Vista to bite into Apple's Mac market share



  • Reply 81 of 118
    All you people arguing and worrying about Apple because of Vista is running well? First, it took MS over five years for this major upgrade and frankly most people will function just fine with XP. Their immediate boost in sales is coming in from new PCs sold.

    MS is a huge target for hackers due to their large user based (of course, some just don't like MS, plain and simple). Sure they have a larger market share, and with it they also have more headache than Apple. Apple's OS has continuously proven to be a few steps ahead of MS and with it's ease of use, Apple only need to retain it's current users to maintain their business.

    If I'm S. Jobs, I rather spend more time and resources to make sure iPod, iPhone, "i"anything to dominate the electronic market. People go through electronic devices a lot faster than computers. Apple computers has already proven to work, I don't think they need to worry about competiting against MS. Conversely, MS should wory more about open-source system like Linux than worrying about competiting against Apple. Both brands has always attract different crowds and end users, and despite, Apple's advertising using Mac vs PC guys, they won't win too many hardcore PC users. Hardcore PC users spend a lot of time modifying their computers from inside out, you just can't do that with Apple, no matter how good Apple OS is.
  • Reply 82 of 118
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    You sure can!! Assuming you want your display on the LEFT side and just want it to be a 2nd tier display, unless you mirror.

    Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about.
  • Reply 83 of 118
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    They do NOT need to cover every base. But they have gaping holes in their current lineup. I don't want to get into it in this thread. It's been beaten to death in other threads. And I'm specifically talking about a lower priced tower / consumer machine. There are far too many people that say "how much is a tower?" 2.5k. "no thanks".

    The suggest retail price for a Mac Pro starts at $2120. Already saved you nearly $400.
  • Reply 84 of 118
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Techboy View Post

    All you people arguing and worrying about Apple because of Vista is running well?

    Actually this particular disagreement has been going on for years, long before Vista ever shipped. Vista just makes it a tad more poignant. 8)


    Apple's OS has continuously proven to be a few steps ahead of MS and with it's ease of use, Apple only need to retain it's current users to maintain their business.

    That's the old days. Currently, about half of Apple's Mac business is users who are new to the platform, i.e. switchers or first-time computer buyers. And you would think that Apple would want to grow their business, not just 'maintain' it.

  • Reply 85 of 118
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The suggest retail price for a Mac Pro starts at $2120. Already saved you nearly $400.

    Sure, if you downgrade the cpu to 2.0GHz (from default 2.66GHz) and downgrade the hard drive.

    Knock off another $700-900 and my group might be interested. \

  • Reply 86 of 118
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Sure, if you downgrade the cpu to 2.0GHz (from default 2.66GHz) and downgrade the hard drive.

    Knock off another $700-900 and my group might be interested. \


    Doubt it!
  • Reply 87 of 118
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about.

    I don't know what i'm talking about? It's pretty hard to have a display on the RIGHT SIDE covering the DVD drive.
  • Reply 88 of 118
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The suggest retail price for a Mac Pro starts at $2120. Already saved you nearly $400.

    That's funny. Last time I went to buy a mac PRO on apple's website it STARTED at 2.499k. Sure you can BTO the machine and get it down to 2120. Still a pretty big chunk of change for consumers to pay.
  • Reply 89 of 118
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Doubt it!

    Why? I actually had someone else in the group bring up the possibility of purchasing Macs, and the No.2 guy in the group owns a Macbook at home (and loves it).

    If Apple had had the product, we might've been able to swing it.

  • Reply 90 of 118
    Originally Posted by tomozj View Post

    That is EXACTLY what Apple should be doing, I agree. People won't consider Mac OSX when they can have something that looks like Vista. Vista sucks, but they don't know that. Alot of home users are gullable


    Couldn't have said it better myself. It amazes me how people are lead around by a "Vista carrot". You can truly see how dumb people are when one does not do their homework. Sure, not everyone is comfortable with a change to a different OS. But it's like the educated (you and me) trying to educate the idiots of the world. I just get tired after awhile and say "Screw it. Let them deal with Vista issues and I'll enjoy my Mac." Long live the Mac!
  • Reply 91 of 118
    Originally Posted by fuyutsuki View Post

    I don't know what you expect to find on AppleInsider, but taking the piss out of MS is pretty much a common passtime around here. I hear the reverse is true over at a wide selection of Windows centric places.

    Why in the world would a Windows user feel threatened or angry at the Mac? That makes no sense. Nothing Apple does will have any negative effect on MS because MS is a mammoth that is not going away anytime so.

    I can understand why Apple fans hate MS because virtually all of Apples problems are because of MS being so dominant (which I suppose could be construed as Apple's fault...), but I can't picture where Apple hating comes from.

    Maybe it's because all the Apple-haters are insecure and know in their heart that windows sucks
  • Reply 92 of 118
    Originally Posted by commander_scampers View Post

    OTOH, MS just announced a critical security hole in the install process which allows every installer to run as Admin, providing a path for privledge escalation. Vista's off to to a great start.

    This must be a case of sarcasm not coming across in text. <sarcasm> Great start indeed. </sarcasm>
  • Reply 93 of 118
    Originally Posted by tomozj View Post

    That is EXACTLY what Apple should be doing, I agree. People won't consider Mac OSX when they can have something that looks like Vista. Vista sucks, but they don't know that. Alot of home users are gullable


    Interesting question.. not that i am an advocate (i have three macs in household) but how do you know vista sucks?.. what specifically about vista that sucks?.
  • Reply 94 of 118
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    And how do you eject your dvd / cd out of the RIGHT side of the iMac? Kinda hard when the LCD is flush against the bezel. And yes I do know you can move them. I have my 20" 205bw samsung on my PB on the RIGHT side. But I don't have to worry about ejecting things that go against the LCD. However I wasn't aware you could set it as a primary display. You certainly can't on my powerbook.

    How old is that powerbook? Maybe you just dont know how to do it? Ive never seen a OSX powerbook that couldnt. When your looking at the two screens in display preferences, grab the white title bar from the top of the main screen and drag just that to the other screen.
  • Reply 95 of 118
    I dont think we need a full/mid tower xMac... it wouldn't be very Apple.

    We do need a midranged desktop Mac that is not an all in one though. Apple says they do not make a Tablet computer because its a small niche market. Yet they make their primary desktop an all-in-one. Worldwide Tablets outsell All-in-ones... so how does that logic stand up.

    All they need to do is make a Mac Mini that is about 2.5X the height of the current one. That could let it use a desktop processor, desktop hard drive, have enough room for a x16 PCIe slot and proper cooling.. The slot could be used for gamers (or whoever) to add a video card, or anyone else to add whatever they need a slot for and still have the onboard intel video working.

    I think if they made a machine like that it would quickly outsell every other computer they make.
  • Reply 96 of 118
    I find it somewhat amusing that despite the "halo" effect of the massive sales of the iPod, that the Mac's share still hovers around 2.5%. Which really must be annoying the faithful who have been confidently predicting that the Mac's market share will skyrocket accordingly.

    Of course, market share is not necessarily a barometer of success, and Apple has definitely been selling more Macs than ever, but I guess the rest of the market has been increasing similarly. Still, as an Apple shareholder (a modest holding to be sure), I'm gratified that the company's fiscal performance appears to have suffered little from its relatively miniscule share. Whether it earns its profit from the Mac or from whatever entertainment gizmo is the flavor of the month, I'm happy enough. And as long as there's a Mac for me to work on, I don't really mind that "niche market" status.
  • Reply 97 of 118
    Originally Posted by jApple View Post

    Why in the world would a Windows user feel threatened or angry at the Mac? That makes no sense. Nothing Apple does will have any negative effect on MS because MS is a mammoth that is not going away anytime so.

    I can understand why Apple fans hate MS because virtually all of Apples problems are because of MS being so dominant (which I suppose could be construed as Apple's fault...), but I can't picture where Apple hating comes from.

    Maybe it's because all the Apple-haters are insecure and know in their heart that windows sucks

    Some of us hate them for multiple reasons, including but not limited to:

    a) Many years of beta code in production

    b) code bload, lots of junk code not optimized

    c) many years of blue screens

    d) Overcharging for most software

    e) smug attitute since they are the main game in town

    f) Lots of shitty code that hackers can take advantage of

    g) anti-competitive behaviour

    Those that hate Apple don't want to accept change, some think there is little software, others are just defending M$ as a reaction more than anything.
  • Reply 98 of 118
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by EagerDragon View Post

    Some of us hate them for multiple reasons, including but not limited to:

    a) Many years of beta code in production

    b) code bload, lots of junk code not optimized

    c) many years of blue screens

    d) Overcharging for most software

    e) smug attitute since they are the main game in town

    f) Lots of shitty code that hackers can take advantage of

    g) anti-competitive behaviour

    Those that hate Apple don't want to accept change, some think there is little software, others are just defending M$ as a reaction more than anything.

    you talking about MS or Apple?
  • Reply 99 of 118
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    I would simply like to point out that the article was written by a person with the unlikely name of 'Slash Lane'.

    Which is either very awesome or very humorous, depending on your POV. Also, I get post #100.

  • Reply 100 of 118
    There will be no mass exodus from Windows to the Mac because the vast majority of computer users are either not smart enough to see the benefits or not brave enough to let go of the old and familiar. But the word is out and the game is on. One thing is totally obvious: There is no way in the universe that 95% of the kids today (the iPod generation) are gonna grow up and buy the same old pissy pc that their parents used. No way. Absolutely no way. The war is already over. Just sit back and watch the show.
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