Microsoft: We'll eventually 'be the leader' in digital media players



  • Reply 81 of 107
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram

    My 7-year old uses the phrase "pretty awesome." Lots of his pals use the same phrase. I have never heard him (or, now that I think of it, anyone other than Steve Jobs) say "insanely great."

    I think "insanely great" is a pretty awesome comment.

    I agree. I have nothing against the use of "Insanely Great," or even "Pretty Awesome." Rather, I was questioning why anyone cared so much.
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  • Reply 82 of 107
    Show me
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  • Reply 83 of 107
    Xbox is only successful because of Bungie... they sold their souls to the devil and lost the majority of their identity and goals, while retaining enough of their skill to still churn out some good stuff. Might as well call the "Xbox 360" the "this thing will eventually play Halo 3!!!". Sales would increase instantly.
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  • Reply 84 of 107
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Zune is big heavy and ugly. don't worry about it.
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  • Reply 85 of 107
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Eduardo


    Also, let us call them Microsoft not "M$".

    M$. 8)

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  • Reply 86 of 107
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member

    Lee added that he expects Microsoft will eventually "be the leader" in the digital media player segment, especially once the Redmond, Wash.-based company rolls out more models of Zune and starts selling them internationally.

    That just made me laugh so.

    Because it reminded me of George W. Bush a few weeks back, saying with 'steely-eyed determination', "We're gonna hold the House, and we're gonna hold the Senate." Yeahhh, right.

    I just don't know where these guys get the idea that their bravado impresses or persuades anyone except a few dim bulbs. It'd be refereshing if M$ VP Mr. Lee just came out and said what we know he's really thinking:

    "Umm, ok. Apple is kicking the Zune's ass and will continue to kick the Zune's ass no matter how much we expand the line or advertise because, well, they're just better at design and usability and cool than we are.

    And let's face it, when we can't leverage Windows or Office, we tend to get our butts kicked. Even Xbox, our big recent 'success', has lost us somewhere north of 4 billion samolians. But hey, we just want a small piece of the portable player market, so we'll subsidize this Zune turkey too until the shareholders scream stop. Because we're Microsoft, dammit. We've GOT to at least LOOK like we're on the attack, even when the reality on the ground is more like Custer's Last Stand."

    I love guys who try to peddle the 'we're so confident' line of BS. They always get it knocked off. 8)

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  • Reply 87 of 107
    Don't forget Windows Live which is supposed to be Google and Yahoo-ish. It's a bunch of services and stuff. Just because.... until the shareholders scream stop.

    So sad, because Windows and Office is all Microsoft really is, yet it's enough for their billion-dollar empire, marching on. I know we're on a Mac forum and Apple is 5% on computers, and 75% on mp3 players. It's so weird we've got a situation where almost everyone just uses Windows and Office, no questions asked, and a lot of them, just use an iPod, no question asked.

    I think secretly the iPods have 10gb of Flash memory in them, preloaded with OSX86 for beige boxes. Steve Jobs has his finger on the button. iTunes 7.0.3 for Windows will be released. Once installed, the next time an iPod is connected (we don't know how far back this secret feature has been there...!!) --- Your Windows machine is wiped* and instead a fresh and funky OSX86 10.4.5 will be there. A global "iPod virus" of sorts. But soon everyone will want to "catch" it. Muahah ah hh ah ah ah hah ah haahh h ahah aha ha h ahaha ha

    *Well, technically, your original Windows partition is still automatically available via Parallels. Parallels is in on it!! Mua hha hah aha h aha hah ha h a

    <mulder>Why don't you believe me, Scully??</mulder>
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  • Reply 88 of 107
    They're losing $50 a piece on the Zune and $126 on every Xbox.

    Looks like Microsoft's poised to sell $1,000 Zunes at $90 a pop on Amazon, if they stay in the lead on the "Customers Vote" survey. How much of a loss are they taking there?

    If Microsoft's any more successful with the Xbox and Zune, they're going to go bankrupt.
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  • Reply 89 of 107
    It's always vaguely humorous and a little sad to watch Microsoft flailing around in any market where they are denied their standard 500 lb. gorilla status. They don't seem to realize that the Zune is basically DOA. Apart from some of the geekier corners of the Web, there is absolutely zilch in terms of buzz about the Zune, and that's a very bad sign for any consumer product that needs to be cool to win over buyers.

    By contrast the XBox's original debut was loaded with hype and consumer interest. The buzz was almost deafening. The Zune has been nothing short of a flop. The way MS carries on with its PR about it as if they will, by some act of God, assume control over this market eventually is really weird. \
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  • Reply 90 of 107
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,114member
    Microsoft isn't a "leader" in anything, except making money and buying other businesses out then claiming they are their own, kind of like what Apple did with iPod except with Apple, they took it a few steps further and invented the "simple sexy electronic" which is entirely revolutionary.
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  • Reply 91 of 107
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by inkswamp

    By contrast the XBox's original debut was loaded with hype and consumer interest. The buzz was almost deafening.

    Well, $500 million in launch advertising will do that. Ironically though, the Xbox ended up doing well only in the US. All other major worldwide markets ended up being mediocre to fizzle for Xbox, despite all the ads. \

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  • Reply 92 of 107
    I spoke to an Apple rep last night. He said the CompUSA he works at sold 90 iPods in one week, and only one Zune.
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  • Reply 93 of 107
    This Zune distraction among other things have taken the gleam of Apple shares though... slid below $90 this past several days \
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  • Reply 94 of 107
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    This Zune distraction among other things have taken the gleam of Apple shares though... slid below $90 this past several days \

    so its a good time to buy?

    //Microsoft: We'll eventually 'be the leader' in digital media players//

    REALLY? how by bleeding billions into your "strategy"? by staying in production after WW 4?

    someone posted a while ago about how they thought it was bogus that Apple always said stuff like "we are amazed the shuffle is selling SO well" and "we dont believe it" funny thought, isnt it, the BIG market leader.. the number one seller is humble enough to be shocked at selling so many players...

    ..but the arrogant, ego nazis that are M$hit (there is that better?) make crazy claims that sound like a 5 y/o kid! while the ACTUAL SALES FIGURES tell a completly different story.

    "leader" my ass

    pft... take me to your "start" button
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  • Reply 95 of 107
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider

    "We think that's actually pretty awesome," said Bryan Lee, corporate vice president for Microsoft's entertainment group, as quoted by the Associated Press.

    Lee added that he expects Microsoft will eventually "be the leader" in the digital media player segment, especially once the Redmond, Wash.-based company rolls out more models of Zune and starts selling them internationally.

    Well, Mr. Lee. It's been a whole week since you were quoted making the above statement.

    How's that "being the leader" thing coming along?
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  • Reply 96 of 107
    Desperation time? Microsoft Zune already being discounted by retailers


    Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - 10:40 AM EST

    Is Microsoft's desperation showing already?

    MacDailyNews and iPodDailyNews readers have noted that is currently offering $20 off the Microsoft Zune (white) model, $25 off black Zunes and $28 off brown Zunes.

    In addition, the few Microsoft Zune accessories that exist are also being discounted at Amazon.

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  • Reply 97 of 107
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ldrhawke

    Desperation time? Microsoft Zune already being discounted by retailers
    "Is Microsoft's desperation showing already?

    MacDailyNews and iPodDailyNews readers have noted that is currently offering $20 off the Microsoft Zune (white) model, $25 off black Zunes and $28 off brown Zunes."

    It's odd that the best selling Zune, the black one, is discounted more than the white Zune. Current Amazon ranks are #90 for black, #202 for white, and #225 for brown Zune.
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  • Reply 98 of 107
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by solipsism

    It's odd that the best selling Zune, the black one, is discounted more than the white Zune. Current Amazon ranks are #90 for black, #202 for white, and #225 for brown Zune.

    Suppose it might be worth it to buy a brown Zune as a collector's item? Perhaps someday it will be like the Edsel of MP3 players, and some crazy collector will pay $10,000 for factory-sealed brown Zune, still in its original box.
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  • Reply 99 of 107
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    I have seen about one Zune since it came out. A Girl in Homeroom replaced her 1st Gen Nano with a Black Zune... I was kind of shocked to see it and originally thought it was a Samsung. I saw it closer today and confirmed it to be a lump of coal *cough* I mean a Zune....

    The iPod is less popular around the city, a Bus that is usually filled with iPods now has only about 3 iPod owners, a Samsung, 2 Music Phone users, and maybe the ocassional Sony or Zen, and a few times a couple of music players from companies I never even heard of. There is also the ocassional CD Player, but I used to see a Minimum of 6 iPods on the bus to school and that quickly changed in a couple of months... weird eh?

    Originally Posted by shetline

    Suppose it might be worth it to buy a brown Zune as a collector's item? Perhaps someday it will be like the Edsel of MP3 players, and some crazy collector will pay $10,000 for factory-sealed brown Zune, still in its original box.

    You are absolutely right, hell I think I'll go send off $248.99 to Microsoft and $1.00 to Universal just so I can sell it for Thousands 9 years from now (if I wait too long Microsoft will release a 10th Annivesery Original Tard in the form of the first piece of $***)

    Thanks for the idea

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  • Reply 100 of 107
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by shetline

    Suppose it might be worth it to buy a brown Zune as a collector's item? Perhaps someday it will be like the Edsel of MP3 players, and some crazy collector will pay $10,000 for factory-sealed brown Zune, still in its original box.

    I have a better idea. Let's invest $249 in Apple stock and see where it ends up in 10 years.
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