Exodus and Moses' volcano God
just found this article
basically, huge volcanic eruption about 1500BC, caused massive damage and tsunami around the Mediterranean. Cue Moses, receives sign from God through a volcano, or the volcano God Baal leads moses out of Egypt around about the same time or just a bit later.
Same event or a trigger for a mythology to arise around an event? Perhaps someone with better understanding could comment.
basically, huge volcanic eruption about 1500BC, caused massive damage and tsunami around the Mediterranean. Cue Moses, receives sign from God through a volcano, or the volcano God Baal leads moses out of Egypt around about the same time or just a bit later.
Same event or a trigger for a mythology to arise around an event? Perhaps someone with better understanding could comment.
I think that was the show I saw. Looks like it is going to be on again on Sept. 7.
The jews weren't affected because they were standing and eating passover.
Sorry that makes no sense. So the Jews were standing and celebrating a holiday of which the events they were living through? It would be as if the entire pagan world celebrated Christmas the year Jesus was born.
Sorry that makes no sense. So the Jews were standing and celebrating a holiday of which the events they were living through? It would be as if the entire pagan world celebrated Christmas the year Jesus was born.
The way I understand these events the night the "angel of death" came was the first passover. Doesn't it kind of make sense, the "angel of death" PASSED OVER the Jews. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think that I am in this case.
Your understanding of the origin of the term passover is remarkable.
Edit: And actually Passover is probably a misnomer... hover over or protect is probably a better sense...
If we are going to take anything in any religious book literally, then the Jews may have well been awake during the progression of the CO2 cloud, but they certainly weren't having a Passover Seder, being the celebratory act of Passover...
Your understanding of the origin of the term passover is remarkable.
No need to get snippy this is how I've had it explained to me numerous times. Would you mind explaining to me exactly why I'm wrong, and where Passover originated?
As far as the origin of the english term Passover, see the mistranslation of King James...
It was a really good documentary.
Absolutely. I keep waiting for the DVD to be released. The company is Toronto-based as well.
Sorry that makes no sense. So the Jews were standing and celebrating a holiday of which the events they were living through? It would be as if the entire pagan world celebrated Christmas the year Jesus was born.
The Passover commemorates the event that took place on that particular night.
On an entirely unrelated note (and before Marc brings it up) Christmas is celebrated on Dec. 25 because the early Church was attempting to "christianize" a pagan winter celebration called Saturnalia.
So yes, gift-giving was taking place on Dec. 25 before Jesus was born.
Carry on...
Random thought of the day:- why is it strange that as soon as segovius stops posting, then dmz goes away aswell?
Hm. You know, I don't think I've ever seen Janet and Michael Jackson in the same place at the same time, either.
Can't remember the name, but it was fascinating to watch.
Yes, it was a documentary that detailed the idea that all 10 plagues were connected and not simply random in nature.
Can't remember the name, but it was fascinating to watch.
"Exodus Decoded"?