Peter Oppenheimer drops MAJOR "iPhone" hint



  • Reply 61 of 111
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Originally posted by Mr. H

    I don't think anyone is disputing that. Using a hands-free headset is the issue we're talking about.

    That shizel is very distracting, but it should never be banned. People just need to adjust their behavior to the times. In other words, while on a hands-free call be more alert, that is all.
  • Reply 62 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Yeeeeeeeah, that'll work.
  • Reply 63 of 111
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Yeeeeeeeah, that'll work.

    Are you talking to me?
  • Reply 64 of 111
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by LGnome

    How did you come to this conclusion?

    While I agree that "GSM isn't going anywhere anytime soon," it is simply not a good standard for 3G services, and outside the long arm of EU economic protectionism, GSM has faltered in 3G markets.

    GSM doesn't have notable 3G capabilities, and only has overwhelming market penetration in Europe. The actual quasi-3G features used by most GSM services are very splintered and differ greatly between markets. Plus, they have poor bandwidth and cell utilization.

    If there were to be functionality to download songs onto the phone, which seems like it would be the killer app, anything less than EVDO is going to be a pain in the ass. USA and Asia (together) are a much bigger market, have (surprise) much higher-end 3G support, and also don't appear intent on regulating Apple's iTunes business model.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Thanks for that(I had no idea) but I mean retail store. Where I live every mall has a sony store, they should at least sell the most popular ones there.

    There's not a lot of online shopping in canada because it has almost no(or even just no) benefits.
  • Reply 66 of 111
    molokomoloko Posts: 21member
    Much* of the discussion here is still around cell-phone networks ? sure, in most cases handsets are subsidised by network operators to secure contracts with subscribers. In some cases, handsets are not available directly - only through the networks.

    With an iCell-phone, Apple has to strike some deal with a network operator ? a difficult call as the operators see a lot of potential profit with music-download services of their own, not to mention keeping their existing partners (handset vendors) happy... and Apple wants to keep iPod king-of-the-pocket ? hence the nowhere compromises that are the 100-tune Moto iTunes phones currently available...

    Now, what if Apple produces an iPhone that is a nano (ie: 5GB, 1000 song at least, decent player) with this kind of added VOIP functionality:

    Skype have somethin really interesting here too:

    ie: how about an Apple VOIP iPhone that skips the network issue completely ? and with 802.11x access to connect to the iTunes store, QT Trailers, etc... RSS even?

    Obviously this will not have the same area coverage, for the time being @least ? but with WiFi networks expanding exponentially, it's only a matter of time... and already would be an awesome mobile media/communications device in urban environments...

    (*apart form the hands-free sidetrack ? heck, sure an iTunes phone on an in-car dock providing connection to in-car sound system & hands-free chat will satisfy the regulators...)
  • Reply 67 of 111
    isracesisraces Posts: 92member

    Originally posted by moloko

    Now, what if Apple produces an iPhone that is a nano (ie: 5GB, 1000 song at least, decent player) with this kind of added VOIP functionality:

    Skype have somethin really interesting here too:

    ie: how about an Apple VOIP iPhone that skips the network issue completely ? and with 802.11x access to connect to the iTunes store, QT Trailers, etc... RSS even?

    I'm thinking more along the lines of not a phone that is also a nano, but a nano that is also a phone. How about something like this, but with wi-fi, stuffed inside a nano?

  • Reply 68 of 111
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    No, no, no to Vonage, skype and everything thing else.

    If they want more than a couple of business people and mac nerds to buy the phone is needs to be a CELL PHONE.

    All this "it's just a nano and use your address book contacts to make calls."

    NO! The thing has to be able to call anyone at anytime. This is a situationt that apple cannot lead the curve on.

    Eventually if they can cost effectively and want to add some stuff fine, but to outright make something other than what the world over expects/needs would just be commiting product suicide.
  • Reply 69 of 111
    slugheadslughead Posts: 1,169member
    They shouldn't make cell phone + driving illegal, what they should do is have cell phone logs admitted as evidence automatically.

    That way, if you get hit by one of these idiots, you get into court and point to a piece of paper and walk out with a cheque for the damages with no fuss.

    If both parties were on a cell at the time of the accident, they must battle to the death in judge's chambers.

    On the other hand, I think it should be the same way with DUI... people who drink a lot regularly can have a really high BAC before they drive any worse than the average soccer mom in her FORD EXTERMINATOR?. Again, just do a blood test and have it admissable in court.

    Finally, in most states there are laws saying that it's not a "hit and run" unless the driver does not turn themselves in within 24 hours. That's bullcrap. That's like robbing a bank and giving the money back a few hours later--you still robbed a freakin bank!

    Getting back to the iPhone, I see it as easily possible Apple will do this, but I don't know how popular it will be. Most of the demographic that this would be marketted to already have phones and are in contracts. Also, I got my phone FREE with my service agreement; since I'm locked into a contract, I expect nothing less and will never purchase a cell phone if I can avoid it.
  • Reply 70 of 111

    Originally posted by slughead

    They shouldn't make cell phone + driving illegal, what they should do is have cell phone logs admitted as evidence automatically.

    That way, if you get hit by one of these idiots, you get into court and point to a piece of paper and walk out with a cheque for the damages with no fuss.

    so, what fuss free advice do you give if you get hit and KILLED?

    making it illegal, means MOST people WONT do it, thereby reducing the need to go to court... or A&E... or the mortuary.
  • Reply 71 of 111

    Originally posted by slughead

    That way, if you get hit by one of these idiots, you get into court and point to a piece of paper and walk out with a cheque for the damages with no fuss.[/B]

    Especially if you're killed or decapitated. No fuss at all.
  • Reply 72 of 111
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member

    Originally posted by ecking

    That's exactly what I want/need. No stupid propietery providing that would be screwed up when it comes to canada or any garbage like that.

    It'd be amazing for people new to their contracts. Sign up for the one that gives you that shitty free phone, they always pump, toss the free phone and put in your iphone.

    Better than that whole OMG ITS 69 DOLLARS WITH A 3 YEAR CONTRACT, like those samsung and other makers do.

    I always found it funny that the sony store doesn't sell unlocked versions of their phones.

    Damn that'd be sick because I've been limping around on my old sony ericson wondering if I should wait until my contract is up for renewal or hit up the internet and get something crazy from asia.

    You can buy unlocked versions of pretty much every phone existing now, on sites like expansys.

  • Reply 73 of 111

    Originally posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    Don't forget the old farts who haven't switched from AT&T to Cingular on the old TDMA network...

    Also, this means nothing, but Cingular and T-Mobile generally use the same towers as one another. T-Mobile "rents" or shall I say "borrows" the towers from Cingular since they've only been around for 4 years. Borrowing allowed them to grow so fast. They have put up a few of their own however. I always thought that was a little funny. You think of T-Mobile being so big yet all they are are just little free-loaders...

    You fight like a dairy farmer...

    (Sorry, I HAD to )
  • Reply 74 of 111
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by Hiro

    A University of Michigan statistical study found a person using/talking on a cell phone (specifically) is more likely to have an accident than a drunk. They also said doing anything active other than just driving at a minimum doubles your chances of causing an accident. Even just talking, whether on the phone hands free or to the person next to you. It's all about divided attention while operating a lethal potentially machine.

    Hey, I believe it! I constantly get stuck in back of people talking on their cellphones while driving. They are always weaving all over the road or speeding up and slowing down irregularly. Constantly crossing the yellow line or going off onto the shoulder. It's worse when they are operating their phones but even when they have a headset on they seem to be in their own little world. So I'm all for a law that would limit or eliminate cellphone use in a car. Hell, I'd like to eliminate cellphone use in public places too. I'm in the supermarket and someone is having a rather personal yet very loud conversation. These people have no shame. Then they look at you as if you're being in the same aisle is an invasion of their privacy. I'm so sick of it. Blah blah blah . I have 10,000 minutes and nothing important to say. Blah blah blah .
  • Reply 75 of 111

    Originally posted by MovieCutter

    You fight like a dairy farmer...

    (Sorry, I HAD to )

    How appropriate. You fight like a cow...
  • Reply 76 of 111
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by 1984

    I'm in the supermarket and someone is having a rather personal yet very loud conversation. These people have no shame. Then they look at you as if you're being in the same aisle is an invasion of their privacy.

    Made 10x worse by that damned 'walkie-talkie' mode where you hear *BOTH* sides of the conversation.

    I royally pissed off someone who was having a domestic spat, on walkie-talkie, in the grocery store, at full volume. We were on the same 'track' in the store, apparently, since I couldn't seem to ditch her. Finally I just stopped, and announced to both of them exactly what my advice was. She. Looked. Pissed. I just looked at her and said "What, you've been announcing your test results and his reaction all over the store, I figured it was for public consumption."

    People two aisles over were clapping.
  • Reply 77 of 111
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    5 years from now every phone will have a slot where you can plug your Nano or Shuffle in to. So will headphones. I saw a guy on a bus the other day with headphones with a built in radio. Wouldn't a slot to slip an iPod in there make for a great set of headphones?
  • Reply 78 of 111
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    5 years from now every phone will have a slot where you can plug your Nano or Shuffle in to. So will headphones. I saw a guy on a bus the other day with headphones with a built in radio. Wouldn't a slot to slip an iPod in there make for a great set of headphones?

    5 years from now the nano or the shuffle won't exist anymore, at least not new ones. All new phones will play music too.
  • Reply 79 of 111
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Just like 5 years ago all phones today were supposed to be PDA's and GPS receivers.

    Hmm, we have a few that are also PDAs but hardly that are GPS too. The magical convergence thingie just ain't happening cause all the tries so far have basically sucked unless you are a tech junkie looking for a fix of trons.
  • Reply 80 of 111
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Originally posted by Hiro

    Just like 5 years ago all phones today were supposed to be PDA's and GPS receivers.

    Hmm, we have a few that are also PDAs but hardly that are GPS too. The magical convergence thingie just ain't happening cause all the tries so far have basically sucked unless you are a tech junkie looking for a fix of trons.

    I never made that claim. A phone that plays music is a small upgrade. I never said they would be good players either, I just said the would play music.
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