Difficult Question regarding Urine Therapy



  • Reply 21 of 134
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    Purify my colon, kidneys, spleen, etc. I want to be able to combat sloth and torpor. I did the 2 ten day free vipassana meditation retreats prior, www.dhamma.org, but my sloth and torpor prevents me from moving forward in life. I am now paying five dollars per liter to drink the lady's urine second generation after she spent 30.00 per liter to drink it directly, so I dont know how much benefit there is in it. But if someone wanted to drink mine, I would be happy to part it to them for $10.00 per liter.

    This is complete bullshit. If you are lazy, drinking urine isn't going to help you. Urine is a waste product, even if it is sterile. It contains concentrated toxins, drugs, uric acid etc which are NOT good for you. No wonder you don't feel well after drinking it.
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  • Reply 22 of 134
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    Eating fecal matter is dangerous as it contains e-coli, and bacteria. Urine is sterile, so it is safe. I am just worried about the hormonic imbalance as I was keeling over and couldnt clean the master's car today.

    It's not dangerous for those with a strong chi. Trust me, it works. You'll be able to clean the master's car more effectively.
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  • Reply 23 of 134
    This is, by far, the funniest thing I've read all day.

    This even beats out the "Reams Biological Theory of Ionization" and the frequency of grapes.
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  • Reply 24 of 134
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
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  • Reply 25 of 134
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,523moderator
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    I have been drinking around 38.75 liters of a woman's urine in exchange for work, as it costs around $30.00/liter.

    You're taking the piss.

    Hmm too obvious perhaps. I was wondering why no one said that yet.

    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    I am worried as I often feel weak after drinking it, but I was rest assured that I was only going through a healing crisis.

    Try facing East when you drink it.

    Out of curiosity, how do you come to value urine and how do you meet people that do this and trust that their urine is good enough?
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  • Reply 26 of 134
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    Out of curiosity, how do you come to value urine and how do you meet people that do this and trust that their urine is good enough?

    Oh bloody hell, now everybody's onto the idea. The bottom's going to drop out of the urine market.

    So to speak.
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  • Reply 27 of 134
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  • Reply 28 of 134
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    Eating fecal matter is dangerous as it contains e-coli, and bacteria. Urine is sterile, so it is safe. I am just worried about the hormonic imbalance as I was keeling over and couldnt clean the master's car today.

    1. Its E.coli or E.coli

    2. Urine is not sterile. Not as populated as the other, but not ‘sterile’, as per definition.

    This has got to be a joke...me thinks the urea is denaturing some proteins in your freakin’ brain

    If you are serious\ – GET HELP
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  • Reply 29 of 134
    do you know how hard it is to go busking out there in the cold and trying to save up to become healthy? It is like trainspotting. Has anyone tried watching it?
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  • Reply 30 of 134
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  • Reply 31 of 134
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    If any of you are interested in buying my urine, I will be happy to part it to you for $5/liter so I could cover my costs.

    All of hers is also selling out, so the only way to buy is from me.

    Man, you are being ripped off! I've already arranged to buy audiopollution's urine for a mere $3.95/litre. Who wants ordinary old Master urine when you can have pure Administrator piss at prices like that.

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  • Reply 32 of 134
    I mean trying to busk all day long to make fifty dollars here and there for her is just so hard.
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  • Reply 33 of 134
    Originally Posted by Yutaka


    I noticed that this page doesn't address how to raise the issue of urine therapy during the process of proposing. Is this something you are looking for guidance on?

    Of course, you must be prepared for her to respond with a curt 'piss off'.
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  • Reply 34 of 134
    Originally Posted by crazychester

    Man, you are being ripped off! I've already arranged to buy audiopollution's urine for a mere $3.95/litre. Who wants ordinary old Master urine when you can have pure Administrator piss at prices like that.


    When are you going to stop by and pick it up? The buckets are starting to get in my way.
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  • Reply 35 of 134
    I've arranged to hire a tanker this weekend.

    Prepare to siphon!
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  • Reply 36 of 134
    Originally Posted by Yutaka

    It is something that as a Seventh Day Aventist, (Christian), I find it beneficial.

    'Nuff said...
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  • Reply 37 of 134
    If anyones interested I will sell them mine to them on eBay.

    For the sake of combating sloth, I don't have a problem with peddling my golden juices around the world...

    Hell if you live nearby let's save on postage, I'll deliver in person.
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  • Reply 38 of 134
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,523moderator
    Originally Posted by OfficerDigby

    If anyones interested I will sell them mine to them on eBay.

    For the sake of combating sloth, I don't have a problem with peddling my golden juices around the world...

    Hell if you live nearby let's save on postage, I'll deliver in person.

    You could start your own chain of bottled water. Piggy back off the Nintendo campaign and call it Wii-Wii.

    What kind of shelf life does urine have? Also, how would you really know it's off?
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  • Reply 39 of 134
    I feel your pain man. Piss is getting so expensive these days.

    I found a relatively cheap solution.

    Go to the local Home Depot, and buy a 4' piece of clear tubing, and some duck tape. Duct tape the hose to your penis, and put the other end in your mouth. NOTE: Before doing this, be sure to have the hose blessed by your master, to sterilize it. Now you can have all the urine you want, and it's free. You can also wash your masters car with it.
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  • Reply 40 of 134
    Did you know that as a commonwealth citizen, a canadian, australian, or newzealander, you can vote in the UK? It is also not considered treason to join the british armed forces, and if you do for 2 years, you are practically guranteed british citizenship. (And dual citizenship is allowed).
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