Apple holds meeting after making little girl cry



  • Reply 61 of 105
    Ironic, but, "Ditto".


    I love the part in the video when the mom explains how low her daughter's EQ is: throwing the letter in the air and slamming the door. As if that is a good thing. The mom seemed almost impressed with how well the girl expressed her anger. SOP in their family perhaps?

    Agreed on the piss poor parenting post, and the 15 minutes of fame.

    The response does not need to come from Apple legal... it could be a bland form letter. The US has become too legalistic and thus you have these scripts that are ice cold.

    On line, go to the iPod page. Select feedback, noting the notice about submissions. Click on that and you got o the legal page, where lots of fine print hides the link to the actual submissions policy page. Which says don't send us anything but we want your feedback.
  • Reply 62 of 105
    I agree Chris.

    I was asked in 2000 to submit ideas as studio owners which i did and thought I could do it again a year ago and to my surprise I got the same letter. This is not just about protection in my opinion.

    Apple does not listen to us any more and I have since rethought buying there products so religiously regularly and now seek competitor products when it suits my needs. In-other-words, I'm not nearly as passionate on Apple as I used to be as a result of this nasty legal letter i got. That poor kid!

    I put off buying a new desktop for the first time last year when every year for the last 5 I have bought a new one. Same for many of the peripherals.

    Now that their shipping jobs to India for Apple support, I may not buy Apple Care on new purchases. What does this have to do with the legal letter, you may ask.

    If audio pros like myself perceive Apple has abandoned it's user base I think we will all seek out other products that work "based on price" insted.

    Hey, if Apple thinks we don't matter then I don't care either. Again this is about more than protection and once again the suits are screwing up a great company.


    Gary Brandt

  • Reply 63 of 105
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    The trick in any corporation writing this sort of response letter is balancing out the legal requirements, that the common litigating trolls in the system force on companies, and providing good PR.

    Its hard to know what to put into this sort of response letter. In most cases these letters will be read by people with a bit more life experience to realise that shit happens. But in this case a young girl was confronted with a letter that in many ways was not tailored for her. You have to ask yourself what could have been put into that letter to make her not take it so badly, yet protect the company's legal needs. But then again there is always the possibility that the girl has never had to face up to anything negative and any response would have caused the same results.

    What is a company to do, especially in litigating USA?

    Remember this could be any company protecting their legal interests.
  • Reply 64 of 105
    Have fun screwing around with a Windows/Linux box doing audio work Gary. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun, productive sessions.
  • Reply 65 of 105

    Originally posted by Chris_jerome

    Gee, this is really really sad, and pathetic from my point of view. If it were not for these people (like you guys and girls, me and the 9 y.o for instance) these companys would have no purpose at all in the world, nor would these dumb lawyers. There is such a thing as protecting yourself and your wares, but this is just going to to to to far!.


    What is Apple becoming?? I have had it very strong in my mind for about five years now, to go to Cupertino, Cal. with a view to join up with Apple. but I think I may stay in Australia. If I work there at Apple, and come up with a good idea for, and write it, may It be an Application, or OS feature (which I have done, but I don't publish, nor do I plan to because of fear of this kind of thing).

    What are they going to do (Apple or Adobe etc.), take me out onto the quadrangle of the Apple campus, sentanced to death by a capitalistic, mentally Ill, and overzealous, legalese squadron whom know bugger all about IT or anything alike- for being innovative? (using my usual sarcastic tone here).

    That is why all of my Objective-C Cocoa and C++ Application programming just sits here on my Hard Drive. (my mother and my friends say that I am crazy for not releasing these in some way), they all saw this article right now, and they all have agreed that it kind'a puts my whole point into perspective, they think that its all crazy, these friends and my mother are all pretty cluey/brainy people, I have tried to explain all of this to them, but only now they see what I mean.

    it is a sad sad world, when people need to live in fear, or have to feel frightened to, or feel worthlessness for putting an idea or expression across, or contributing to mankind in a way that matters.

    Remember Dan Wood with the wonderful Watson? and NOW sandvox, remember Panic and Audion?, remember Adam Hinkley? (he was a true friend of mine!) look what happened with them!. Thats why I am in fear of releasing, I don't think I would stand a chance in hell!, this all proves my point!

    Thats why my software I create is "if-you-know-me-if-I work-at-your-company-I-give-you-use-of-with-NO-sourcecode-ware

    Just have to get this off my chest. It really saddens me. NOT all software developers are cold and heartless and faceless borg drones who want to assimilate you. Its just a real good way to alienate your customers. it is just stupid.

    Even my 5 y.o neice has a really opinionated view of 'Micro$haft' and various other big co-orporation's already!, and she is only five.

    What happens if this little 9 y.o was to become a future employee of Apple in the not so far off future?, I think fat chance!, she would be now scared well off, if she is anything like my little niece Ashlee, whom im minding, is sitting here using my iDVD for a prep grade school project!, I don't want her to see this article at ALL. and I nor her mum (my cousin) are not usually sucker's for censorship or anything alike, but I think this is worthy of being hidden from her, because the last thing on Earth that we want is for little Ashlee, who is a really really smart and nice little girl, to hate, or to become scared of Apple Computer, Inc!.

    As she can read far too well, I have blocked AppleInsider, and the other Apple rumor sites from her OS X user Account.

    Chris. J.

    Applications SW Developer, Systems programmer, and Release Control manager with a major bank-(***********), in, Melbourne Australia. (yep, I perform 3 funtions in the one position thereas I have for the past 10 years)

    (by the way we use Xserves extensively here were I work) I never ever ever put my name in about boxes, nor does my boyfriend either. because we know how the 'world' works... This is OUR way of protecting ourselves from these mad, bad and scarey clueless and heartless people who only care about one thing - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$.00 I can understand wanting to protect, and to run a business, but there is such a thing as going way too far, this is an excellent example of co-orporate madness at it's highest order!

    Go send a letter about Windows UI to Microsoft. Do you think they'll send you a hand-written letter that smells like candy from Alchin? You may get the kiddie letter because I'm getting the impression from the way you type that it's not much better then some other 9 year old girl that mailed Apple.
  • Reply 66 of 105

    Originally posted by theapplegenius

    Have fun screwing around with a Windows/Linux box doing audio work Gary. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun, productive sessions.

    I don't know, Nuendo works well on PC and includes core input audio no latency switching which is a hell of a lot better than Logic currently.
  • Reply 67 of 105
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Wow this is amazing. Where do these '2-post crazies' come from?

    Apple should pull the kid's iTunes account; that'll teach her (duck)
  • Reply 68 of 105
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I can't believe how mean some of you are. She's a chilld! Children used to always do stuff like that and corporations don't didn't act like assholes.

    Who ever reviews the letters can obviously see that is written by a child and if it was really heartfelt really could pass it along(it has been done before).

    If not it's not hard for them to have more than 1 stock legal letter, I to adults and one to kids. It could say:

    "Hey we love that your interested in helping us improve the ipod and the mac (insert name here) but we're constantly hard at work trying to improve it ourselves! While your idea may be great we can't legally take it from you, but don't worry though we've always got innovation going on down at apple computer! Maybe one day you'll be happy to see that we came up with our own approach and solved your problem. So thanks for your interest and looking out for future improvements on your favourite products!

    Steve P. Jobs"

    All Jobs would have to do is write it once(it took my 2 minutes) and the legal secretary/letter opener just has to print it out, with a printed on signature and a picture of Jobs holding an ipod or something on the bottom.

    It's not hard and it'll give children a better experience.

    That said the next article will read:

    ex-APPLE EMPLOYEE's friend's brother-in-law RAPES YOUNG WOMAN
  • Reply 69 of 105
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Originally posted by cgmpowers

    I'm having way too much fun with this... This is almost as much fun as I have when I call the number on the back of trucks to give them my opinion of how they're driving... j/k...

    Here's an email I send the news reporter who launched this story. It is noted that this person is touted as their lead investigator and a national treasure or something like that in reference to her being a top national reporter, blah blah blah. My email to her was a little tounge and cheek but here it is anyway..


    This letter is in response to a story you did on a little girl who wrote Apple Computer and got a generic form letter from the legal department...

    When I first read about this story I had incorrectly assumed it was in some little rural town with nothing better to report about other than local agricultural update and maybe a drunk driving by the Floyd, the town drunk.

    I was amazed it was from a large city such as San Francisco. I ask you this, is there really NOTHING better in the news to devote ANY airtime too other than some silly correspondence between a child and a company? What's next? Will you all be writing about the family that got cold fries from McDonald's after spending $15.78 in the drive-thru?

    Here's just a taste of what happened in the news on the day you wrote this "fluff piece" in hopes to better help your network devote time to actual stories of interest and importance.

    ABC News Channel 3 had a wonderful story on a thief in your area who was stealing laptops.

    The same network also had a story on the police investigating a Yucca Valley teacher on an inappropriate relationship with a student.

    And another story on a former Berkley officer who pleaded guilty to drug charges and is sent to jail.

    Also since you're San Francisco, did you know you're marking 100 years since the great earthquake? I believe I also recently read that a relocation building that was built for evacuees was recently rediscovered.

    If you prefer national stories than here's what happened in our nation in the past few days.

    The A.P. had a story on the 14th regarding Mexico has more kids crossing illegally, this is very timely in the news today.

    There is another story claiming that a group is asking Mexicans to boycott U.S. firms beginning on May 1st, again very timely and newsworthy.

    A couple in Boston face charges for lying about finding glass in their food, this is kind of quirky but still newsworthy.

    That's just a few suggestions of what could really make good stories to hit your airwaves, we really don't need another "cat caught up in a tree" type story.


    Again, it was just in fun but seriously this is a silly puff piece that got national attention on a mac websites. Its not journalism but still funny to make fun of anyway.

    Christopher Powers

    Are you retarded? Ever actually watched the news? There is always at least one human interest story in the news that way when people watched the news there isn't just sadness and death.

    Jesus Christ you act like the news should be rewarding people that commit crimes like no one else in the world does ANYTHING news worthy.

    Did you watch the news story? I did, the thing has less than 5 minutes long.

    Get your head outta your ass, and your hand outta apple's.

    Maybe it's because I'm not from your country I can see the value in perpetuating something other than fear in the community, that positive news does help balance people from turning on their tv and thinking everyone in their country is evil or a criminal.

    I suggest you use laxatives, and quick.
  • Reply 70 of 105

    Originally posted by ecking

    [B]If not it's not hard for them to have more than 1 stock legal letter, I to adults and one to kids. It could say:

    But still. How do they know it's a child writing? Just because it may be written in poorer handwriting doesn't mean it is a child...

    Oh and Chris_jerome, I have hardly any idea what the point of your post was... \
  • Reply 71 of 105
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    While I agree with preserving a kid's childhood innocence and all that there is a limit. First of all, how is Apple supposed to sort through all the letters they get and find those written by children? How do they know they were written by a child? Half the posts here are rather childish including my own. Unless the letter was written in crayon with pictures of rainbows and unicorns I don't see how they could tell. Second, where is it mentioned that the girl actually cried? It says she threw the letter up in the air, ran into her room and slammed the door. She could have dropped an f-bomb for all we know. Come on now. It was your typical form letter. I don't see where it said she was stupid and worthless. The parents should have told her that corporations get thousands of letters and may only reply with a form letter if at all. It's a life lesson. If they give her everything she asks for and solve all her problems for her she'll just end up a spoiled little brat. One Paris Hilton in this world is more than enough. Now I don't know if this girl is like that but her parents are definitely sowing the seeds with thier actions. Oh, and news programs do this all the time. They dramatize everything with little regard to the facts. You never hear the full story. They just want to hold your attention through the commercial break.
  • Reply 72 of 105
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    She should have written to Woz instead of Jobs.

  • Reply 73 of 105
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Okay, this has gone way past the bounds of civility. Tones need to change, and quick.

    Personal attacks, political attacks, and such... to AppleOutsider. The fact that this thread started with a story about Apple is now pretty irrelevant, as far as I can see, and you guys need to take it to AO if you're going to continue in this manner.

    Next attack-filled post results in a lock of the thread. Keep it clean.
  • Reply 74 of 105
    Apple made a little girl cry...

    Mac killed my inner child...

    Hahaha ... seriously people - I think we can all agree it was a SLOW newsday, because the stationd had to get word of it somehow, and I doubt very seriosuly the girl went "to the paypas...". Mom and dad had a hand in getting this set up.

    Fact of the matter is, as someone pointed out earlier, that the iPod and the nano both have lyric storing capabilities linked with iTunes and there are apps out there (iTunesCool for one...) that download lyrics and artwork automatically when you play a song. So the little girl didn't do too much research on the matter and the news station didn't either.

    Now, do I expect a 9 year old to have research skills - no, not really, but in this case I blame the teacher and the parents. It's the teacher's job to tell her students that corporations may not write back, may send a form letter (and explain what one is...), or may send somethign personal. It depends on how large the corporation is and what you're writing them about.

    I think when I learned to writing business style letters, we sent them to our congressmen (because they'll ALWAYS send you something back...). No one writes news stories about kids that send mail to singers and sports figures and get shit back from them. "Aw man, my kid wrote Kobe to tell him how awesome he is at hoops, but we didn't hear anything - so FUCK YOU KOBE!!!!" Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Of course it does - kids need to be taught at the time they learn how to write business letters that they may not get a response. It's nice to sit here and say, well maybe Apple could have 2 letters, but as was noted earlier, how do you know when to send which letter? I know 50 year olds that have shitty handwriting - I also know 10 year olds that write beautifully - so there goes the handwriting argument. Besides, if it's a business letter, shouldn't it by typed neatly, checked for grammar and spelling and punctuation???

    It has nothing to do with being an Apple fan or having a heart. I feel sorry that the little girl's teacher didn't do her job, and I feel sorry that her parents felt the need to explot the situation and thrust their daughter into a public spotlight where she can, and has been ridiculed.

    If she had written Adobe or Microsoft to make suggestions to them, it probably would have been the same story...
  • Reply 75 of 105
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Okay, this has gone way past the bounds of civility. Tones need to change, and quick.

    Personal attacks, political attacks, and such... to AppleOutsider. The fact that this thread started with a story about Apple is now pretty irrelevant, as far as I can see, and you guys need to take it to AO if you're going to continue in this manner.

    Next attack-filled post results in a lock of the thread. Keep it clean.

    Well... yes, this has gone way out in left field but, look at the way it was presented:

    Apple calls meeting after making little girl cry

    Just another case of the media (in this case AppleInsider) pushing the bounds of what really happened to be able to grab the attention of the audience. Now that you have it, you should be able to roll with the punches!!
  • Reply 76 of 105
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Originally posted by danielctull

    But still. How do they know it's a child writing? Just because it may be written in poorer handwriting doesn't mean it is a child...


    Originally posted by 1984

    While I agree with preserving a kid's childhood innocence and all that there is a limit. First of all, how is Apple supposed to sort through all the letters they get and find those written by children? How do they know they were written by a child? Half the posts here are rather childish including my own. Unless the letter was written in crayon with pictures of rainbows and unicorns I don't see how they could tell. Second, where is it mentioned that the girl actually cried? It says she threw the letter up in the air, ran into her room and slammed the door. She could have dropped an f-bomb for all we know. Come on now. It was your typical form letter. I don't see where it said she was stupid and worthless. The parents should have told her that corporations get thousands of letters and may only reply with a form letter if at all. It's a life lesson. If they give her everything she asks for and solve all her problems for her she'll just end up a spoiled little brat. One Paris Hilton in this world is more than enough. Now I don't know if this girl is like that but her parents are definitely sowing the seeds with thier actions. Oh, and news programs do this all the time. They dramatize everything with little regard to the facts. You never hear the full story. They just want to hold your attention through the commercial break.

    Well the government and other some other companies seen to have no problem telling if it's a child or not.

    He news story didn't let us hear her complete letter, we don't even know if she didn't indicate her age, she probably did.

    After all apple wouldn't have a meeting about it if they didn't think that they screwed up.
  • Reply 77 of 105

    Originally posted by theapplegenius

    Go send a letter about Windows UI to Microsoft. Do you think they'll send you a hand-written letter that smells like candy from Alchin? You may get the kiddie letter because I'm getting the impression from the way you type that it's not much better then some other 9 year old girl that mailed Apple.

    What a bitchy reply!, who are you?. Steve Jobs himself??, maybe Phill Shciller , and anyway. Im quite amused by this crap that you write!!!.

    How un-apple-like. Anyway, I don't really know what is 'Apple-like' anymore. besides, I'm probably a lot more older than you (clue:- in my LATE 30's). I don't really care about nor usually pay any attention to nasty bitchy flamers, only laugh at them. All I wanted to hear is some constructive and INTELLIGENT feedback on this matter. You don't even know me. and besides a lot of 5 year olds have more better things to say than this anyway.

    I don't even know why I am responding to this anyway.. BAD PEOPLE SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chris. J
  • Reply 78 of 105
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Originally posted by AgNuke1707

    Apple made a little girl cry...

    Mac killed my inner child...

    Hahaha ... seriously people - I think we can all agree it was a SLOW newsday, because the stationd had to get word of it somehow, and I doubt very seriosuly the girl went "to the paypas...". Mom and dad had a hand in getting this set up.

    Fact of the matter is, as someone pointed out earlier, that the iPod and the nano both have lyric storing capabilities linked with iTunes and there are apps out there (iTunesCool for one...) that download lyrics and artwork automatically when you play a song. So the little girl didn't do too much research on the matter and the news station didn't either.

    Now, do I expect a 9 year old to have research skills - no, not really, but in this case I blame the teacher and the parents. It's the teacher's job to tell her students that corporations may not write back, may send a form letter (and explain what one is...), or may send somethign personal. It depends on how large the corporation is and what you're writing them about.

    I think when I learned to writing business style letters, we sent them to our congressmen (because they'll ALWAYS send you something back...). No one writes news stories about kids that send mail to singers and sports figures and get shit back from them. "Aw man, my kid wrote Kobe to tell him how awesome he is at hoops, but we didn't hear anything - so FUCK YOU KOBE!!!!" Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Of course it does - kids need to be taught at the time they learn how to write business letters that they may not get a response. It's nice to sit here and say, well maybe Apple could have 2 letters, but as was noted earlier, how do you know when to send which letter? I know 50 year olds that have shitty handwriting - I also know 10 year olds that write beautifully - so there goes the handwriting argument. Besides, if it's a business letter, shouldn't it by typed neatly, checked for grammar and spelling and punctuation???

    It has nothing to do with being an Apple fan or having a heart. I feel sorry that the little girl's teacher didn't do her job, and I feel sorry that her parents felt the need to explot the situation and thrust their daughter into a public spotlight where she can, and has been ridiculed.

    If she had written Adobe or Microsoft to make suggestions to them, it probably would have been the same story...

    Singers and sports stars and stuff DO all kinds of charity events with kids, they visit kid's schools, there are book signings, autographs, cd signings, all kinds of stuff.

    Public figures like that DO get themselves out there, in a BIG way.

    On top of that all most all of them have people that their PR has recived letters and they people that write them usually get back an autographed pictured and/or a stock letter.

    That happens all the time, so I don't know what your talking about, if your kid wanted Kobe's autograph he almost definetly get one.
  • Reply 79 of 105
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by ecking

    [B]I can't believe how mean some of you are. She's a chilld! Children used to always do stuff like that and corporations don't didn't act like assholes.

    Who ever reviews the letters can obviously see that is written by a child and if it was really heartfelt really could pass it along(it has been done before).

    If not it's not hard for them to have more than 1 stock legal letter, I to adults and one to kids. It could say:

    "Hey we love that your interested in helping us improve the ipod and the mac (insert name here) but we're constantly hard at work trying to improve it ourselves! While your idea may be great we can't legally take it from you, but don't worry though we've always got innovation going on down at apple computer! Maybe one day you'll be happy to see that we came up with our own approach and solved your problem. So thanks for your interest and looking out for future improvements on your favourite products!

    Steve P. Jobs"

    All Jobs would have to do is write it once(it took my 2 minutes) and the legal secretary/letter opener just has to print it out, with a printed on signature and a picture of Jobs holding an ipod or something on the bottom.

    It's not hard and it'll give children a better experience.

    YES. That is a much better way to put things. It must have cost a fortune to get those stupid lawyers to write that sharp letter. Just like some of the bitchy queens who come on here. What the hell....
  • Reply 80 of 105
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member
    When I first read the article, I thought that Apple probably needed to find some "softer" more diplomatic approach. This assumes, of course, that the letter was detectable as a letter from a younger child (not that the legal issues still don't apply). But something with a bit more "human" touch would have been nice.

    My second thought was how clever is was of CBS 5 to seize upon this terrific human interest story. Big bad evil corporation makes little girl cry. I mean sometimes you can't even make this stuff up, it just falls right in your lap! You gotta go with it. Great, incisive, cutting-edge, investigate journalism. Good solid stuff. We need more of it. We truly need to expose corporations for the evil things they do. Screw Woodward and Bernstein...this is serious stuff!

    However...the thing that has had me really scratching my head is this question:

    If some 9-year old kid, as part of a school project, wrote a letter to the CBS network about her favorite TV show, offering some suggestions for stories or characters for the future, and CBS sent back the same kind of response (and they likely would for the same exact reasons), and the girl cried, would this have even made the news?


    Those in glass houses...blah blah blah.
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