R.I.P. Macintosh???



  • Reply 61 of 63
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Why not go with different fruits, like they go with different cats with the OS.

    Better idea: go with different varieties of apples, as they started to with the McIntosh, before McIntosh Laboratory forced them to change the spelling. They've already used a couple of other names related to apple varieties, namely the Yellow Newton or any of the Pippin varieties. I suspect Jonathan Ives would be tickled pink if they named the product line after the Jonamac cultivar, or at least the Jonafree, Jonagold or Jonathan. I rather like the name of the Telstar variety myself. It even implies the processor - the (in)Telstar.
  • Reply 62 of 63
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member

    Originally posted by LiquidR

    With the much anticipated switch to Intel has anyone else considered the possible demise of the Macintosh moniker? It's a viable strategy, I think. Before Mac there was the Apple line and the Lisa. Why not a new moniker? I know the brand recognition is something that would be hard to let go of, also the sentimentalism attatched to the name.

    Anyone else think that this might the right marketing move?

    Maybe the Apple VI?

    Any ideas of cool hypothetical names for the new line?

    For a moment there, I thought you were one of those poeple that thought moving away from PowerPC would kill Apple - but good, it seems like they are all gone now.

    Macintosh has been fading away for a while now - most poeple just call them 'Apple's' or Apple's OCmputers.

    Why replace it at all, just kill it.
  • Reply 63 of 63

    Originally posted by AquaMac

    Apple is a great name for a computer company. It's the fruit of knowledge.

    sigh... he's talking about lemons, as in products (cars) that fail all the time. Not lemons as in the fruit.
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