Male Restroom Etiquette

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
For all fellow men out there. In case you don't already know. And remember, NO TALKING!



  • Reply 1 of 40
    Very funny movie. On a more serious note, have you ever noticed how few people wash their hands after using the bathroom? From my observations the number of men that use the sink is well under 50%. I find this disgusting and I would like to do something about it. However, saying something contradicts the number one rule that all normal males know, that is, talking in the bathroom. What's a person to do? Has anyone else noticed this?
  • Reply 2 of 40
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    The worst is when people brag about their dick being the cleanest part of their body, so they wash their hands before pissing.

    That's something else.
  • Reply 3 of 40
    I get annoyed when I've been drinking a whole bunch and have to go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes, I have to wash my goddamn hands every single time when I know all my shit is clean. But I have to do it just out of pure etiquette.

    By like the 3rd or 4th time, I admit, I don't lather the hands as well as I should...

    Plus, I'm drunk. I could give a flying f**k about the others around me by that time.
  • Reply 4 of 40
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    I get annoyed when I've been drinking a whole bunch and have to go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes, I have to wash my goddamn hands every single time when I know all my shit is clean. But I have to do it just out of pure etiquette.

    By like the 3rd or 4th time, I admit, I don't lather the hands as well as I should...

    Plus, I'm drunk. I could give a flying f**k about the others around me by that time.

    OK, so your hands are clean, BUT... clean is that door handle on the public bathroom? clean is the flush handle?

  • Reply 5 of 40
    Originally Posted by dac0nvu

    OK, so your hands are clean, BUT... clean is that door handle on the public bathroom? clean is the flush handle?

    Don't touch the door handle...Most public restrooms (at least the ones I go to) don't have handles, they just swing.

    Don't touch the flush handle...Just usually kick it with my foot if its a stall. If it's a urinal, I'm drunk. Don't care about flushing.

    Case closed.
  • Reply 6 of 40
    It really doesn't matter if you know that you are clean. Do you know that the guy next to you is clean? Do you know if the guy that just walked out without washing his hands has genital warts? I wash my hands every time just because I don't know where other people have been.
  • Reply 7 of 40
    Let us be reminded that I was talking about a certain situation, not in a general sense.
  • Reply 8 of 40
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    Don't touch the door handle...Most public restrooms (at least the ones I go to) don't have handles, they just swing.

    Don't touch the flush handle...Just usually kick it with my foot if its a stall. If it's a urinal, I'm drunk. Don't care about flushing.

    Case closed.

    Yeah, the doors usually push going in, but pull on the way out. I've never seen a bathroom door that swings both ways...ahem, so to speak.
  • Reply 9 of 40
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    Let us be reminded that I was talking about a certain situation, not in a general sense.

    Ok. I won't disagree washing your hands gets annoying when you are doing it a lot. Like when I worked in a restaurant. I had to wash my hands everytime I came to the front of the shop. Even if I didn't touch anything, I still had to wash my hands.
  • Reply 10 of 40
    Originally Posted by dac0nvu

    Yeah, the doors usually push going in, but pull on the way out. I've never seen a bathroom door that swings both ways...ahem, so to speak.


    To be honest I'm probably the biggest germophobe on this forum. I think I've single-handedly kept Johnson & Johnson in business, and am the reason that Airbourne is 9 dollars a box now.

    As for the swinging open part, that's when you grab a paper towel and open it with the towel.
  • Reply 11 of 40
    You know, I personally prefer the restrooms that don't have a door. I also like the ones that pull open going in and push going out.
  • Reply 12 of 40
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    To be honest I'm probably the biggest germophobe on this forum.

    Ya wanna bet? I've got the dry hands to prove it.
  • Reply 13 of 40
    i'll start washing my hands after i piss when i start pissing on my hands. well, actually, i generally do [wash my hands], atleast in public restrooms; not soap (thats just excessive), but a good rinsing. if its one of those awkwardly small pissers, and i sense some splash back, then i'll be more thorough. or if i'm about to roll a fattie, then i'll make sure i'm real clean.

    but i like to believe that my penis is fucking clean.
  • Reply 14 of 40
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Hate to point it out, but people actually drink gallons of their own urine for medicinal purposes, Google "Urine Therapy" and be shocked. - In actual fact, urine is mostly water, contains nothing at all bad despite the common misconception of it being toxic, and most of the issue with it is social stigma.

    $10 for the first person who has the balls to try it.
  • Reply 15 of 40
    Originally Posted by MarcUK

    Hate to point it out, but people actually drink gallons of their own urine for medicinal purposes, Google "Urine Therapy" and be shocked. - In actual fact, urine is mostly water, contains nothing at all bad despite the common misconception of it being toxic, and most of the issue with it is social stigma.

    $10 for the first person who has the balls to try it.

    Kevin Costner already made a few million, no need to pass out more cash.
  • Reply 16 of 40
    Ah... Drinking your own urine isn't all that bad; it has a good representation of what is already in your bloodstream. However, someone else's urine has just the same: a good representation of what is in his bloodstream.
  • Reply 17 of 40
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by ShawnJ


    The worst is when people brag about their dick being the cleanest part of their body, so they wash their hands before pissing.

    That's something else.

    No, the worst is when someone starts asking technical questions while you just want a couple of minutes to piss in peace, but if you tell this person to leave you alone, they can and may fire you (or not renew your contract...)
  • Reply 18 of 40
    Supposedly, drinking a little urine is a good mosquito repellent. Maybe we need to take this one to MythBusters.
  • Reply 19 of 40
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    I didn't think it was that funny.
  • Reply 20 of 40
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by mydo

    I didn't think it was that funny.

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