Safari Tabbed Browsing Petition - Almost 3000 votes!
Hey guys and gals;
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've created a petition for Apple to urge them to include tabbed browsing in Safari. At least one prominent mac news site has picked up the link as a story, and I'm hoping more will in the future.
Either way, the petition can be found here:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
If you want tabbed browsing and autofill, why not go and sign it? It'll only take a second or two of your time.
To the trolls: Yeah, Apple might not listen. Then again they might. Either way, I still believe that (grassroots) democracy is a viable way to get things done, and I've got nothing to lose by having started the petition.
*waves to Chucker*
[ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: m01ety ]</p>
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've created a petition for Apple to urge them to include tabbed browsing in Safari. At least one prominent mac news site has picked up the link as a story, and I'm hoping more will in the future.
Either way, the petition can be found here:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
If you want tabbed browsing and autofill, why not go and sign it? It'll only take a second or two of your time.

To the trolls: Yeah, Apple might not listen. Then again they might. Either way, I still believe that (grassroots) democracy is a viable way to get things done, and I've got nothing to lose by having started the petition.
*waves to Chucker*

[ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: m01ety ]</p>
<strong>*waves to Chucker*
I don't think MacNN posted the link... So far only MacMinute did. Either way, if they did, great!
[ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: m01ety ]</p>
pscates....u never used chimera??
tabs are like having multiple windows open, but more compact and easier to use....they are nice and make going from multiple sites faster...they aren't a "deal breaker", but it would be nice if safari had them......the tabs are near the top of that photo...i think i opened five sites.....
ps...i feel almost brad-like when i do these geeky things....of course his are much better in layout and presentation....and clarity....and often come with a nice photo of a stuffed japanese monster doll...that's what my posts need more of....stuffed japanese monster dolls.....
[ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
I wish I had 20/10 vision...that would be sweet.
nahhh, life is good, all is good....nice to have the luck of an irishman, and the liver of one too.....g
i've never used chimera so i have no experience with them
<strong>if they add tabs it's an option they should allow you to turn on and off..
i've never used chimera so i have no experience with them</strong><hr></blockquote>
Why? Just don't use them if you don't want them.
<strong>Thanks, EmAn.
I don't think MacNN posted the link... So far only MacMinute did. Either way, if they did, great!
[ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: m01ety ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
I meant the forums, not the main site.
Why? Just don't use them if you don't want them.</strong><hr></blockquote>
why? it would be easy to make them to be able to be turned off and on
That strongly implies that tabbed browsing is on the way once kinks are worked out -> chill & wait.
Yeah, that might be a useful, cool thing for Safari to have.
I think, when it's all said and done, Safari is going to be THE browser for OS X.
See my sig below...I'm already very, very pleased with it. Haven't launched Explorer (or any other browswer, for that matter) since Tuesday afternoon.
Me likes!
Love Safari!
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
Seriously there's no way to tell how many unique signatures were actually collected.