No leopard at WWDC... What hardware then

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
So I was wondering what hardware/software apple has in store for us at wwdc. Presumably pro stuff.


  • Reply 1 of 38
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    As far as I am concerned, they will spend a great deal on Leopard at the WWDC since it is a developers' conference.
  • Reply 2 of 38
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    As far as I am concerned, they will spend a great deal on Leopard at the WWDC since it is a developers' conference.

    They sure will, but your logic is flawed. If that was 100% true, they would have spent a lot more time on the Mac at Macworld.
  • Reply 3 of 38
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    They sure will, but your logic is flawed. If that was 100% true, they would have spent a lot more time on the Mac at Macworld.

    WWDC is an Apple event -Apple just attends MWX.
  • Reply 4 of 38
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    I have a problem with several of the options listed, mainly that they shouldn't be there.

    The Mac Pro was just updated, the iMac and the Macbook Pro are the most likely to show if nothing new comes out for them before WWDC making a 3rd Mac unlikely removing the Mac Minitower entirely from the equation until those 2 make an appearance, Clones will never happen, what would iWork Pro have to offer that iWork doesn't? It's already progressing slow enough already, no need to split it into 2 suites. I doubt a new Language/API will make an appearance on such short notice, especially since Developers will be getting Feature Complete Betas, Boot Camp will not have any Virtualization features in Leopard, and Objective-C already runs on Windows.

  • Reply 5 of 38
    What do you think the chances are of a completely new iMac coming out at WWDC? I'm probably going to buy one soon, and I was just wondering if I should get my hopes up or not. I'll probably end up waiting anyways, but I was just wondering what everyone else thought.
  • Reply 6 of 38
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by faxmachine11658 View Post

    What do you think the chances are of a completely new iMac coming out at WWDC? I'm probably going to buy one soon, and I was just wondering if I should get my hopes up or not. I'll probably end up waiting anyways, but I was just wondering what everyone else thought.

    50% chance. The iMac is due for an update, and they updated the Macbook before the iMac (the previous order for the Core 2 Duo Generation went: Mac Pro and Xserve>Mac Mini>iMac>Macbook Pro>Macbook and now it's going Mac Pro>Macbook>???) so my guess is yes. On the other hand, what can be added, or changed, and keep it affordable? LED Displays for the iMac are out for the moment for pricing, it might be able to be a little bit thinner, and a Touch Screen would be a really bad idea. So basically anything else would amount to speed bumps... unless Apple has something really revolutionary in mind.

    We'll see in a few weeks, 23 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes.

  • Reply 7 of 38
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    50% chance. The iMac is due for an update, and they updated the Macbook before the iMac (the previous order for the Core 2 Duo Generation went: Mac Pro and Xserve>Mac Mini>iMac>Macbook Pro>Macbook and now it's going Mac Pro>Macbook>???) so my guess is yes. On the other hand, what can be added, or changed, and keep it affordable? LED Displays for the iMac are out for the moment for pricing, it might be able to be a little bit thinner, and a Touch Screen would be a really bad idea. So basically anything else would amount to speed bumps... unless Apple has something really revolutionary in mind.

    We'll see in a few weeks, 23 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes.


    I don't agree that the 2 x Quad Core chip addition to the MacPro lineup was really an 'update'. The new chip was an addition to the line-up, not a standard that effects all machines. We saw a speed bump with the MacBook a few weeks ago, and now we have another update (more memory, price changes etc), so I wouldn't rule out more sweeping changes in the MacPro range.

    Perhaps I'm just trying to comfort myself and soften the anguish of waiting to buy, but I do expect a chipset change, new GPU offerings from both nVidia and ATi, a Blu-Ray option, memory price reductions and possibly a new cooling system in the case by the time Leopard is released.
  • Reply 8 of 38
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member
    I think that the Mac Book update is about as telling as anything for what is to come. As Slewis points out it is out of order with the way the Mac Book/Mac Book Pro have been updated. This with Steve's announcement on the LED backlighting coming to Macs suggests that the Mac Book Pro will get the Santa Rosa platform with updated processor. The big question is when they can get that LED display into production, and if they will hold off on the release of the Mac Book Pro for the new display's. I've read that it could hold off on the Mac Book Pro release for a few months. On the other hand WWDC would be a good venue for announcing the "Green" Books, even if the ship date is a month out.

    The iMac will likely get Santa Rosa as well for the same reasons that the Mac Book Pro will. Maybe a new look. Bottom end iMac will now sport 1 GB memory and start out at 2 Ghz.

    The most will happen to the Mini, which will not go Santa Rosa since the Mac Book didn't. However, I think it will see a Core 2 Duo at 1.83 and 2 Ghz speeds with 1 GB memory. The move to 1GB memory is in prep for Leopard. I don't think that this will come at WWDC.

    I think that the more important things at WWDC will be the software announcements. First and foremost will be the demonstration and beta of Leopard. Just as important though will be if they release, or at least talk about releasing development kits for Apple TV and iPhone. This is the perfect place to do so and they won't have the chance to talk directly to those developers for another year. They will probably have a press conference later in the month for the iPhone (at least I hope they do, and don't spend the entire keynote talking about iPhone again, there are other things they need to talk about). I think that the plans for Apple TV need to be made a bit more clear, and if they were to release a plug-in kit this would be a good place to talk about at least one part of their strategy for the device.
  • Reply 9 of 38
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by SpinDrift View Post

    I don't agree that the 2 x Quad Core chip addition to the MacPro lineup was really an 'update'. The new chip was an addition to the line-up, not a standard that effects all machines. We saw a speed bump with the MacBook a few weeks ago, and now we have another update (more memory, price changes etc), so I wouldn't rule out more sweeping changes in the MacPro range.

    Perhaps I'm just trying to comfort myself and soften the anguish of waiting to buy, but I do expect a chipset change, new GPU offerings from both nVidia and ATi, a Blu-Ray option, memory price reductions and possibly a new cooling system in the case by the time Leopard is released.

    You know what would be better? Taking the Mac Pro out of the entire "Refresh Cycle" altogether, and just announcing new options when they have them ready until the next big changes. So if they have a Blu-ray drive ready it would become a BTO on the site, and likewise with Graphics Cards.

    But even the smallest update is considered an update (as I was told when I suggested Mac Mini updates for Macworld saying the Mac Mini wasn't really updated) and so far that has proven true.

  • Reply 10 of 38
    donebyleedonebylee Posts: 521member
    Originally Posted by @homenow View Post

    I think that the Mac Book update is about as telling as anything for what is to come. As Slewis points out it is out of order with the way the Mac Book/Mac Book Pro have been updated. This with Steve's announcement on the LED backlighting coming to Macs suggests that the Mac Book Pro will get the Santa Rosa platform with updated processor. The big question is when they can get that LED display into production, and if they will hold off on the release of the Mac Book Pro for the new display's. I've read that it could hold off on the Mac Book Pro release for a few months. On the other hand WWDC would be a good venue for announcing the "Green" Books, even if the ship date is a month out.

    The iMac will likely get Santa Rosa as well for the same reasons that the Mac Book Pro will. Maybe a new look. Bottom end iMac will now sport 1 GB memory and start out at 2 Ghz.

    The most will happen to the Mini, which will not go Santa Rosa since the Mac Book didn't. However, I think it will see a Core 2 Duo at 1.83 and 2 Ghz speeds with 1 GB memory. The move to 1GB memory is in prep for Leopard. I don't think that this will come at WWDC.

    I think that the more important things at WWDC will be the software announcements. First and foremost will be the demonstration and beta of Leopard. Just as important though will be if they release, or at least talk about releasing development kits for Apple TV and iPhone. This is the perfect place to do so and they won't have the chance to talk directly to those developers for another year. They will probably have a press conference later in the month for the iPhone (at least I hope they do, and don't spend the entire keynote talking about iPhone again, there are other things they need to talk about). I think that the plans for Apple TV need to be made a bit more clear, and if they were to release a plug-in kit this would be a good place to talk about at least one part of their strategy for the device.

    Yes. This is basically what I have been saying in other threads. I don't think we will see any new hardware at WWDC. It will provide an in-depth look at Leopard and all the changes that the new OS entails. Period.

    New MBP and iMacs--if the rumored redesign is true-- I expect to come out concurrently with Leopard in October. New Mac Pros before the end of the year, but maybe not until MWSF 2008.

    Why? Santa Rosa and LED displays as per SJ for the MBP. If the redesign of the iMac is true, then I expect Apple will want to wait for a big event, like a Leopard roll-out to hype it up. Imagine the excitement over a "Leopard now shipping on new MacBook Pros and iMacs" announcement.

    I don't think that Apple feels any great pressing need to update the Mac Pros at this time. There may well be new drivers for video cards in Leopard and Apple might offer another "upgrade" by adding newer cards to the BTO options, but until Penryn drops there is nothing to really upgrade to.

    Currently Penryn is slated for a 3Q debut, but I doubt we'll see Apple jump on this. I think they are going to wait for the DDR3 situation to be resolved before they put it into a Pro system.
  • Reply 11 of 38
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    I think that any hardware announcement will be the "one more thing" part of the Keynote.

    It could be the iMac, MacBook Pro or MacPro moving to Santa Rosa, but if there is not a major design change then it probably won't have the "kick" Steve J would want.

    Without a major new design any of the above will get major press/message board attention by going with a simple announcement, like they did with the new MacBook.

    For me, I think that the headless mid range Mac would be the ideal product to announce. Mac mini users would get an upgrade path where they can keep their monitors and it fills a wide price gap. If Jonathan Ives delivers at his normal standard it would get huge media attention, which is what "one more thing" is all about. (And, yes, I've read a lot of the arguments, but I still think the time is ripe.)

    Regardless of what is announced, I believe there WILL be new hardware at WWDC, more to come for the Leopard release and another round at MWSF.
  • Reply 12 of 38
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    I have a problem with several of the options listed, mainly that they shouldn't be there.

    The Mac Pro was just updated, the iMac and the Macbook Pro are the most likely to show if nothing new comes out for them before WWDC making a 3rd Mac unlikely removing the Mac Minitower entirely from the equation until those 2 make an appearance, Clones will never happen, what would iWork Pro have to offer that iWork doesn't? It's already progressing slow enough already, no need to split it into 2 suites. I doubt a new Language/API will make an appearance on such short notice, especially since Developers will be getting Feature Complete Betas, Boot Camp will not have any Virtualization features in Leopard, and Objective-C already runs on Windows.


    The Mac Pro update was just a quad core cpu drop in at the high end no other updates.
  • Reply 13 of 38
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    The Mac Pro update was just a quad core cpu drop in at the high end no other updates.


  • Reply 14 of 38
    musltngbluemusltngblue Posts: 303member
    I do believe that there will be hardware releases, or at least announcements, at WWDC. I'm still trying to put my finger on exactly what, though. Little signs here and there may be pointing to a MBP refresh being released this coming Tuesday, so I don't think it'll be that. If anything, it would have to be the new iMac with a new design. It, of course, would be somewhat minor of a topic, but would add a little more shimmer to the keynote. I do believe that iPhone will get a fair amount of attention, though I doubt it'll be half as much time as it's reveal at Macworld. A good amount of time will be spent on Leopard features, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some discussion on .Mac's future, either. What would be interesting is if Apple actually showed off the "sub-notebook" being developed, if they have any initial designs made up yet. Interesting, but very, very doubtful.
  • Reply 15 of 38
    isomorphicisomorphic Posts: 199member
    New Cinema Displays. Darnit.

  • Reply 16 of 38
    Originally Posted by Isomorphic View Post

    New Cinema Displays. Darnit.


    didn't they just come out with an update for those not too long ago?
  • Reply 17 of 38
    logantlogant Posts: 60member
    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    didn't they just come out with an update for those not too long ago?

    Nope. Just price drops of 100 dollars.
  • Reply 18 of 38
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    The MacBook Pro is the main machine for most WWDC attendees, however I think the new iMac will make its appearance.

    Apple can't wait to refresh the iMac in October. Remember the 'apology' for the iMac delay in the past?

    Missing Back-to-School season is not a good thing.
  • Reply 19 of 38
    tmi00tmi00 Posts: 13member
    ...and the iPhone's developer side? No one has ever mentioned a word about it. But hey, it's coming out next month and it will be a huge challenge for software developers, though Apple planned to restrict this side to firmware updates...but anyway...
  • Reply 20 of 38
    tmi00tmi00 Posts: 13member's a bit offtopic, but we have to take this into consideration as well
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