New iPods may face delays - analyst



  • Reply 41 of 66
    Let me see........

    You sir are an idiot. :-P

    Only playing.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 42 of 66
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by AndrewLondon

    Let me see........

    You sir are an idiot. :-P

    Only playing.

    hell, i covered all my bases, so...fair enough.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 43 of 66

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    hell, i covered all my bases, so...fair enough.

    Here have a beer....

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 44 of 66
    new ipod may or may not be made by apple

    may or may not have a battery

    may or may not have a screen

    may or may not have an adaptor included

    may or may not have any sales at all

    oh look a squadron of pigs
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  • Reply 45 of 66

    Ive been waiting for this new ipod for sooooo long. Now im sad
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  • Reply 46 of 66
    javacowboyjavacowboy Posts: 864member
    Apple is screwing themselves with this delay.

    The portable music/picture/video player market is evolving at light speed. Apple's competitors are adding more features, higher capacity, and lower prices. Flash memory prices are dropping like a stone. They can't afford to stand still.

    Apple is losing out on my business, despite the fact that I've been a loyal customer. I'm looking for an 8Gb flash-based music player, or at least a 4Gb player that's cheaper that CAD $300. The SanDisk 2Gb player is looking like a very interesting proposition right now. I was willing to wait until September, but not until December.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 47 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    Apple is screwing themselves with this delay.

    The portable music/picture/video player market is evolving at light speed. Apple's competitors are adding more features, higher capacity, and lower prices. Flash memory prices are dropping like a stone. They can't afford to stand still.

    Apple is losing out on my business, despite the fact that I've been a loyal customer. I'm looking for an 8Gb flash-based music player, or at least a 4Gb player that's cheaper that CAD $300. The SanDisk 2Gb player is looking like a very interesting proposition right now. I was willing to wait until September, but not until December.

    Well, seeing as how this is all speculation, apple hasn't exactly screwed themselves yet now have they? If you wait until september, I'm sure you'll get what you want.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 48 of 66
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    Apple is screwing themselves with this delay.

    The portable music/picture/video player market is evolving at light speed. Apple's competitors are adding more features, higher capacity, and lower prices. Flash memory prices are dropping like a stone. They can't afford to stand still.

    Apple is losing out on my business, despite the fact that I've been a loyal customer. I'm looking for an 8Gb flash-based music player, or at least a 4Gb player that's cheaper that CAD $300. The SanDisk 2Gb player is looking like a very interesting proposition right now. I was willing to wait until September, but not until December.

    buying into the hype makes you a sucker.

    i laugh at thee.

    you're the type of person who gives those morons jobs.

    this whole concept of "analysts" reminds me of tabloids...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 49 of 66

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    buying into the hype makes you a sucker.

    i laugh at thee.

    you're the type of person who gives those morons jobs.

    this whole concept of "analysts" reminds me of tabloids...

    I delayed buying my iMac until January based on one of these same types of reports in November that turned out to be correct. Now I'm sitting pretty with exactly the desktop Mac that I always wanted.

    Thanks for the advice, thought. A $300 4 Gb Nano just ain't gonna happen.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 50 of 66
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    I delayed buying my iMac until January based on one of these same types of reports in November that turned out to be correct. Now I'm sitting pretty with exactly the desktop Mac that I always wanted.

    Thanks for the advice, thought. A $300 4 Gb Nano just ain't gonna happen.

    umm...about 1 out of every 5 guesses they make actually turn out to reveal some truth to it. that 1 of 5 is usually based on truth that has something to back it up with. the other 4 is almost always conjecture that actually stems from boards like this one. they read something that sounds interesting and run with it, turning it into something that doesn't, and never will, exist.


    and do you know why that is...? hmm...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 51 of 66

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    umm...about 1 out of every 5 guesses they make actually turn out to reveal some truth to it. that 1 of 5 is usually based on truth that has something to back it up with. the other 4 is almost always conjecture that actually stems from boards like this one. they read something that sounds interesting and run with it, turning it into something that doesn't, and never will, exist.


    and do you know why that is...? hmm...

    So they're hyping me NOT to buy? Interesting logic you got there....
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 52 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    I delayed buying my iMac until January based on one of these same types of reports in November that turned out to be correct. Now I'm sitting pretty with exactly the desktop Mac that I always wanted.

    Thanks for the advice, thought. A $300 4 Gb Nano just ain't gonna happen.

    Dude, if you buy into the hype every time, you will get burned more often than not. Second, this is Shawn We spouting off, which is not the same as Kasper spouting off.

    Third, I've got to tell you, it's incredibly annoying when people rail against apple for things that are RUMORED to happen. I mean, you're speaking about this as if Shawn Wu has a direct line to god, and this MUST be the truth.

    I'm telling, there will almost certainly be updated iPods well in time for the holiday season.

    And since a 4 Gb nano is $250, I would certainly hope a $300 4Gb nano isn't going to happen
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 53 of 66
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    Dude, if you buy into the hype every time, you will get burned more often than not. Second, this is Shawn We spouting off, which is not the same as Kasper spouting off.

    Third, I've got to tell you, it's incredibly annoying when people rail against apple for things that are RUMORED to happen. I mean, you're speaking about this as if Shawn Wu has a direct line to god, and this MUST be the truth.

    I'm telling, there will almost certainly be updated iPods well in time for the holiday season.

    And since a 4 Gb nano is $250, I would certainly hope a $300 4Gb nano isn't going to happen

    better said than i. good job.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 54 of 66

    Originally posted by Flounder

    And since a 4 Gb nano is $250, I would certainly hope a $300 4Gb nano isn't going to happen [/B]

    Let me clarify. I was talking Canadian dollars. 300 Canadian is equivalent to 250 US.

    As for the change in suppliers delaying the new Nanos past Sepeteber, this makes sense from a purely philisophical perspective. Even if the rumours aren't true, Apple has already waited too long to refresh the stagnant Nano line.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 55 of 66

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    Apple is screwing themselves with this delay.

    The portable music/picture/video player market is evolving at light speed. Apple's competitors are adding more features, higher capacity, and lower prices. Flash memory prices are dropping like a stone. They can't afford to stand still.

    Apple is losing out on my business, despite the fact that I've been a loyal customer. I'm looking for an 8Gb flash-based music player, or at least a 4Gb player that's cheaper that CAD $300. The SanDisk 2Gb player is looking like a very interesting proposition right now. I was willing to wait until September, but not until December.

    with 80% market share i rather think that apple is more likely dictating the market, i know ipods dont have EVERYTHING but they WORK, which is the same motivation behind all of their products.

    as to apple losing out on your business, well you can hardly call yourself a LOYAL customer if your spouting abuse at the company for not doing something they are RUMOURED to be doing.... can you?

    also,if you are looking for an 8Gb player or at LEAST a 4Gb player..... WHY ON EARTH are you going to go for a 2Gb player? this makes less sense than any post ive read all day.

    maybe you failed math class??
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 56 of 66
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Could people please stop misusing units? "Gb" is a "Gigabit". You want "GB" or "GiB", for "Gigabyte" or "Gibibyte". A Byte is 8 times as much as a Bit.

    So when talking about "8 Gbs of flash", you actually say "1 GBs of flash".
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 57 of 66
    javacowboyjavacowboy Posts: 864member

    Originally posted by Trendannoyer

    with 80% market share i rather think that apple is more likely dictating the market, i know ipods dont have EVERYTHING but they WORK, which is the same motivation behind all of their products.

    as to apple losing out on your business, well you can hardly call yourself a LOYAL customer if your spouting abuse at the company for not doing something they are RUMOURED to be doing.... can you?

    also,if you are looking for an 8Gb player or at LEAST a 4Gb player..... WHY ON EARTH are you going to go for a 2Gb player? this makes less sense than any post ive read all day.

    maybe you failed math class??

    I'd get the 2 GB SanDisk because it's cheaper and is a stop-gap solution.

    As for loyalty, well, I'm not loyal to the point of stupidity. For instance, eMusic is a more attractive proposition than iTunes because it doesn't come with DRM. I use Firefox instead of Safari because I prefer Firefox.

    Unlike what you appear to be doing, I don't come in here to start arguments. I'm making a sincere and contructive criticism of what Apple appears not to not be doing, and already is not doing with their iPod Nano line.

    So please stop being a superficial Apple fanboy and try to think clearly , objectively, and out of the box.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 58 of 66
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member
    making a decision and criticism based on a rumor is nothing more than stupidity. stop talking.

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  • Reply 59 of 66

    Originally posted by Chucker

    Could people please stop misusing units? "Gb" is a "Gigabit". You want "GB" or "GiB", for "Gigabyte" or "Gibibyte". A Byte is 8 times as much as a Bit.

    So when talking about "8 Gbs of flash", you actually say "1 GBs of flash".

    i take your point but i still think you knew what i ment
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 60 of 66

    Originally posted by JavaCowboy

    I'd get the 2 GB SanDisk because it's cheaper and is a stop-gap solution.

    As for loyalty, well, I'm not loyal to the point of stupidity. For instance, eMusic is a more attractive proposition than iTunes because it doesn't come with DRM. I use Firefox instead of Safari because I prefer Firefox.

    Unlike what you appear to be doing, I don't come in here to start arguments. I'm making a sincere and constructive criticism of what Apple appears not to not be doing, and already is not doing with their iPod Nano line.

    So please stop being a superficial Apple fanboy and try to think clearly , objectively, and out of the box.

    while i should follow alliance's advice, just as you should... i feel i must reply

    1 please look up the meaning of loyalty.

    2 i pointed out that Apple may not be perfect, mmm perhaps you should enlighten me to YOUR version of the term fan boy?

    3 i thought making contradictory comments (as you have done) was what amounted to argument, but again i think you might do well to look that up.

    4. apple are due to update the ipod range some time from September on... hardly years away so perhaps you should think clearly?

    however if by thinking outside the box you mean i shouldn't take into account that apple have remaining stock to shift and are busy with a transition to new chips/UBs but should give you and only you whatever you want as soon as you want it, and ignore their shareholders and potential profits

    then yes i agree they should think outside the box and just bleed money like , say... creative are doing.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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