Who isnt going to "purchase" a .mac account?
Who isnt going to "purchase" a .mac account?
I looked at the other "free" sites and their management is so clunky compared to the @mac pages, Im actually tempted...
I looked at the other "free" sites and their management is so clunky compared to the @mac pages, Im actually tempted...
<strong>I won't be. I never really used any of the features anyhow. iDisk was always slow... I had a mac.com email address because all the kids were doing it. For $100... I think I could find better ways to spend that money... like taking my girl out for a nice dinner.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Expensive Dinner...no don't do that Man...you already got here. Save your money
I'll probably grab an .mac account someday. I see Apple as offering some good stuff eventually.
But as long as the service is generating revenue, Apple can invest more into it. That gives it a bright future.
Also, it's another 'bonus' that can no be added to increase the value of a machine. Before it was just free, but now they have something to give you that 'should' cost. That might increase sales of machines for 'switchers' that never really knew it was free in the first place.
And it's only $44 more a year than a .Mac account.
I won' t be buying a .mac account.
The email address isn't all that. I might use it for a spare accoount, but I doubt it. Will likely use POP mail, as Hotmail took that away.
Definitely interested in iCal and the ability to share and merge calendars on the fly via the web.
If they offered a $10 or $20 a year email only account, I may get that. I suppose it doesn't really matter now that I have my university account, but @mac.com email is very convenient and nice.
it is nice to see that the people in this forum agree.. if it is worth 100 bucks to ya, get it. if not dont'.
What cracks me up about the controversy is the "whinners" go on about how great iTools was how important it is to them etc. Then they complain it cost money. I love beer. We all do don't we. But does anyone give away beer. No! loving the service is a reason to charge money.
So... no, I won't be purchasing a .mac account.
I've already switched and informed all my friends of my new address, my other free pop account. This is less than a year after I informed all my friends and contacts about my great new mac.com address, an email address that I can always be reached at because it is one I would have all my life, or at least Apple's.
[ 07-18-2002: Message edited by: Scooterboy ]
[ 07-18-2002: Message edited by: Scooterboy ]</p>
I really like the new site layout.
If a local bar advertised free beer, and then you went there and they had free beer. You drank the free beer. It was good. You liked the bar and the beer. You went to the bar... a lot. Then one day you went to the bar to get your free beer, which was good, and suddenly the bar was charging you for the free beer! What the hell?!
Would you pay for the beer because it was good and you liked it? Would you be appreciative of the bar because they were able to give you free beer before and you liked the bar?
Or would you whine and cry, and forsake the bar because they now had the audacity to charge you for your free beer? So what if it cost them to give you the free beer! So what if the economy is a little down! You want your free beer and if they can't give it to you, you should talk sh*t about the bar and their crappy beer! Maybe even try to start a petition and boycott the bar and their beer?
Me. I like beer. And I will pay for it, because I like it. No more, no less...