Interesting that analysts have not yet noted that a Samsung delay in a new iPod would mean improvement/extension to PortalPlayer's revenues that would help plug the gap before Preface earnings kick in next year....furthermore if Samsung's SoC really struggles, maybe PortalPlayer might even be asked to reoffer their PP5022 upgrade proposal as a gap-filler...
Yes, but in your case, it was quite ambiguous, because flash memory is often referred to in Gb, not GB. E.g., internally, the iPod nano would be referred to as having 8 Gb, 16 Gb or 32 Gb of flash memory.
So yes, it can lead to misunderstandings. No offense.
I think we should all just accept the fact that analysts are one rung down the ladder of reliability from weathermen, and move on. Some people, not having realized this, will lose money in the deal. Others, understanding the trend, will reap its rewards. Those who just plain ignore them will likely find the effects average out (don't forget we just had a huge surge largely due to over-hype).
while i should follow alliance's advice, just as you should... i feel i must reply
1 please look up the meaning of loyalty.
1. The state or quality of being loyal. See Synonyms at fidelity.
2. A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection. Often used in the plural: My loyalties lie with m
my family.
What's your point?
2 i pointed out that Apple may not be perfect, mmm perhaps you should enlighten me to YOUR version of the term fan boy?
Perhaps in some other thread, but from none of your comments in this thread imply that Apple is not perfect. To be fair, none of them imply that Apple is perfect either.
Fanboy means a person who tows the Apple line and don't come up with any comments that criticize Apple, contructively or otherwise. I happen to be an individualist who thinks indepedently. My support of Apple is a choice based on consideration of facts, and what's in my best interest, and what I believe to be in the best interest of the IT industry at large.
3 i thought making contradictory comments (as you have done) was what amounted to argument, but again i think you might do well to look that up.
See my response to point 2 above.
4. apple are due to update the ipod range some time from September on... hardly years away so perhaps you should think clearly?
September or December, depending on who you talk to. Nobody knows anything for sure, unless you have inside information?
however if by thinking outside the box you mean i shouldn't take into account that apple have remaining stock to shift and are busy with a transition to new chips/UBs but should give you and only you whatever you want as soon as you want it, and ignore their shareholders and potential profits
Are you sure that by transitioning to new suppliers in the middle of the game that they're doing what's best for shareholders? Just a thought.
then yes i agree they should think outside the box and just bleed money like , say... creative are doing.
What's your point? Creative is suing Apple for patent infringement in a desperate attempt to save their floundering business.
Let me clarify. I was talking Canadian dollars. 300 Canadian is equivalent to 250 US.
As for the change in suppliers delaying the new Nanos past Sepeteber, this makes sense from a purely philisophical perspective. Even if the rumours aren't true, Apple has already waited too long to refresh the stagnant Nano line.
Not to pile on a fellow Canuck but $300 Canadian = $270 U.S
Originally posted by Trendannoyer
but i still think you knew what i ment
Yes, but in your case, it was quite ambiguous, because flash memory is often referred to in Gb, not GB. E.g., internally, the iPod nano would be referred to as having 8 Gb, 16 Gb or 32 Gb of flash memory.
So yes, it can lead to misunderstandings. No offense.
Originally posted by Trendannoyer
while i should follow alliance's advice, just as you should... i feel i must reply
1 please look up the meaning of loyalty.
1. The state or quality of being loyal. See Synonyms at fidelity.
2. A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection. Often used in the plural: My loyalties lie with m
my family.
What's your point?
2 i pointed out that Apple may not be perfect, mmm perhaps you should enlighten me to YOUR version of the term fan boy?
Perhaps in some other thread, but from none of your comments in this thread imply that Apple is not perfect. To be fair, none of them imply that Apple is perfect either.
Fanboy means a person who tows the Apple line and don't come up with any comments that criticize Apple, contructively or otherwise. I happen to be an individualist who thinks indepedently. My support of Apple is a choice based on consideration of facts, and what's in my best interest, and what I believe to be in the best interest of the IT industry at large.
3 i thought making contradictory comments (as you have done) was what amounted to argument, but again i think you might do well to look that up.
See my response to point 2 above.
4. apple are due to update the ipod range some time from September on... hardly years away so perhaps you should think clearly?
September or December, depending on who you talk to. Nobody knows anything for sure, unless you have inside information?
however if by thinking outside the box you mean i shouldn't take into account that apple have remaining stock to shift and are busy with a transition to new chips/UBs but should give you and only you whatever you want as soon as you want it, and ignore their shareholders and potential profits
Are you sure that by transitioning to new suppliers in the middle of the game that they're doing what's best for shareholders? Just a thought.
then yes i agree they should think outside the box and just bleed money like , say... creative are doing.
What's your point? Creative is suing Apple for patent infringement in a desperate attempt to save their floundering business.
Originally posted by JavaCowboy
September or December, depending on who you talk to. Nobody knows anything for sure, unless you have inside information?
wha what...?
Originally posted by JavaCowboy
Let me clarify. I was talking Canadian dollars. 300 Canadian is equivalent to 250 US.
As for the change in suppliers delaying the new Nanos past Sepeteber, this makes sense from a purely philisophical perspective. Even if the rumours aren't true, Apple has already waited too long to refresh the stagnant Nano line.
Not to pile on a fellow Canuck but $300 Canadian = $270 U.S