Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 261 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    here's the link to the article:

    HD-DVD titles sold 2X the BD in 2006:

    Some figures:

  • Reply 262 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Ahh, doesn't really matter what total sales were for the year (when you realize that HD DVD had a head start getting to market first), as you get a better idea of the overall picture when you look at market trends, such as the fact that Blu-ray, upon the breakout of the PS3, overtook HD DVD in sales in the month of December. In addition, when you get information like this...,2933,242599,00.html


    At a Blu-ray event at the CES, Mike Dunn, president worldwide of News Corp.'s (NWS) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, said he believed Blu-ray will outsell HD DVD.

    By the end of the first quarter of 2007, he projected Blu-ray sales to be three to four times higher than HD's.

    "By the end of the first quarter, the format war is over," he said, noting Sony's recently released PlayStation 3 game console with a Blu-ray drive had boosted sales.

    "I'm selling 70,000 discs a week. Sales are doubling every week. ... Average PS3 owners buy 6 discs," he said.

    Couple this with the fact of the ENORMOUS slate of movies coming out EXCLUSIVELY on Blu-ray, it is pretty clear that Blu-ray will be cleaning house this year. Anyone catch the People's Choice Awards? I just found it interesting that most of the movies that one awards were EXCLUSIVE Blu-ray titles (Pirates, Click, Cars)...

    'Pirates,' Depp lead People's Choice Award winners
  • Reply 263 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    It's a bit dubious to compare Fox (a BD exclusive) number to Warners (Neutral).

    Warner Brother is a far more mature company than Fox which seems to hire the most antagonistic execs I've ever seen. When it comes to class and corporate culture Fox is the little punk to WBs reserved and respectful demeanor IMO.
  • Reply 264 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    PlayStation 3 Comes up BIG for Blu-ray

    Quite telling on a decent survey. With that type of usage, I won't be suprised at the projected 3.5 to 1 buying ratios in favor of Blu-ray by March. We'll have to see though, for sure, but in the meantime it certainly appears Blu-ray has a lot going for it. 8)

    First, its a study done by Sony, so what do you expect. Lets see some independent research done. Secondly, we no nothing of the methodology. The article doesn't explain who was polled (aside from PS3 users), and doesn't say anything about how the numbers were gathered, etc. If I learned anything in my Prob and Stats class this year, I learned that without more information about this "survey" you can't take these numbers all too seriously. You could say that there are 8,000 PS3 users playing Blu-Ray disks, but you can extrapolate to 800,000 (as the article writer did). Just as I can't go poll 5 friends, ask them if they like coke or pepsi, and when 4 say they like coke, determine that 80% of the population likes coke. Way more information is needed. So take these "figures" with a grain of salt (of the huge variety).

    On a side note, I just got the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player, and 5 movies. Circuit city didn't have Serenity in stock, so I am going over to Best Buy later to pick that one up. I have fully jumped into the HD race now, and have picked my horse.
  • Reply 265 of 4650
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    You could say that there are 8,000 PS3 users playing Blu-Ray disks, but you can extrapolate to 800,000 (as the article writer did). Just as I can't go poll 5 friends, ask them if they like coke or pepsi, and when 4 say they like coke, determine that 80% of the population likes coke. Way more information is needed. So take these "figures" with a grain of salt (of the huge variety).

    Since in your second sentence you say, "Just as I can't...", I suspect you meant to say in the first sentence, "...but you can't extrapolate to 800,000...". However, I'm a bit confused, since the way you did type is closer to correct than the way I think you meant to type.

    If you learned much in your stats class, you should know that 8000 people makes for a damn good sample, provided that sample is sufficient random and/or any biases against being purely random are properly compensated. 8000 well-taken samples extrapolates very, very well to a total population of 800,000.
  • Reply 266 of 4650
    What's the point of the TotalHD disc, when they acknowledge that Blu-ray is going to have almost 3 times as many production units at retail over 2007 than HD-DVD, not even including the PS3?
  • Reply 267 of 4650
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    First, its a study done by Sony, so what do you expect. Lets see some independent research done. Secondly, we no nothing of the methodology. The article doesn't explain who was polled (aside from PS3 users), and doesn't say anything about how the numbers were gathered, etc. If I learned anything in my Prob and Stats class this year, I learned that without more information about this "survey" you can't take these numbers all too seriously. You could say that there are 8,000 PS3 users playing Blu-Ray disks, but you can extrapolate to 800,000 (as the article writer did). Just as I can't go poll 5 friends, ask them if they like coke or pepsi, and when 4 say they like coke, determine that 80% of the population likes coke. Way more information is needed. So take these "figures" with a grain of salt (of the huge variety).

    On a side note, I just got the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player, and 5 movies. Circuit city didn't have Serenity in stock, so I am going over to Best Buy later to pick that one up. I have fully jumped into the HD race now, and have picked my horse.

    I took the poll. It was a poll that Sony emailed to everyone who signed up for a Sony Online account after setting up their PS3. It was not only concerning Blu-ray. Pretty much the standard hardware survey - what other hardware do you own, what do you plan to use this in conjuction with, what features prompted you to purchase the PS3, how many hours a day would you say you spend doing this activity, how about that activity. I wish they would release the results to the question about do you own an HDTV. I'm really curious to know how many people who bought a PS3 actually own an HDTV.
  • Reply 268 of 4650
    Originally Posted by shetline View Post

    Since in your second sentence you say, "Just as I can't...", I suspect you meant to say in the first sentence, "...but you can't extrapolate to 800,000...". However, I'm a bit confused, since the way you did type is closer to correct than the way I think you meant to type.

    Ya, I meant can't in the first sentence.


    If you learned much in your stats class, you should know that 8000 people makes for a damn good sample, provided that sample is sufficient random and/or any biases against being purely random are properly compensated. 8000 well-taken samples extrapolates very, very well to a total population of 800,000.

    But we don't know how random the sample was, or really anything about it at all (the article is lacking in ANY details at all). Hell, they could have asked 10,000 people on the forums for all we know. If an independent analyses came out saying that in there surveyed sample they found XX% to play Blu-Ray, I would believe it more than a Sony produced survey. Its just hard for me to believe that 80% of PS3 buyers have a HDTV, let alone are buying Blu-Ray movies (and why would you buy a blu-ray movie, when you can get the DVD for cheaper if you don't have an HDTV?). That seems like an awfully high attachment rate for so early on. But then again, maybe it does make sense (early adaptors would be more likely to buy into a new format). It would be interesting to see the survey done again (by a 3rd party) in 6 months, and see how many are using the PS3 as a movie player then. I bet that 80% figure wont hold.
  • Reply 269 of 4650
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    I took the poll. It was a poll that Sony emailed to everyone who signed up for a Sony Online account after setting up their PS3. It was not only concerning Blu-ray... I wish they would release the results to the question about do you own an HDTV.

    I'd really like to know the answer to that last question too. Early adopters are likely to have better toys in general than the general population, but still, poll results like this...


    According to a survey of more than 10,000 PS3 owners, 80 per cent of the respondents planned to purchase Blu-ray Disc movies for use on the PlayStation 3. And over 75 per cent planned to use Blu-ray Disc as a primary movie player."

    ...make me wonder about the accuracy of the self-reporting of those surveyed. I sincerely doubt that anywhere near 75-80% of these PS3 owners actually currently own an HD display, or will in the near future. If, say, only 20% have HD displays, what the hell would the remaining 60% do with these Blu-Ray discs they are supposedly claiming that they're planning to buy? Settle for SD resolution for now, and hold on to the discs until they eventually buy an HD display?

    I think a lot of people must have been checking off "yes" to some of these questions about Blu-Ray if they even had no more than a slight inkling that they might, just might, buy a movie on Blu-Ray some day.
  • Reply 270 of 4650
    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    I took the poll. It was a poll that Sony emailed to everyone who signed up for a Sony Online account after setting up their PS3. It was not only concerning Blu-ray. Pretty much the standard hardware survey - what other hardware do you own, what do you plan to use this in conjuction with, what features prompted you to purchase the PS3, how many hours a day would you say you spend doing this activity, how about that activity. I wish they would release the results to the question about do you own an HDTV. I'm really curious to know how many people who bought a PS3 actually own an HDTV.

    So we already see some bias. Only people who check there email and it didn't get filtered out as SPAM, and only those that signed up for a Sony Online account. Would have been much better to put cards in every PS3 sold, and taken a survey that way (hit your whole audience, rather than a small, select, group of individuals). There are probably people in both camps (those using the PS3 for movies and those who aren't) that didn't get this survey, or declined to state. That would be an interesting figure to know as well...
  • Reply 271 of 4650
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Its just hard for me to believe that 80% of PS3 buyers have a HDTV, let alone are buying Blu-Ray movies (and why would you buy a blu-ray movie, when you can get the DVD for cheaper if you don't have an HDTV?).

    Yes, that's the point that makes me question the validity of this survey more than anything else.
  • Reply 272 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    What's the point of the TotalHD disc, when they acknowledge that Blu-ray is going to have almost 3 times as many production units at retail over 2007 than HD-DVD, not even including the PS3?

    Only with projected PS3 #, but since PS3 sales aren't going to reach as high as expected, the projected numbers would be revised. BTW.... what is the attachement figure of PS3 purchase as a sole BD player?... not including the one time buyer who wants to check out BD movies for the first and the last time......but ones who buy PS3 as a sole BD player would buy at least 2 to 3 BD movies/month.
  • Reply 273 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    What's the point of the TotalHD disc, when they acknowledge that Blu-ray is going to have almost 3 times as many production units at retail over 2007 than HD-DVD, not even including the PS3?

    Where in the hell did you get these numbers? Warner is including the PS3. There's no way 6.2 million dedicated BD players are getting sold this year. Look at their movie projections and you'll find attachrate for each format. Despite having and estimated 6.2 million BD devices the movie revenue isn't expected to outstrip HD DVD by that much because most of the BD players are PS3
  • Reply 274 of 4650

    A sample size that's ~12.5% of the population and a price point of $500/$600 for each PS3 would suggest the survey has some validity, sure there could be some sample bias, but given those numbers (p=0.8 and n=8000) gives a sigma of 0.47% (or six sigma of 2.7%). And given the PS3's price points, and the fact that the PS3 is HD, I find it hard to believe that most of those who bought one don't have a HDTV already (or would purchase one shortly), I meay why buy the PS3 to just play games on a SD TV? Doesn't make much sense to me!

    So even if the poll was off by a factor of 2 (IMHO highly unlikely to be anywhere near that much sampling error) versus the actual population that's still 40% of the population that will buy Blu-Ray media.

  • Reply 275 of 4650
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    So we already see some bias. Only people who check there email and it didn't get filtered out as SPAM, and only those that signed up for a Sony Online account. Would have been much better to put cards in every PS3 sold, and taken a survey that way (hit your whole audience, rather than a small, select, group of individuals). There are probably people in both camps (those using the PS3 for movies and those who aren't) that didn't get this survey, or declined to state. That would be an interesting figure to know as well...

    I think that 80% may be pushing it but at the same time I don't think that it's that far off - remember we are talking about early adopters. This survey was done for them not to brag but to figure out where to focus their manpower. We all know that Sony's online system is a "work in progress", and the only way for them to prioritize what updates get rolled out first is by reaching out to their customers and trying to find where the common ground is.

    The online email was a much better way of presenting the survey than a card for countless reasons. The speed, ease of use, integrity of the data, and the number of respondants will most likely be better in all cases.
  • Reply 276 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    TDK's Abuse-Resistant 200GB Blu-ray Disc


    Hopping on along to the TDK booth, part of the Blu-ray supporters club, and we saw the company highlighting incredible leaps made in Blu-ray disc capacities.

    Click on the above image and the top-left disc is a single-sided 200GB prototype. That's right, the potential to store over 40 DVD's worth of data on a single disc. TDK has managed to reach this outlandish mark by increasing the layer count to six and the capacity per layer to 33.3GB, above the usual 25GB associated with Blu-ray media.

    It's presently unclear whether current Blu-ray drives will be able to support this disc but that's a moot point for now. The 200GB prototype needs to be passed via the Blu-ray standards body before certification is approved. Whatever the case, at CES 2007 the supporters of Blu-ray have lots more to shout about than their HD DVD counterparts.

    You may well be aware of the fact that Blu-ray discs have a much smaller coating layer than incumbent DVD's or HD DVD's 0.6mm. The BD discs shielding is just 0.1mm thick, so media manufacturers have needed to come up with methods to safeguard data. TDK's harde-coating solution is its Durabis 2 technology.

    To highlight the effectiveness of the hard-coating technology against the usual scratches and wear subjected to media over time, fine wire wool and a permanent marker were rubbed/applied on to both a standard DVD disc on the left and a Durabis 2-coated disc on the right. As the picture shows, there was no meaningful wear on the TDK BD but the DVD disc was rendered unplayable. Not the most scientific of tests, sure, but an indication that it does indeed work.

    Want to know how a four-layer BD is constructed? The above picture indicates the process used by TDK to engineer its 100GB prototype. There's more to it than meets the eye.

    Yet another technical advatage for Blu-ray other than higher throughput and storage capacity. Is there still a question? You basically have your HD DVD there (as HD DVD employs the SAME protection as current DVDs) on the left in the picture rendered unplayable while the Blu-ray is still going strong on the right.
  • Reply 277 of 4650
    Maybe it's a silly question here from this 'ol timer newbie, but since there are now hybrid players available, why couldn't Apple develope and build a hybrid burner into their machines?

    Since the competing formats, Blu-ray and HD DVD, each bring something special to the table, why not go with both? It's not like the old days of the VHS vs Beta wars, where the technology was basically the same.

    It would be the perfect world, the user would select the format and it's corresponding disk. Burn it, and play it back in either the proper player or a hybrid player.

    Seems like Mr. Jobs and his crew of geniuses ought to have the capabilities to accomplish this.
  • Reply 278 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by DonnyG View Post

    Maybe it's a silly question here from this 'ol timer newbie, but since there are now hybrid players available, why couldn't Apple develope and build a hybrid burner into their machines?

    Since the competing formats, Blu-ray and HD DVD, each bring something special to the table, why not go with both? It's not like the old days of the VHS vs Beta wars, where the technology was basically the same.

    It would be the perfect world, the user would select the format and it's corresponding disk. Burn it, and play it back in either the proper player or a hybrid player.

    Seems like Mr. Jobs and his crew of geniuses ought to have the capabilities to accomplish this.

    I think they should do that. Probably by years end there will be multiple options for a HD DVD/BD half height drive. Neither format is going anywhere.
  • Reply 279 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Only with projected PS3 #, but since PS3 sales aren't going to reach as high as expected, the projected numbers would be revised. BTW.... what is the attachement figure of PS3 purchase as a sole BD player?... not including the one time buyer who wants to check out BD movies for the first and the last time......but ones who buy PS3 as a sole BD player would buy at least 2 to 3 BD movies/month.

    IMHO this would actually be an argument that the Sony poll is under biased towards Blu-Ray movie media purchases. I'm going out on a limb here, since I don't have a clue as to what Sony's online service is all about, but if the online service caters primilarily to gamers, then those not going online may be predominately those who bought the PS3 as a Blu-Ray movie player.

  • Reply 280 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Where in the hell did you get these numbers? Warner is including the PS3. There's no way 6.2 million dedicated BD players are getting sold this year. Look at their movie projections and you'll find attachrate for each format. Despite having and estimated 6.2 million BD devices the movie revenue isn't expected to outstrip HD DVD by that much because most of the BD players are PS3

    My interpretation of the presentation is sold to retail not sold-thru to customers and all these numbers are based off of global manufacturer projections (Shinco suggests such). The PS3 is expecting to ship and sell 6 million units worldwide by March and it's pretty safe to say that they are going to try and at least do 10 million through 2007 to compete with M$. Therefore 6.2 million would not make sense if it included PS3.

    Also, looking at the manufacturers listed for HD-DVD: Toshiba (big seller), Shinco , Alco !!!! That 2.5 is including players from LG and Sharp and probably accounts for 40% of the numbers. So that's 1 million which we can say is also apart of the Blu-ray 6.2 million. Which leaves Samsung, Pioneer, Panasonic, Phillips, and Sony to make 5.2 million stand alone Blu-ray players about 1 mil a piece.

    I could be wrong but, like I said, that was my interpretation of their numbers.
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