Some things the iPhone NEEDS, imo



  • Reply 141 of 144
    Some questions about the iphone:

    1. There might be a 3G model by thetime of launch in june? i have a blackjack currently and it takes about 15 seconds to load the average 2 minute video clip. (10 megabytes?) 3G is definetly worth the cost, and would work well with the safari mobile software. Edge is slow. 30 seconds to load video when im in edge. But a 3G model would only sell in places where there is 3G coverage, aka major cities and their suburbs.

    2. iPhone has wifi. some phones, like the T-mobile dash if im correct, switch from the cell network to wifi for calls when there is wifi present(i.e. in an office building, the signal goes down the further you are inside). This would be a great idea for apple as it would boost the signal strength. But, it would wear down the battery more.

    3. the two batteries in the iphone-when the cell runs out, will the ipod battery still work? hopefully.

    4. An ipod replica of the iphone?(exact same case, just with 30gb hard drive inside? or 80gb, 100?)

    something like that would cell majorly, being a 6g ipod video.

    5. mobile itunes?! you download on the go, can sync the songs when you get home. that would be cool, but crappy on edge.(another reason for apple to add 3g to the iphone.)
  • Reply 142 of 144
    Originally Posted by iridedasupabus View Post

    Some questions about the iphone:

    1. There might be a 3G model by thetime of launch in june? i have a blackjack currently and it takes about 15 seconds to load the average 2 minute video clip. (10 megabytes?) 3G is definetly worth the cost, and would work well with the safari mobile software. Edge is slow. 30 seconds to load video when im in edge. But a 3G model would only sell in places where there is 3G coverage, aka major cities and their suburbs.

    2. iPhone has wifi. some phones, like the T-mobile dash if im correct, switch from the cell network to wifi for calls when there is wifi present(i.e. in an office building, the signal goes down the further you are inside). This would be a great idea for apple as it would boost the signal strength. But, it would wear down the battery more.

    3. the two batteries in the iphone-when the cell runs out, will the ipod battery still work? hopefully.

    4. An ipod replica of the iphone?(exact same case, just with 30gb hard drive inside? or 80gb, 100?)

    something like that would cell majorly, being a 6g ipod video.

    5. mobile itunes?! you download on the go, can sync the songs when you get home. that would be cool, but crappy on edge.(another reason for apple to add 3g to the iphone.)

    1) Nope. There might (should), however, be a 3G model when it launches in Europe and there will be a 3G model by the time it goes to Asia in 2008.

    2) Shrugs. We don't know yet.

    3) There's one battery and the software likely works the other way around. i.e. after a certain point the remaining battery is reserved for calls. It would be nice to have this user configurable though.

    4) We all hope so.

    5) Apple recently patented this and will probably roll it out sometime in the future after they re-negotiate contracts with record companies to allow it and have 3G versions of the iPhone as Europe/Asia are more reliant on 3G everywhere then the WiFi hotspots we use in North America with our poor 3G coverage.

    That said downloading music is the number one use of 3G technology in mobile phones in Japan so it seems like an obvious feature for Apple to add. Moreso than video calling, although they'll probably add that too for the 3G models.
  • Reply 143 of 144
    i can see how they wouldnt launch a 3g version of the iphone at all in the US. sprint is supposedly expected to roll out with a 4g WiMax service in 2008. And thats real mobile broadband, possibly faster. My friend's father who owns a cellphone company(MNVO or however its spelt) explained to me that companies in the US decided to hop over 3g(not completly) in favor for later 4g. japan, for instance, devoted all of its money to 3g and the island-wide wifi you have there. so, by the time wimax is widespread, apple may be selling iphones on sprint, cingular, and other carriers, and might introduge a 4g iphone then. or maybe Wimax signals can be picked up by 802.11 wifi cards. i dont know.

    the itunes sounds pretty cool though. apple would have to rewrite itunes so you could copy songs from phone to pc, which you can't do with ipods currently(through itunes)
  • Reply 144 of 144
    Originally Posted by Padilla79 View Post

    3. 3G Network -- EDGE sucks. I use it on my Razr and it's HORRIBLE. 3G is the way to go, and I'm waiting for it.

    by the way, cingular just rolled out the razr v3xx which is 3g.and $230 without a new contract, $80 with a new contract. dual band UTMS/HDSPA and tri band gsm
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