"Milk Jug" Intel eMac - Need Mockup Gurus Please!



  • Reply 41 of 44
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    ^^Fair enough. I just wouldn't want to deploy a bunch of top heavy, expensive iMacs in any of the K-12 labs I've set up.

    Besides, it's not like Apple is going to stop offering the iMac to EDU customers. If they have the budget and see no issue with durability and theft, they can continue to buy all the iMacs they want.

    Doesn't mean Apple shouldn't also offer a sturdy, low cost machine for those (many) customers that want one.
  • Reply 42 of 44
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Sorry I couldn't resist!
  • Reply 43 of 44
    since the emac was virtually the same design as a CRT iMac, what would be wrong with making a 15" version of the current iMac? seems to me the circular whole in the base stand would serve the same security purpose as the old hadle. just stuff if full of cheaper parts (i.e. core solo or even something celeron based), strip the unneeded parts, and you got a cheap mac. i know i can build a celeron-based mac right now for only 300 bucks (but i wouldnt because that would need a hacked version of osX86) add 200 for an LCD and that's still only 500 at end user prices. i'm sure apple could make it happen under 600.
  • Reply 44 of 44
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member

    Originally posted by MisticMayhem

    since the emac was virtually the same design as a CRT iMac, what would be wrong with making a 15" version of the current iMac? seems to me the circular whole in the base stand would serve the same security purpose as the old hadle. just stuff if full of cheaper parts (i.e. core solo or even something celeron based), strip the unneeded parts, and you got a cheap mac. i know i can build a celeron-based mac right now for only 300 bucks (but i wouldnt because that would need a hacked version of osX86) add 200 for an LCD and that's still only 500 at end user prices. i'm sure apple could make it happen under 600.

    If you haven't noticed...all education machines you see marketed have huge monitors...beacuse there are multiple people staring and pointing at that really awesome super duper raw cool thing on the monitor. It's PR. So yes it would be CHEAPER (only slightly) to have a smaller monitor, but chances are for that PR reason, Apple will cut corners else where.
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