Is this what you wanted?



  • Reply 21 of 81
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Becoming a Mac addict is not just about raw CPU Power and money, it is a choice & conviction


    Singapore ex Minister - Becoming a Singaporean is not about ancestry, it is about choice & conviction
  • Reply 22 of 81
    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    ok ok, PC for gaming! and MAC for everything else!!!

    NOOOOOOOOO my main man shanmugam, there is a delicious and beautiful peace now that Windows and OSX coexist on Mac - PC gaming can be done on Mac, and Mac for everything else...!

    Seriously, X1600, 7300GT, 7600GT, X1900XT - these various options as available for iMac, MacBookPro and MacPro, means PC gaming is a very real option...!

    I am only saying to those that say "boo hoo, I can't use video card 739240 GXB in the Mac", I say, yes I feel your pain, but you have options now with Mac for PC gaming at medium to high quality.

    I am saying to those that say the card options aren't good enough, then very well go build a PC gaming rig and upgrade, fiddle, Quad-SLI or whatever to your hearts content.

    At the end of the day, the old "Ah Macs are crap at PC gaming" standard truth is now fading away to an
  • Reply 23 of 81
    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    Becoming a Mac addict is not just about raw CPU Power and money, it is a choice & conviction


    Singapore ex Minister - Becoming a Singaporean is not about ancestry, it is about choice & conviction

    Is Lee Kuan Yew causing problems again? Go live in Johor dude, you can actually have a house with a garden and stuff without 500 apartments around you.

    Heh, "Being A Mac User Is About Choice And Conviction"... I like it
  • Reply 24 of 81
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    NOOOOOOOOO my main man shanmugam, there is a delicious and beautiful peace now that Windows and OSX coexist on Mac - PC gaming can be done on Mac, and Mac for everything else...!

    Seriously, X1600, 7300GT, 7600GT, X1900XT - these various options as available for iMac, MacBookPro and MacPro, means PC gaming is a very real option...!

    I am only saying to those that say "boo hoo, I can't use video card 739240 GXB in the Mac", I say, yes I feel your pain, but you have options now with Mac for PC gaming at medium to high quality.

    I am saying to those that say the card options aren't good enough, then very well go build a PC gaming rig and upgrade, fiddle, Quad-SLI or whatever to your hearts content.

    At the end of the day, the old "Ah Macs are crap at PC gaming" standard truth is now fading away to an

    Ok, got it Sunil.
  • Reply 25 of 81
    Cool. Seriously, what is the trouble brewing with this Singaporean citizenship or something thingy?
  • Reply 26 of 81
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Is Lee Kuan Yew causing problems again? Go live in Johor dude, you can actually have a house with a garden and stuff without 500 apartments around you.

    Heh, "Being A Mac User Is About Choice And Conviction"... I like it

    hahaha, i better lead a streesed out city life while so many things are happening around you than being a gardener for big house ... i guess still got some more years to become a gardener and relax at the house you may be interested in this article, may be not the entire article

    now back to topic, is there a still market for CUBE?

    from the fifth avenue store one can tell than Steve still loves that Cube thingy ...
  • Reply 27 of 81
    Originally Posted by Yose

    No, you're thinking about the "ball"less Mac.

    PS. I know ballless really doesn't make sense.

    Actually, the Mac Mini as the ball-less Mac does make sense. Good one
  • Reply 28 of 81
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    even if there is a option out there for Head less Mac, how it can differentiate between price of iMac (with a monitor) and sheer raw power of Mac Pro @ $2499

    i do not thing there is a option with 24" iMac release that too with 7300 GT nVidia GPU
  • Reply 29 of 81
    Sheesh...people will never be happy until there area headless Macs spanning the 0$-50000$ range.

    Headless Macs:

    Mac mini

    Mac Pro

    Deal with it, folks.
  • Reply 30 of 81
    Originally Posted by playcrackthesky

    I've been reading all the threads about how lots of you want a mid range headless Mac.

    So, is this new 24" iMac the answer you wanted? or do you still want more expandabilty and it to be headless?

    Lets see.

    Two full size optical drives? NO

    Two or more hard drive bays? NO

    Conroe? NO

    Optional Geforce 7600GT? YES

    PCI-E x16 slot? NO

    PCI-E x1 slots? NO

    Seperate display? NO

    $1499 or lower starting price point? NOT EVEN CLOSE

    One out of eight ain't bad right? The said thing is, the release of such a machine shows how clueless Apple is about the prosumer. It's just a more expensive all in one that is still built mostly from laptop parts would require an army of external devices.
  • Reply 31 of 81
    Originally Posted by kim kap sol

    Sheesh...people will never be happy until there area headless Macs spanning the 0$-50000$ range.

    Headless Macs:

    Mac mini

    Mac Pro

    Deal with it, folks.

    Funny, I was under the impression that we were trying to expand marketshare, not shrink it. Excuse my language, but it's never good for a platform to continiously piss off a segment of its users.

    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    now back to topic, is there a still market for CUBE?

    from the fifth avenue store one can tell than Steve still loves that Cube thingy ...

    There never was a market for the cube and that's the problem. They tried to take a minitower and put mix it with high end Apple design. In the end all they did was create something that was too expensive and completely useless to the targeted users. You don't always have to redesign everything, sometimes you just have to improve upon what's there.
  • Reply 32 of 81
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by kim kap sol

    Sheesh...people will never be happy until there area headless Macs spanning the 0$-50000$ range.

    Headless Macs:

    Mac mini

    Mac Pro

    Deal with it, folks.

    I've been reading these xMac threads here and at several other boards. You're wrong. The vast majority of people posting about an expansion of Apple's product mix use a price range of $899 - $1699+.

    This is a market that Apple could compete in and also make a very respectable profit. Why Apple chooses not to is a mystery to me. The only thing I can come up with is that Steve Jobs believes the AIO is what consumers need and to heck with what any consumers mignt think they need. Then again, since someone posted that there are only 5 or 6 of us posting our desire for an xMac, Apple could easily ignore such a meager market.

    My only hope is that Apple has not introduced a computer with a Conroe. I guess they could completely ignore this cpu line, but isn't it faster and cheaper than the Merom series?
  • Reply 33 of 81
    And what steve wants, Mac users get.
  • Reply 34 of 81
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig

    Funny, I was under the impression that we were trying to expand marketshare, not shrink it. Excuse my language, but it's never good for a platform to continiously piss off a segment of its users.


    Apple only cares about the market share amoungst eleitest assholes who know jack shit about technology and think that they know it all.

    in an art gallery, the iMac is awsome, for the real world...NOT great
  • Reply 35 of 81
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I'm pretty sure I live in the real world. I love my iMac, my dad loves his iMac, and my mom loves her iMac
  • Reply 36 of 81
    Then, how about this?
  • Reply 37 of 81
    If Apple wants to attract "switchers" in a big way (not just the artsy girls from art history department), a mid-range tower with plenty of expansion is the key.

    Not many PC users care if their computer matches their couch and Steve Job's opinion on that matter isn't going to change this fact.

    Apple needs to show that they can bring all of the so-called "Apple/ OSX advantages" to a regular computer tower, then many more people will consider Apple.
  • Reply 38 of 81
    slugheadslughead Posts: 1,169member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    NOOOOOOOOO my main man shanmugam, there is a delicious and beautiful peace now that Windows and OSX coexist on Mac - PC gaming can be done on Mac, and Mac for everything else...!

    Seriously, X1600, 7300GT, 7600GT, X1900XT - these various options as available for iMac, MacBookPro and MacPro, means PC gaming is a very real option...!

    Not real enough! I want cheap video card upgrades!

    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    At the end of the day, the old "Ah Macs are crap at PC gaming" standard truth is now fading away to an

    Not quickly enough!

    Although it looks like it's up to video card manufacturers now, which is a good thing.
  • Reply 39 of 81
    Originally Posted by speakster

    Then, how about this?

    I'm pretty sure that's the mini.
  • Reply 40 of 81
    Originally Posted by skatman

    If Apple wants to attract "switchers" in a big way (not just the artsy girls from art history department), a mid-range tower with plenty of expansion is the key.

    Not many PC users care if their computer matches their couch and Steve Job's opinion on that matter isn't going to change this fact.

    Apple needs to show that they can bring all of the so-called "Apple/ OSX advantages" to a regular computer tower, then many more people will consider Apple.

    I agree. The ironic thing is that the only Mac that can take full advantage of OSX as sold is the Mac Pro. The rest had to make concessions due to their slim form factors.
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