Apple to update MacBook lines in time for holidays



  • Reply 101 of 199
    Originally Posted by Guartho

    Just to toss another ship date into the ring, I ordered yesterday (the 19th) with an expected ship date of the 28th.

    my order on the 12th is shipping a day before yours...

    i think we're deffinately going to see core2duos in our mb's

    soo stoked on it haha
  • Reply 102 of 199
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    I hope you're right, but the 28th is exactly 7 business days after my order was placed, which is the outside edge of the "shipping in 5-7 business days" so I imagine that would be my expected ship date no matter what.
  • Reply 103 of 199
    5 more days to go ...
  • Reply 104 of 199
    edit : double post
  • Reply 105 of 199
    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    5 more days to go ...

    Yup, to bad its such a slooowwwww news day, it's almost lunch time and theres no interesting news from any site... I need my dose of Rumors and news damnit!!

    ~ Needs a vacation ~
  • Reply 106 of 199
    I ordered a MacBook on the last day of the educational deal, which was the 16th, to get a free Nano. On the order screen it said 5-7 days, but now it looks like it wont ship until the 27th. 11 days for those of us math challenged. I'd like to think that means I'll get a little suprise, but I know better. Although, if they do upgrade before the shipping date, I'm going to try to get an upgraded one.
  • Reply 107 of 199
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by OfficerDigby

    Nope! We need to run OS X and we can only run it on Apple Mac products.!

    We need? Care to elaborate?
  • Reply 108 of 199
    There are a few people who have ordered macbooks and got estimated ship dates around sept 27th but just wondering if anyone has ordered a macbook pro and got due dates around the same time frame...that might mean that we might expect updates to both macbook and macbook pro's..just wondering..
  • Reply 109 of 199
    Any one hear any rumors about the latch on the MBP changing? I really want to move to the mbp after the thought to be occurring refresh on Tuesday, and the only thing that bugs me about the MBP now is the lid latch. Well, I will have my Macbook ready to go on ebay come tuseday at lunch.
  • Reply 110 of 199
    If I go on the site, it says "ready to ship in 24 hours"... so I don't know why people are getting ship dates 10 days into the future..
  • Reply 111 of 199
    It is very strange, macbook pro is shipping within 24 hours according to apple store, usually if a new product is about to be released, they delay the shipment..don't know..I have not tired to place an order so I don't know if this ships within 24 hours is going to change at that time..macbooks might be delayed also because of the shut down problems apple is trying to fix.
  • Reply 112 of 199
    Originally Posted by CAgan

    Any one hear any rumors about the latch on the MBP changing? I really want to move to the mbp after the thought to be occurring refresh on Tuesday, and the only thing that bugs me about the MBP now is the lid latch. Well, I will have my Macbook ready to go on ebay come tuseday at lunch.

    what the heck is wrong with the lid latch? mine seems fine and works great...
  • Reply 113 of 199
    Originally Posted by doh123

    what the heck is wrong with the lid latch? mine seems fine and works great...

    I upgraded from a 15" PowerBook G4 to a 15" MacBook Pro and I don't like the updated latch mechanism.

    The 15" PowerBook G4 had a single latch in the middle of the screen.

    Since the 15" MacBook Pro has an iSight in the center, they put 1 latch on either side.

    The new "DuoLatch", as I have dubbed it, tends to be a bit sticky and not as smooth as the "SoloLatch" in the previous generation PowerBook.

    The "MagLatch" found on the MacBook seems like a possible solution that may find its way into the Pro line.
  • Reply 114 of 199
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by lfmorrison

    Nothing bugs me more than people who get off on debating about insigificant points of semantics.

    It is painfully obvious what Superbass is saying here: There is no second-source for hardware that can legally run MacOS X.

    Therefore, a consumer who's unwilling/unable to switch to another OS and doesn't want to use unsupported "cracks" has no choice but to wait for Apple to get around to refreshing its hardware.

    Yeah, uh, duh? And if I'm unwilling to accept the GPL, I can't run Linux. And if I don't like product activation, I'm stuck with Windows 2000. And if I don't like cages, I'll have a hard time keeping a bird in an apartment.
  • Reply 115 of 199
    Originally Posted by lfmorrison

    Therefore, a consumer who's unwilling/unable to switch to another OS and doesn't want to use unsupported "cracks" has no choice but to wait for Apple to get around to refreshing its hardware.

    Of course they have. They could buy it now.

    You can't say that the consumer didn't have a choice when he first chose. In the same way, just because you are heavily invested in iPod accessories or .m4p files, there's nothing to say that you can't change to another PMP.
  • Reply 116 of 199
    Originally Posted by Zandros

    Of course they have. They could buy it now.

    You can't say that the consumer didn't have a choice when he first chose. In the same way, just because you are heavily invested in iPod accessories or .m4p files, there's nothing to say that you can't change to another PMP.

    More bickering over minor (if somewhat unfortunate) choices in terminology...

  • Reply 117 of 199
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    Yeah, uh, duh? And if I'm unwilling to accept the GPL, I can't run Linux. And if I don't like product activation, I'm stuck with Windows 2000. And if I don't like cages, I'll have a hard time keeping a bird in an apartment.

    If you don't like the GPL, you can run FreeBSD.

    If you don't like Windows product activation, you can upgrade your PC, with totally compatible hardware, to run the MacOS. Oh, wait...

    Personally, I don't have any problem with my Core Duo Mac. I'm not chopping at the bit to trash it as soon as Intel releases its next big thing.

    But when the time comes, I'll be able to update my Windows machine to the latest and greatest hardware for a lot less $$$ than my Mac, since I'll be able to just strip out the obsolete generic parts and leave 90% of the pieces intact, rather than having to toss out the whole kit and start over.
  • Reply 118 of 199
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    Yeah, uh, duh? And if I'm unwilling to accept the GPL, I can't run Linux.

    I'm confused by this, I thought the objections people have with GPL revolved around redistribution, not use.
  • Reply 119 of 199
    Originally Posted by abhay

    There are a few people who have ordered macbooks and got estimated ship dates around sept 27th but just wondering if anyone has ordered a macbook pro and got due dates around the same time frame...that might mean that we might expect updates to both macbook and macbook pro's..just wondering..

    My friend ordered a MacBook before the 16th (Edu discount + iPod). Estimated shipping yesterday was the 26th, today it shows that it shipped. Specs on the website still state 2.0 ghz Core Duo... if they theoretically updated the chip would it say on the website? Or a surprise when she receives it?
  • Reply 120 of 199
    Originally Posted by miggs97

    My friend ordered a MacBook before the 16th (Edu discount + iPod). Estimated shipping yesterday was the 26th, today it shows that it shipped. Specs on the website still state 2.0 ghz Core Duo... if they theoretically updated the chip would it say on the website? Or a surprise when she receives it?

    I think you should count on it being exactly what the website shows.
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