French Lawmakers approve Bill threatening Apple's iTunes, iPod



  • Reply 101 of 107

    Originally posted by frogggy

    Any kind of bashing based on ethnic particularity is disgusting (and I thought it was prohibited in the states!)

    Well not "prohibited". We do have freedom of expression. It is frowned upon. But we often must deal with unpopular and offensive speech. Part of the cost of freedom. That said, the mods here will often slap someone for it. But they leave the leash a little long.
  • Reply 102 of 107
    vf208vf208 Posts: 49member

    Originally posted by ecking

    As soon as you said "the niggers" you killed your own arguement.

    keep up mate - he's being ironic...
  • Reply 103 of 107

    Originally posted by VF208

    keep up mate - he's being ironic...


    (I thought that what I was sayin' was evident for everybody by the way but it seems that 'focus' makes some neurones act weird... Can't keep up beyond first degree...)

    the frogggggggg
  • Reply 104 of 107
    It only takes one person to put a song on a File Sharing network and illegally distribute it to the whole world for free, I think the majority of people download from iTMS to be fair and legal rather than for ease-of-use. So I think even if all iTMS media was unencrypted it would make very little difference to piracy rates.

    Musicians barely make any money from record sales, it all comes from royalties and performances. Apparently Apple only just break even running iTMS. So the vast majority of profits is does to record companies, this massive industry is hardly going to suffer from a small change in piracy due to DRM changes.

    As a musician I'm not a big fan of large record companies ? the band I play in have said if we ever sold music through iTunes we would want all our songs unencrypted.

    I never download songs illegally, and I've bought quite a lot from iTMS. But I do find the encryption annoying ? if I want a friend to hear a song I downloaded I'd just like to able to send it to them, without having to authorise their computer.

    But even if DRM doesn't die out completely I still think Apple need to license FairPlay to other device manufacturers. I love my iPod but some people prefer different devices, and I think Apple are taking advantage of their monopoly on the industry to force people to buy iPods which just aren't suitable for some people.

    On another note ? I think it's fine to make jokes about other nations because they generally don't take offence and probably make just as much fun back. But I just hope this anti-french thing is all ironic otherwise it's pretty pathetic.

    From personal experience France is a great place and the French are really no different from, say, British people. I think the British and Americans are in no position to accuse a nation of being too rude. Also I don't think a nation can be criticised for refusing to take part in what now seems to be an illegal and unjust war.

  • Reply 105 of 107
    smqtsmqt Posts: 28member

    On the news tonight I heard that Neelie Smit-Kroes - the EU antitrust commissioner - is planning to order Microsoft to release Windows Vista as a "bare" version. That is, just the OS.

    The packaged software would be unfairly competing with other software producers. She wants to give customers a choice in the software they buy, instead of having to pay for it together with the Windows OS.

    I couldn't find a precise article, but here's something recent.
  • Reply 106 of 107
    vf208vf208 Posts: 49member
    It's good to see that apple still has a sense of humour as the front page of the UK iTMS has a "France, We are from France" section
  • Reply 107 of 107
    okay, this law is NOT about abolishing DRM, so why the hell is evone arguing back and forth about that. the law is simply to force apple (and others) to open their DRM technology for licensing (as does Microsoft for example). as far as im concerned, that would benefit customers: i could play songs from one service on another device and vice-versa...
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