Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 341 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well... if that's the case, your screen probably isn't HDCP compliant, and the best source of connection would be VGA to view HD contents. Hence, xbox 360 addon would be the best solution for now for your display.

    Yeah. The monitor supports VGA and DVI. It's the Viewsonic 2025wm. It was a cheap monitor. If only the Xbox 360 had a DVI port... lol.
  • Reply 342 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    There isn't much HDCP options on the displays right now. I'm using 1080p Westinghouse 37" LCD with my HTPC in my bedroom which covers HDCP. However, HDCP compliance also requires your video card to be compliant when playing HD optical media contents. The most cost effective would be just using VGA which is almost as good as any digital connection. At least, via VGA, you can enjoy all HD content playback w/out HDCP compliance. I have two LCD's connected to my HTPC, both DVI and VGA, and I don't see much difference.

    So, if you do get a xbox 360 add on for your PC/macintel..... you would need:

    1) set up bootcamp or boot off WinXP/Vista.

    2) buy HD-DVD player software (powerDVD 6.5 with HD playback kit and above).

    3) when use DVI/HDMI, then you'd also need a HDCP compliant Video card ($120 minimum).

    4) when using VGA, no HDCP compliance required.

    5) Use THX optimizer to get to adjust "brightness" and "contrast" at least.

    6) need King Kong HD-DVD movie (promo pack had it included with xbox 360 add on) to kick off your HD experience.

    Anyway, prices on the LCD TV front has gone down enough that you don't have to pay much more for a 1080p 37" LCD TV vs. the 24 wide screen LCD. Just be wise and wait for a coupon or a special deal.

    Edited: here's a good place to start:

    Yeah the Westy, I've been reading alot about it over at [H]ard|Forum™ have you ever been to their website?

    The Westy thread over there had links to a midwest electronics chain (forget name) where it's street price is like ~$800+tax, it looks like a gamerz favorite! Someone over there has a photo of a Westy sitting in an IKEA Jerker workstation, which I just happen to have (IKEA).

    BTW thanks for the info/link (I've been there a bunch of times, and I just added it to my HDTV bookmarks for future reference). VGA, does it also work like this with component inputs?
  • Reply 343 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    VGA, does it also work like this with component inputs?

    I would think component would also work, but most TV's have overscan turned on by default via component, and most HDTV's have them on by default on HDMI or even DVI inputs. One of the reason I got a Westy over the other LCD brands is because of the overscan or lack there of. Most LCD TV models will have such issues unless it has a user menu available to turn off, but most don't.
  • Reply 344 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I would think component would also work, but most TV's have overscan turned on by default via component, and most HDTV's have them on by default on HDMI or even DVI inputs. One of the reason I got a Westy over the other LCD brands is because of the overscan or lack there of. Most LCD TV models will have such issues unless it has a user menu available to turn off, but most don't.

    Yeah I think you're right, if I go that way I'll stick with VGA (forgot it was an analog DB15 display connector). But that's still a few months down the road at the earliest, whatever I do.
  • Reply 345 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Blu-ray has a higher transfer speed (up to 17.15 MB/Sec) than does HD DVD so again you are stating something that is untrue in terms of less burn time...

    Well, you have to understand what he means by less burn time. Sure, Blu-ray has higher transfer rate, but HD DVD has the benefit of lower capacity, hence less burn time!
  • Reply 346 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Well, you have to understand what he means by less burn time. Sure, Blu-ray has higher transfer rate, but HD DVD has the benefit of lower capacity, hence less burn time!

  • Reply 347 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    At least, via VGA, you can enjoy all HD content playback w/out HDCP compliance.

    Well least according to MS they don't expect HD playback if the studios turn on the derez bit in anything but Vista using HDCP enabled hardware. The HD playback software should see the ICT flag and downrez to 540p is the studios turn that on.

    But 2010 you should have all new gear anyway so this is more of a nit than anything else.

    DVI might get no picture tho' without HDCP. Analog VGA is good for a while.

  • Reply 348 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Well least according to MS they don't expect HD playback if the studios turn on the derez bit in anything but Vista using HDCP enabled hardware. The HD playback software should see the ICT flag and downrez to 540p is the studios turn that on.

    But 2010 you should have all new gear anyway so this is more of a nit than anything else.

    DVI might get no picture tho' without HDCP. Analog VGA is good for a while.


    Yup, that was the iniital agreement, but I dont' think any of the studios on HD-DVD side have implemented yet. Well, HD-DVD is the only region free format as well. As you've said, I think 2010 may be the cut off point. Well, all the xbox360 folks only have analog outs for the current models, so this will be interesting later. I was reading something regarding how studios does not have the right on the analog contents to implement on the derez bit or something in that development. So, if that's true then the derez bit may not get implemented at all. Well, how it get implemented on Vista may be it's own problem and using winxp may be the work around?.
  • Reply 349 of 4650
    Originally Posted by smashbrosfan View Post

    So what are currently the best Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players on the market right now? I've been reading this thread from the beginning, But it seems to me that the 2 formats have been argued over so much, yet we're not really comparing the players themselves.

    The reason you're not seeing any comparisons is B-R/HD-DVD ownership among the people who do most of the posting here extolling one format over the other is almost nil. You should check out the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD boards on AVSforum for information about the different players. Be forewarned, though, that some people on those boards are very rabid about their chosen format. One of the interesting things is that many people on those boards own both formats-- definitely affluent early adopters.

    I'm on the sidelines but if I had to buy one of the players today it would be the PS3. It gets consistently good reviews. It's only disadvantages are it's reportedly not an outstanding upscaler player for standard DVDs-- a firmware fix is rumored to address this in the future-- and you either have to use the game controller or buy an optional under $30 remote. The remote is bluetooth so existing universal remotes, like the widely used Harmony 880, won't work with the PS3.

    One thing to consider if you're using one of the player in a home theatre setup, is that the best possible sound is via HDMI and most recievers older than a year or two don't have HDMI inputs. You can still get DD 5.1 and DTS over the optical connectors, though.
  • Reply 350 of 4650
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    Pure speculation here, but it would not surprise me one bit if >1M Xbox HD-DVD addon's were sold this year, given it's pricepoint, the installed base (through the end of this year), and the current attachment rate (2% and plenty of room to grow this year).

    now hold on, the 360 hasnt sold 10million players WORLD WIDE and assuming it DOES (with an attachment rate of 2%) by years end thats STILL only 200,000 HD-DVD addon's

    however if mickysoft continue to shift on average 50,000 PER MONTH thats STILL only 700,000 units including the numbers for last year.. assuming they can KEEP shifting 50,000 players.

    so based on the FACTS so far they are hardly likely to reach the 1 million figure SORRY.

    AT LAST somthing PROVABLE with math on this thread (sorry if someone else has already pointed this out)
  • Reply 351 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    now hold on, the 360 hasnt sold 10million players WORLD WIDE and assuming it DOES (with an attachment rate of 2%) by years end thats STILL only 200,000 HD-DVD addon's

    however if mickysoft continue to shift on average 50,000 PER MONTH thats STILL only 700,000 units including the numbers for last year.. assuming they can KEEP shifting 50,000 players.

    so based on the FACTS so far they are hardly likely to reach the 1 million figure SORRY.

    AT LAST somthing PROVABLE with math on this thread (sorry if someone else has already pointed this out)

    We don't have the official MS numbers yet (do we?), but the estimates were for 10.4M at the end of 4th quarter (12/31/06). Estimates are for 13M-15M by the end of 2nd quarter '07. We also know what the adoption rate WAS (~2%), not what it will be at the end of this year, it could go go up, it could go down, or remain about the same. Your assumption is that it remains the same, my assumption is that it will go up. For my assumption to play out about a ~6% adoption rate is needed (assuming ~20M aggragate sales volume of the Xbox 360 by the end of '07).

    I did preface my remark with, "Pure speculation" did you miss that part of my comment?

    I've thrown a dart into the future, do you care to engage in "Pure speculation" as to the number of Xbox DVD addons will be sold in total for 2007 (i. e. greater than X amount) that "would not surprise you one bit?"

    You need to also remember that the HD-DVD addon was released on November 7th of 2006 (US introduction, later dates elsewhere).
  • Reply 352 of 4650
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    I did preface my remark with, "Pure speculation" did you miss that part of my comment?


    did you miss the "assume" wording in mine?

    i didnt realise the projected figure was so high.

    Sony need to get a shift on really.

    I find it all a bit odd, to be on a Mac forum watching supposed mac users spuring on the adoption of a microsoft product (360) its bewildering
  • Reply 353 of 4650
    from a link somewhere above

    //Jack Tretton puts a somewhat sunnier spin on the numbers: "Not only did consumers drive records for PlayStation 3, they also validated the excellent value represented by PlayStation 2 and the entertainment versatility of PSP. These sales figures bode very well for the company heading into 2007."//

    ive just had a thought, sony have 3 products on offer the PS2 PSP and PS3

    Nintendo the Wii and DS

    microsoft are putting all their efforts into just one product the 360.

    if you only have one product to push, anyone interested in your brand only has one way to spend their money!

  • Reply 355 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post


    did you miss the "assume" wording in mine?

    i didnt realise the projected figure was so high.

    Sony need to get a shift on really.

    I find it all a bit odd, to be on a Mac forum watching supposed mac users spuring on the adoption of a microsoft product (360) its bewildering

    I don't know why people want to look at things narrowly when discussing the HD format war. Everything is a factor in adoption rates, including the console war, because of Xbox (HD-DVD, earliest release), PS3 (Blu-Ray), and Wii (no HD, hot seller).

    PS - I stated "Your assumption ..."
  • Reply 356 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    We don't have the official MS numbers yet (do we?), but the estimates were for 10.4M at the end of 4th quarter (12/31/06).

    BTW, I believe the estimates were for 10.4 M "shipped" just like Sony "shipped" 1 million consoles, which doesn't necessarily correlate to sold.
  • Reply 357 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    BTW, I believe the estimates were for 10.4 M "shipped" just like Sony "shipped" 1 million consoles, which doesn't necessarily correlate to sold.

    Yeah what's up with that? Does anyone know where to get data for consoles sold in Europe from? I can confirm that they have done 4.5 million in North America and about 120,000 in Japan. Also saw that they have over 100,000 in Australia as of mid December. Being generous, that still leaves 5.65 million units to account for. Through September, it was stated that they only had 1.7 million in Europe. Smells fishy to me and it doesn't help that the only place I can find the 10.4 million number is someone quoting or referring to a Microsoft exec, especially Gates.
  • Reply 358 of 4650
    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    Yeah what's up with that? Does anyone know where to get data for consoles sold in Europe from? I can confirm that they have done 4.5 million in North America and about 120,000 in Japan. Also saw that they have over 100,000 in Australia as of mid December. Being generous, that still leaves 5.65 million units to account for. Through September, it was stated that they only had 1.7 million in Europe. Smells fishy to me and it doesn't help that the only place I can find the 10.4 million number is someone quoting or referring to a Microsoft exec, especially Gates.


    I got that number from wiki, AFAIK all numbers from wiki are MS numbers (as I would assume all PS3 numbers are Sony's, or all Wii numbers are Nintendo's), since they are the only ones who would know what was shipped regionally/globally. And wiki does quote the MS keynote at CES (actually it's Robbert J. "Robbie" Bach of MS (President, Entertainment and Devices Division) who made the "We've sold 10.4 million consoles in 37 countries." statement). Which I would take to be a true statement at the MS end of the chain. Who would really know what the numbers are at the end user end of the chain is the $64K question, market research being what it is (polling vendors and extrapolating the data regionally/globally to estimate end user units sold).

    All I'm saying is that I drew a line in the sand for the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on through the end of 2007 (sold at the MS end of the chain). That's it. We can all draw our "line in the sand" as it were, and if enough of us do that, one of us is bound to be right.

    Someone who comments on my SWAG, using a very short historic trend (2%) and extrapolating through 2007 from a US launch date of November 7th 2006, is IMHO making a low estimate of potential sales. And we could dissect launch dates and units "in transit" and PDF's all night long, but to what end? It's all just a guess, my SWAG is probabilisticly +2 sigma (another SWAG).

    So basically, all I asked was,

    Make a guess, or give it a rest!
  • Reply 359 of 4650
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    Someone who comments on my SWAG, using a very short historic trend (2%) and extrapolating through 2007 from a US launch date of November 7th 2006, is IMHO making a low estimate of potential sales. And we could dissect launch dates and units "in transit" and PDF's all night long, but to what end? It's all just a guess, my SWAG is probabilisticly +2 sigma (another SWAG).

    So basically, all I asked was,

    Make a guess, or give it a rest!

    but the short historic trend was what YOU were going on as well... ??

    and i used YOUR numbers and did the math and the math didnt add up to what you were saying..

    so whats your problem with that? your math or your formula?

    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    We can all draw our "line in the sand" as it were, and if enough of us do that, one of us is bound to be right.

    agreed, but its all just pissing in the wind isnt it

    as i keep saying, give it about 6 months into 2007 and a clear trend for the PS3 and Blu-Ray players AND the 360 addon will be more apparent. then we will have a clearer picture of what is or is not likely to be the outcome.

    we will also know how many studios are pressing porn and on what format.

    and we will also know how many exclusive games titles sony are going to let themselves bleed and how much more they can stuff things up.

    this thread is already as stale as the 2006 one had got at page 30, its all a pissing contest.

    the HD-DVD people only talking to the HD-DVD people and the Blu-Ray only talking to the Blu-ray people... unless its to slag the other off for an opposing view... its really disturbing to read... at least before the formats were released OPINION actually counted for something, in 6 months time OPINION WONT count.

    bring it on! cos im bored!


    i have no argument with you personally frank, just your maths
  • Reply 360 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    but the short historic trend was what YOU were going on as well... ??

    and i used YOUR numbers and did the math and the math didnt add up to what you were saying..

    so whats your problem with that? your math or your formula?

    agreed, but its all just pissing in the wind isnt it

    as i keep saying, give it about 6 months into 2007 and a clear trend for the PS3 and Blu-Ray players AND the 360 addon will be more apparent. then we will have a clearer picture of what is or is not likely to be the outcome.

    we will also know how many studios are pressing porn and on what format.

    and we will also know how many exclusive games titles sony are going to let themselves bleed and how much more they can stuff things up.

    this thread is already as stale as the 2006 one had got at page 30, its all a pissing contest.

    the HD-DVD people only talking to the HD-DVD people and the Blu-Ray only talking to the Blu-ray people... unless its to slag the other off for an opposing view... its really disturbing to read... at least before the formats were released OPINION actually counted for something, in 6 months time OPINION WONT count.

    bring it on! cos im bored!


    i have no argument with you personally frank, just your maths

    Not my problem, it's your limited thinking, look into PDF's/CDF's to get a clue! And read MY posts (particularly my first 2 in last year's thread), if anything I'm in the Blu-Ray camp (purely for SL storage capacity as a burner, for me it's all about storage cost per GB, just like it's currently for SL DVD storage), yeah it's a pissing contest all right and right now you're doing all the PISSING!

    And about "my" math, last time I checked X*Y=Z, four keystrokes, that's called a "no brainer." Now why would I do that, the obvious answer, that's a non-statement, so why make it in the first place (i. e. your response to my "Pure speculation here ..." comment)?
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