Widescreen, wireless, true video iPod imminent? (engadget)

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Engadget says the true video iPod may be coming very soon. Pinch of salt as usual, but Engadet says that multiple, trusted sources have got in touch this time, with regards to this product. The same multiple, trusted sources say that the device is supposedly about completed. And supposedly they're preparing to announce it in the very near future.

I have a hunch that this is one of the true rumors, as I was already wondering why they would have the "Showtime" event so far from Christmas. Expect a special Apple event very late this month or early next. Expect a notebook refresh, and expect this baby. 8)


  • Reply 1 of 50
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    Engadget says the true video iPod may be coming very soon. Pinch of salt as usual, but Engadet says that multiple, trusted sources have got in touch this time, with regards to this product. The same multiple, trusted sources say that the device is supposedly about completed. And supposedly they're preparing to announce it in the very near future.

    I have a hunch that this is one of the true rumors, as I was already wondering why they would have the "Showtime" event so far from Christmas. Expect a special Apple event very late this month or early next. Expect a notebook refresh, and expect this baby. 8)

    That's certainly heartening news; I don't really know about Engadget's track record with Mac rumors, though (although when the AMD/ATI deal came about, their sources nailed the $ amount before the Wall Street Journal).

    This would be fantastic news if it were true, and it would explain why we haven't seen any notebook introduction despite the Core 2 Duo being available.
  • Reply 2 of 50
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I will believe it when I see it!
  • Reply 3 of 50
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755

    I will believe it when I see it!

    I agree. Though I will admit that I was surprised when the 5.5G iPod came out a couple of weeks back. I was almost certain that Apple would do something to mark the 5th anniversary of the iPod on the 25th of this month. I guess we'll see.
  • Reply 4 of 50
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    we have already two threads in this front page about video ipod. why another one?
  • Reply 5 of 50
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by gugy

    we have already two threads in this front page about video ipod. why another one?

    This is a different topic though. It's a story from engadget that they seem to think is basically a go, given that they rarely say: "multiple, trusted sources". I don't know about you, but when the thing is going to be released is of upmost importance to me. If Engadget says it's due very soon, then why not report it?
  • Reply 6 of 50
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    I love news for the video ipod. But we have multiple threads on the subject.

    I rather go to one thread and get all the gossip and rumors than trying to catch up with three or four threads.

    This quote is from the first thread " ATTENTION: Please read before posting new topic"

    " Please check through this forum for the subject you want to post before making a new and un-necessary topic if one already exists."

    Plus what Engadget is saying is nothing new IMHO.

  • Reply 7 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Why doesn't anyone ever ask themselves....

    If that type of device was actually practical and affordable, why isn't anyone else making it?

    Why would Apple's competitors sit around waiting for Apple to make it?

    If this device was something that they could actually manufacture, why did Microsoft not make this instead of Zune being a iPod knock off.

    The simplest answer is because this is not a practical or affordable device to manufacture at this time.
  • Reply 8 of 50
    I guess the Palm TX, Lifedrive, and T3 aren't possible either. All this is is a Lifedrive with a larger hard drive, and no tactile buttons. It's not that hard.
  • Reply 9 of 50
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    Why doesn't anyone ever ask themselves....

    If that type of device was actually practical and affordable, why isn't anyone else making it?

    Why would Apple's competitors sit around waiting for Apple to make it?

    If this device was something that they could actually manufacture, why did Microsoft not make this instead of Zune being a iPod knock off.

    The simplest answer is because this is not a practical or affordable device to manufacture at this time.

    so the link in this thread means nothing? looks like what we are all talking about... but ISNT from apple.

    http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?t=67484 <--CLICK
  • Reply 10 of 50
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer

    so the link in this thread means nothing? looks like what we are all talking about... but ISNT from apple.

    http://forums.appleinsider.com/showthread.php?t=67484 <--CLICK

    Wow that's horrible!

    I expect the video iPod to look something like this: (at least I pray it will look like this aluminum beauty, cause this thing in friggin sweet)

  • Reply 11 of 50
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    that's a nice mock-up
  • Reply 12 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The Palm TX, LifeDrive, and T3 are not iPod competitors their purpose and functionality are designed for completely different markets. The Palms are thicker or heavier or both than the iPod and all Palm devices have significantly less battery life.

    LifeDrive has a 4GB hard drive, the iPod has 30GB and 80GB.


    so the link in this thread means nothing?

    Oh yes I forgot about the Creative Zen Vision. How could I have done that seeing the way it has set the mp3 market on fire.

    The Zen Vision comes in 30GB and 60GB, the iPod comes in 30GB and 80GB.

    Looking at the Vision 60GB vs the iPod 80GB. The Vision is twice as thick and twice as heavy as the iPod. As for battery life, the iPod plays audio for 7 hours longer than the Vision. The iPod plays video for 2 hours longer than the Vision.

    Is it better for Apple or MS to give up size, weight, and battery life for a larger screen? Looking at how well the iPod has sold and how well the Zen Vision has sold. Apple and MS are obviously going with size, weight, and battery life.

    Which is where my comment about practical and affordable come into play. They can miniaturize components to the point where you can have a larger screen with the same size, weight, possibly battery life. But such a device would be extremely expensive.

    At some point in the future it will probably be more practical and affordable.
  • Reply 13 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Another thing about the Zen Vision. Its a pretty creative twist of logic to say that Apple should implement a feature. Then use a competitors product as an example of that feature when that very product is a dismal failure in comparison to the astronomical success of Apple's current product.
  • Reply 14 of 50
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    Another thing about the Zen Vision. Its a pretty creative twist of logic to say that Apple should implement a feature. Then use a competitors product as an example of that feature when that very product is a dismal failure in comparison to the astronomical success of Apple's current product.

    Why? That's exactly what apple did when they shipped their first mp3 player.

    I'd say people don't buy the competitor's products because they are poorly implemented, not because nobody wants a bigger video screen. That, and it's not an iPod.
  • Reply 15 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Why? That's exactly what apple did when they shipped their first mp3 player.

    How so? I can only see Apple using its competitors as an example of how they were doing it wrong.


    I'd say people don't buy the competitor's products because they are poorly implemented, not because nobody wants a bigger video screen.

    That's apart of what I am saying. I think its obvious at this point Apple has not used a larger screen because it requires a sacrifice in weight and battery life which equals poor implementation.

    I believe Apple would use a larger screen if it could maintain current size, weight, and battery life.
  • Reply 16 of 50
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    I believe Apple would use a larger screen if it could maintain current size, weight, and battery life.

    Yeah, but they could easily make the first video iPod the same size, thickness and weight as the 80GB iPod. And then evolve it to become the same size thickness and weight as the current 30GB iPod. With the battery life of the current 80GB one.

    Boy, I love that mock-up! Best one yet.
  • Reply 17 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    How do you know Apple can do make that and keep the price at $350?

    Mock ups cost a lot less money than actual product development.
  • Reply 18 of 50
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    How so? I can only see Apple using its competitors as an example of how they were doing it wrong.

    That's apart of what I am saying. I think its obvious at this point Apple has not used a larger screen because it requires a sacrifice in weight and battery life which equals poor implementation.

    I believe Apple would use a larger screen if it could maintain current size, weight, and battery life.

    I agree with that last part, there's a fine line to be walked, especially with the weight and battery life. The creative one does 4.5 hours of video, which is doubled with an external battery pack. They have possibly the most ridiculous claim I've ever seen - they say about that nine hours of use: "which means you'll be entertained virtually forever." Nine hours = "virtually forever". Wow.

    I think maybe I misunderstood your point on the first bit. I thought you were referring to the Zen in regard to whether apple should try and implement a feature. But rereading it, I guess you just meant that the Zen was just an example of what is possible with current technology, and that it's unrealistic to insist that apple implement a feature NOW when it looks like the physical limitations of batteries simply doesn't make it possible yet? (Did that make sense? I think I've probably been in agreement all along and just misread that one post )

    I agree with the notion that apple's main reason for waiting is limitations of current technology - it seems like they have a design they want to ship, but the components aren't yet available that would make it all possible with acceptable levels of performance.

    To put it simply (and hopefully less confusingly) for the people who are pissed apple hasn't shipped a video ipod already , does it make sense for apple to release a video player NOW if it meant that either had a battery life of only 5 hours (or it was *much* heavier and bigger than the current iPod)? Or does it make more sense for them to wait a few months for the next advance in battery life and release one at the current weight with 10-15 hours of video playback?

    I think in this case doing it right is much more important than doing it soon. Especially since nobody else is doing it right yet, and probably won't for some time.
  • Reply 19 of 50
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    How do you know Apple can do make that and keep the price at $350?

    Mock ups cost a lot less money than actual product development.

    I never mentioned price.
  • Reply 20 of 50
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I guess you just meant that the Zen was just an example of what is possible with current technology, and that it's unrealistic to insist that apple implement a feature NOW when it looks like the physical limitations of batteries simply doesn't make it possible yet?

    Yep that's exactly right.


    I never mentioned price.

    I'm sure Apple has all types of crazy iPod ideas in their R&D labs. Price is an extremely important factor that determines which one actually goes into production.
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