Chinas Military: Aerial Images of Secret Aircraft Carrier, Submarines & fighter jets



  • Reply 21 of 71

    "I love this game!"
  • Reply 22 of 71
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister

    The US kidnaps people of any nationality.

    THe US detains people without charge.

    The US brutalizes prisoners.

    The US spies on its citizens.

    The US suppresses documents that may hurt the current government.

    The US invades sovereign nations on false pretenses.

    Not the kind of folks to trust.

    We need to clear things up at home before we start to worry about other countries.

    And tens of thousands of Chinese people do whatever it takes to get out of China and into free countries each year. The polarity of the migration should give you a hint my leftist friend.
  • Reply 23 of 71
    Did I say anything about China being a great place to live?

    My concern is with the US.
  • Reply 24 of 71
    Your anti-American allegations have little merit.
  • Reply 25 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    And tens of thousands of Chinese people do whatever it takes to get out of China and into free countries each year. The polarity of the migration should give you a hint my leftist friend.

    Um, you have to multiply it by population ratios... so it would be like 1500 people leaving the US, which happens...
  • Reply 26 of 71
    Not really. It is only an option for a small percentage of Chinese. Most are just stuck.

    "Moe knows China"
  • Reply 27 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    Let?s move on from aircraft carriers. My concerns have nothing to do with them. My concerns are far more general. The Chinese government is not to be trusted. They brutalize their own people. They brutalize the Tibetans. They censor like hell. They extract organs from prisoners and sell them. The US plays nice with these brutal butchers for economic reasons. It will hurt us in the long run. Not the kind of folks to trust.

    Let's play a different game -- of all the countries around the world, that get oil from a lot of other countries, which of those countries which are oil suppliers are nice places to live in?
  • Reply 28 of 71
    Some countries suck. Some suck worse. But we're all inter-dependent on each other for various reasons. Australia sells a shitload of coal which drives its economy big time. That's why they don't want to sign Kyoto. This coal is burnt a lot of it outside of the country. The pollution happens for example, in, oh, say, China, and oh, say, fracking up the *world* with carbon emissions. One could say Australia is also evil.

    It sometimes feels so arbitrary on who is right and wrong and who is worse. I'm not saying China is perfect and wonderful, the pollution in Shanghai and Beijing is really bad from what I hear from people that have lived or worked there for a while. Yes, there is Tibet and Falun Gong and all that kinda stuff. If the Tibetans weren't friggin all non-violence and shit it would be a mini Iraq. But they would be crushed by China's big ass military. Then the US would have to invade and liberate Tibet. But woops, there's no oil in Tibet, and China has 1 billion people, and some major kickass Nukes. Blow for blow the US could take out China - but WTF? If it nuked say Shanghai, the world would be in a mess. If China attacked East Coast or going round the easier way the West Coast (San Fran and LA), things would be a mess. Also, if we attacked China, supplies of Dells and China-made electronics and other goods which a lot of US government agencies depend on would dry up and the military spending would have to go up to manufacture a lot of stuff within the US.
  • Reply 29 of 71
    As bad an evil as the military-industrial-complex is and invading countries and terrorism and shit, and evil big corporations, the interdependent economy that provides slowly increasing levels of prosperity (biased sometimes towards the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer and middle class getting squeezed and the environment getting screwed) -- at least collectively this is keeping World War 3 at bay. Again, that does not mean I am condoning the quote-unquote *evil stuff* that all countries do, maybe some much worse than others...
  • Reply 30 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    Your anti-American allegations have little merit.

    Clearly you've been missing out on a lot of the news these past few years, like say, Abu Ghraib and stuff like that?
  • Reply 31 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    Your anti-American allegations have little merit.

    See the above by Sunilraman and :

    The best trained, most professional and very highly educated armed forces in the world. The representatives of America. The people we cannot criticize without being called un-American. What have they been up to?

    Rape and murder.

    This is what people on the ground all over the world see. This is what needs fixing. Until then, the US has little right to throw its weight around.
  • Reply 32 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    Not really. It is only an option for a small percentage of Chinese. Most are just stuck.

    "Moe knows China"

    Chinese common man.
  • Reply 33 of 71
    Originally Posted by southside grabowski

    Your anti-American allegations have little merit.

    How are those "allegations" - as you describe them - anti-American?

    Questioning the actions of the US is anti-American. Wow. Have you read the Declaration of Independence? It suggests that it is our RIght to alter government when it ain't right, which by necessity means we must question it.

    The same document has a little phrase about being created equal... a part that GWB should read.
  • Reply 34 of 71
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    So Moe....when are you joining the military again? I mean, since the China threat is "evident" and all.

    Come on Patriot! Show those Lefties™ how it's done!
  • Reply 35 of 71
    Originally Posted by Gilsch

    Come on Patriot! Show those Lefties™ how it's done!

    Heh. I don't wanna be in a war or special-ops or anything, and I wouldn't wanna own any guns or stuff... But I do wanna try shooting off some *real life* M-16s, AK-47s, and MP4s..... Also kicking down doors and shouting "Freeze Motherf****s!!!" ... All in a fun but safe, controlled, non-animal or human-killing environment.

    That or maybe when I do get round to trying PaintBall for the first time that will be enough for me... Hmmm....
  • Reply 36 of 71
  • Reply 37 of 71
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar


  • Reply 38 of 71
    addabox should dub thee worthy who gets to use the infamous broccoli quote...

    or you could just fight to the death.
  • Reply 39 of 71
    I challenge hardeeharhar to ClawPlagh!!!!!11!!!!
  • Reply 40 of 71
    Never suggested war. Just caution.
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