Time to make things fun..



  • Reply 61 of 622

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    Like I said, it might be your monitors. \ I doubt it's Camino.

    Interesting angle.. I blame Myspace

    as always.

  • Reply 62 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Well, suit yourself.
  • Reply 63 of 622

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    Well, suit yourself.

    I do suit myself.. which is kinda neat.. makes things easy.


  • Reply 64 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Nice to know you're a fan of ease.

    The path of least resistance is often my favorite as well.
  • Reply 65 of 622
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    The path of least resistance is in southern Utah if I'm not mistaken.
  • Reply 66 of 622

    Originally posted by Placebo

    The path of least resistance is in southern Utah if I'm not mistaken.

    I hear its nice this time of year. What with it's old timey easyness.

    on hold.

  • Reply 67 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Okay, I fear we are killing this thread. You Mac boys have to be more fun than this.
  • Reply 68 of 622
    Name: it begins with an I.

    Birthday: Some time in late April or early May (yes, thank you) as I use some archaic calendar, the year itself was deep in last century.

    Astrological sign: Taurus, I think.

    Mac(s) I own: Currently, a PowerMac G5.

    Favourite notable person of the Mac community? Douglas Adams was quite notable.

    Mac(s) name(s): As I found ?Macintosh HD? too bland early on, I often rename the volumes according to my mood at the given time. Recent ones: Sneh2, Herodias, Janusz, Salammbô, YussufAssar, Paquda, Hizqi, Jawj.

    Have I ever hugged my Mac(s)? I don't hug machines, yet I tend to hold the Mac closely when moving it (and I move quite a lot) so it wouldn't fall, as my dexterity isn't what it used to be.

    Would I ever date a woman if I knew she were a Mac user?

    I used up my time for courting rituals long before 1984, but if I had to start over today, Macaffinity would definitely be one important criterion, though not the only one.

    Favourite Mac model? I liked my Plus a lot.

    Favourite food: Couscous as prepared according to the traditions of Mrs. Goldstein's clan.

    TWiT or Your Mac Life? I don't understand the question (due to some cultural miscommunication).

    Have an iPod? No.
  • Reply 69 of 622

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    Okay, I fear we are killing this thread. You Mac boys have to be more fun than this.

    I'm lots of fun..

    I had a best seller that proves the point. You may have read it:

    b's fantastic fun times and how to keep up.

    what do you do for fun?

    drinking water,

  • Reply 70 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    I'm wondering why no other guys are coming in here.

    I like to feed my fishie. I also enjoy making random sarcastic statements.8)
  • Reply 71 of 622
    I'm wondering why no other girls are coming in here. Mac_Doll seems to be the only one. Unless you meant people, and I don't know why everybody wouldn't want to do this.

    I like to play read and play video games. I also like to run.
  • Reply 72 of 622
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Girls generally aren't tech geeks like us.
  • Reply 73 of 622
    And that's a shame... We need more geeky tech girls. No offense Mac_Doll, but there's only one of you...

    An aside: I've never had a good experience involving myself, my iBook, and a girl. I don't know if it's cursed, but they always end up wanting to break it, or trying to.
  • Reply 74 of 622
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    What about to Carol A and the one with the brazilian name?
  • Reply 75 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    There are a handful of girls here. They are mostly hiding.

    Anyways, I knew a Geek girl and, let me tell you, there is something hot about being corrected by a cute brunet. Yowzers!
  • Reply 76 of 622
    These boards have been visited by many woman over the years. Perhaps the longest stint was by Kate Matsudo (or something like that). There was also Pixel. Then there was mulatta bianca who made a habit of posting negative images (in the photographic sense) of ther naked body. Otheres will come back to me in time.
  • Reply 77 of 622
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
  • Reply 78 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    I meant the whole bunch of us. I want everyone to feel welcome to post in this thread. I knew about the gender ratio when I came here.. it doesn't bother me very much. Geeky tech girls are a rare breed, but believe me, they're out there. I guess most of them are either too busy to post, or too shy or even intimidated by the majority. For example, I brought one of my female friends here (Her name here is Diaboli) because she's majorly geeky like me. She's also majorly shy, so she never posts. She felt like she'd be undermined by such technologically adept men like yourselves. She felt inferior, I guess.

    I like to post here, so I'm not going anywhere. I see you guys as my friends. I know I'm a minority here, but who cares... I love Apple Computer as much as you all do.

    Oh, and zherocharisma: if I ever saw a girl attempt to wreck a Mac, I'd kick her ass. 8) Some girls have no clue.
  • Reply 79 of 622
    mac_dollmac_doll Posts: 527member
    Apparently no one wants to talk to the girl...
  • Reply 80 of 622
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Naa, I wouldn't say that. Can't flirt with all the womenfolk now can I?

    Here is your personal invitation Diaboli. (Click to open)

    Well, that's like a 2 minute photoshop hack, but yea, even I had cold feet the first year I joined. (I was a lurker for a while too) Once you get past that, you'll see we aren't just a group of random friends here, but we are your friends too.


    Originally posted by Ebby

    Can't flirt with all the womenfolk or can I?

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