Given the current debate over the viability and desirablity of a mid range tower mac, I think a poll is in order to see where users stand. For the puposes of this poll the mid range tower would be priced similar to the current iMac, ie about $1200.
shouldn't that be: *Put Merom in iMac And I'm Happy?
IMO, no. It's not a perfect poll and I've assumed that conroe will go in iMac. The question that I think needs answering; is the iMac all Apple needs in the Mid Range desktop space or is a mini tower necessary to saite users? If Merom goes in iMac then I would defirnately think that there is a need for a Mid Range Desktop Mac with Conroe, ie the mini tower.
IMO, no. It's not a perfect poll and I've assumed that conroe will go in iMac. The question that I think needs answering; is the iMac all Apple needs in the Mid Range desktop space or is a mini tower necessary to saite users? If Merom goes in iMac then I would defirnately think that there is a need for a Mid Range Desktop Mac with Conroe, ie the mini tower.
With every year that passes the iMac gets cheaper, even the new Pro desktop (we all know which one) has become very affordable. People have talked about this mid range business before. IMO it won't happen evarr!
With every year that passes the iMac gets cheaper, even the new Pro desktop (we all know which one) has become very affordable. People have talked about this mid range business before. IMO it won't happen evarr!
Personally, I'd be happy witha conroe iMac. However I think Apple should add a headless mid range mac to the lineup to give buyers another option. This is the heart of the desktop market. The Mac Pro is simply way to much machine for anyone but a pro or serious enthusiast.
Conroe in iMac is exactly what I'm waiting for. Crossing fingers that it'll happen by mid-September because the wait is excruiatingly painful. I'm keeping tabs on Dell's rollout - which is pretty limited - and am using that as a bellweather.
P.S. ..and please...don't put a Merom in an iMac. It would hardly have been worth the wait (aside from 64-bit support - which frankly, I'm not sure matters tons in an iMac given the limited amount of memory it can hold). Certainly the minor speed pickup from Yonah to Merom would not have been worth waiting for.
Given the current debate over the viability and desirablity of a mid range tower mac, I think a poll is in order to see where users stand. For the puposes of this poll the mid range tower would be priced similar to the current iMac, ie about $1200.
Is it possible to modify polls once they've started?
If so I humbly request that you add the following options:
-- I don't personally want a Mid Range Tower but think Apple should make one anyway.
Why? From the early reviews, there's not much of a performance gain between Yonah and Merom.
Just curious.
I requested it as an option in the poll, as some people are expecting the next iMac update to have a Merom, and they may be pleased with that.
It is worth pointing out that Merom and Conroe have exactly the same performance clock for clock, since they have exactly the same architecture. It's just that Conroe operates at a higher voltage and therefore higher wattage and is also able to clock higher than Merom.
I requested it as an option in the poll, as some people are expecting the next iMac update to have a Merom, and they may be pleased with that.
It is worth pointing out that Merom and Conroe have exactly the same performance clock for clock, since they have exactly the same architecture. It's just that Conroe operates at a higher voltage and therefore higher wattage and is also able to clock higher than Merom.
What the hell have you been smoking? They are all core duo 2 architecture.. Duh.
Conroe is much closer to a Woodcrest than it is a Merom. The real Difference between Conroe, and Woodcrest is a slightly lesser size FSB, and Conroe is a single socket processor, and that's about it. Shhh.. Of course it can clock higher.
when the G4 iMac was released Steve said that Apple wanted the screen and computer combined. IMO It makes it the perfect home computer, fewer wires no fuss. I don't see Apple changing this strategy.
I have a Mac (G4 Quicksilver 867) and I'm pretty sure the Mac Pro is out of my league at the moment, I would pick up a Core 2 iMac or mid tower, but not sure which. Wouldn't get a mini because I'd like a computer with a graphics card. Oh and I just got a 24" screen so for me its either a Mid tower with the expansion, or an iMac with 2 screen goodness :P !!! The only problem with the iMac option is that I'd need a bigger desk .
What the hell have you been smoking? They are all core duo 2 architecture.. Duh.
Conroe is much closer to a Woodcrest than it is a Merom. The real Difference between Conroe, and Woodcrest is a slightly lesser size FSB, and Conroe is a single socket processor, and that's about it. Shhh.. Of course it can clock higher.
I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me I'm wrong? Because I'm not.
Clock for clock, on the same FSB, one Merom, one Conroe and one Woodcrest all have the same performance, because they have exactly the same internal configuration. The thing is that each processor has a different chipset which may alter overall system performance slightly. It is difficult to judge performance of just the processors against one another as the systems they are put in are usually so different and all the other components that are used in the machines have a significant effect on overall system performance.
I agree with someone above; I have a new 23" monitor and a one-year-old G5 dual at home, and when I upgrade the computer next year I don't want to dispose of the monitor. Things are becoming powerful enough now that the average user (above the home user level) no longer needs to high end machine. Something more affordable (about $1800 sans monitor) would allow me to buy more software or take my wife on a cruise or something. A smaller footprint would also free up vital space in my office (I live in Japan and space is a premium).
I have iMacs at work, the wife has one, and they are great machines. However, especially for small businesses and othere people with tight budgets, a mid range Mac would be very welcome indeed.
Heh...I'm not sure you're going to get the results that you want on this forum. Thus far all it shows is that a headless mac has virtually no impact on switching but a 50-50 chance of cannibalizing other mac (presumably Conroe iMac) sales...
What might be interesting to see how many folks would buy or own a ACD with their headless mac.
I've kept the poll simple. Proponents of the headless mid range mac tower feel that there is tremendous demand for such a machine. Some feel that it would canabalize sales of iMac. It's not perfect but I think the poll gives some insight on this.
PS I don't know how or if it is able to modify the poll. At this point lets just see what the results are after a few days of voting.
I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me I'm wrong? Because I'm not.
Clock for clock, on the same FSB, one Merom, one Conroe and one Woodcrest all have the same performance, because they have exactly the same internal configuration.
They all have different FSBs which does affect performance.
Heh...I'm not sure you're going to get the results that you want on this forum. Thus far all it shows is that a headless mac has virtually no impact on switching but a 50-50 chance of cannibalizing other mac (presumably Conroe iMac) sales...
What might be interesting to see how many folks would buy or own a ACD with their headless mac.
A poll to find out potential market share growth would not be accurate on this forum because it is a Mac Centric forum and the majority of the people here already have Macs. Those who don't are probably already looking at purchasing one of the available models. To get a good indication of potential market share growth you would probably need to go to a more PC Centric or neutral tech forum to pole for potential switchers. If you were going to do this you would want to ask slightly different questions, such as if Apple were to offer a Mini tower would you be more or less likely to choose a Mac for your next purchase.
*Put Conroe in iMac And I'm Happy
shouldn't that be: *Put Merom in iMac And I'm Happy?
Your third choice!
*Put Conroe in iMac And I'm Happy
shouldn't that be: *Put Merom in iMac And I'm Happy?
IMO, no. It's not a perfect poll and I've assumed that conroe will go in iMac. The question that I think needs answering; is the iMac all Apple needs in the Mid Range desktop space or is a mini tower necessary to saite users? If Merom goes in iMac then I would defirnately think that there is a need for a Mid Range Desktop Mac with Conroe, ie the mini tower.
IMO, no. It's not a perfect poll and I've assumed that conroe will go in iMac. The question that I think needs answering; is the iMac all Apple needs in the Mid Range desktop space or is a mini tower necessary to saite users? If Merom goes in iMac then I would defirnately think that there is a need for a Mid Range Desktop Mac with Conroe, ie the mini tower.
With every year that passes the iMac gets cheaper, even the new Pro desktop (we all know which one) has become very affordable. People have talked about this mid range business before. IMO it won't happen evarr!
With every year that passes the iMac gets cheaper, even the new Pro desktop (we all know which one) has become very affordable. People have talked about this mid range business before. IMO it won't happen evarr!
Personally, I'd be happy witha conroe iMac. However I think Apple should add a headless mid range mac to the lineup to give buyers another option. This is the heart of the desktop market. The Mac Pro is simply way to much machine for anyone but a pro or serious enthusiast.
P.S. ..and please...don't put a Merom in an iMac. It would hardly have been worth the wait (aside from 64-bit support - which frankly, I'm not sure matters tons in an iMac given the limited amount of memory it can hold). Certainly the minor speed pickup from Yonah to Merom would not have been worth waiting for.
Given the current debate over the viability and desirablity of a mid range tower mac, I think a poll is in order to see where users stand. For the puposes of this poll the mid range tower would be priced similar to the current iMac, ie about $1200.
Is it possible to modify polls once they've started?
If so I humbly request that you add the following options:
-- I don't personally want a Mid Range Tower but think Apple should make one anyway.
-- Put Merom in an iMac and I'm happy.
-- Put Merom in an iMac and I'm happy.
Why? From the early reviews, there's not much of a performance gain between Yonah and Merom.
Just curious.
Why? From the early reviews, there's not much of a performance gain between Yonah and Merom.
Just curious.
I requested it as an option in the poll, as some people are expecting the next iMac update to have a Merom, and they may be pleased with that.
It is worth pointing out that Merom and Conroe have exactly the same performance clock for clock, since they have exactly the same architecture. It's just that Conroe operates at a higher voltage and therefore higher wattage and is also able to clock higher than Merom.
I requested it as an option in the poll, as some people are expecting the next iMac update to have a Merom, and they may be pleased with that.
It is worth pointing out that Merom and Conroe have exactly the same performance clock for clock, since they have exactly the same architecture. It's just that Conroe operates at a higher voltage and therefore higher wattage and is also able to clock higher than Merom.
What the hell have you been smoking? They are all core duo 2 architecture.. Duh.
Conroe is much closer to a Woodcrest than it is a Merom. The real Difference between Conroe, and Woodcrest is a slightly lesser size FSB, and Conroe is a single socket processor, and that's about it. Shhh.. Of course it can clock higher.
... Oh, and Adobe CS3 of course
What the hell have you been smoking? They are all core duo 2 architecture.. Duh.
Conroe is much closer to a Woodcrest than it is a Merom. The real Difference between Conroe, and Woodcrest is a slightly lesser size FSB, and Conroe is a single socket processor, and that's about it. Shhh.. Of course it can clock higher.
I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me I'm wrong? Because I'm not.
Clock for clock, on the same FSB, one Merom, one Conroe and one Woodcrest all have the same performance, because they have exactly the same internal configuration. The thing is that each processor has a different chipset which may alter overall system performance slightly. It is difficult to judge performance of just the processors against one another as the systems they are put in are usually so different and all the other components that are used in the machines have a significant effect on overall system performance.
4: NO! Apple is NEVER going to provide this now get over it!
5: I don't care what Apple does but P-L-E-A-S-E lets not litter the AI forums with a million different threads all saying the same thing.
As for me I'm caught between choices 4 and 5 myself...
I agree with someone above; I have a new 23" monitor and a one-year-old G5 dual at home, and when I upgrade the computer next year I don't want to dispose of the monitor. Things are becoming powerful enough now that the average user (above the home user level) no longer needs to high end machine. Something more affordable (about $1800 sans monitor) would allow me to buy more software or take my wife on a cruise or something. A smaller footprint would also free up vital space in my office (I live in Japan and space is a premium).
I have iMacs at work, the wife has one, and they are great machines. However, especially for small businesses and othere people with tight budgets, a mid range Mac would be very welcome indeed.
What might be interesting to see how many folks would buy or own a ACD with their headless mac.
PS I don't know how or if it is able to modify the poll. At this point lets just see what the results are after a few days of voting.
I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me I'm wrong? Because I'm not.
Clock for clock, on the same FSB, one Merom, one Conroe and one Woodcrest all have the same performance, because they have exactly the same internal configuration.
They all have different FSBs which does affect performance.
Heh...I'm not sure you're going to get the results that you want on this forum. Thus far all it shows is that a headless mac has virtually no impact on switching but a 50-50 chance of cannibalizing other mac (presumably Conroe iMac) sales...
What might be interesting to see how many folks would buy or own a ACD with their headless mac.
A poll to find out potential market share growth would not be accurate on this forum because it is a Mac Centric forum and the majority of the people here already have Macs. Those who don't are probably already looking at purchasing one of the available models. To get a good indication of potential market share growth you would probably need to go to a more PC Centric or neutral tech forum to pole for potential switchers. If you were going to do this you would want to ask slightly different questions, such as if Apple were to offer a Mini tower would you be more or less likely to choose a Mac for your next purchase.