My future



  • Reply 61 of 96
    Ok, I found my SAT scores. 1160 combined math and english (the old scoring way that most people are used to.) I think somebody mentioned early that 1200 is what you need to be a shoe in for college. I also found out my GPA. Right now it's 3.085, but I can raise it by just talking to the AP Biology teacher I had last year. Since I earned a 5 on the AP test she will raise my first semester grade to an A, effectively raising my GPA to around 3.1. Anyway, my question this time is what requirements do I need to meet to receive student loans and gov't grants? There is no way I will be able to get through college without scholarships and loans.
  • Reply 62 of 96
    Just as an update for everyone that took interest in this thread, I was just accepted into IU. I'm absolutely ecstatic. This week has been great.
  • Reply 63 of 96

    Congrats dude. Seriously... 8)

    I hope you give the same effort as your last year in high school at IU for your entire career there. You have a fresh new start now. But don't worry, you'll have fun regardless. My motto I took out of college was, "Work hard. Play harder."
  • Reply 64 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    It is stunning to me that people can settle in and do something same all the time, looks like you have been moving around quite a bit in terms of jobs?

    Good luck mate.

    I think I'm going to be due a new job shortly, on Sunday, I wrote my boss a 14 page grievance letter and handed it to him monday morning.

    So far there has been no responce
  • Reply 65 of 96
    I would pay to see that greivance letter...
  • Reply 66 of 96
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post


    Congrats dude. Seriously... 8)

    I hope you give the same effort as your last year in high school at IU for your entire career there. You have a fresh new start now. But don't worry, you'll have fun regardless. My motto I took out of college was, "Work hard. Play harder."

    Thanks! That's sound advice too. I've enjoyed working harder this year actually. I managed to ace my AP Chem final. That is the only one I was worried about. I can't wait for next year.
  • Reply 67 of 96
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    I would pay to see that greivance letter...

    I don't know if I would pay, but I sure would love to read it.
  • Reply 68 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Congrats. Now you get to cultivate your taste in Ramen.
  • Reply 69 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    I would pay to see that greivance letter...

    you can have a paragraph from it for free, I'll look through it and see if I can find some more. Obviously I've had to edit out some names.

    While I welcome constructive or genuine concerns about improving working practice, as has all too often been the case with XXX, XXX will only hear what he wants to hear, and incessantly keeps asking the same questions over and over, while demonstrating little comprehension of what he is being told or how machinery works, despite reasonable and satisfactory answers being given. This is not the first time I have had to explain my working practice over and over again. It is a shame that he generally holds such contempt for myself and other staffs judgements and capabilities that we need a Spanish inquisition every time he looks at a job. All of the above has already been calculated and planned by myself through intelligence, judgement and testing years ago, and was deemed to be the most effective way of producing, by myself, explained by myself to YYY (previous boss -edited) and we were all satisfied that this was the best way to continue. XXX has nothing to offer to the working practise, except foolish criticism.
  • Reply 70 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    just incase you are thinking I am being an arse, here's a snippet where I outlined the consequences of my bosses behavior over the last 6 months. Names edited XXX is the one I have a grievance with.

    Regardless of his opinion of whether YYY had been a successful MD or not, the quarrel over the financial situation, and how the company had been running, should have started and ended with XXX and YYY. Unfortunately, we then experienced several months of extremely unreasonable behavior by XXX, where instead of conducting himself properly as required by law, or even as common sense would suggest, he proceeded to be rude and abrasive to everyone and the general operational conditions were severely compromised by his abusive actions. This resulted in the book keeper AAA reduced to tears through no fault of her own and she resigned. BBB, the receptionist couldn't stand to work with him and resigned, even after several times I personally asked her to stay and see out this difficult period. He unlawfully fired CCC, and subsequently lost an employment tribunal because he followed ill advice from the manager DDD in making false accusations, including theft, and subsequently couldn't be bothered to follow correct lawful procedure to dismiss someone, or even reply to the lawyers representing CCC in his tribunal. The replacement book keeper was fired because of incompetance, the replacement receptionist left through ill health. The third replacement book keeper left after 2-3 weeks telling me she couldn't stand XXX or YYY, and was subsequently accused of theft. The driver EEE left unexpectedly citing reasons that XXX has kept to himself, but EEE made it clear to me at least ,that the behavior of XXX and YYY was absurd and unreasonable. The replacement driver FFF left after an argument with YYY, the works manager DDD resigned after his holiday telling me that he couldn't face seeing YYY anymore, and was none too impressed with XXX conduct. And XXX had an argument with FFF which resulted in him resigning instantly. More recently GGG resigned at least with some dignity. Which just leaves myself and HHH, yet another Book Keeper, XXX and YYY, to operate a company that was previously staffed by at least 10.
  • Reply 71 of 96
    Next time I see you I will give you a dollar.

    Wait, no. Better yet a Euro.

    Nope, not even that. Even better a Guiness...

    P.S. I am sorry you have such a shitty boss.
  • Reply 72 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Next time I see you I will give you a dollar.

    Wait, no. Better yet a Euro.

    Nope, not even that. Even better a Guiness...

    P.S. I am sorry you have such a shitty boss.

    I might be needing a dollar next time we meet.....
  • Reply 73 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    P.S. I am sorry you have such a shitty boss.

    I think deep down I want to be sacked - or fired as you call it. I originally promised my previous boss, YYY, that I would stay with the company for 5 years, that was 4 years and 11 months ago, and because he was the loveliest man you could hope to meet, im determined to stay for the duration of my promise. Unfortunately, he left last Feb, because he had a nervous breakdown following several meeting with my new boss, when things were not going so well for the company. He had been there for 15 years and basically turned it into what it is/was. There was a very bad reaction in our field as a result of the oil/energy price hikes during 2005/2006 and things went wrong quite quickly, through little fault of my previous boss imo. Unfortunately, when XXX got wind of this - he is the owner of the company, albeit not involved, and YYY was acting director on his behalf, he came down and basically crucified YYY.

    He is the biggest ass I have ever met.
  • Reply 74 of 96
    You don't seem like the type to just take it though. I'm surprised you've waited this long and all you're doing is writing a letter.

    I figured you would of crucified this guy yourself in front of everyone.
  • Reply 75 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    You don't seem like the type to just take it though. I'm surprised you've waited this long and all you're doing is writing a letter.

    I figured you would of crucified this guy yourself in front of everyone.

    Im probably not quite the person in real life as I come across here sometimes. Though I did let rip once when a fundie told me I couldn't play my CD's at work because they were immoral! Infact, I blame it on the person who taught me about 'philosophical reflection'. You bad man, you know who you are I have been trying very hard to find something positive, anything, to keep things together under testing circumstances.

    In writing this letter, I may well have the last laugh. It would be too easy to let one rip, but that would be the easy way out, and the outcome is likely to achieve nothing more than me getting fired with no recompense, because my actions might be deemed as gross misconduct. I dont know how it works in the US, but here, if you write a letter of grievance, it has legally, to be taken very seriously, especially with the claims I have been making. - and there is a set procedure for dealing with them, which if an employer doesn't follow, can be taken to court for and basically lose a claim by default.

    I doubt XXX takes it as more than a joke, I am off work soon for 6 weeks, in which time I will have surpassed my promise, and then basically I will let rip, but Im going to do it smartly, through the correct procedure through the court.

    Considering I am now carrying the whole fortune of this whole company on my shoulders, a resignation by me and subsequent win at the court, will be the end of XXX and his company. XXX must know this, but firstly, I dont think he realizes the gravity of what procedure I have set off by writing the grievance letter and im guessing he thinks I dont have the balls.

    If I go in tomorrow and get fired, i just dont care. I cant really be fired, because a) it will end up in court, and b) I am too valuable to him. So whatever the outcome, we'll likely to be ending up in court, and there he stands little chance. Even if I lost that, I still win, because I simply just dont care. Without me, he basically cannot operate this company, so his hands are very much tied at the moment.

    Sadly, he has basically bought all this upon himself through his own actions.

    Though it would be much more fun to let rip in typical AppleInsider style

    PS. I was in a 'playful' mood today, I noticed one of our machines had collected a bit of a covering of aluminium dust, in which I drew a 3 foot 'penis'. Like I said, I just dont care.
  • Reply 76 of 96
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    I dunno, maimezvous, are you sure you want to be a dentist?
  • Reply 77 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    For me it's weird, I guess I've always been a bit of an idiot savant, that I can get into something if it strikes me, but the interest does not hold, and overall in terms of regular jobs, besides the 4+ years of getting in the groove of web design, I eventually burnt out of it and now I feel sooo left behind in terms of IT and stuff. With the medication now or just stress I do feel a bit "dumbed" down actually so maybe I soon will streamline into those boring people who do their one job day in day out and have a family and stuff. Maybe this is the "next life" for me, the next level of my spiritual growth - being "boring"

    I've gotten into quite a few things to the point of obsession, when my grandfather died at 16, i was left a bit of money, and decided I wanted to get into music production, I had an uncle who played in bands in clubs and stuff, and thought he was pretty cool. I dropped out of school, I was an A+ student, knowing nothing about music, bought myself some kit, held down a few crappy part time jobs to keep the money coming in for more kit, and built myself a recording studio. I did this religiously for about 4 years, spending 6-8 hours a day just learning the craft, dossing at jobs and barely keeping out of trouble from my father. Well infact I was always in trouble with him, but hey!

    Then one day I got a demo of Cinema4d, and for no apparent reason, decided to buy the app, completely forgot about the music, sold all the kit, and spent years playing with 4d.

    Then I just stopped, then I found this place and met a few people, and got involved in 'religious' debates, and went off for a few years and read as much as I could, concluded that Jesus is a cunt, Then that just fizzled out.

    What to do now? I have Cubase sitting here a load of soft synths, but cannot be bothered to install it, I've half installed 4d, but cant be bothered, and Osiris looks about as appealing as a cold wet rag.

    My boss is a fucking hole, and yet Im sat here feeling happy and glad that things have been this way.

    Contemplating the future, over Christmas, I met a friend from school who I haven't seen for like 10 years, and found out that he's been making bukkake porn movies. So im sat here thinking to myself, what the fuck, just do it.
  • Reply 78 of 96
    For the record, don't google bukkake while at work.
  • Reply 79 of 96
  • Reply 80 of 96
    Originally Posted by dmz View Post

    I dunno, maimezvous, are you sure you want to be a dentist?

    That was amazing. That video was great.

    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    For the record, don't google bukkake while at work.

    Didn't the fact that he called it porn tip you off? Hahaha.

    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post


    Thank you very much!
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