SED- the next technology for HD displays?



  • Reply 41 of 44
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member
    Want to learn about plasma as of September of last year? Read this LONG:

    As to one display or another looking "craptacular" here is one tip I have learned.

    If you feed an analog standard def signal to a hi res TV it will look really bad. I see this all the time in stores. Most don't bother to set up an HD feed to their TV displays. Thus all the TVs are blowing up the standard def signal to fit a 720 or 1080 screen. It looks so so bad. Best Buy tries to get it right in the store near me, but still there are times where the picture on a big screen just looks scary bad. Probably someone dorked with the settings, who knows.

    This is one reason I have not yet transitioned to HD. All my Tivos are SD and would look horrible on a big luscious 1920x1080 TV.

    Waiting imaptiently for the vaporware HD Tivo that they showed at CES.

  • Reply 42 of 44
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by curmi

    Take a look at the pioneers 6th Generation plasmas. Best plasmas available.

    I'm about to get me a PDP-436XDE.

    Philips has some LCDs that supposedly are very good and Sony's BRAVIAs are also supposed to be good.

    But Plasma still has better blacks, better contrast and better color.
  • Reply 43 of 44

    Originally posted by JLL

    I'm about to get me a PDP-436XDE.

    Philips has some LCDs that supposedly are very good and Sony's BRAVIAs are also supposed to be good.

    But Plasma still has better blacks, better contrast and better color.

    Just orderd one myself superb picture.
  • Reply 44 of 44
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally posted by WelshDog

    If you feed an analog standard def signal to a hi res TV it will look really bad.

    It depends on how good your video scaler in the TV is. I use a DVDO VP-30 to scale 480i video to 1280x1024, and it looks very good on a 120" screen.

    Some of the high-end video scaler companies produce OEM kits that are used inside plasma tvs, but I don't know what brands use the good ones.
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