iPod nano owners sue Apple over screen issues



  • Reply 41 of 207
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    I just cannot understand how, if the nanos use the same plastics as the 4Gs AND we've never heard about scratch problems on the 4Gs how this could possibly be a legitimate problem nano-wide.

    I think it's also possible that the much-decreased size of the nano compared to the 4G encourages different use, a pocket with a 4G would probably stay alone in a pocket due to its size, but with a nano, stupid people could be more likely to shove other objects besides the nano into the same pocket without protection.
  • Reply 42 of 207
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    afterall gotta feel bad for him since he obviously must have a shitty life with his lack of common sense.

    Is this quote aimed at me?

    Hell I'd be defending Apple if I hadn't walked into store and saw exactly what people are talking about. The screen isn't recessed a tad bit like the iPod mini and iPods are so it really takes a beating.

    Does Apple really need to endanger their iPod reputation even a little bit by using inferior plastics? Class Action lawsuits come and go but I won't doubt their validity. People work hard for their money and portable devices should be built to handle the rigors of portability.
  • Reply 43 of 207
    hankx32hankx32 Posts: 121member
    Generally, I don't take good care of my things. I notoriously will throw my Ipod (4th generation) into a pocket or a a backpack with all sorts of dangerous other crap, keys, microphones, change, wires, screws . . .

    So my Ipod is pretty scratched up, but I don't cry about it. I treat my Samsung picture-phone the same way if not much worse, I have dropped on concrete many times, and there is not one scratch on it. To make sure what I'm saying is true, I just purposely tried to scratch it with a car key, and it left no mark.

    I think what some of us want is an Ipod that you don't have to worry about so much. It would be cool if keys and coins had no effect on the Ipod like my cellphone. Samsung is using some wonderful plastic. I love plastic.
  • Reply 44 of 207

    Originally posted by JustDoIt

    Unless Apple claims that it is scratch resistant or that is doesn't scratch, they don't have a case. It's all user fault. Plus the Nano comes with a protective plastic film.

    When you are the size of Apple, things like this will happen. People in the U.S. will sue for anything they can. Sad.

    In the UK we have consumer laws which state something has to be 'fit for purpose'. If it scratches really easy in your pocket, it could be argued that it's not 'fit for purpose'. I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation to keep it in your pocket and expect it to survive unscratched.

    That plastic film is just packing. It's definitely not fit for the purpose of protecting it in daily use.
  • Reply 45 of 207
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    If Apple knowingly used a DIFFERENT material from past iPods, and then LIED and said it was the SAME, then they should be sued (for a refund, not a share of profits).

    If that's not the case, then Apple can EASILY prove that the material is the same. End of case. Nice try.

    In the middle is a situation where Apple has been TOLD the material is the same, but the manufacturing contractor is doing the lying, and using a different material. Then Apple might be sued, but then in turn could sue the company that carried out the fraud. Or, upon discovering this, just make it right on their own and then dump that manufacturer.

    My iPod was caseless in my pocket for a couple weeks before my PodSleevz arrived. A year later and it's still nearly scratchless. And made of the same material, according to Apple, as the nano.
  • Reply 46 of 207
    the people filing this lawsuit could EASILY win it especially if apple is collecting any royalties from ipod accessory makers.

    im not sure, but i thought that apple had some kind of royalty they collect from sales of accessories (or maybe i'm just thinking of the dock connector royalty)

    even if not, just the fact that apple sells nano cases means that it could easily be argued that they are trying to capatalize on this.
  • Reply 47 of 207
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    I have a black 4GB Nano that I got about 1 week after release. I've used it pretty much every day and usually plop it into my coin pocket or main pocket.

    I've seen no scratch issues on mine.
  • Reply 48 of 207
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    sue the bastards!!!!!
  • Reply 49 of 207
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I went into the Apple Store with my gf not long after the Nano was out. Every single floor model was scratched to a point were legibility was hampered.

    Yes, because, half a dozen people (or maybe fifty) went and TRIED to scratch the screen to test it! Seriously. Don't judge wear and tear by those display models.


    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    I just cannot understand how, if the nanos use the same plastics as the 4Gs AND we've never heard about scratch problems on the 4Gs how this could possibly be a legitimate problem nano-wide.

    Some technical error by the manufacturing company may emerge. But I think it's probably just a social phenomenon: the Bandwagon Effect. People making each other look for scratches, and it snowballs. Plus--only possibly--a lot of fake posts by people who hate Apple and were driven over the edge by how cool the nano is
  • Reply 50 of 207
    its scratchy very very scratchy

    i have it for 3 weeks now

    used it 3 times (waiting for protectionfilm)

    every time nice in a emty soft pocket

    and its .... wel mmmmm scratchy

    i even made a scratch with my finger

  • Reply 51 of 207
    hkbaqhkbaq Posts: 58member
    I used to work in a lab whre they manufactured lenses.

    Plastic ones (CR-39 is the officila name) is more scratch resitant to scratches than polycarbonate, which is in fact a much stronger material, capable of sustaining large amounts of force, which is probably why they choose it. to protect the lcd, if you didn't figure it out!

    material choosing is hard, you never et everything you want. and i understand their choice for this material. Proctecting the lcd is the most important thing, otherwise you just lost everything.

    This moron who is sueing apple should get up from his azz and get a life. This is absurd.....if you don't like the fact that it might scratch, DON'T BUY IT! get an iRiver, Dell or something stoopid like that...
  • Reply 52 of 207
    This argument is kind of silly. I CAN talk because I actually own a nano. I admit, these products do scratch somewhat easily, but I should've done the homework and gone to the store to find that out. Im a perfectionist, so yes, this scratching does bother me.

    However, to say that the scratches make the product illegible/unusable is absurd. Know what you are getting yourself in to. Apple didn't lie about the ability to use the product, and they made no claims about how easily it scratched. You'll notice scuffs and light abrasions indicating motion. Big deal. If you wish, buy a case and protect your investment. But sue Apple? Give me a break!
  • Reply 53 of 207

    Originally posted by akhomerun

    the people filing this lawsuit could EASILY win it especially if apple is collecting any royalties from ipod accessory makers.

    im not sure, but i thought that apple had some kind of royalty they collect from sales of accessories (or maybe i'm just thinking of the dock connector royalty)

    even if not, just the fact that apple sells nano cases means that it could easily be argued that they are trying to capatalize on this.

    So are cell phone makers capitalizing on the ability to scuff a cell phone? What about laptop makers, are they capitalizing on the ability to scratch the computer? Wallet makers! For years they have been capitalizing on the ability to abraise my credit cards!

    You know, this brings up a good point: the mini store floors look terrible from scuffs. IBooks look terrible from scuffs. See a trend here?
  • Reply 54 of 207
    ishawnishawn Posts: 364member
    Cases or iPodCleaner. Simply enough. I hate stupid fools. In fact, I wrote a blog entry when this first went down.

    Simply buy this and charge $1-$5 a pop to your friend's with scratches. It's what I plan to do. You'll make more money doing that than it actually cost you, and make more money than trying to sue Apple over a scratched iPod.

    There are enough analogies so I'll spare you.
  • Reply 55 of 207
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    i've seen a Nano of a friend THE DAY AFTER he bought it and it looked like coarse sandpaper was run across it... and he ONLY had it in an empty suit internal pocket. Bought in evening, went to office next day, saw him that same evening.

    I didnt believe him in beginning, but I had seen him when he bought it the day before... and he's generally a person who will keep gadgets pristine for years to then try and sell 2nd hand for as much as possible...

    Boh... you gotta have a few that are bad bunch.

    Anyway, he is sending the fokker back and is waiting for a new one. No questions asked. The guy at store (in Italy, through telephone) didnt even flinch, just said "we're sending you a prepaid box, instructions within..."

    I really hope my iPod Video (black) will not suffer in the same way...
  • Reply 56 of 207
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    My iShuffle doesn't scratch at all. I feel left out.

    I would imagine these feeling of inadequacy and abandonment will fester in my mind, eventually resulting in a complete mental breakdown.

    My life will be torn from me as a result.

    Why .... oh why, didn't I buy a Nano? I could have sued and belonged. I could have been somebody.

    Now i'm left, looking at my unscratchable mp3 player, alone in the dark.

    Whats that mother... no... they had no idea mother... leave them alone.....
  • Reply 57 of 207

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Apple should have spent the extra money on higher quality plastic. Looking at the bill of goods thread they are making excellent margin. They did'nt have to take the uncessary risk and use cheaper plastic.

    It's not the quality, it's the durability. I agree that this is a very silly lawsuit (right up there with suing Nike for untied laces and Starbucks for hot coffee), but it's the durability and not the quality of the casing material that's causing a problem.

    iPods are encased in an extremely high quality plastic. That's not to say that they're encased in an extremely durable plastic. It's like making battle armour out of velvet: very fine stuff, nice to see, nice to touch, not exactly durable.
  • Reply 58 of 207
    Mine looks like hell.

    I keep it in my shirt pocket, or the inside pocket of my jacket - never in a pocket with keys, etc.

    Two days after I got it I put the supplied headphones in the pocket with the nano. In the 5 minutes it took to get from the bus to my house i ended up with 3 very noticable marks on the iPod. Since then I haven't dared to put anything else in a pocket with it.

    In the weeks since then it had accumulated so many swirl marks it looks like it's time to send out the Zamboni.

    I'm sorely disappointed with the aesthetics, but not the product as a whole.
  • Reply 59 of 207
    Do folks who wear glasses clean their lenses with rough cotton based papertowels?

    No. If they do they immediately see scratches. You won't get anywhere suing the Optics industry on that one.

    This is a frivolous lawsuit.

    If there are scratch covers that can be purchased for this like there are for past models I'd purchase that immediately when I bought the nano.

    Perhaps when a polymer based, translucent material that resists hard scratches is made available at affordable prices Apple will probably be the first to use them.

    But I bet someone will take a knife and test it and then proclaim the surface isn't scratch proof.
  • Reply 60 of 207

    Originally posted by jdbartlett

    It's not the quality, it's the durability. I agree that this is a very silly lawsuit (right up there with suing Nike for untied laces and Starbucks for hot coffee), but it's the durability and not the quality of the casing material that's causing a problem.

    iPods are encased in an extremely high quality plastic. That's not to say that they're encased in an extremely durable plastic. It's like making battle armour out of velvet: very fine stuff, nice to see, nice to touch, not exactly durable.

    Perhaps Apple should come out with the Carbon Fiber, high impact proof model called the JARHEAD.
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