XBox 360: Who's getting one?



  • Reply 81 of 159

    Am I the only one on AI who got one?

    I'm sick of getting my ass handed to me in PGR3 by what I assume are 13 year-old driving whiz-kids.

    If you have a 360 and PGR3, PM me with your Gamertag info and I'll add you to my friends list.
  • Reply 82 of 159
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Am I the only one on AI who got one?

    Apparently. Give me about 6 months and/or the release of Halo 3 and I'll join you.

    Hey, have you had ANY problems with yours like have been reported?
  • Reply 83 of 159

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Apparently. Give me about 6 months and/or the release of Halo 3 and I'll join you.

    Hey, have you had ANY problems with yours like have been reported?

    I've had ZERO problems/issues/concerns.
  • Reply 84 of 159
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    i've heard of a few problems but they are very minimal.

    this isn't a ps2 situation
  • Reply 85 of 159
    I saw a video of a guy playing some car game when it crashed. It was on ArsTechnica. Somehow I have a feeling they rushed this thing out..
  • Reply 86 of 159

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    I saw a video of a guy playing some car game when it crashed. It was on ArsTechnica. Somehow I have a feeling they rushed this thing out..

    Isolated incident overblown by rabid bloggers.
  • Reply 87 of 159
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Isolated incident overblown by rabid bloggers.

  • Reply 88 of 159
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    Isolated incident overblown by rabid bloggers.

    It isn't isolated as Microsoft has already acknowledged problems.

    They have issues. Most products that are rushed out tend to.
  • Reply 89 of 159
    (deleted my mean comments)
  • Reply 90 of 159
    i thought there'd be enough xbox/m$/ibm bashing going on, i don't need to aggravate people by adding to such activities
  • Reply 91 of 159

    Originally posted by Telomar

    It isn't isolated as Microsoft has already acknowledged problems.

    They have issues. Most products that are rushed out tend to.

    Isolated issues.


    "We have received a few isolated reports of consoles not working as expected," said Microsoft spokeswoman Molly O'Donnell when asked her about the faulty machines.

    Problems reported included screens going black and the appearance of a variety of error messages. The console has also been reported to crash, possibly due to overheating issues.

    O'Donnell wouldn?t say how many reports the company had received, but said calls represent a "very, very small fraction" of units sold. "With any launch of this magnitude, you're bound to see something happening," The number of calls was not unexpected, she said.

    It's like you lot want MS to fail at this.
  • Reply 92 of 159
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    The fact they made a comment on the matter should tell you something. They're hardly ever going to say, a whopping great fraction of our consoles are stuffed you may want to wait to buy one.

    Interestingly enough it sounds like the problem is faulty power supplies, again, in which case regardless of if it is only a small fraction they'll be required to recall all of the power supplies of the entire current batch for replacement.

    I don't care if they succeed or fail but I have no doubt they have issues on their manufacturing that they've just accepted in order to get these out in the timeline they if only they actually had a killer game to go with it.
  • Reply 93 of 159
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    telomar give me a break.

    the problem is minimal at this point. i've had a system here with my brother running it all day everyday since laucnh WITH ZERO PROBLEMS.

    every other person that has one that i know of is having no problems.

    i'm sure they are out there but its nothin on a massive scale.

    also, killer app? are people ever satisfied these days?

    this has been by far the most balanced launch ever.

    having a game like Halo (xbox) or Ridge Racer ( Ps1) come out on launch doesn't happen often.
  • Reply 94 of 159
    I managed to order one from on Thanksgiving, and it shipped today (or yesterday technically). Can't wait to see how it syncs with my iPods.
  • Reply 95 of 159
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by Elixir

    telomar give me a break.

    the problem is minimal at this point. i've had a system here with my brother running it all day everyday since laucnh WITH ZERO PROBLEMS.

    every other person that has one that i know of is having no problems.

    i'm sure they are out there but its nothin on a massive scale.

    Ignoring the fact I find it unlikely you've run it 24/7 since launch, a sample size of half a dozen in a large populace is almost statistically irrelevant meaning you and your friends could just as easily be anomalies as not. There are plenty of people around here that didn't have capacitor issues with their iMacs or battery issues or logic board issues in iBooks but none of that makes the problem minimal.

    I don't think you get it though. There is no question Microsoft has pushed hard to launch by Christmas, nobody with good sense would doubt that. Anybody with experience in designing manufacturing processes can give you an idea on what the testing procedures for QA are like, they take time to do right, lots of time.

    It doesn't matter if the percentages are small if the fault is severe if it is 0.001% and you sell a million you're looking at 10 incidences of serious failure. There are some areas where tolerances are zero failures. Power supply issues and overheating issues are a big problem from a manufacturing standpoint as they have the potential to put life and property at risk. When you are talking about a fire in somebody's house, if you fail to issue a recall on that product you are likely to be crucified in courts for negligence.

    Both Sony and Microsoft had to issue recalls for power adaptors on the PS2 and Xbox respectively and I have zero doubt Microsoft will follow suit yet again. Right now Microsoft is just releasing the typical press releases to try and placate anybody actually listening in the public. That's normal but doesn't mean the problem isn't serious or substantial.


    Originally posted by Elixir

    also, killer app? are people ever satisfied these days?

    this has been by far the most balanced launch ever.

    having a game like Halo (xbox) or Ridge Racer ( Ps1) come out on launch doesn't happen often.

    At the end of the day it is killer apps that drive console sales, this is one of the reasons Microsoft never really competed with Sony last generation, they were simply too narrow in what they offered. Things like Singstar and the eyetoy have been huge winners for Sony and they have some other one that is set to do well for them. They then had exclusive 3rd party titles like Final Fantasy, etc.

    Halo did well for Xbox but Microsoft's problem was always that they lacked the exclusive titles that will make you pick one console first, which matters a lot where parents are purchasing.

    Right now Microsoft is really trading off fanatics and people who will quite likely buy at least 2 of the 3 consoles early in their life. They're a minority of the market and people are already trying to pick winners. Each console will have its strengths, and weaknesses and in 2+ years it'll become more clear who made the right moves and who made the wrong ones. I'm certain Microsoft will do better this time and Sony will fall back a bit but time will tell.
  • Reply 96 of 159
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    i understand games are what drive console sales but microsoft (besides first party games) has nothing to do with the matter. they created a great console and now its up to the game developers to use it.

    this time around microsoft went out and nabbed some pretty impressive developers.

    we'll see.

    Oh and who ordered a console on thanksgiving? did you recieve it yet?
  • Reply 97 of 159
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    My brother just picked one up. Not so impressive really. I'm not floored by either Kong or Quake -- but with rare exception, the FPS is by far the most stagnant area of game design. Most are very boring, I don't how people can stand to play them, let alone buy computers and consoles for that express purpose. I guess I'm not what you would call a gamer.

    I'm willing to be impressed by another Halo or a realistic FPS War simulation though...

    My favorites include the 2D platformers of my childhood (Mario, Sonic, NiGHTS, Donkey Kong Country), puzzlers (Tetris, various bubble bobble iterations), some 3D platformers with good control, and party games (smash brothers type games, The original NHL'95) any form of racing sim (which all the new consoles should be good at)... and so many titles that I've forgotten the names of. But I think you get the picture... It seems that the FUN has largely gone out of games. Maybe I'm just old, I even liked RPG's, but back when we were playing with NES/Sega this was the height of immersion -- you had to follow the story and imagine a bit, the computer couldn't do it. These would probably bore me now, I'm sure. The other sadly lacking genre is the lack of realistic gun-play games, sixshooter, and hunting type games with a nicely weighted force feedback gun accessory. There haven't ever been any real good ones, but this might have more to do with our litigious (and paranoid and maladjusted) society...

    Seems to me that neither Xbox or PS2 offered much to distinguish themselves, and really weren't that far apart. One had a better back catalogue, one had better online. Better graphics here, better franchise there, but truly small stuff. Not owning either, but having played both. I don't expect PS3 or Xbox 360 to be much different in this new generation either. Pretty sure that buyers of either will be content.

    I only hold out hope for Nintendo, which has a back catalogue packed with far more fun than either M$ or Sony and is promising to make it available on the Revolution -- and they can also be counted on to produce at least a dozen quality/unique games -- most consoles don't really have more than that actually. Rumor suggests a $149 entry price. Could be interesting...
  • Reply 98 of 159

    Originally posted by Telomar

    I don't think you get it though. There is no question Microsoft has pushed hard to launch by Christmas, nobody with good sense would doubt that. Anybody with experience in designing manufacturing processes can give you an idea on what the testing procedures for QA are like, they take time to do right, lots of time.

    You see this is the problem - this doesn't seem like your regular 1st run production problems - it seems a lot like they tried to shit this puppy out and do a world wide launch before christmas. You've got problems with power supplies, heating issues, controllers not hooking up, Xbox live crashing - games crashing. True, it's too early to tell the full impact, but it's a bit of a mess if you ask me. If it's such an isolated incident, then why don't they release numbers to prove it?


    At the end of the day it is killer apps that drive console sales, this is one of the reasons Microsoft never really competed with Sony last generation, they were simply too narrow in what they offered.

    Again - you've got a console which is really just a 1.5 upgrade, it certainly doesn't help releasing games which are 1.5 upgrades as well. They are selling a 360, but people are getting a 180.


    Right now Microsoft is really trading off fanatics and people who will quite likely buy at least 2 of the 3 consoles early in their life. They're a minority of the market and people are already trying to pick winners. Each console will have its strengths, and weaknesses and in 2+ years it'll become more clear who made the right moves and who made the wrong ones. I'm certain Microsoft will do better this time and Sony will fall back a bit but time will tell.

    Microsoft's biggest problem is that their image stinks - escpecially among their target audience. The last Xbox was a turd, and just a regular P.C. They have followed up with an equally hideous design - which looks more like a tampon than a gaming console. But their biggest weakness, is that they are a software company, not a hardware company - and the excessively buggy launch proves it. Selling a new console isn't that tough when there have been no updates for 4 or 5 years. And remember, the PS2 is almost 2 years older than the original Xbox. Lastly - Microsoft has to make money - they can't fuck the dog any longer. Otherwise, this may be the last Xbox. Should be pretty fun to watch - will the Xbox get "dreamcasted"? - time will tell, time will tell.
  • Reply 99 of 159
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    well great opinions you got there.

    i think the new xbox looks nice, hell of a lot better than that new ps3 or even revolution.

    how is this console just a 1.5? i dont see that at all.

    will the new ps3 be just 2.5? i dont understand it?

    if anything the new xbox is a bigger leap than what the ps3 is offering.

    the 360 is trying to create an entire community where the revolution is being radical and ps3 is basically pointing to their processing numbers.

    i agree that microsofts image is bad. i think thats the main reason you get these dumb flames that could be applied to every other console on the market.
  • Reply 100 of 159
    The argument that this is a 1.5 system doesnt hold weight. This system can play the best and most taxing PC games, Call of Duty 2 to start, Half Life 2 to come, etc... The tech of this system (except for the lack of an hd drive) will not be the problem, if there even is one. It will be the games. M$ has done their part with the hardware choices, Xbox Live and XNA development. The developers are now responsible for making this a successful system. Games, games, games.
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