Demand for Apple's new iPod shuffle outstripping supply



  • Reply 41 of 88
    Re Deckard

    I changed my mind.

    I think I overvalued your worth.
  • Reply 42 of 88
    You know, you're one witty son of a bitch ain't ya?

    Did you think that one up all by yourself or did you have help?

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    That's probably all you are worth.

  • Reply 43 of 88
    Originally Posted by deckard

    What is it with Apple? Seriously. What's the problem with them? They make brilliant hardware and then get all shocked when it sells.

    And it's not like this is an uncommon event. Every single time they release a new product (at least in the last year or two) the get all shocked that it's sold well. And they can't meet demand. Every single God damned time.

    I'm really over this company to be honest. I love their hardware and their software and most of their other products, but what's the friggin' point if they're never in stock?

    Yeah, I know that they could care less what I think. If this happened every now and then or far less often then I could understand it, but it happens all the time.

    How retarded are the frigtards at Apple fullfilment anyway?

    And that's my 3.5c worth.

    The new Shuffle is exceeding expectations. The first gen Shuffle sold 10 million units over a period of a year and a half. The second gen shuffle may end up selling between 6 to 8 million units in ONE QUARTER.... That kind of success is very hard to predict.
  • Reply 44 of 88
    Damn. Apple made a good product and it sold better than they expected. Shame on them! They shouldn't make such good products!

    I got my hands on one before the local shop sold out... It is tiny and it sounds great. Gave Apple a present by plowing through the iTMS and downloading enough songs as to not want to see my credit card bill next month.8)

    PS Apple should get CNN from endorsing the shufffle while presenting the Zune.
  • Reply 45 of 88
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister

    Damn. Apple made a good product and it sold better than they expected. Shame on them! They shouldn't make such good products!

    Tee hee hee.
  • Reply 46 of 88
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    I don't think any company is that good. Also you're looking only at stats. Data on the US and global "conversion" to other models would be very hard to get even for Apple themselves.

    Apple certainly have a range in mind of the upsell probability, but yes pricing, features, the Word of Jobs are all a complex solution they've come up with to support the brand, sell iPods like mad, and at the end of the day, maintain profit margins, meet demands, and maintain the large infrastructure needed to support all these customers and their needs (iTunes Store, support calls, reseller stocking, Apple Stores, supply chain management, etc.).

    What has made Apple so impressive this decade is that they've been able to manage all of that including as you suggest, highly targeted product development and marketing, while still having "The BIG Vision" on what is happening. It's funny, you can spend almost a decade in the wilderness, come back and develop this MASSIVE previously-unimagined revenue stream that is iPod + iTunes. If not for the iPod phenomenon, we wouldn't have Intel Macs (so fast, if at all), and a great new Leopard 10.5 operating system around the corner.

    And doing all this with the stock climbing overall, and regular returns of quarterly profits, including a new all-time high profits, unit number sales for Oct-Dec 2006.

    I'm wondering if Apple's sales for the quarter will be substantially over $7 billion. some estimates are already at the $7 billion mark.
  • Reply 47 of 88
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Especially since most people starting out at business school now have no idea what the heck you are talking about except the word "Shuffle"

    Let's say kids starting out at college are around what, 20? That means they were born in 1986. Damn, I'm getting old. I was born in 1978. What about the trolls with the purple hair? Was that an early 90s thing?

    18, here in the US, normally.
  • Reply 48 of 88
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by ecking

    I'm an 86er, I know nothing of pet rocks, cabbage patch kids were offered but never crazy, someone gave me an angel troll doll once but i drew on it with marker and threw it away when I was like 5.

    What's worse, is that I still have my blue Hula Hoop!
  • Reply 49 of 88
    Originally Posted by deckard

    What is it with Apple? Seriously. What's the problem with them? They make brilliant hardware and then get all shocked when it sells.

    And it's not like this is an uncommon event. Every single time they release a new product (at least in the last year or two) the get all shocked that it's sold well. And they can't meet demand. Every single God damned time.

    I'm really over this company to be honest. I love their hardware and their software and most of their other products, but what's the friggin' point if they're never in stock?

    Yeah, I know that they could care less what I think. If this happened every now and then or far less often then I could understand it, but it happens all the time.

    How retarded are the frigtards at Apple fullfilment anyway?

    And that's my 3.5c worth.

    if anyone asked me if i would ever get a shuffle, i would have said " an ipod with no screen, NEVER!"

    but even after i bought the new nano i still wanted to get the new shuffle and now i use it more than the nano......... who could have ever predicted that ?!?!?!

    this shuffle is certain to be iconic
  • Reply 50 of 88
    Originally Posted by iconsumer

    .....if anyone asked me if i would ever get a shuffle, i would have said " an ipod with no screen, NEVER!"......but even after i bought the new nano i still wanted to get the new shuffle and now i use it more than the nano......... who could have ever predicted that ?!?!?!

    Heh. You really got sucked in 8) ... Very appropriate nickname too.

    Originally Posted by iconsumer

    this shuffle is certain to be iconic

    I think the new Nanos are iconic, the Shuffle is cheap and cute and a bit of a novelty. I fooled around with one last week, it seemed a bit too fiddly and flimsy and the OMFG! THE CLIP BROKE!!!11!!! thread still haunts my memory
  • Reply 51 of 88
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Heh. You really got sucked in 8) ... Very appropriate nickname too.

    I think the new Nanos are iconic, the Shuffle is cheap and cute and a bit of a novelty. I fooled around with one last week, it seemed a bit too fiddly and flimsy and the OMFG! THE CLIP BROKE!!!11!!! thread still haunts my memory

    nano #2 looks like the nano #1 and also like the mini , imagination needed, but the shuffle is unique in its style and clip

    did you cut your fingers ? i smell a lawsuit

    yeah...i like my gadgets
  • Reply 52 of 88
    I agree, but it's just their way of trying to build hype about a new product...Apple are very good at hyping their products.

    Originally Posted by deckard

    What is it with Apple? Seriously. What's the problem with them? They make brilliant hardware and then get all shocked when it sells.

    And it's not like this is an uncommon event. Every single time they release a new product (at least in the last year or two) the get all shocked that it's sold well. And they can't meet demand. Every single God damned time.

    I'm really over this company to be honest. I love their hardware and their software and most of their other products, but what's the friggin' point if they're never in stock?

    Yeah, I know that they could care less what I think. If this happened every now and then or far less often then I could understand it, but it happens all the time.

    How retarded are the frigtards at Apple fullfilment anyway?

    And that's my 3.5c worth.

  • Reply 53 of 88
    Originally Posted by solsun

    The new Shuffle is exceeding expectations. The first gen Shuffle sold 10 million units over a period of a year and a half. The second gen shuffle may end up selling between 6 to 8 million units in ONE QUARTER.... That kind of success is very hard to predict.

    Yeah, just like the new Mac Book exceeded expectations, and the new Mac Book Pro and the new iPod, and the Product Red and so on.

    Did you know that no other country can even buy product red merchandise? At least, no Asian country... what if we people in that region want to support this?

    Don't get me wrong (and in the original post I said this); if this happened now and then it could be put down to a simple under-expectation of demand, but it happens with Apple all the time. And it's getting old.

    For what it's worth, I bought the new nano and love it - when I saw the new shuffle on the Web I thought that it would be perfect for the gym and waited the requisite period for our local stores to have display stock to have a look at one in the metal... it is cheap, it is fiddly and the clip looks like it'd last about 10 minutes in the average users hands. I was going to pony up the $120 odd AUD required to buy one, but when I actually played with it I decided to stick with the Nano - the new shuffle's a great form factor and another fabulous design, but it's obviously built to a cost point and wouldn't stand up to the sort of life it would have in my hands.

    To each his/her own.
  • Reply 54 of 88
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by deckard

    Yeah, just like the new Mac Book exceeded expectations, and the new Mac Book Pro and the new iPod, and the Product Red and so on.

    Did you know that no other country can even buy product red merchandise? At least, no Asian country... what if we people in that region want to support this?

    Don't get me wrong (and in the original post I said this); if this happened now and then it could be put down to a simple under-expectation of demand, but it happens with Apple all the time. And it's getting old.

    For what it's worth, I bought the new nano and love it - when I saw the new shuffle on the Web I thought that it would be perfect for the gym and waited the requisite period for our local stores to have display stock to have a look at one in the metal... it is cheap, it is fiddly and the clip looks like it'd last about 10 minutes in the average users hands. I was going to pony up the $120 odd AUD required to buy one, but when I actually played with it I decided to stick with the Nano - the new shuffle's a great form factor and another fabulous design, but it's obviously built to a cost point and wouldn't stand up to the sort of life it would have in my hands.

    To each his/her own.

    Then get a Zune. No supply problems there. As far as the FUD about the durability of the shuffle, it was tested at Ars and went through all kinds of abuse. They dropped it, stepped on it, dropped it from a three story balcony, dropped it in a glass of beer (nice amber looking beer to boot) and drove over it WITH A CAR. Only driving over it with a car broke it! If it ain't tough enough for you, just how would you use it?
  • Reply 55 of 88
    Originally Posted by gugy

    not surprise.

    The small factor is a huge advantage for the shuffle. It's absolutely perfect if you use it for workout.

    My only problem is that the earphones are not great specially when you sweat too much. If it gets on the phones, see you later, the sound gets horrible.

    Does anybody recommend good in-canal earphones for workouts?

    I just bought my second pair of Sony "middle-of-the-road" ear buds. I don't buy anything outrageously expensive since I've already worn out two pair. What wore out is the coating on the wires. The sweat from the back of my neck, where the wires rest, seem to eat through or really weaken the plastic coating on the earphones. Within 4 months they start to tear and I'm left with bare wire. But I guess it depends on how much you sweat.
  • Reply 56 of 88
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Yes, I think I'll get something cheaper just in case. The Etymotic is nice but very expensive and during workout you have not time to appreciate all the details of a nice earphone anyway.

    Usually I sweat a lot on my head and that cripple right in my ears and damage the earphones. i tried Apple in-canal and did not last long.

  • Reply 57 of 88
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by deckard

    Don't get me wrong (and in the original post I said this); if this happened now and then it could be put down to a simple under-expectation of demand, but it happens with Apple all the time. And it's getting old.

    Could be because the last time Apple overestimated demand it was called the Cube and lead to the first unprofitable quarter in 3 years...and that was only 6 years ago (2000).

  • Reply 58 of 88
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by deckard

    Yeah, just like the new Mac Book exceeded expectations, and the new Mac Book Pro and the new iPod, and the Product Red and so on.

    Did you know that no other country can even buy product red merchandise? At least, no Asian country... what if we people in that region want to support this?

    Don't get me wrong (and in the original post I said this); if this happened now and then it could be put down to a simple under-expectation of demand, but it happens with Apple all the time. And it's getting old.

    For what it's worth, I bought the new nano and love it - when I saw the new shuffle on the Web I thought that it would be perfect for the gym and waited the requisite period for our local stores to have display stock to have a look at one in the metal... it is cheap, it is fiddly and the clip looks like it'd last about 10 minutes in the average users hands. I was going to pony up the $120 odd AUD required to buy one, but when I actually played with it I decided to stick with the Nano - the new shuffle's a great form factor and another fabulous design, but it's obviously built to a cost point and wouldn't stand up to the sort of life it would have in my hands.

    To each his/her own.

    Man you enjoy bitching about Apple.

    Have you ever took the time to realize sometimes is not completely Apple's fault.

    Being in a smaller market share put Apple's not in the priority list of many vendors. Also Apple must be somewhat cautious when predict the amount the units to produce. It's note asy to foresee the huge success of their products.

    There are a lot of factors. It's true that shipping delays are common, but that's living with Apple. For many years it's been like that. If you don't like then go buy a Zune like have been said here before.

    It's normal for foreign countries to not get all the products offered in the USA. I am a foreigner and I experienced that in my country with many manufactures, not just Apple. If you don't like it then move to America. (by the way that would be a silly because Australia is a very nice place)
  • Reply 59 of 88
    just checked quickly, but it didn't seem like any educational discounts were offered on the apple site for ANY ipods.

    also, blueproton reduced the shuffle price ($79.99), but their nano 8gb is $329.99(!), surpassing the 30gb ipod by $80.
  • Reply 60 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by hansning

    just checked quickly, but it didn't seem like any educational discounts were offered on the apple site for ANY ipods.

    They quit edu pricing on ipods after the last update. I don't think it makes sense to offer edu discounts for entertainment products anyway.
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