iPhone, iPod messenger clues in latest iPod software

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Overwhelmed with anticipation, some fans of Apple Computer's iPods are ripping through software code to find clues about what the company has planned for the next-generation of the digital music players. And they may have found some answers.

An AppleInsider member by the name of VL-Tone recently dissected the latest iPod firmware update and made some interesting discoveries.

While Apple has been relatively mum on any plans for iPod-branded cell phone, the latest iPod software includes references to an "t_feature_app_PHONE_APP" application and variables such as "kPhoneSignalStrength," "clPhoneCallHistoryModel," prPhoneSettingsMenu," "prPhoneSettingsMenuView," prPhoneEnableSetting" and "prPhoneMenuItem."

The phone references within the iPod software are unlikely in relation to Motorola's iTunes Music phones because those phones do not run the iPod operating system, the member pointed out in his analysis. The references also appear to be unrelated Apple's address book synching.

In potentially related news, a European Apple design filing discovered earlier this month revealed several iPod concept designs, including one that appeared to blend an iPod nano with a cell phone.

Apple may also be working on some form of iPod-based instant messenger application, if you believe in reading into some additional clues embedded into the latest iPod software such as "t_feature_app_MESSENGER_APP," "clMessengerModel," and "clMessengerApplication."

In his investigation, VL-Tone also discovered references to an iPod-based search application, an iPod keyboard, and what appear to be two new game applications: Simon and Stacker.

Apple filings reveal potential iPod redesigns

The same iPod software package also hints at a version of Apple's iPod software that will allow users to change interface themes, create a customized startup photo, set background images and specify font preferences.

A complete list of VL-Tone's discoveries, many of which were not present in previous versions of Apple's iPod software, is available on the AppleInsider forums.


  • Reply 1 of 34
    kidakida Posts: 1member
    First reply and first post... that's all. Nothing else to add.
  • Reply 2 of 34
    deapeajaydeapeajay Posts: 909member
    I think this should be melded with the other post by the essential "author" of the news item.
  • Reply 3 of 34
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    Awesome investigation and analysis. Nice work VL-Tone.
  • Reply 4 of 34
    fuyutsukifuyutsuki Posts: 293member
    Ooooh ... fantastic work. I'm tired of duping people by pretending to use my nano as a phone, bring on the real thing Apple!

    Major kudos to our great investigator!
  • Reply 5 of 34
    deapeajaydeapeajay Posts: 909member
    Take that Shaw Wu!
  • Reply 6 of 34
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    Take that Shaw Wu!

    Wu who?
  • Reply 7 of 34
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Snapshot of VL-Tone ?

  • Reply 8 of 34
    nmcphersnmcphers Posts: 47member

    Originally posted by KidA

    First reply and first post... that's all. Nothing else to add.

    Nothing else to add? I didn't realize you added anything in the first place.
  • Reply 9 of 34
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Yeah, I don't really get the excitement of being the first one with nothing to say.

    Great work VL-tone. Of course, this doesn't mean iPods will undoubtedly have phone capabilities someday soon, but that seems like a likely interpretation. I am always waiting to see what exciting thing Apple will come out with next.
  • Reply 10 of 34
    mr. dirkmr. dirk Posts: 187member
    Something just occurred to me: most phones these days seem to have cameras attached. Would Apple's? Consumers seem to like the cameras, if Motorola phones are anything to judge by; but cameras on cell phones have always smacked of inefficiency ("a jack of all trades is a master at none").

    In short, I could see Apple not adding a camera, instead choosing to say "buy a digital camera if you want pictures." But would that cripple the phone in the consumer's eyes?
  • Reply 11 of 34
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by nmcphers

    Nothing else to add? I didn't realize you added anything in the first place.

    He did, he added himself to the boards
  • Reply 12 of 34
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by Mr. Dirk

    Something just occurred to me: most phones these days seem to have cameras attached. Would Apple's? Consumers seem to like the cameras, if Motorola phones are anything to judge by; but cameras on cell phones have always smacked of inefficiency ("a jack of all trades is a master at none").

    In short, I could see Apple not adding a camera, instead choosing to say "buy a digital camera if you want pictures." But would that cripple the phone in the consumer's eyes?

    I thought about these things before, and I have to tell you, I'm still thinking about them. There's no obvious choice here, but I suspect if apple makes a phone it will have to have some sort of camera in it.
  • Reply 13 of 34
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member

    Originally posted by Mr. Dirk

    But would that cripple the phone in the consumer's eyes?

    considering the current phones in Tokyo are 7 megapixel. I'd say yes.

    we are far behind the times.
  • Reply 14 of 34
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    Great work, VL-Tone!

    If nothing else it shows that Apple has a lot of potential in the iPod/iPhone area and that it just might be a series of tasks Apple has to get through before they can let it loose on the public.

    Let's see, a true video iPod + iPhone + 7 mpix camera all rolled into one and released after MS has paid for their SuperBowl slot to announce their iPod killer . . .
  • Reply 15 of 34
    afalknerafalkner Posts: 74member
    Yeah I'd have to say that I would not buy a phone without a camera. I use it all the time. I see a sign that I need the info from...I take a picture of it. I have photos of the people in my phone so when they call it pops up....I want my wife to see something I just saw in the city. I send her a photo. I use it to send people directions, say a street corner of where I am...just to name a few. The phone I have now (Sony Ericsson W800) has a 2mpx camera and It takes relatively nice photos for what I use it for. And since it plays music as well, I often leave my house with nothing but my phone (and my wallet). The music player on it isnt as good as an iPod but for my 15 minute walk to work...it works just fine. I cant wait for the iphone to come out. As someone who walks everywhere I cant stand it when my pockets are full of tons of stuff. And I dont want to carry a bag just for my phone, iPod, camera and wallet. Imagine being able to scan your id ino your phone and being able to beam your check card number to a cash register. Thats what we need! C'mon Apple hurry up with my iPhonePodCameraWallet!
  • Reply 16 of 34
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member

    Originally posted by afalkner

    Yeah I'd have to say that I would not buy a phone without a camera.

    I wouldn't buy one with a phone because my job does not allow camera phones even on the grounds, let alone inside. So I have to leave it at home. You would think being in an area where a lot of people have government jobs that cellphone providers would offer choices of phones without a camera. I have a RAZR and when I bought it there were NO phones in the entire store without one.
  • Reply 17 of 34
    mr. dirkmr. dirk Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by crees!

    I wouldn't buy one with a phone because my job does not allow camera phones even on the grounds, let alone inside. So I have to leave it at home. You would think being in an area where a lot of people have government jobs that cellphone providers would offer choices of phones without a camera. I have a RAZR and when I bought it there were NO phones in the entire store without one.

    I wonder if there would be any chance of a camera "add-on" that would plug into the connector... Of course, that would (unfortunately) be at the bottom, making it rather awkward.
  • Reply 18 of 34
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member
    I think these days, a camera in a phone makes perfect sense.

    For Apple, it would make even more sense, imagine:

    - iTunes and Music/Podcast/Videos -> portable Media Player

    - iPhoto and Pictures/Movies -> portable Camera

    - iChat and Chats/Voice/Video -> portable Chat appliance

    It all makes sense.

    And really, the consumer just doesn't worry about a camera "making a bad picture". It makes a picture! That's what counts. How many people *really* object 128kbit? It's only the freaks. If people would care, know one would be using Windows. Most people just don't care about this kind of perfection, but they care a lot about convenience.

    There is still a point to be made that for lot of average users buying a Windows PC is just more convenient (knows it, friends can help, cheaper, store is closer, same old software works, fine) - they just don't worry about spyware or user interface design or beautiful hardware that much, that's all.
  • Reply 19 of 34
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally posted by crees!

    I wouldn't buy one with a phone because my job does not allow camera phones even on the grounds, let alone inside. So I have to leave it at home. You would think being in an area where a lot of people have government jobs that cellphone providers would offer choices of phones without a camera. I have a RAZR and when I bought it there were NO phones in the entire store without one.

    Cameras on phones are the worst kind of feature creep. Terrible idea. Get back to a damn phone that's easy to use and you'll instantly take over the majority of the market. Apple should do for cell phones what they did in the MP3 player space.
  • Reply 20 of 34
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by sandau

    considering the current phones in Tokyo are 7 megapixel.

    But are they any good? Even if they are any good, would Apple use them? The iSights that are built into Macs are pretty crummy, very poor color and poor light sensitivity, just like any phone's camera that I've seen. There's only so much that can be done without adding substance to the camera. Unless there is some form of Silicon-Unobtanium metalurgy going on, that is. A 1mm lens can only pick up so much light, and splitting that meager amount of light onto 7 million cells doesn't help the sensitivity.
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