Jobs talks up Apple cell phone



  • Reply 41 of 93
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by West

    None of the mockus I've seen in the past couple years even come close to something that Apple would release. I also have a feeling it won't be a flip phone, that just wouldn't match the Apple aesthetic.

    Apple's notebooks are roughly comparable to a flip phone, you have to open it up to use it. People seem to like those aesthetics well enough.

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    ...Non-flip phones generally get more cracked/scratched screens, accidentally dial and are too large to fit small pockets.

    I'm most concerned about accidental input and protecting the screen and keys. I've been getting a lot of annoying accidental inputs on my nano. I haven't quite disciplined myself to using the "hold" switch. It wasn't a problem with my 4G though.

    I think the "cannibalization" argument is pretty odd. It's reaching out to an untapped market that might not want to have a second piece of electronics in their pockets. What was that mantra? Obsolete your own product before your competitors do.
  • Reply 42 of 93
    I have yet to see a cell phone I'd consider "Done right". They always feel like MacOS interoperability is a kludge, at best. I think the reason camera phones impacted the low end camera market was because thats the quality of the cameras they put in the phones.

    If I had a camera iPhone that could take iPhoto quality pics (Should probably have a decent fill flash) or iMovie worthy movie clips, play iTunes content, iSync properly with the usual data sources, run java apps and games, EASILY upload skins and ringtones (ever tried to skin a RAZR?) Connect to the internet with a REASONABLY PRICED ($20/mo) unlimited data plan and be able to share that connection with a bluetooth enabled computer, Easily. For all of this it should have at least 15GB of storage.

    I'm currently using a sony ericsson w600i. About 1/3rd of the features are network dependent. My cell provider doesn't have reasonably priced data packages. ($50/mo for limited connectivity to start) Setting the phone up to share connectivity from a mac (while possible) isn't very easy. I didn't buy 2/3rds of a phone I bought a whole phone. Tying these features to prohibitively expensive service is just annoying.

    This phone is .mp3 aware but only has 256MB of storage total for music, movies, pictures, messages, ringtones, skins and java apps/games. And isn't memory upgradeable. When I copy music to the phone either via the USB connection or bluetooth. A second ghost file of some songs appears on the phone. It appears in the playlist but won't play. Can't be deleted by the phone. I think it's an aberration of the journalized file system of OS X but not sure. I was surprised how well the external speakers worked on the phone for playing music. But, the headphones that came with the system sucked. They had a tiny 8 inch cord that plugged into a proprietary connector (I hope I never loose or damage ) That acts as the radio antenna (which doesn't work unless this cable is plugged in ), built in Mic for hands free headset and a headphone adapter.

    I was thinking I had a nice bonus that this phone had a camera. The camera has some issues. It is 1.3 Megapixel. But, the quality is grainy and the colors shift a lot. Despite having a fill flash and a night mode this camera doesn't perform anywhere near dusk. Ironically, the light/flash on the phone is the most used feature for me. It's the most convenient flashlight I've ever owned. The only size movies the camera will take is a useless 176 x 144. What am I suppose to do with that!? Useless! The RAZR has a more usefull camera that is lower rez but quality is far better. Even the movies are bigger with it.

    I could go on. But I won't. Needless to say. There is room in the market for a really great cell phone.
  • Reply 43 of 93
    They would not make a flip phone because outside of America, flip phones aren't as popular as regular bar phones. And they certainly aren't going to have two versions of the same phone.
  • Reply 44 of 93
    mordakmordak Posts: 168member
    @wnurse: 2 words... windows xp
  • Reply 45 of 93
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member
    If it flawlessly syncs with my address book and calendar, I will find the money.
  • Reply 46 of 93
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Why do you exist? Why are you here?

    I haven't read a single post of yours that wasn't flamebait.

    Fuck off.

    He's presenting information relevant to the topic, which is more than most around here can say.

    "I'd buy one !!11!"

    "Me too!"

  • Reply 47 of 93
    lantznlantzn Posts: 240member
    Originally Posted by halhiker

    I do not have a cell phone. I have never had a cell phone. I have borrowed my wife's on occasion and can see that benefit but haven't really found something I'd care to carry around with me 24/7. If Apple comes out with a unit the offer the same experience we have become accustomed to with Apple products, I will buy one.

    And if I, who is one of the world's last cellphone holdouts, would buy one, what about those who live with their cellphone attached to their ears? They will not only sell phones but it'll also move people to buy MACS because you know that iLife will be set up just for it. Very exciting stuff.

    Hey I'm the other holdout and also use my wife's now and then. I heard there was another holdout, good to finally meet you. I to am anxiously waiting to buy a Apple phone.
  • Reply 48 of 93
    We all want steve to announce the iPhone. We all deep down know that it would be a pure device, something only apple can achive. I have no doubt that the device will be fantastic, however I would love to disucss what soft features will make the phone "Apple".

    Here are my thoughts

    The plans- The plans will be simple and easy to understand, no BS no stupid fine print. Apple will create their Own network, much like Helio has.

    $49/m- 1000 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- 10mb data

    $99/m- 2500 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- Unlimited data

    The apple touch- I think apple will utilize the data capabilites to tie into .Mac. Why not, all of the important data is there already, or it could be. Whenever you enter an area with data coverage it checks and updates your .mac both directions. WITHOUT USING YOUR DATA LIMITS. This would be a very apple thing to do. This would really be fantastic knowing the data is up to the second accurate and can be shared with your office or home. Can't get in touch with your office or home, change your cal and they can check where you are.

    .Mac? Yes, the infrastructure is there. Imagine taking a photo with the phone and the picture being in your iphoto library when you get home, no transfers to worry about nothing. Buy a song through the phone, and it will also download on your mac when you check for songs.

    One More Thing... Dot Mac is FREE for all iPhone subscribers. We all want .mac to be free and the iphone would allow apple to extend the benefits to the people who could really appreciate the integration .mac lends.

  • Reply 49 of 93
    chromoschromos Posts: 191member
    Originally Posted by 05elstonc

    We all want steve to announce the iPhone. We all deep down know that it would be a pure device, something only apple can achive. I have no doubt that the device will be fantastic, however I would love to disucss what soft features will make the phone "Apple".

    ...(cool thoughts on auto-syncing etc)


    A. I would like the network to triangulate where I am to allow the following services:

    1) local weather

    2) maps to any address in my Address Book from my current location

    3) locations of closest stores/banks/ATMs/theatres etc.

    B. push .Mac email

    C. voice synthesis/recognition to enable thumbs-free menu navigation
  • Reply 50 of 93
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by 05elstonc

    We all want steve to announce the iPhone. We all deep down know that it would be a pure device, something only apple can achive. I have no doubt that the device will be fantastic, however I would love to disucss what soft features will make the phone "Apple".

    Here are my thoughts

    The plans- The plans will be simple and easy to understand, no BS no stupid fine print. Apple will create their Own network, much like Helio has.

    $49/m- 1000 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- 10mb data

    $99/m- 2500 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- Unlimited data

    The apple touch- I think apple will utilize the data capabilites to tie into .Mac. Why not, all of the important data is there already, or it could be. Whenever you enter an area with data coverage it checks and updates your .mac both directions. WITHOUT USING YOUR DATA LIMITS. This would be a very apple thing to do. This would really be fantastic knowing the data is up to the second accurate and can be shared with your office or home. Can't get in touch with your office or home, change your cal and they can check where you are.

    .Mac? Yes, the infrastructure is there. Imagine taking a photo with the phone and the picture being in your iphoto library when you get home, no transfers to worry about nothing. Buy a song through the phone, and it will also download on your mac when you check for songs.

    One More Thing... Dot Mac is FREE for all iPhone subscribers. We all want .mac to be free and the iphone would allow apple to extend the benefits to the people who could really appreciate the integration .mac lends.


    If they do that, bye bye Nextel.
  • Reply 51 of 93
    Originally Posted by 05elstonc

    .Mac? Yes, the infrastructure is there. Imagine taking a photo with the phone and the picture being in your iphoto library when you get home, no transfers to worry about nothing. Buy a song through the phone, and it will also download on your mac when you check for songs.

    If you do this, then having .Mac has to be required. One of two scenarios have to happen then:

    a) .Mac has a free version of it (like .Mac Basic)

    b) .Mac becomes a part of the fee. Those people who already have it, get a discounted price.

    Originally Posted by chromos

    C. voice synthesis/recognition to enable thumbs-free menu navigation

    My simple phone from Sprint has this already, and it kicks some serious ass. I think that if they can get the voice recognition down in Leopard, they may be able to use the existing technology that is already out there to be able to pull this off.
  • Reply 52 of 93
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    Originally Posted by lantzn

    Hey I'm the other holdout and also use my wife's now and then. I heard there was another holdout, good to finally meet you. I to am anxiously waiting to buy a Apple phone.

    I rarely use my old Nokia 2120 but it does what I need it to do. I think the new Motorola Motofone is the best idea they've ever had. A basic phone where reception, battery life and an easy to see screen are the only concerns. No color screen, games, camera, etc. Just a phone that works. It looks nice too.

    Of course an iPod phone would be very tempting despite being in an entirely different category.
  • Reply 53 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Why do you exist? Why are you here?

    I haven't read a single post of yours that wasn't flamebait.

    Fuck off.

    I exist to piss you off and to have you tell me to fuck of. So i disagreed about an unlocked phone being practical.. big fucking deal. I did not say i wouldn't like a apple phone (actually, i said i prefer they make it available to the carriers so the carriers can subsidize me).

    Why the hell do you exist?.. Why are you here?.. i haven't read a single post of yours that wasn't stupid.

    get a fucking clue.

    I just had to steal your line man.. Like someone said.. that is funny as shit, i thought i'd improve on the line.

    Chill dude, the phone is gonna be great.. I just disagree it will be unlocked.
  • Reply 54 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by 05elstonc

    We all want steve to announce the iPhone. We all deep down know that it would be a pure device, something only apple can achive. I have no doubt that the device will be fantastic, however I would love to disucss what soft features will make the phone "Apple".

    Here are my thoughts

    The plans- The plans will be simple and easy to understand, no BS no stupid fine print. Apple will create their Own network, much like Helio has.

    $49/m- 1000 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- 10mb data

    $99/m- 2500 minutes- free txt msgs - Nights/Weekends- Unlimited data

    The apple touch- I think apple will utilize the data capabilites to tie into .Mac. Why not, all of the important data is there already, or it could be. Whenever you enter an area with data coverage it checks and updates your .mac both directions. WITHOUT USING YOUR DATA LIMITS. This would be a very apple thing to do. This would really be fantastic knowing the data is up to the second accurate and can be shared with your office or home. Can't get in touch with your office or home, change your cal and they can check where you are.

    .Mac? Yes, the infrastructure is there. Imagine taking a photo with the phone and the picture being in your iphoto library when you get home, no transfers to worry about nothing. Buy a song through the phone, and it will also download on your mac when you check for songs.

    One More Thing... Dot Mac is FREE for all iPhone subscribers. We all want .mac to be free and the iphone would allow apple to extend the benefits to the people who could really appreciate the integration .mac lends.


    Bye, Bye nextel indeed. That is more than any carrier does for you right now. Obviously, could only switch to an apple service when plan expires (that early termination fee is no joke).

    I still think Apple sells to a carrier and let the carrier do their thing.. it's one thing to manufacturer a phone (heck, even microsoft can do that).. it's quite another to manage a network, respond to complaints and basically get your name dragged through the mud (who on this message board hasn't cursed their cell carrier at some point?). I've had sprint, nextel, tmobile and cursed each one of them when my calls get dropped (i don't curse motorola or nokia or samsung..notice i curse the carriers).. It's risky but coverage is not good enough in the U. S (don't know about outside US) for apple to gurantee their legendary ease of use and reliability (yeah i can imagine it.. apple resells sprint and when people have dropped calls, they go... damn apple network.. it sucks, I'm going back to verizon).

    But hey, Apple form a network and give out minutes like you said.. i'd definetly switch (my contract has ran out so that is not a problem for me)..Free .Mac?.. holy shit!!! I'd sell my ipod too since even if the phone can only hold 100 songs, i can download more songs whenever i want (provided they allowed me to download songs i already bought and paid for without charging me for it again)
  • Reply 55 of 93
    Originally Posted by Plague Bearer

    If I had a camera iPhone that could take iPhoto quality pics (Should probably have a decent fill flash) or iMovie worthy movie clips, play iTunes content, iSync properly with the usual data sources, run java apps and games, EASILY upload skins and ringtones (ever tried to skin a RAZR?) Connect to the internet with a REASONABLY PRICED ($20/mo) unlimited data plan and be able to share that connection with a bluetooth enabled computer, Easily. For all of this it should have at least 15GB of storage.

    Wow... I hope you get your phone one day, but I want something that is a little cheaper, smaller, and doesn't do everything (but what it does it does well).

    The lens of a good quality camera takes up too much space, it's not just the megapixels of camera-phones that are a problem. If it's got unlimited data then it really doesn't need 15GB of storage, and I'd prefer a smaller iPhone without hard-disk (half the width?) and greater battery life anyway.

    Apple won't have much clout on changing the data rates - whether it's via other providers or reselling a provider (though they might drop them down slightly?). The big potential they've got is to make some sort of deal with multiple wifi hotspot companies so that as you go past it logs in and syncs automatically. Such a deal would be good for anyone with an Apple laptop - as they could access similarly. Perhaps Apple could also let you share your own home wireless to other Apple users, for credits to be used elsewhere.
  • Reply 56 of 93
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member
    Even though it's a huge design challenge (both form factor and UI), and risky venture for a company with no cellphone experience, I think it's inevitable that the iPod will gain phone functionality.

    What I would like to know though is why the "This Week in Tech" (TWiT) people dismissed the idea outright, as recently as last week?

    Normally people like Leo Laporte are pretty fanboyish on even the wildest Apple rumors, but this was a flat, "no way Apple is getting into the cellphone market."

    I wonder, are they that shortsighted (I do know they don't bother to research their stories and often wrong in details), or do they really know something and don't want to be seen as revealing their sources or breaking journalists' NDAs?
  • Reply 57 of 93
    Originally Posted by backtomac

    If they do that, bye bye Nextel.

    Nextel already went bye-bye. Sprint bought them out
  • Reply 58 of 93
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I have not read all the posts, but I think any Phone should be a Phone first. iPod with Phone capabilities is an odd way to approach a product.

    Needless to say, I'm curious to see it.
  • Reply 59 of 93
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    Don't worry about the price of the Apple phone. It won't be over priced, these people have that covered:

    Note that none of their models are flip phones.

    I too was a hold out for many many years. Then my Dad got a family plan and put me, my wife and my sister on it. So now I have one. It's a Samsung flip and it's *ok*, but the OS is wretched. If I'm gonna have one I want it to be Applefied even if I hardly use it.

    Yeah, I'm 49 years old and my Dad pays for my cel phone. Isn't my Dad great?
  • Reply 60 of 93
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by michaelb

    What I would like to know though is why the "This Week in Tech" (TWiT) people dismissed the idea outright, as recently as last week?

    Normally people like Leo Laporte are pretty fanboyish on even the wildest Apple rumors, but this was a flat, "no way Apple is getting into the cellphone market."

    Did he really say that as you stated? The discussion was about what would be announced at WWDC. What I thought I heard was that there's no way Apple is introducing an iPhone during WWDC, and that would have been an acceptable prediction. I would not dismiss the possibility or likelyhood of an iPhone, but I would have dismissed the rumor that there would be one announced at the WWDC.
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