesn't hold as many songs and has a shorter battery life when combined with current cell phone features.

    Second, they're comparing it to how the iPod changed everything. I feel, in personal audio, it did. Okay, actually the iTMS did. However, do they really think this phone will change everything? If so, why are they officially announcing its release in a campaign that almost puts it against the iPod. I mean if they're changing everything, again, shouldn't I lose my iPod and just get an iTune Phone.

    On the other hand, in the end the phone doesn't seem like a big deal for Apple until they design their own - maybe with Motorola's help, like they have used Sony in the past. Apple software driving the phone. Apple makes their money off their iPods and skims some off of iTMS. The phone would be mainly Motorola's cash. iTunes on it is basically just an application with some licensing fees.

    My analysis, I think Apple will announce some new products from San Francisco and then pass the floor to Motorola on the east coast to announce the phone. Or. No phone at all.

    Then again maybe it?s something some are only hoping for:

    1. Apple Media Center

    2. Video iPod and iTunes 5

    3. Updated Airports with streaming video

    4. Higher capacity shuffles with playlists (no screen please)

    5. Flash based iPod Mini with color screen

    Palmer Deville

    Palmer Deville, you are something else!
  • Reply 14 of 31

    Thanks. I guess that's what years as an analyst does... Intelligence not market.

    Just my opinions and my reasoning. Since I posted my take, has posted their own. Hardmac states roughly the same thing with a slightly different reasoning.

    I stand by my analysis and open to discussion.

    Hey, it's all in fun anyway right. Who knows what Apple will do. They did release the "Mighty" Mouse after all, which is quite a name for something so ordinary. "Changing everything" to Apple is Steve walking up on stage.

    Palmer Deville
  • Reply 15 of 31
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Palmer Deville, you rock!
  • Reply 16 of 31
    I'm hoping this isn't all that's anounced on Wednesday.

    I have Verizon and just bought a new phone yesterday, so this couldn't appeal to me any less. And even if I had Cingular I wouldn't get this blasted iTunes phone.

    New iPods! New iPod minis! Something else besides a damn iTunes phone, please!
  • Reply 17 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by melgross

    No comment.

    heh. hang in there mel ... i really just cant wait for this fucking iPhone rubbish to be over and done with, and we can dropkick MotoLOSERS out the door. oh lords of kobol, please put us all out of our misery soon.
  • Reply 18 of 31
    well said.
  • Reply 19 of 31
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    heh. hang in there mel ... i really just cant wait for this fucking iPhone rubbish to be over and done with, and we can dropkick MotoLOSERS out the door. oh lords of kobol, please put us all out of our misery soon.

    Yeah. Get that damned arrow and shoot it at someone.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Yeah. Get that damned arrow and shoot it at someone.

    no, its not supposed to be used that way... although it would be cool if the arrow was also used to kill the number1 cyclon-human clone person/thing ~ stake through the heart ~ killing the "head vampire" style
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