Steve Jobs to keynote Macworld San Francisco



  • Reply 41 of 44
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Mr Skills

    For simplicity's sake, they should call them G6. That way, if an app needs Intel they can say "G6 and above". Or "not G6 compatible" or whatever. Much easier for the layman who doesn't understand much about different chipsets and stuff.

    I'm not sure that adds to the simplicity. Generally speaking, software written for a specific model always worked on new ones. So if the software says "minimum requirements, 500MHz G3", then you knew a G4 or G5 would work with it. However, it might not work on a G6. Adding more text doesn't help all that old software sitting on the shelves in Best Buy. Bwahahahaha! Oh, that's funny. Sorry. I meant CompUSA, which sells lots of old software. Who's pasting on the "Won't work with a G6" stickers?

    Hey, what if they start out with a new moniker, like the 'I5'? ("High-Five! I got an 'I-5'!" or "Wow, I had to drive 50 minutes down I5 to get my 'I-5'!") I1 would work, it'd look like an 11, and people would then be confused by running OS 10 on a Mac 11.

    Or, screw it, maybe then can just shove it to Apple Records and call the new mini the 'Beatle':

    "Apple's new Beatle computer, a Revolution in computing. Small, so it'll fit in your Yellow Submarine. A nice Rubber Soul so it doesn't move around all Helter Skelter. Made of Norwegian Wood, so it'll look great on your desk or in your entertainment center. Come Together with other mac users with iChat and the built-in iSight. Even Mean Mr. Mustard will smile when he sees this on your desk. Take Maxwell's Silver Hammer to that PC of yours and get the new mac mini! Eleanor Rigby bought one Yesterday! Don't be a Fool on the Hill like Doctor Robert Johnson and take A Long and Winding Road Across the Universe to get one. Buy one today! Available Any Time at All, Eight Days a Week at the Apple store!"
  • Reply 42 of 44

    Maybe if we're really lucky, Apple will finally revert back to some kind of sane naming strategy, rather than calling all versions of a product the same (iMac G5 or PowerMac G5), then differentiating them in documentation with dates and features ("for a PowerMac G5 (Early 2005) model, ...", or "dual-USB iBook (early 2003)"). Its just ridiculous. Who remembers when the hell they bought their computer (OK, for some Mac users, its easy to remember, because they've got a big picture of themselves and their mac, framed on the wall, with the date and "Friends Forever" on a brass plaque attached to the frame, but besides them...). Especially since its not like they put this information anywhere on the computer.

    Hey, and do you think we'll be lucky and the new Macs will be plastered with all those labels you see on PCs? "Intel Inside", "Designed for Mac OS X", plus the ones on the wrist wrests of the laptops!

    "Amen louzer!"

    And dont foget those tasty viruses!!!!!! If were lucky....
  • Reply 43 of 44
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member

    Originally posted by Louzer

    I'm not sure that adds to the simplicity. Generally speaking, software written for a specific model always worked on new ones. So if the software says "minimum requirements, 500MHz G3", then you knew a G4 or G5 would work with it. However, it might not work on a G6.

    You forgot about Rosetta. \
  • Reply 44 of 44
    this is weird, i am going to macworld this year, and the badge i have plus the information my employers (they have a booth at the moscone center) are providing clearly state the keynote is on monday morning, the 9th...
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