Apple holds meeting after making little girl cry



  • Reply 41 of 105
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by ChevalierMalFet

    You know, around 3rd or 4th grade I did the same thing, got a similar reply from Hasbro, and not only did I not cry somehow I understood the situation (my guess is my parents had a strong hand in that). I'm not feeling terribly sorry for the little girl, other than maybe because her parents aren't doing their job.

    No one is asking you to feel terribly sorry for the little girl (we don't expect everyone to have a heart, it's understandable) it's cool and everything that you were that mature. I bet you never wrote to santa too (your parents probably told u at 1 year old that santa does not exist).. probably cause they were too cheap to buy you presents (or am i reading too much into your reply?) but realize that not every child is as advanced as you were at your age.. secondly, why should a 9 year old respond to disappointment as an adult?. Personally, i want would want my kid to remain a kid as long as possible. Life is tough enough already without kids growing up too fast. If you have an idol, why can't you write to your idol. This is what fascinates me about the responses in this forum. Everyone seems to think the little girl should not have written steve at all.. wow. I'm reading the responses and basically shaking my head. Some people even expect the little girl to have read the legal notice on apple web site (how many people read legal notices and even if you do, how many understand these notices.. lawyers not eligible to respond). I have never read apple legal notices and personally, i have better things to do (like enjoy life, for example, smell the fresh air, visit friends, etc).. who the hell sits in front of a computer reading apple legal notices?. How fucked up is your life that you took a few minutes out of it to read a legal notice on a web site? (i might read a legal notice if it came with a product i bought but visiting a website to read a legal notice?.. i'd rather pluck an eye out than admit my life sucks that bad that i find it interesting to go to a website to read a legal notice).
  • Reply 42 of 105
    I saw the report somewhere a few days ago, I think it's on Google Video or YouTube.

    Firstly, I can understand the girl writing in and saying 'yadda yadda. Love ya 'pod. yadda yadda', but I can totally see from Apple's legal point of view that they cannot afford to be caught out with these things. Their response was a little formal, but when you have $millions in the bank, you become an easy target. Maybe the parent's want some of your cash...

    Take the recent reports of Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code trials. Or more appropriately I saw stuff on TV about JK Rowling, around the release of her last Harry Potter film I think it was; basically she's not allowed close contact with fans on the red carpet in case one gives her an idea by shouting it out or writing it down. Even if Rowling was already planning to do it, she's then liable.

    At the end of the day, I hope none of us here have the problem with the girl writing a letter (I did it at school, although I can't remember the response) and her disappointment at the reply. Also Apple's policy is to protect themselves against people who would "give them an idea", although that letter seemed a bit harsh and formal for a 9 year old. Probably a good idea to include a more personal level letter too. (Although they were learning about writing letters, and if you learn to write formally, you should expect to be written back to in the same manner.)

    I have a problem with the CBS 5 coverage, who didn't point out why Apple's response is the way it is. The news can be so biased, and when local news gets a story of a little girl, they know they can win over the hearts of viewers by siding with her. That's what I so dislike about this story... \
  • Reply 43 of 105
    Supposing Apple changes its ways it handles things like letters, i wonder how many people (young and old) will start sending in letters. Its a tad rediculous though. Its not like their going to be your pen pal...
  • Reply 44 of 105
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by Caribou Killa

    Supposing Apple changes its ways it handles things like letters, i wonder how many people (young and old) will start sending in letters. Its a tad rediculous though. Its not like their going to be your pen pal...

    Hmm, earth to caribou.. apple gets tons of letters all the time. Changing how they respond does not increase the letters.. for that matter, microsoft gets tons of letters, so does IBM, Cisco, Dell, Amazon.. you get the drift. What does not happen is the local news reporting a company response to a letter.. that's what happened here. Just letting you know no need to be concerned about apple receiving tons of mail, they already do.
  • Reply 45 of 105
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    You know, i thought apple fans had class but i see that is not universally true. Wow, do you have children?. Did your father made you go out at 5 and get a job when you asked him for a dollar to go buy sweets at the corner store (cause after all, in the real world, you have to wake up at 6 in the morning to go to work). What a fucking moron. Nobody is saying apple is bad. You can put your ice pick and ak-47 down now. Yes, apple did send the girl a form letter (and technically, apple did not do anything wrong).. but you think apple called the meeting to discuss telling children how the real world works?. If you don't have anything to say, really, you should shut the fuck up. I've about had it with the creeping superiority of apple fans. Whenever you perceive even the slightest criticism of apple, you all bring out the big guns and start firing.. teaching the girl about the real world as if your parents thought you about the real world. Obviously they didn't or else you would not have made a stupid comment like this.

    You're not going to win this one. Most ignorrant people have difficulty changing, and don't think they're doing anything wrong. He's probably the same. But well done for speaking your mind though.
  • Reply 46 of 105
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    i cant believe some of you guys in here bashing the little girl and her parents.

    maybe this girl truly loves her ipod and could eventualy be an apple faithful for life. good way to please your future customers apple.

    bad PR could break a company.
  • Reply 47 of 105
    jasongjasong Posts: 31member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    Nothing except apple made a child cry. Who said it had to do with anything?. Are you that cluless and stupid to have written this in the forum?. It's a human interest story. Geez, go buy a heart or a fucking brain.

    Great now you made me cry, you want the address to send my letter of apology? The world would be a very different place if we ran news stories on every child that cried.

    Update, little girl's ice cream cone melted all over her dress, ruining it forever. The child was found crying, update at 11.
  • Reply 48 of 105
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member
    Ok, so what I want to know is who decided to call the CBS affiliate to complain?

    You can bet your ___ it wasn't the little girl!! Looks like Mom wanted her 15 minutes of fame. It's a shame she felt compelled to use her child to get there.

    Piss Poor Parenting!
  • Reply 49 of 105
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by aplnub

    I wish Steve Jobs would wake up and put lyrics on the songs. That girl is on to something.

    The new iPods do have the ability to display lyrics, but currently there is no legal means to automatically add lyrics to existing songs. Even songs purchased through iTunes don't have them.
  • Reply 50 of 105
    "When 9-year-old Shea O'Gorman and her third-grade class began learning about writing business and formal letters..."

    One question: did Shea's letter actually indicate that she is a 9-year old or a third grader? Writing style does not signify. After all, some of the responses posted here indicate a reading/writing ability well below third grade:

    "This family is no doubt the same kind of family that demands children receive trophys [sic] for competition no matter if they win or loose [sic]"

    ...okay, one of the responses posted here. Still, the point stands: she sent the letter in an 'adult' style - did she indicate that she is not an adult?
  • Reply 51 of 105
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by jasong

    Great now you made me cry, you want the address to send my letter of apology? The world would be a very different place if we ran news stories on every child that cried.

    Update, little girl's ice cream cone melted all over her dress, ruining it forever. The child was found crying, update at 11.

    Yes, we all understand how tough you are.. you tough guy you.. Actually, i agree it's not a news story (but i think apple would take issue with you implying their employees kick puppies.. it's one thing to send a 9 year old a form letter, quite another to kick puppies.. and for your education, employees kicking puppies is news since it's probably animal cruelty and would get some employees in hot water with the law.. so yeah, kicking puppies is indeed news.. i would hope CBS report that if it ever did happen).
  • Reply 52 of 105
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by BuzDots

    Ok, so what I want to know is who decided to call the CBS affiliate to complain?

    You can bet your ___ it wasn't the little girl!! Looks like Mom wanted her 15 minutes of fame. It's a shame she felt compelled to use her child to get there.

    Piss Poor Parenting!

    I wondered about that too.. another thing i wondered.. do people call cbs all the time and how does cbs decide what to air and not to air. There must be people who did not get their stories aired that is mad jealous of this woman.
  • Reply 53 of 105
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    I write letters to people that kick little girls Look, just kidding here.

    Anyway, Apple just needs to use a different stock letter for those 16 and under, worded more appropriately. It is a relevant issue. Yes, maybe it was a slow news day for the local news station but this will improve Apple PR/Marketing in the long run because they will handle(ie market towards) the younger crowd more appropriately.

    I'm 27 and don't have kids but I'm confident the little girl is feeling a bit better now and it's a lesson in life. A bit of a sucky lesson for the girl, but her parents are there to support her.
  • Reply 54 of 105
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Quite clearly Apple's policy on these things was set up for good reasons.

    Sadly the person that deals with these letters didn't have an ounce of sense, and kept on creating the same old form replies - possibly due to their training and/or profession.

    Now they can't special case any letter that looks like it was written by a young person just so that person doesn't get upset. Maybe they can make the language in the form letter more conciliatory however, and less upsetting to a nine year old. It really does suck to do something you think is helpful, and get a ungrateful, or worse, response, although it's a lesson in life - only write to companies to complain.

    Her parents shouldn't have raised her hopes though. Indeed the teacher shouldn't have really.
  • Reply 55 of 105
    Apple Computers Inc. is not your pen-pal buddy-- im sorry.

    I think i did this when i was in 5th grade to about 3 companies... i got no response from any.

    I do think its cool that apple would change its policy for kids though. I do think Apple should be held to a higher standard since they claim to be a good more cust service friendly company.

    I wonder what would happen if i wrote Michael Dell? Since he makes a living on destorying dreams...
  • Reply 56 of 105

    ...okay, one of the responses posted here. Still, the point stands: she sent the letter in an 'adult' style - did she indicate that she is not an adult? [/B]

    Uhhh its a hand-written note by a 9 year old... I think they could tell.
  • Reply 57 of 105
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    Most ignorrant people have difficulty changing...

    ahhh, irony.
  • Reply 58 of 105

    Originally posted by mike518

    Uhhh its a hand-written note by a 9 year old... I think they could tell.

    Firstly, re-read the article; It was a letter, not a note...

    Secondly, where I come from it would be discrimination to assume someone is a young person based on their handwriting.

    By the way, Apple now needs to release new products; This thread is one of the most active at the moment!!!
  • Reply 59 of 105
    I'm having way too much fun with this... This is almost as much fun as I have when I call the number on the back of trucks to give them my opinion of how they're driving... j/k...

    Here's an email I send the news reporter who launched this story. It is noted that this person is touted as their lead investigator and a national treasure or something like that in reference to her being a top national reporter, blah blah blah. My email to her was a little tounge and cheek but here it is anyway..


    This letter is in response to a story you did on a little girl who wrote Apple Computer and got a generic form letter from the legal department...

    When I first read about this story I had incorrectly assumed it was in some little rural town with nothing better to report about other than local agricultural update and maybe a drunk driving by the Floyd, the town drunk.

    I was amazed it was from a large city such as San Francisco. I ask you this, is there really NOTHING better in the news to devote ANY airtime too other than some silly correspondence between a child and a company? What's next? Will you all be writing about the family that got cold fries from McDonald's after spending $15.78 in the drive-thru?

    Here's just a taste of what happened in the news on the day you wrote this "fluff piece" in hopes to better help your network devote time to actual stories of interest and importance.

    ABC News Channel 3 had a wonderful story on a thief in your area who was stealing laptops.

    The same network also had a story on the police investigating a Yucca Valley teacher on an inappropriate relationship with a student.

    And another story on a former Berkley officer who pleaded guilty to drug charges and is sent to jail.

    Also since you're San Francisco, did you know you're marking 100 years since the great earthquake? I believe I also recently read that a relocation building that was built for evacuees was recently rediscovered.

    If you prefer national stories than here's what happened in our nation in the past few days.

    The A.P. had a story on the 14th regarding Mexico has more kids crossing illegally, this is very timely in the news today.

    There is another story claiming that a group is asking Mexicans to boycott U.S. firms beginning on May 1st, again very timely and newsworthy.

    A couple in Boston face charges for lying about finding glass in their food, this is kind of quirky but still newsworthy.

    That's just a few suggestions of what could really make good stories to hit your airwaves, we really don't need another "cat caught up in a tree" type story.


    Again, it was just in fun but seriously this is a silly puff piece that got national attention on a mac websites. Its not journalism but still funny to make fun of anyway.

    Christopher Powers
  • Reply 60 of 105
    Gee, this is really really sad, and pathetic from my point of view. If it were not for these people (like you guys and girls, me and the 9 y.o for instance) these companys would have no purpose at all in the world, nor would these dumb lawyers. There is such a thing as protecting yourself and your wares, but this is just going to to to to far!.


    What is Apple becoming?? I have had it very strong in my mind for about five years now, to go to Cupertino, Cal. with a view to join up with Apple. but I think I may stay in Australia. If I work there at Apple, and come up with a good idea for, and write it, may It be an Application, or OS feature (which I have done, but I don't publish, nor do I plan to because of fear of this kind of thing).

    What are they going to do (Apple or Adobe etc.), take me out onto the quadrangle of the Apple campus, sentanced to death by a capitalistic, mentally Ill, and overzealous, legalese squadron whom know bugger all about IT or anything alike- for being innovative? (using my usual sarcastic tone here).

    That is why all of my Objective-C Cocoa and C++ Application programming just sits here on my Hard Drive. (my mother and my friends say that I am crazy for not releasing these in some way), they all saw this article right now, and they all have agreed that it kind'a puts my whole point into perspective, they think that its all crazy, these friends and my mother are all pretty cluey/brainy people, I have tried to explain all of this to them, but only now they see what I mean.

    it is a sad sad world, when people need to live in fear, or have to feel frightened to, or feel worthlessness for putting an idea or expression across, or contributing to mankind in a way that matters.

    Remember Dan Wood with the wonderful Watson? and NOW sandvox, remember Panic and Audion?, remember Adam Hinkley? (he was a true friend of mine!) look what happened with them!. Thats why I am in fear of releasing, I don't think I would stand a chance in hell!, this all proves my point!

    Thats why my software I create is "if-you-know-me-if-I work-at-your-company-I-give-you-use-of-with-NO-sourcecode-ware

    Just have to get this off my chest. It really saddens me. NOT all software developers are cold and heartless and faceless borg drones who want to assimilate you. Its just a real good way to alienate your customers. it is just stupid.

    Even my 5 y.o neice has a really opinionated view of 'Micro$haft' and various other big co-orporation's already!, and she is only five.

    What happens if this little 9 y.o was to become a future employee of Apple in the not so far off future?, I think fat chance!, she would be now scared well off, if she is anything like my little niece Ashlee, whom im minding, is sitting here using my iDVD for a prep grade school project!, I don't want her to see this article at ALL. and I nor her mum (my cousin) are not usually sucker's for censorship or anything alike, but I think this is worthy of being hidden from her, because the last thing on Earth that we want is for little Ashlee, who is a really really smart and nice little girl, to hate, or to become scared of Apple Computer, Inc!.

    As she can read far too well, I have blocked AppleInsider, and the other Apple rumor sites from her OS X user Account.

    Chris. J.

    Applications SW Developer, Systems programmer, and Release Control manager with a major bank-(***********), in, Melbourne Australia. (yep, I perform 3 funtions in the one position thereas I have for the past 10 years)

    (by the way we use Xserves extensively here were I work) I never ever ever put my name in about boxes, nor does my boyfriend either. because we know how the 'world' works... This is OUR way of protecting ourselves from these mad, bad and scarey clueless and heartless people who only care about one thing - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$.00 I can understand wanting to protect, and to run a business, but there is such a thing as going way too far, this is an excellent example of co-orporate madness at it's highest order!
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