Time to make things fun..

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
Perhaps it's a girl thing, but I want to make it a little more fun around here. It seems you all are in a rut, and since CosmoNut informed me this is the "slow season" here, I wanted to make a fun thread.

I'll make a questionnaire!

Tell me and the others about yourself. Nothing too personal. Just fill out the form. I'll answer first.

Name (first only if you wish): Ruthie

Birthday: Aug. 18, 1984 (I'm as old as the original Mac!)

Zodiac Sign: Leo

What Mac(s) do you own? iBook G4

Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? (Pogue, Woz, folks like that): More than one: Jobs (don't hate me), Woz, Pogue, and Kawasaki.

Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? If so, what are they? Nope. Not yet.

Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? On a daily basis.

Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? I really want to! We could go to Macworld Expo, and visit the Apple Store on a date.

Do you have a favorite Mac model? If so, which one? iMac G4, iBook G4, PowerMacs G4 Cube and G5, Macintosh Classic and 128K.

Favorite food: Italian, Chinese, and Cajun.

TWiT or Your Mac Life? Your Mac Life! Love them.

Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? A lovely 2GB white nano.


  • Reply 1 of 622
    Name: Warren

    Birthday: Feb. 23, 1982

    Zodiac Sign: Pisces

    What Mac(s) do you own? PowerBook 165, iMac, iBook G3, and PowerMac G5

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Steve Jobs

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Not yet.

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Once in a while.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? Yes.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? iBook.

    Favorite food: Japanese, Chinese, Italian, and my grandmother's.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Neither, yet.

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 2nd Generation 4GB iPod and 5th Generation 30GB iPod (Black).

  • Reply 2 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Ah, why not...

    Name (first only if you wish): Brad

    Birthday: June 22, 1982

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer (I think)

    What Mac(s) do you own? Lets start with a Mac IIsi, Quadra 650, Performa 580?, 6100, Beige G3, Pismo, Dual G5.

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? (Pogue, Woz, folks like that): Woz is cool, Jobs is innovative, but I know some people who work at apple. They are cool.

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Little Cray (G3), Portabella (Pismo), Mercury (Dual G5)

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Uh, actually yea. My laptop, twice, after a couple close calls.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? I did an old fashion double-take when I heard someone I liked used Macs. Ability to tolerate a Macworld is a must.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? My Pismo. Its 150 in computer years but still kicks.

    Favorite food: Prettymuch anything but Thai food.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? TWiT, but it is #3. (DL.TV and Command-N)

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? A 30GB 3G with custom engraving. (Name and E-Mail)
  • Reply 3 of 622
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Name: G

    Birthday: 7/82

    Zodiac Sign: Allegedly Cancer, though precession of the equinoxes has thrown all of the signs out of whack by a month...don't remember offhand if your real sign is the one before or the one after...

    What Mac(s) do you own? Performa 630CD, Original Beige Powermac G3 Desktop, currently on an iMac G4 1GHz17"...I could go back to the Apple 2 clone "LASER" and the Apple IIc+ for previous non-mac Apples.

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Meh, suppose it'd be the Steve

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Lately it's been Slowy McSlow...definitely need an upgrade but waiting for next gen Intel iMacs and cash is certainly a consideration...need to pay for a PS3 in November too!

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? When I pack it up to haul it different places.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? Just because she was a Mac user? Well, she'd get a few bonus points but that couldn't be the only reason.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? I am actually quite fond of the lampshade iMac I have. I really like the swinging arm design.

    Favorite food: Spicy Chinese followed closely by Pizza & Beer

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Quoi?

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)?A hand me down 2nd Gen 5GB iPod

    btw, thanks for the formatting bbird.
  • Reply 4 of 622
    Error. Disregard.
  • Reply 5 of 622
    Name: Michael

    Birthday: Sept. 5, 1974 (am I the oldest one around here? \ )

    Zodiac Sign: Virgin, me thinks

    What Mac(s) do you own? TiBook 400, G4 Dual 800, G5 Dual 1.8, Mac Mini 1.2, MacBookPro 2.0 - did I miss one?

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? The teacher who introduced me to the world of Mac in 1986, and His Steveness, of course.

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Hanwi (TiBook), Utopia Plaitia (G4), Borg (G5), Enigma (Mac Mini), no name yet for the MBP - any suggestions?.

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? The 'Books when carrying around, and my others in a few situations.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? Why not? They will be Mac users after the date, anyway.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? TiBook. I love it. But should be faster.

    Favorite food: Everything except fish

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? boah?

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? iPod Photo 40 (I think), shuffle 1 GB.
  • Reply 6 of 622
    Name: Seumas

    Birthday: December 22nd 1986

    Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

    What Mac(s) do you own? 1.8Ghz MacBook Pro

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Steve Jobs

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Angel (my PC is called Daemon)

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? No

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? I'm already dating a Mac user.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? G4 Cube/iMac Core Duo

    Favorite food: Veggie stuff, Italian & Mexican, can't6 beat a good Scottish fillet steak

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Neither

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 1Gb Shuffle
  • Reply 7 of 622
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    Name: Graeme

    Birthday: 6 December 1984 )

    Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

    What Mac(s) do you own? Have had a PowerMac 5500, Blueberry iMac, G3 iBook, G4 iBook, but now have a 1.42GHz Mac mini.

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Jonathan Ives

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Nope

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Nope

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? My decision wouldn't be affected by this. Besides, I'm happy as things are.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? G4 Cube

    Favorite food: Anything really, especially anything sweet or chocolatey!

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Neither

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? Have had a shuffle and a mini, but now a 60Gb video (only used for music though)
  • Reply 8 of 622
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Name: Shawn J

    Birthday: 11/83

    Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

    What Mac(s) do you own? PowerBook G4 667 dvi (768mb ram, 80gb 5400 rpm upgrade... it's sweet)

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Gushing journalists and optimistic Wall Street analysts.

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? It's a Mac-- not a Sally. What kind of question is this? Blasphemous, I say. :-P

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Not since I dropped it and to get the whole case replaced (ouchie).

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? It definitely is a plus side for me-- because then I could impart my knowledge while she stands there in awe of it all. This has happened twice lol. Mostly it's "zzzzzzz."

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? MacBook Pro, baby.

    Favorite food: Italian-- preferably prepared by Giada-- naked.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? What?

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 4g 20gb, yo.
  • Reply 9 of 622
    [B]Name: Stu

    Birthday: 30th June 1988 (looks like i''m the youngest so far!)

    Zodiac Sign: cancer

    What Mac(s) do you own? iBook G4 and Rev A iMac G3 (which i bought after my iBook!)

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Steve Jobs and Johnathon Ives

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? No

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? I regularaly semi-hug my ibook when walking aroud with it (ie going from one room to another)

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? Wouldnt make a difference. At least I wouldnt have to spend ages fixing their computer. Time better spent on doing other things!

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? I've always thought the Cube looked good.

    Favorite food: Mini Eggs

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? huh?

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? I currently have a Nano 4gb but previously had a mini 6gb.
  • Reply 10 of 622
    Name: Allen

    Birthday: 3/24/71

    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    What Mac(s) do you own? (not counting my Apple computers ;-) Performa 575, PowerMac 8500/180, PowerMac "Sawtooth" G4 upgraded

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Worker Bee

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? They name me

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Only when no one is looking

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? Sure, but my wife wouldn't approve...

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? Powerbook 100 series, Sawtooth G4, ProMac tower (when it comes out)

    Favorite food: Anything under the heading of Surf & Turf

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? n/a

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? Silver 6GB Mini
  • Reply 11 of 622
    Birthday: '68 .... God, I feel old here...

    Zodiac Sign: unknown

    What Mac(s) do you own? RevA 20" iMac G5, 15" G4pBook 1.5, G3 iBook SE

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? unknow.

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? uh... no.

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? uh... no.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? well, my wife uses them, as do my kids... I guess going for ice-cream with my daughters could be considered a date

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? Whatever one I'm using ... though i really liked my G3 origional iMac ... used that one for 6 years or so!.

    Favorite food: A steak from the Shorebird on Waikiki.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? ??

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 6Gig Mini (silver). [/B][/QUOTE]
  • Reply 12 of 622
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Name (first only if you wish): Tony

    Birthday: 4/26/76

    Zodiac Sign: beats me

    What Mac(s) do you own? iMac G5 20", 2 Mac Pluses, Color Clasic (gutted)

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Jobs, because he is jerk and I relate to jerks

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? "the Computer"

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Can't say that I have.

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? If my wife would let me date other women, then, yes.

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? If so, which one? The Plus/512K/128K i have a mini collection going.

    Favorite food: Japanese, Thai, Mexican, BBQ (Texas & NC)

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Whaa?

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? A black 30GB video iPod
  • Reply 13 of 622
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Outsider

    Birthday: 4/26/76[/B]

    Happy 30th in a few days!
  • Reply 14 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    A little clarification for you guys:

    TWiT and Your Mac Life are online radio shows that cater to the interests of the Mac community. TWiT stands for This Week in Tech.
  • Reply 15 of 622
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    A little clarification for you guys:

    TWiT and Your Mac Life are online radio shows that cater to the interests of the Mac community. TWiT stands for This Week in Tech.

    Oh OK. I thought you were insulting us.
  • Reply 16 of 622
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Name (first only if you wish): groverat

    Birthday: late 70s/early 80s, around there

    Zodiac Sign: Leo

    What Mac(s) do you own? G4 aluBook 15", no room in my apartment for older model collection

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? that fat dude who ran waste of bandwidth back in the day

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? I call it "the powerbook"

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? no, it's too expensive to hug, like a hooker

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? I have no idea what this question means and I don't think I want to

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? If so, which one? Pismo, the best looking powerbook ever. long live black laptops!

    Favorite food: tex-mex

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? The Ricky Gervais Show. Mac users are irritating, I can't even imagine listening to a Mac-related podcast. HURR WINBLOWZ!

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? 3gen 15GB with crappy little low-contrast sucky piece of junk display. the more I use it the more I'm shocked Apple got away with charging so much for a machine with such a terrible display. shameful
  • Reply 17 of 622
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Name: Andy

    Birthday: Feb 09, '82

    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    What Mac(s) do you own? Mac Mini, powerbook, quad G5

    Who's your favorite notable person of the Mac community? Steve Jobs or whoever made the decision to move to OS X and Intel (though it would have been nicer if they happened at the same time)

    Do you give your Mac(s) name(s)? Nope and I consider all people who do to be very silly

    Have you ever hugged your Mac(s)? Nope but I stroke my Mini on a daily basis

    Would you ever date a person if you knew they were a Mac user? They'd still have to be as pretty as the girl that broke my heart

    Do you have a favorite Mac model? Mac Mini

    Favorite food: Anything if I could eat it off the body of the girl who broke my heart. Usually steak pie and potatoes but I imagine the gravy would get into all sorts of places.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? Neither

    Have an iPod? If so, what model(s)? I don't but members of my family have a 60GB ipod and a 4GB ipod mini. I think they're far too expensive for what they do. I don't mind the screen quality though after seeing the Sony Walkman mp3 player.
  • Reply 18 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member

    EDIT: *Continues reading* Oh, then kinda hot. Food does taste better when accompanied by hot women. 8)
  • Reply 19 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Marvin, sounds like someone needs some counseling... and not because of the food fetish.

    If a man were to eat food off me, I'd prefer it to be ice cream and M & M's. Or.. dare I say it.. applesauce. I'm much too naughty.
  • Reply 20 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Applesauce? Wow, that's creative. Bit messy I imagine.

    But the real question is "With or without cinnamon?"
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