Apple Store shoppers rescued from glass elevator



  • Reply 61 of 77
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by Ptrash

    Ok, so what does the US military do. Do they have a special license, or do they just not worry about it? (Maybe this is why so many guys are getting killed in Iraq: incompatibility between Windows and Macs.)

    PS You slipped that "glass elevators" right in under our noses!

    PPS I didn't read all of the posts (I get tired of the fighting and name calling) so I'm not sure if the stuff about Windows was a joke or true. I do wonder what software is being used to control the store's infrastructure, including the elevator. At some point Mac/Windows compatibility has to rear it's ugly head, even if more and more it's a Unix world.

    Very likely a custom operating system not related in anyway to windows or MacOSX.
  • Reply 62 of 77

    Originally posted by Ptrash

    Maybe this is why so many guys are getting killed in Iraq: incompatibility between Windows and Macs.

    Rather incompatibility between brain size of white house warlords and task complexity
  • Reply 63 of 77
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member

    Originally posted by rinnin

    J.D.: {watching] What are you doing?

    Janitor: I'm fixing the [elevator].

    J.D.: Maybe there's a penny stuck in there.

    Janitor: Did you stick a penny in there?

    J.D.: No, I was just trying to make conversation.

    Janitor: {pointing at JD with screwdriver} If I find a penny in there... I'm taking you down.

    Scrubs, 2001.

    Great show...but he was fixing a plain old door, not an elevator.
  • Reply 64 of 77
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    Very likely a custom operating system not related in anyway to windows or MacOSX.

    It doesn't even have to have an operating system as typical person might think of it. It doesn't appear to be anything that requires anything more complex than a simple microcontroller, though it should be with additional circuits to ensure fault tolerance. A conventional operating system as we know it could be considered detrimental due to the complexity.
  • Reply 65 of 77
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Ptrash

    I wish I had been in that elevator with those high school girls!... Damned! Of course then someone would've taken a picture of the ensuing orgy, and it would've been posted on the NET (see the article in this weeks Village Voice on the case of public sex in a dorm room at Univ of Pa, which was recorded and became a big campus scandal)......

    Yeah some high skool girls got trapped in a glass elevator and we all start thinking of a nice public orgy

    At least I know I'm not alone in thinking this
  • Reply 66 of 77

    Originally posted by Kolchak

    Why did the police do this? Surely the Apple Store has a 24-hour service contract with Otis. Even if the contract covers only normal business hours, paying for an elevator mechanic to come in is less expensive than the damage the police likely caused getting the people out.

    ESU is on-duty 24/7 and a squad truck was probably not too far away, making them the faster option than waiting for some mechanic to lazily get out of bed, shower, and saunter on over to the store. The customers were in there for 45 minutes as it was, it's not fair to expect them to have waited longer for some Otis person to show up. Secondly, these weren't just regular police officers, these are trained professionals (hence the designation "Emergency Services Unit"). Many of these guys probably possess more mechanical skills than any given run-of-the-mill elevator mechanic.
  • Reply 67 of 77
    aestivalaestival Posts: 75member
    66 comments on people in a glass elevator, and not one Willy Wonka/Charlie/Roald Dahl reference -- for shame :-<

    Perhaps it just wasn't a Great glass elevator...
  • Reply 68 of 77
    fahlmanfahlman Posts: 740member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    No, I said "anyone who isn't disabled" - so IMNSHO you need to work on your reading comprehension - and I'm SOOOO sorry for forgetting to include people with infants in strollers in my disclaimer.

    The fact that you want to impose your "value system" on others is wrong. Plain and simple.
  • Reply 69 of 77
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by aestival

    66 comments on people in a glass elevator, and not one Willy Wonka/Charlie/Roald Dahl reference -- for shame :-<

    Perhaps it just wasn't a Great glass elevator...

    Old skool, bra. Maybe if there was a super magic glass elevator in Harry Potter, then that would be hella cool.

    For the record, I have read a little Roald Dahl when I was 10 or 12 or so and only have watched the Harry Potter movies.
  • Reply 70 of 77
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member

    Originally posted by fahlman

    The fact that you want to impose your "value system" on others is wrong. Plain and simple.

    The irony in that comment is priceless.
  • Reply 71 of 77
    formerlurkerformerlurker Posts: 2,686member

    Originally posted by Hiro

    The irony in that comment is priceless.

    Indeed - "plain and simple."
  • Reply 72 of 77
    damnit steve, cant you do anything right? first killing the newton, then that stupid flower power imac, then killing ipod mini, then selling pixar, now this?!

    some CEOs.
  • Reply 73 of 77
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by AppleRISC

    ESU is on-duty 24/7 and a squad truck was probably not too far away, making them the faster option than waiting for some mechanic to lazily get out of bed, shower, and saunter on over to the store. The customers were in there for 45 minutes as it was, it's not fair to expect them to have waited longer for some Otis person to show up. Secondly, these weren't just regular police officers, these are trained professionals (hence the designation "Emergency Services Unit"). Many of these guys probably possess more mechanical skills than any given run-of-the-mill elevator mechanic.

    Emergency Services Unit is pretty vague. Is it medical emergency? Fire? Sorry, it's throwing me for a loop, it's hard for me to think of mechanical and electrical skills as being on the list of emergency personell. I'm not saying it isn't possible that they are crack commando team of trained mechanics though.
  • Reply 74 of 77
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    damnit steve, cant you do anything right? first killing the newton, then that stupid flower power imac, then killing ipod mini, then selling pixar, now this?! some CEOs.


    We'll see how Cars goes. It'll be 99% Pixar 1% Disney

    Yeah iPod mini kept and updated with Flash 1/2/4GB would have been cool.

    The iPod mini is still the iPod with the best and most durable casing ever..!!

    Too bad mine died (can use as backup but battery is dead)

    just as the warranty expired.
  • Reply 75 of 77
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Emergency Services Unit is pretty vague. Is it medical emergency? Fire? Sorry, it's throwing me for a loop, it's hard for me to think of mechanical and electrical skills as being on the list of emergency personell. I'm not saying it isn't possible that they are crack commando team of trained mechanics though.

    Why wouldn't a vertical city like NYC have a crack SWAT elevator rescue team that knows how to bleed down a hydraulic cylinder????
  • Reply 76 of 77
    lakingsfnlakingsfn Posts: 141member

    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    uhh.. riding the glass elevator is simply more fun.

    Hope they didn't have any stones to throw.
  • Reply 77 of 77
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Hiro

    Why wouldn't a vertical city like NYC have a crack SWAT elevator rescue team that knows how to bleed down a hydraulic cylinder????

    No need for that. iSteve is assembling a 24/7 crack team of Elevator Geniuses to never let this happen again, or if it does, be sorted out within 5 minutes max. He's also converting the elevator to be run off 3 iMac Intels on Mac OS 10.4.6 hooked up to xServe RAIDs. Steve is spending $1 million out of his own pocket to make sure the elevator never gets stuck again. Ever.

    "Ride easy. This elevator is running Mac OS X and operated by iMacs. It never crashes or gets stuck. Too bad we can't say the same thing about Windows PCs."


    "This elevator is run by Mac OS X. 99.99999999999999% uptime. Wouldn't you like your business IT operations to be the same?"
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