What you think are/will be the compelling reasons to buy/upgrade to Leopard?



  • Reply 41 of 73
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What you think are/will be the compelling reasons to buy/upgrade to Leopard?

    *Time Machine is very cool, and useful, I would definitely use it, but really it's just an app. Apple could easily realese Time Machine as a free download now if it was finished with its development.

    *As far as I can see Safari is the best thing (I will use it the most) coming in Leopard.

    (i) web clip

    (ii) a lot of new and very cool tab features

    (iii) re-sizable text boxes

    (iv) faster

    (v) as far as I can see it doesn't require Adobe flash to be downloaded seperately.

    *ZFS?? Yes, but will the filesystem in the shipped version of leaoprd be ZFS?

    *Resolution Independence? But will the average person really make use of this feature in 2007?

    *New UI? I'm hoping for this, we don't know for sure, and that hardly takes that long to develop. This can hardly be regarded as a reason to upgrade being that it's purely cosmetic?

    *Next versions of iWork & iLife bundled into Leopard? More than anything this would not only make sense to me, but would be a very good reason to think about upgrading, it would also push a dramatic percentage upgrade to Leopard amounst Mac users.

    *64bit? Real world testing gives the impression of only minor app speed gains.

    *Mail? meh.

    *Bootcamp 2.0? In what way will it differ from Bootcamp Beta? (besides possible Apple support)

    *Front Row 2.0? Again probably mainly cosmetic.

    *Spaces? Probably wont end up using it that much.

    iChat 4.0? Yeah, if it ties in with the iPhone yes, but what about Windows users, will iChat go Windows?

    I haven't seen too much radical rethinking of the way it all works? I have heard a snippet about a new Finder. I didn't see Apple try to merge Address Book and iCal. Nothing really that made me say "Wow" yet?

    I gotta tell ya.... the new mail application does it for me. That thing will change my day. Not having to mark my mail as "unread" all the time so I can remember what they remind me to doo will be awsome. The new mail templets are killer too !

    The new Mail application is enough for me to buy Leopard... but I didn't say I wasn't curious to see what the top secret features are ......
  • Reply 42 of 73
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What do you backup to?

    An external LaCie 200GB drive. But my main HD and a smaller external I was backing up to the LaCie are now facing too many files... I'll have to get the new drive eventually. \
  • Reply 43 of 73

    Personally, I think any of the features of Leopard are worth the price of entry. 64 bit. Time Machine (amazing!), video and presentation features folded into iChat (incredible...), Core Animation (which is set to up end how programs are presented and interacted with...), the 'drag and drop' email themes for Mail, improved Spotlight, X-Code 3, improved Automator. Dash board widget generator/maker. Mini web pages on your desktop...( the mind boggles.)

    And we get ZFS. Which, previously on Ars and on these boards, wasn't expected until 10.6?

    And we get the roped in features. Photobooth. Bootcamp (revolutionary from an Apple point of veiw... Just a year or so ago you'd have been laughed at and pitchfork chased off these very same boards if you would have dared mention a dual Windows/Apple box from none other than Apple themselves!?!?

    ...surprise last minute top secret features: A GUI to end all GUIs. 'iPhone' support, iTV support, Front Row (neXt gen...), iLife 07(!) and...and...what ever else?!??!

    And...new mega voice, sounding more natural than ever before...


    ...and there'll be Creative Suite 3.0 native Intel support for it...

    ...and Open GL 2.

    And the fact it will be released on re-designed Intel Macs prob' by that point...

    ...with more cores...and faster cores...and better GPUS which will leave the current generation for dead...

    Teh Snappy?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 44 of 73
    So far, I'm most excited about the Core Animation api. I think it is the dark horse in the set.

    I'm guessing it will form the foundation for a Vista busting GUI experience.

    That and the multi-threading of Open GL.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    PS. Though it's hard not to be blown away by Time Machine and it's approach to interface. I think Time Machine's visual implementation give clues to 'Illuminous' and how Core Animation may be used in some of the other 'Top Secret' features. So I guess Core Animation excites the most. For me.
  • Reply 45 of 73
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Don't you find Time Machine to be a little excessive though in terms of graphical appearance? You could easily make a simple layout that shows when and what items are possible to restore. IMO that would be much easier than browsing through space in a time machine. I love the feature, but the interface seems like overkill to me.
  • Reply 46 of 73
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    He only said there were some Top Secret features. Who said they were cool?

    Personally I'm looking forward to the iChat Answering Machine, I rather like the idea and I kind of wanted it in Mail, but iChat is the next best thing I guess.


    No one said they were cool. But doesn't it stand to reason they should be cool (at least in geek world)???? Otherwise, why call them out as "top secret" and play them like they are best thing since the thong?
  • Reply 47 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    No one said they were cool. But doesn't it stand to reason they should be cool (at least in geek world)???? Otherwise, why call them out as "top secret" and play them like they are best thing since the thong?

    Nothing beats the thong... Nothing.
  • Reply 48 of 73

    Don't you find Time Machine to be a little excessive though in terms of graphical appearance?

    In a word, 'no'.

    It's about time we had new GUI metaphors.

    Changing users and we get a Cube.

    Want to see all your apps? Expose.

    Want to do little widget micro task stuff? We a have the widget dock that pops up and greys out the macro app space.

    Time Machine. Well, literally, yer goin' back in time...and the GUI reflects that. How novel yet so logical to me.

    It's about time the traditional 2D flat gui gave way to some of the possibilities. Time Machine explores a new way of doing things. As some of the previous GUI 'fluff' did. Not in a way inconsistent with intentions of said operation.

    Ie I'm happy with it and I can't wait to see more of it. Aero merely facelifts some aqua polish. Time Machine hints at a whole new GUI desktop from Apple.

    Maybe even a more iTunes like interface in the main. But with uber fluff to show how traditional tasks like hard drive back up (groan...boring on windows...) can be made much more fun on the Mac. Think Different.


    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 49 of 73
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    I am a big supporter of Time Machine, but I definitely do not want this GUI fun theme to be pushed into every application. At some point you have to draw the line between making something look pretty and actually harming the usabilit of the program. Time Machine does make logical sense, but I can see some horrible ideas off of this. Imagine iCal with a crazy GUI that took you day by day. It would totally eliminate the functions of a calendar in the first place! That's why Time Machine makes me nervous.
  • Reply 50 of 73
    The Time Machine interface is both awesome and hysterically useless overkill at the same time.
  • Reply 51 of 73
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Nothing beats the thong... Nothing.

    I think we need to be specific here. Nothing beats a thong on a woman.
  • Reply 52 of 73
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by turnwrite View Post

    The Time Machine interface is both awesome and hysterically useless overkill at the same time.

    Finally, someone kind of agrees with me!
  • Reply 53 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous View Post

    I think we need to be specific here. Nothing beats a thong on a woman.

    True enough. A woman may share a different opinion, however.
  • Reply 54 of 73
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    True enough. A woman may share a different opinion, however.

    Maybe. Depends on how gifted the male is I think.
  • Reply 55 of 73
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Funny how a random comment about thongs turns the whole thread into debate about them.
  • Reply 56 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    There's room enough for debate on the Internut.
  • Reply 57 of 73
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    No one said they were cool. But doesn't it stand to reason they should be cool (at least in geek world)???? Otherwise, why call them out as "top secret" and play them like they are best thing since the thong?

    Nah, nothing can be secret and cool

    Apple already has the RDF, anything else and the Universe will crumble

  • Reply 58 of 73
    Apple could be pulling a Microsoft. I mean, the general MS strategy is to overpromise in order to keep you waiting for that cool toy that's just around the corner. Apple could have said "amazing secret features" and talked up iTV last year as a stalling tactic. I doubt that that's the case, but it's possible. I mean, Apple has overpromised on occasion.
  • Reply 59 of 73

    iTV last year as a stalling tactic.

    It seemed that way.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 60 of 73
    Apple's teaser hints at illuminous?

    Lemon Bon Bon
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