They were waiting for CPU supply to build up. There was no delay. No other manufacturer is shipping 2.16 & 2.33 C2D notebooks right now AFAIK.
My dad's wife has a C2D Dell laptop she got last week, but I think it's probably the 2.0 Ghz version. It has an ultra shitty screen though (HORRIBLE viewing angle) and is of course big (1.75 inches thick) and bulky. She needs to run windows for her buisness, but I've almost got her convinced to get a MBP and run windows through bootcamp.
It is guys like this that can't respect their fellow man and for nothing else but to crap on his grandmother by displaying such nonsensical garbage.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I like to visit AppleInsider to be informed by relatively intelligent and knowledgeable human beings. (Human beings being the operative word here)
If those that can't respect their fellowman, go somewhere else where you can wallow in your own faeces. It is like being invited for dinner and you decide to molest the hostess.
Some people were hoping for a case re-design to bring it inline with the MacBook. I think a case re-design will come with Santa Rosa next year.
i've been pretty happy with the powerbook/macbook designs, and, like the mac pros, not sure they should fix what isn't already broken (though i would have liked to see them round off the edges of the top handles just a bit on the mac pros... those who have had to carry them around offices without the use of gloves know what i am talking about... anyway, that's a different thread, i guess). plus, most of the stuff i have in my office now is of the silver and/or black variety, so it'll look nice amidst all my other techno-jumble.
lots of people love the macbook design. yet i can't stand it. yeah, the pixel density is higher, so you get more screen real estate on a technicality, but i swear to god, the extra-wide screen really makes the overall viewable area seem cramped proportionally. maybe if more apps took a fresh look at their interfaces to make them use a 16:9 ratio screen more creatively when its available, i wouldn't notice as much. or if i worked more on video or landscape stuff, i'd like them more. i dunno. maybe i'm just a 4:3 guy.
I am VERY excited about this. It's just about everything I wanted.
I did NOT want a case redesign so I'm set there. I did want Merom and a larger HDD and 1Gb standard RAM. Those were the big 3 for me.
The only things missing in my book are the FlashBoot HHD's (not a typo) with the huge flash buffers and the higher rez screens. Both of those I can live without though. At least until next year.
Time to call the credit company and tell them to authorize my purchase...
lots of people love the macbook design. yet i can't stand it. yeah, the pixel density is higher, so you get more screen real estate on a technicality, but i swear to god, the extra-wide screen really makes the overall viewable area seem cramped proportionally. maybe if more apps took a fresh look at their interfaces to make them use a 16:9 ratio screen more creatively when its available, i wouldn't notice as much. or if i worked more on video or landscape stuff, i'd like them more. i dunno. maybe i'm just a 4:3 guy.
Huh? The MacBook has the same ratio screen as the MacBook Pros: 16:10.
I was also expecting magnetic latch, possibly Macbook keyboard (but I like the powerbook one anyway), easier swapping of Ram and HD and a 12" version. Higher resolution displays wouldn't go amiss either.
Core 2 Duo and FW 800 are decent but nothing much to get excited about. They might save stuff up for next year but I like them to spread it out a bit so we're not always waiting. Leopard should be enough on its own, although since we're not getting to know much of what's in it, my interest is fading somewhat.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I like to visit AppleInsider to be informed by relatively intelligent and knowledgeable human beings. (Human beings being the operative word here)
My dear Abster, I think one can distinguish 2 AI profiles. On one hand you have the "Wozniaks" (IT wizzards) and on the other hand you've got the "Ives". The "Ives" are concerned about colours, textures, sizes and all things great and small that turns your everyday life into a pleasant (and physical) experience.
So, yes! I am impressed by all the new specs that come with Apple's latest stunner! And no! I am not impressed by its latest design: it cannot compete with the high standards introduced by the MacBook. I am happy however they did not change the silver casing 8)
Euhm, one more thing!
I don't want to be a party pooper, but it brings back memories when they spec'd up the Titanium Powerbook in early November (2003?), only to replace it a couple of weeks later by the sleek new 12" and 17" Powerbook. (January 2004?, Apple expo).
Yeah, if anyone is hell-bent on having a 7200-rpm they can just crack the MBP open and stick a new drive in there. They certainly are impressive machines, I'll look forward to seeing people post about general usage.
I think the performance of the 160GB 5400RPM drive is going to be close enough to that of the 100GB 7200RPM drive to make it not noticeable, simply because of the drastically increased areal density. The 160GB drive is probably the current sweet spot for capacity and performance.
This is pretty disappointing. Why all the delays? 9 months between updates...
The 17 was introduced 6 months ago, not 9. And the 15 was updated then.
Intel just released these chips in the last few weeks, using them much earlier wasn't an option.
Originally Posted by jhoffa
Ugh, no 13.3" macbook c2d? Or will there be a round 2 announcement before the holidays are over?
Was really hoping for a 13.3" upgrade or better yet a 13.3" upgrade to pro...
Unrealistic expectations. Apple rarely updates both lines at once, and none of the rumor sites expected a MB update at the same time. 13.3 MPB will probably never happen, the "non-pro" MBs sell like hotcakes as it is.
2 gigs of ram is pretty amazing, I don't think anyone saw that coming.
Over the last few weeks, there have been a TON of posts threatening "If apple doesn't release a merom portable in the next (day/week/two weeks) I'm going to buy a windows merom machine!"
So who actually did it?
I'm guessing the vast majority of those threats were empty.
I think the performance of the 160GB 5400RPM drive is going to be close enough to that of the 100GB 7200RPM drive to make it not noticeable, simply because of the drastically increased areal density. The 160GB drive is probably the current sweet spot for capacity and performance.
I agree with that. I think most people will definitely prefer getting 60Gb extra space rather than a marginally faster drive (possibly running noisier/hotter too).
I like this upgrade. I know some people were expecting the world but if you let your imagination go wild and take to heart everything that is said on the forum we'd have Apple dishing out a PDA with digital camera for a discount alongside their 20" MacBook Pro or 8" super-portable MacBook.
Did most people really expect this to be a full redesign of the MBP? Have those people that did actually seen the thing up close? Why change it? I can understand people wanting a magnetic latch but at present I don't find it's a problem to have the little hooks pop out just as it closes. At least they retract unlike my old PC laptop.
I anticipated this sort of underwhelmedness, based on the talk of the only minor increase in performance with the C2D iMacs for your average user (which I am), when thinking about getting a new laptop. Originally, I was waiting for these MacBook Pros but decided to plump for a refurb Core Duo (a combination of both being inpatient and the performance thing). I love that machine and my head isn't turned so much by this upgrade. Still, they're fine beasts!
I thought about that as well (getting a refub core duo MBP), but you know a refurbished 2.16 ghz Core duo MBP with 1 gb Ram and a 100 gb HD is MORE expensive than a new 2.16 ghz C2D MBP with 1gb Ram and a 120 gb hd. How can you not like that? Should have one ordered by lunch.
I thought about that as well (getting a refub core duo MBP), but you know a refurbished 2.16 ghz Core duo MBP with 1 gb Ram and a 100 gb HD is MORE expensive than a new 2.16 ghz C2D MBP with 1gb Ram and a 120 gb hd. How can you not like that? Should have one ordered by lunch.
Yeah, that's the benefit that my being impatient told me to forget! Also, are those prices based on the value today? Is it possible Apple haven't suitably adjusted the refurb prices yet? They may need a while to settle down after the introduction.
I feel like an idiot....what is Santa it a new chipset? an upcoming conference? I know it's a city in Califronia, but I don't think that's whats being refered to in these posts....
That shows a new AppleCare box, and an old Wireless Mouse box?
That looks like the new wireless mouse. I thought the old wireless mouse had a clear upper shell. If there is already a second package design for the wireless Mighty Mouse, then that's pretty quick.
I feel like an idiot....what is Santa it a new chipset? an upcoming conference? I know it's a city in Califronia, but I don't think that's whats being refered to in these posts....
It is the code name for the next mobile chipset for the Core 2 Duo. It will offer a faster FSB (800MHz) and some other improvements. Last I heard, it was planned for spring of 2007.
They were waiting for CPU supply to build up. There was no delay. No other manufacturer is shipping 2.16 & 2.33 C2D notebooks right now AFAIK.
My dad's wife has a C2D Dell laptop she got last week, but I think it's probably the 2.0 Ghz version. It has an ultra shitty screen though (HORRIBLE viewing angle) and is of course big (1.75 inches thick) and bulky. She needs to run windows for her buisness, but I've almost got her convinced to get a MBP and run windows through bootcamp.
You know what is really disappointing?
It is guys like this that can't respect their fellow man and for nothing else but to crap on his grandmother by displaying such nonsensical garbage.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I like to visit AppleInsider to be informed by relatively intelligent and knowledgeable human beings. (Human beings being the operative word here)
If those that can't respect their fellowman, go somewhere else where you can wallow in your own faeces. It is like being invited for dinner and you decide to molest the hostess.
Get a life.
You're an idiot.
Some people were hoping for a case re-design to bring it inline with the MacBook. I think a case re-design will come with Santa Rosa next year.
i've been pretty happy with the powerbook/macbook designs, and, like the mac pros, not sure they should fix what isn't already broken (though i would have liked to see them round off the edges of the top handles just a bit on the mac pros... those who have had to carry them around offices without the use of gloves know what i am talking about... anyway, that's a different thread, i guess). plus, most of the stuff i have in my office now is of the silver and/or black variety, so it'll look nice amidst all my other techno-jumble.
lots of people love the macbook design. yet i can't stand it. yeah, the pixel density is higher, so you get more screen real estate on a technicality, but i swear to god, the extra-wide screen really makes the overall viewable area seem cramped proportionally. maybe if more apps took a fresh look at their interfaces to make them use a 16:9 ratio screen more creatively when its available, i wouldn't notice as much. or if i worked more on video or landscape stuff, i'd like them more. i dunno. maybe i'm just a 4:3 guy.
i might have to consider upgrading pretty damn soon!!
I did NOT want a case redesign so I'm set there. I did want Merom and a larger HDD and 1Gb standard RAM. Those were the big 3 for me.
The only things missing in my book are the FlashBoot HHD's (not a typo) with the huge flash buffers and the higher rez screens. Both of those I can live without though. At least until next year.
Time to call the credit company and tell them to authorize my purchase...
lots of people love the macbook design. yet i can't stand it. yeah, the pixel density is higher, so you get more screen real estate on a technicality, but i swear to god, the extra-wide screen really makes the overall viewable area seem cramped proportionally. maybe if more apps took a fresh look at their interfaces to make them use a 16:9 ratio screen more creatively when its available, i wouldn't notice as much. or if i worked more on video or landscape stuff, i'd like them more. i dunno. maybe i'm just a 4:3 guy.
Huh? The MacBook has the same ratio screen as the MacBook Pros: 16:10.
Core 2 Duo and FW 800 are decent but nothing much to get excited about. They might save stuff up for next year but I like them to spread it out a bit so we're not always waiting. Leopard should be enough on its own, although since we're not getting to know much of what's in it, my interest is fading somewhat.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I like to visit AppleInsider to be informed by relatively intelligent and knowledgeable human beings. (Human beings being the operative word here)
My dear Abster, I think one can distinguish 2 AI profiles. On one hand you have the "Wozniaks" (IT wizzards) and on the other hand you've got the "Ives". The "Ives" are concerned about colours, textures, sizes and all things great and small that turns your everyday life into a pleasant (and physical) experience.
So, yes! I am impressed by all the new specs that come with Apple's latest stunner! And no! I am not impressed by its latest design: it cannot compete with the high standards introduced by the MacBook. I am happy however they did not change the silver casing 8)
I don't want to be a party pooper, but it brings back memories when they spec'd up the Titanium Powerbook in early November (2003?), only to replace it a couple of weeks later by the sleek new 12" and 17" Powerbook. (January 2004?, Apple expo).
Yeah, if anyone is hell-bent on having a 7200-rpm they can just crack the MBP open and stick a new drive in there. They certainly are impressive machines, I'll look forward to seeing people post about general usage.
I think the performance of the 160GB 5400RPM drive is going to be close enough to that of the 100GB 7200RPM drive to make it not noticeable, simply because of the drastically increased areal density. The 160GB drive is probably the current sweet spot for capacity and performance.
Can't wait to go and have a feel of them at MacExpo on Thursday... ;-)
This is pretty disappointing. Why all the delays? 9 months between updates...
The 17 was introduced 6 months ago, not 9. And the 15 was updated then.
Intel just released these chips in the last few weeks, using them much earlier wasn't an option.
Ugh, no 13.3" macbook c2d? Or will there be a round 2 announcement before the holidays are over?
Was really hoping for a 13.3" upgrade or better yet a 13.3" upgrade to pro...
Unrealistic expectations. Apple rarely updates both lines at once, and none of the rumor sites expected a MB update at the same time. 13.3 MPB will probably never happen, the "non-pro" MBs sell like hotcakes as it is.
2 gigs of ram is pretty amazing, I don't think anyone saw that coming.
Maybe not. The current MBP design is excellent. I don't want to see it changed to look like the consumer model.
So who actually did it?
I'm guessing the vast majority of those threats were empty.
I think the performance of the 160GB 5400RPM drive is going to be close enough to that of the 100GB 7200RPM drive to make it not noticeable, simply because of the drastically increased areal density. The 160GB drive is probably the current sweet spot for capacity and performance.
I agree with that. I think most people will definitely prefer getting 60Gb extra space rather than a marginally faster drive (possibly running noisier/hotter too).
I like this upgrade. I know some people were expecting the world but if you let your imagination go wild and take to heart everything that is said on the forum we'd have Apple dishing out a PDA with digital camera for a discount alongside their 20" MacBook Pro or 8" super-portable MacBook.
Did most people really expect this to be a full redesign of the MBP? Have those people that did actually seen the thing up close? Why change it? I can understand people wanting a magnetic latch but at present I don't find it's a problem to have the little hooks pop out just as it closes. At least they retract unlike my old PC laptop.
I anticipated this sort of underwhelmedness, based on the talk of the only minor increase in performance with the C2D iMacs for your average user (which I am), when thinking about getting a new laptop. Originally, I was waiting for these MacBook Pros but decided to plump for a refurb Core Duo (a combination of both being inpatient and the performance thing). I love that machine and my head isn't turned so much by this upgrade. Still, they're fine beasts!
I thought about that as well (getting a refub core duo MBP), but you know a refurbished 2.16 ghz Core duo MBP with 1 gb Ram and a 100 gb HD is MORE expensive than a new 2.16 ghz C2D MBP with 1gb Ram and a 120 gb hd. How can you not like that? Should have one ordered by lunch.
That shows a new AppleCare box, and an old Wireless Mouse box?
EDIT: And the monitor has the Panther wallpaper...
I thought about that as well (getting a refub core duo MBP), but you know a refurbished 2.16 ghz Core duo MBP with 1 gb Ram and a 100 gb HD is MORE expensive than a new 2.16 ghz C2D MBP with 1gb Ram and a 120 gb hd. How can you not like that? Should have one ordered by lunch.
Yeah, that's the benefit that my being impatient told me to forget! Also, are those prices based on the value today? Is it possible Apple haven't suitably adjusted the refurb prices yet? They may need a while to settle down after the introduction.
And the Santa Rosa Threads have officially begun!
I feel like an idiot....what is Santa it a new chipset? an upcoming conference? I know it's a city in Califronia, but I don't think that's whats being refered to in these posts....
Odd, there's an image on the Tech Spec screen:
That shows a new AppleCare box, and an old Wireless Mouse box?
That looks like the new wireless mouse. I thought the old wireless mouse had a clear upper shell. If there is already a second package design for the wireless Mighty Mouse, then that's pretty quick.
I feel like an idiot....what is Santa it a new chipset? an upcoming conference? I know it's a city in Califronia, but I don't think that's whats being refered to in these posts....
It is the code name for the next mobile chipset for the Core 2 Duo. It will offer a faster FSB (800MHz) and some other improvements. Last I heard, it was planned for spring of 2007.