Briefly: Apple on Vista, Leopard, retail windows



  • Reply 21 of 135
    Not that it matters, and I totally can't prove it... but when the "Vista" name first appeared... I sent apple a webform email submission asking them to please use "Hasta la vista" in their next ads for Leopard.

    I'm glad someone else at least thought of this and printed it on a big banner.
  • Reply 22 of 135
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Originally Posted by Henriok

    I agree with Palegolas. I think it's rather petty to poke at Microsoft. Can't they see that they are hurting?! It's mean to kick someone when they are down.

    Ohhhh, I don't know. I once had the opportunity to kick someone while he was down. I didn't. And next thing you know, as I was walking away, he gets up...takes a bat to my shins and then proceeded to kick *ME* while I was down.
  • Reply 23 of 135
    It's not kicking someone while they're down. It's winning...thoroughly.
  • Reply 24 of 135
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ensign Pulver

    There is ZERO downside to associating Leopard with Vista and/or attacking Microsoft.

    MS is going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars advertising Vista and the average consumer will just assume that it's "good". By directly comparing Leopard to Vista as much as possible, Apple rides that publicity wave for free. Every newspaper review and news story on Vista's launch and features will mention the Mac alternative and the general message to the public will be "Vista is good, but Leopard is better". All without Apple spending a dime.

    Oh, and "Hasta la vista, Vista " is sheer brilliance.

    I can see the potential upsides, but the fact that you can't see any potential downsides hurts your argument.
  • Reply 25 of 135
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    As a lifelong wiseacre I have always admired humor such as "Hasta la vista, Vista!" However, I also remember when as a teenager I first heard in a movie the saying "Nobody likes a smartass." I was crushed and took it personally. Many Americans don't like smartasses.

    So it might seem that these banners are a bad idea. Fortunately, as someone mentioned above, this is the developers conference not a national campaign. Apple are preaching to the choir and the choir loves it.

    Ready for your next sermon Brother Jobs! Bring it!
  • Reply 26 of 135
    recompilerecompile Posts: 100member
    What Does Splunge mean?

    Well, a freeloader can be often referred to as a sponge. (I had a roommate like that once) That is someone who follows you around stealing all of your ideas like a "Sponge". And when you do something in excess and with total disregard for anything else, you could say "He Plunged into it".

    So I guess SPLUNGED would be the freeloading, idea stealing, people from Redmond that certainly have no regard for others.
  • Reply 27 of 135
    ai51240ai51240 Posts: 87member
    Ahh... these new photos are a refreshing treat for those who are unable to attend WWDC. The Leopard developers must be pretty confident to use "Hasta la vista, Vista" on one of their banners. That's a great indiction on how awesome Leopard might be. We'll find out MONDAY! Can't wait.
  • Reply 28 of 135
    lgnomelgnome Posts: 81member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog

    So it might seem that these banners are a bad idea. Fortunately, as someone mentioned above, this is the developers conference not a national campaign. Apple are preaching to the choir and the choir loves it.

    Ready for your next sermon Brother Jobs! Bring it!


    The banners are in place to greet the _core_ members of the "cult" of Apple.

    To quote Douglas Atkin from "The Culting of Brands":

    "Cults need to cultivate separateness and home in on those who also feel separate. To create a mutal sense of separation your organization will need to:

    1. Determine you potential franchise's sense of difference

    2. Declare your own difference with doctrine and language

    3. Demarcate yourself from the outside world and,

    4. Demonize "the other." "

    Since Jobs and company can't really pull a 1984 on MS as the did to IBM, they have to stick to 1-3 for the time being..

    If you keep these points in mind, you will see that almost all of Apple's communication fits into one of these catagories.. As well, these posters are perfect examples of hitting 3 of the 4 points at once..
  • Reply 29 of 135
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i do want to point out there is STILL one UNveiled banner on the first floor.
  • Reply 30 of 135
    How can apple say they are better that vista runs on a lot more hardware, you can build the systems you self, and you can get systems that will run vista for less then a mac with more power.
  • Reply 31 of 135
    ai51240ai51240 Posts: 87member
    Originally Posted by rok

    i do want to point out there is STILL one UNveiled banner on the first floor.

    UN-veiled banners = sexy hidden goodness.

    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon

    How can apple say they are better that vista runs on a lot more hardware, you can build the systems you self, and you can get systems that will run vista for less then a mac with more power.

    Exactly, WE DON'T KNOW YET. But I believe Monday will speak for itself.
  • Reply 32 of 135
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon

    How can apple say they are better that vista runs on a lot more hardware, you can build the systems you self, and you can get systems that will run vista for less then a mac with more power.

    Because those points fail to address Vista's worth as an operating system?
  • Reply 33 of 135
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon

    How can apple say they are better that vista runs on a lot more hardware, you can build the systems you self, and you can get systems that will run vista for less then a mac with more power.

    You are SO right and I'm sure after being informed of your post here on AI that Steve will wake up first thing tomorrow morning and pull that banner down himself.
  • Reply 34 of 135
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member
    Guys, come on. It's not like Apple hasn't been so blatant before. Last year they had similar banners saying "Redmond, Start Your Photocopiers" and others taunting Longhorn.
  • Reply 35 of 135
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    I love the lines...the only word of caution is that when you do this, you better be able to back it up.

    Leopard better blow the socks off of Vista, not merely be just better. Otherwise the herd will continue to follow what they perceive as the "safer" operating system (Vista). Ironic, but sadly true.
  • Reply 36 of 135
    OK guys - let's play a game:

    Honest guess as to Vista consumer release date:

    A) Never (world ends, or MS goes bankrupt first)

    B) Jan-Mar 2007

    C) Mar-May 2007

    D) June-Aug 2007
  • Reply 37 of 135
    I'm going to go C, but closer to May then March.
  • Reply 38 of 135
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by Henriok

    I agree with Palegolas. I think it's rather petty to poke at Microsoft. Can't they see that they are hurting?! It's mean to kick someone when they are down.

    Microsoft is by far the largest software company on earth, has a market cap of $300 billion (6x that of Apple) and despite the "accepted wisdom" in certain elite circles that they are losing the plot, they still show double digit revenue growth year over year.

    Delays to Vista only affect the company in the very short term. Windows owns 95% of the desktop market. Most software is written for Windows.

    If any company has the ability to poke at this 800lb gorilla, they damn well should!

    After all, the most it will achieve is Apple scoring an extra port or two of a Windows app and the hearts & minds of a few impressionable young student developers. This is a developer conference. It has little influence on what people buy, which will continue to be vast numbers of PCs running whatever flavor of Windows is currently shipping. There's no changing that.
  • Reply 39 of 135
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member
    I think Apple should be very, very careful here.

    Hubris is one of the spikes that fatally impale great companies.

    Vista is already delayed, and everyone knows it is going to be delayed again. There is nothing stopping Microsoft from delaying it by another 6 months and adding in whatever is missing from Visa that Apple announces for Leopard.

    Microsoft can easily take the hit--which they need to do anyway from everything I have read--and close the gap with Leopard.

    The only other option here is Leopard is such an enormous leap in features and functionality that Apple simply isn't worried about this scenario at all. Perhaps the innovation Apple has in store for us would take longer than 6 months to code and test.

    I would love for that scenario to be true, for Apple to have an epic upgrade in Leopard. The type of jump that was 10.2 over OS 9. But given the anemic Tiger upgrade, I am not optimistic.

    I guess I am looking at Leopard pessimistically because of Tiger. I think there will be 10 true new features, some cool, some useless. But things like iCal will continue to suck. Yes, I know I am being negative here, but I have been disappointed by Apple of late. (Yet I still love them.)

    But boy do I hope I am wrong. Nothing would make me happier than for Apple to preview an enormous, innovative update tomorrow.
  • Reply 40 of 135
    Ok, but MS's lead is only because of it's lead. MS is supported only by inertia if Vista falls through. If Office winds up not being well-liked (the interface change is semi-divisive), then OO.o could get a bit of a boost, and if Vista bombs, people will look at Macs.

    Apple's winning here isn't 50% of the market, it's more like 15. All Apple and Linux need to do is loosen MS's grip and get it to about 75% market share. Then Windows developers are gonna look at Mac and Linux and see that they can add a lot to their profits by coding for them. If a competitor starts a Mac port, you darn well better too.
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