Nike and Apple launch Nike+iPod product line



  • Reply 41 of 94
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Complete fuckin' genius
  • Reply 42 of 94
    And they put the Mac in the iPod/Nike add as well.. At F'ing last..!

    Much beter than hello I'm a Mac etc etc.

    If they did a bike option Apple would end up being sued to high heaven by all the people (mostly in the US) who forgot to listen out for the truck as they adjusted for their power boast track. It will never happen.
  • Reply 43 of 94
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by OfficerDigby

    If they did a bike option Apple would end up being sued to high heaven by all the people (mostly in the US) who forgot to listen out for the truck as they adjusted for their power boast track. It will never happen.

    'mostly in the US' ?

    You seem to have added 'mostly' in front there.

    Seriously though, runners have the same problem with traffic. I use an mp3 player (on my phone) all the time on my bike but then I'm a mountain biker and the trails are straight out my front door.

    If Apple/Nike were adding bike features though, I might switch to the iPod, but the iPod's not as good as my phone. ie. it's not also a phone.
  • Reply 44 of 94
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I love it... I'll pick one up (or two) at the next opportunity. My only complaint is that the transceiver isn't compatible with my iPod nano armband.

    Next all it needs to do is interface with the equipment at the gym to log my workout on the elliptical machines or when doing weight stuff.
  • Reply 45 of 94
    mr. dirkmr. dirk Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by xanthohappy

    ...what's to stop other shoe manufacturers from putting holes underneath the insole in future shoe models? I'm guessing you can't patent something like that. Nike has a headstart for certain, but do you think they could lose out on their investment in the long run?

    Why wouldn't they be able to patent it? It is a new, unique way to apply technology. That said, if it weren't patentable for some reason, I wonder if Apple will strike up new partnerships with Adidas, et. al. or if this is more or less exclusive to iTunes. (I'm guessing the latter.)
  • Reply 46 of 94
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by guiness

    Why would therre be a problem with 4G/5G/Minis? I go running with my 5G all the time and there's no problems. In fact, I'm sure many of you will remember with Apple first released the iPod and one of its main facts was that it included a memory chip capable of not skipping if a person went running...and that was long before Apple released flash based nanos. We'll just have to see if Apple will actually block it from working with 5G iPods or whether it just recommends use with a Nano. I can't imagine they wouldn't want to keep encouraging people to buy the much more profitable 60GB iPod over a Nano.

    I don't think it is necessarily about the skipping. I think excessive repetitive sudden motion might take its toll on the drive heads.
  • Reply 47 of 94
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by Mr. Dirk

    Why wouldn't they be able to patent it? It is a new, unique way to apply technology. That said, if it weren't patentable for some reason, I wonder if Apple will strike up new partnerships with Adidas, et. al. or if this is more or less exclusive to iTunes. (I'm guessing the latter.)

    I am thinking it will be alot like the original iPod your BMW.

    Now most automakers are putting in iPod docks.
  • Reply 48 of 94
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    Nike is a terrible company that is known for paying nothing to it's employees in sweatshops all over the world. Watch the Michael Moore flick 'The Big One' and listen to how much of an idiot Philip Knight is. I personally will never buy a Nike product, even though my love for Apple runs very deep.

    I realize this is a good business partnership, will make lots of money, and is a really good idea, I guess I'm just disappointed because Nike, which owns nearly every freaking shoe brand, is involved. It would have been nice to have the same partnertship with a company that is actually cool and worth supporting.

    Just a thought.
  • Reply 49 of 94
    archstudentarchstudent Posts: 262member

    Originally posted by frankie

    Nike is a terrible company that is known for paying nothing to it's employees in sweatshops all over the world. Watch the Michael Moore flick 'The Big One' and listen to how much of an idiot Philip Knight is. I personally will never buy a Nike product, even though my love for Apple runs very deep.

    I realize this is a good business partnership, will make lots of money, and is a really good idea, I guess I'm just disappointed because Nike, which owns nearly every freaking shoe brand, is involved. It would have been nice to have the same partnertship with a company that is actually cool and worth supporting.

    Just a thought.

    couldn't agree more...
  • Reply 50 of 94
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    I was thinking of simply cutting a hole in my shoe

    How about taping the transmitter to the side of your current shoes? Better yet, just stick it in your sock -- Hack #1!
  • Reply 51 of 94
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally posted by frankie

    Nike is a terrible company that is known for paying nothing to it's employees in sweatshops all over the world. Watch the Michael Moore flick 'The Big One' and listen to how much of an idiot Philip Knight is. I personally will never buy a Nike product, even though my love for Apple runs very deep.

    I realize this is a good business partnership, will make lots of money, and is a really good idea, I guess I'm just disappointed because Nike, which owns nearly every freaking shoe brand, is involved. It would have been nice to have the same partnertship with a company that is actually cool and worth supporting.

    Just a thought.

    Have you ever actually BEEN to any of those plants in the countries you are complaining about? I've been to China, and the alternatives to what seem like low wages (to us) are much, much worse, my friend. The average wage is something like $250/month at the plants I visited, but good god, you should see how some of the people live outside. Makes most of the homeless in America look like Donald Trump (uhh... just the homeless guys...)
  • Reply 52 of 94
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Incidentally, it occurs to me that all you really need is an ankle-strap that is big enough to hold the sensor that would go inside the Nike shoe if you don't really want to pay for new shoes. Even Nike produces a shoe wallet that might be adequate to hold the sensor unit.
  • Reply 53 of 94
    deapeajaydeapeajay Posts: 909member

    Originally posted by frankie

    Nike is a terrible company that is known for paying nothing to it's employees in sweatshops all over the world. Watch the Michael Moore flick 'The Big One' and listen to how much of an idiot Philip Knight is. I personally will never buy a Nike product, even though my love for Apple runs very deep.

    I realize this is a good business partnership, will make lots of money, and is a really good idea, I guess I'm just disappointed because Nike, which owns nearly every freaking shoe brand, is involved. It would have been nice to have the same partnertship with a company that is actually cool and worth supporting.

    Just a thought.

    I know nothing about Nike's business practices, but I suggest you take whatever Moore says with a grain of salt
  • Reply 54 of 94
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member

    Originally posted by Mr. Dirk


    Originally posted by xanthohappy

    ...what's to stop other shoe manufacturers from putting holes underneath the insole in future shoe models? I'm guessing you can't patent something like that. Nike has a headstart for certain, but do you think they could lose out on their investment in the long run?

    Why wouldn't they be able to patent it? It is a new, unique way to apply technology. That said, if it weren't patentable for some reason, I wonder if Apple will strike up new partnerships with Adidas, et. al. or if this is more or less exclusive to iTunes. (I'm guessing the latter.)

    They already have. Here is an excerpt from the patent (US Patent Office # 20050048955):


    A user of a communication device may initiate a communication, i.e., a telephone call, a text message, a page, an alert and the like, silently, via a macro-manipulation of the communication device and without having to identify a particularly button or sequence of buttons on the communication device. The communication device may include housing into which is disposed a sensor that detects the macro-manipulation of the communication device by the user. An output from the sensor is associated with a particular communication context, e.g., a particularly telephone number to which a call is to be completed, a communication device to which a text message is to be sent and the contents of the text message, an email address to which an email is to be sent, a pager to which either a page number, text or numeric message is to be sent, and the like. Responsive to the output from the sensor, the communication device initiates the communication according to the define context. Thus, a user of the communication device may initiate a communication in total darkness, without removing the communication device from a purse or pocket, and without having to identify a particular key or keys on the communication device.

    To avoid the possibility of inadvertently triggering the communication, such as by simply grasping the housing too firmly or by other circumstances that may cause the sensor to provide an output signal to the processor, a protocol for initiating the communication may be implemented. To initiate the communication the user is first required to twice quickly squeeze the housing of the communication unit shown by the pulses. This action, similar to the ?double click? action taken with a mouse input device on a computer, causes the communication unit to provide the response indicated on line, which is to provide a haptic response, such as a vibratory alert. The user, during the period of the haptic response, again squeezes the housing to generate a signal from the sensor. The communication unit responsive to the sensor input ends the haptic alert, and initiates the communication.

    As described, a communication unit, such as communication device, provides an ability to silently and covertly initiate a selected communication. A user may initiate a selected communication without having to identify, select or manipulate pushbuttons or other input devices on the communication unit, which are constantly shrinking in size. That is, the user may initiate the communication with a macro-manipulation of the communication device. Additionally, in an emergency situation, the user may summon help without revealing that such a request for help has been initiated, as the microphone of the communication device will be active and capture and transmit all audio activity taking place around the calling party.

    The communication need not be a telephone call to a predefined number. The communication may be a text message, a two-way communication alert, an email, a page or other such text, data, recorded message or recorded voice communication.

    In the patent there are TIFF files with phone illustrations as applicable. That could be the next device coming from this new partnership.

    I suppose it is also worth noting that Apple Computer?s COO, Timothy Cook, started serving on Nike's board of directors about 6 months ago.
  • Reply 55 of 94
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    I know nothing about Nike's business practices

    How is it possible in this day and age to "know nothing about Nike's business practices"? Yet you "know" enough about Michael Moore to make a snarky comment about him?
  • Reply 56 of 94
    deapeajaydeapeajay Posts: 909member

    Originally posted by wilco

    How is it possible in this day and age to "know nothing about Nike's business practices"? Yet you "know" enough about Michael Moore to make a snarky comment about him?

    I'm referring to the major blockbuster conspiracy theory "documentary" released by Moore that made headlines for weeks on end. On that basis alone, I don't trust Moore. Conspiracy theories are ridiculous, therefore, if I read something that someone says about Nike that they heard from Moore, I'm not going to believe it on that source alone.

    Nike doesn't get the publicity that Moore does, so yah, I don't know anything about Nike's business practices.
  • Reply 57 of 94
    mike12309mike12309 Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    "Nike+iPod is a partnership between two iconic, global brands with a shared passion for creating meaningful consumer product experiences through design and innovation," Parker said. "This is the first result, and Nike+iPod will change the way people run. Nike+iPod creates a better running experience. We see many more such Nike+ innovations in the future."

    what the hell is the last thing Nike innovated? Sorry that sneaker with a fancy new swish is still just a sneaker. Oh and putting more padding on it or "pumps" [stupidest thing ever] doesnt count as innovation.

    With that said, i do think the wireless dealy is an awesome idea-- i always go out of my way to go to a track so that i can monitor my distance accurately... this will eliminate that need i suppose. Kudos.
  • Reply 58 of 94
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    I'm referring to the major blockbuster conspiracy theory "documentary" released by Moore that made headlines for weeks on end. On that basis alone, I don't trust Moore. Conspiracy theories are ridiculous, therefore, if I read something that someone says about Nike that they heard from Moore, I'm not going to believe it on that source alone.

    Nike doesn't get the publicity that Moore does, so yah, I don't know anything about Nike's business practices.

    Now I get it. Since Rush Limbaugh didn't talk about, it doesn't exist.
  • Reply 59 of 94
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    whats all this hatred towards nike? they make kick ass products. i guess a lot of you dont work out or do anything physical besides sit here and type about how crappy a brand is and what not huh? lmao.

    i mean there are other good brands like adidas and such but Nike def has the means and the focus to propel apple's fitness ipod and marketing to another level.

    good combo in my opinion. stop fcking whinning.
  • Reply 60 of 94
    deapeajaydeapeajay Posts: 909member

    Originally posted by wilco

    Now I get it. Since Rush Limbaugh didn't talk about, it doesn't exist.

    Hey, I'm just giving my opinion on what seems logical to me. Whether I'm right or left makes no difference.

    I don't trust Moore. Period. That's my opinion take it or leave it. Gosh!
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