My future



  • Reply 21 of 96
    Originally Posted by ShawnJ


    Yeah, Georgetown because they offer transfer acceptance based on first semester grades if you choose. Maybe Boston College and Boston University. UConn and Northeastern too. I might give Penn a shot. But I think I have to be more realistic with my choices because honestly I don't have a grand to fart away. Some of these apps cost $100 each when you get done with lsac report fees and everything.

    Yeah, I hear you. I'm only applying to three. USC and Berkeley are my high end ones with McGeorge being my third choice. I went to a state college for 4 years instead of a UC, and I'm afraid they won't take my school seriously. I'll be pissed if some Korean kid from UCLA gets the nod over me if we had the same GPA, LSAT, etc...
  • Reply 22 of 96
    Originally Posted by ShawnJ


    Yeah, Georgetown because they offer transfer acceptance based on first semester grades if you choose. Maybe Boston College and Boston University. UConn and Northeastern too. I might give Penn a shot. But I think I have to be more realistic with my choices because honestly I don't have a grand to fart away. Some of these apps cost $100 each when you get done with lsac report fees and everything.

    Yeah, I hear you. I'm only applying to three. USC and Berkeley are my high end ones with McGeorge being my third choice. I went to a state college for 4 years instead of a UC, and I'm afraid they won't take my school seriously. I'll be pissed if some Korean kid from UCLA gets the nod over me if we had the same GPA, LSAT, etc...
  • Reply 23 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Well, I'm a senior in high school and I'm going to be graduating and moving on to that next step in life called college. I would like to get into the field of dentistry. I was wondering if there were people here that could give some advice on how to get accepted into college, because I'm a little worried about that part, and what dentistry is like. I haven't really looked into how competitive it is or anything like that. Anyone willing to help me?

    1) Get the highest score you can on the ACT/SAT. Make sure you have it send your scores around to schools.

    2) Start inquiring about the application process NOW. Get your packets in order. Get your letters in order.

    3) Go to school somewhere. Go to the best school you can that gives you money. Major in Biology, but put off declaring as long as you can. Take classes that sound interesting. Have a lot of fun. Make friends. Eat food. Be a college student.

    Where you go depends on where you live, how much money you have, have much you're willing to travel, whether you have a car, whether you'll be able to afford certain places, whether you don't like certain areas.
  • Reply 24 of 96
    Originally Posted by midwinter

    1) Get the highest score you can on the ACT/SAT. Make sure you have it send your scores around to schools.

    2) Start inquiring about the application process NOW. Get your packets in order. Get your letters in order.

    3) Go to school somewhere. Go to the best school you can that gives you money. Major in Biology, but put off declaring as long as you can. Take classes that sound interesting. Have a lot of fun. Make friends. Eat food. Be a college student.

    Where you go depends on where you live, how much money you have, have much you're willing to travel, whether you have a car, whether you'll be able to afford certain places, whether you don't like certain areas.

    When you say "put off declaring" does that mean that I should not let them know that I am interested in dentistry?
  • Reply 25 of 96
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    When you say "put off declaring" does that mean that I should not let them know that I am interested in dentistry?

    Yikes-- absolutely do not put off declaring if you're a science major. Oftentimes your department has some fairly rigid requirements on what you have to take and when. Farting around could get you behind or force you to overload some semesters-- and with labs and the difficulty of your major-- it's probably not a good thing.
  • Reply 26 of 96
    Ok ShawnJ, but that still doesn't answer my question. What does declaring mean?
  • Reply 27 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    When you say "put off declaring" does that mean that I should not let them know that I am interested in dentistry?

    Put off declaring a major, which, in this case, would be some kind of sciency thing. Shawn is correct that the sciences often have requirements that need to get taken care of, but unless you are really just farting around and enrolling in courses with the toss of a dart, you'll have a sense of what you're supposed to take.

    I despise the major system, and you need to understand that each department (Biology, Chemistry, English, etc) wants you to declare a major with them because that means $$$. But the major locks you into a specific track and fills up your schedule pretty quickly. It's essentially a kind of job training: here's what you need to do if you want to be a ________ist. If you have any doubts about what you want to do with your life (and you're 17 or 18. Surely you know what it is you want to spend the rest of your life doing! ), the major will lock you in. I encourage students to explore. Take a bunch of classes. Take a modern dance class. Take a fencing class. Take whatever interests you. Look through the university catalog, which will be your bible for 4 years. Look at the requirements for the various majors and schedule your classes with an eye toward whatever you think you might go into.

    And pardon me for saying this, but your posts suggest that you are under the impression that you can go to college and learn how to be a dentist. While this is true for dental hygiene, to become a dentist you'll need to go to dental school, which is med school.

    If it's dental hygiene you want, you may not even need a 4-year school.
  • Reply 28 of 96
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    My friend took fencing!
  • Reply 29 of 96
    Ok so I have been a bit confused. I mixed up dentistry with dental hygiene. Since I will be needing to go to med school what do I need to do before then? By the way, I would love to take fencing.
  • Reply 30 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Ok so I have been a bit confused. I mixed up dentistry with dental hygiene. Since I will be needing to go to med school what do I need to do before then? By the way, I would love to take fencing.

    You need to major in some kind of science?biology or chemistry.
  • Reply 31 of 96
    As far as I know, in order to go to med school you can major in anything, you just need to take certain classes.
  • Reply 32 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Yes. But it makes more sense to try biology or chemistry first to see if this is actually what he (?) wants to do.
  • Reply 33 of 96
    Originally Posted by midwinter

    Yes. But it makes more sense to try biology or chemistry first to see if this is actually what he (?) wants to do.

    You can major in anything and get into a medical school. The utility of taking these courses is in becoming exposed to scientific concepts and methods of thinking so that when a person goes to their medical biochemistry course on their first day of medical school, they can understand what is being taught.
  • Reply 34 of 96
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Originally Posted by ShawnJ

    My friend took fencing!

    I took fencing for a quarter. It's damn fun.
  • Reply 35 of 96
    Yes I am in fact a "he", midwinter. I would like to major in biology very much. It is my favorite science. I took an AP Biology course last year and did well on the AP test. Right now I am taking AP Chemistry, but I'm not doing as great. I don't really like chemistry. So what it sounds like is I should take classes to major in biology but not declare that as my major until I'm positively sure that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think today I am going to schedule a lunch meeting with my dentist friend so I can ask him some of these questions. Can you guys think of anything I should ask him?
  • Reply 36 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Placebo, I wanted to be a fighter pilot too, and an astronaut for that matter, but then my vision crapped out on me so both of those are out of the question.

    You can get a PRK waiver if you're dedicated enough.
  • Reply 37 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    You can get a PRK waiver if you're dedicated enough.

    Is that what you are planning on doing? I'm not near dedicated enough. I still would like to eventually acquire a pilots license though.
  • Reply 38 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Eh, I've been toying with the idea for a while but I don't think I'll have the balls to go through with it.
  • Reply 39 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    Eh, I've been toying with the idea for a while but I don't think I'll have the balls to go through with it.

    You should totally do it. I think it would be amazing. What is your plan for you future? You're about the same age as me right?
  • Reply 40 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    You should totally do it. I think it would be amazing. What is your plan for you future? You're about the same age as me right?

    Heading into junior year here. I'm not really into the whole dying young thing yet.
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