Official Next Macbook Pro Thread



  • Reply 21 of 95
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    New keyboard design, new case design, and mag latch.

    The current design was introduced on January 8, 2003 at MacWorld SanFrancisco. The design has many flaws. Those flaws include limiting maximum display angle, non-user replaceable hard drive, and marginalized wireless reception.

    Why can't Apple make it out of the same plastic design they are using for the black MacBook?
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  • Reply 22 of 95
    seek3rseek3r Posts: 179member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    The current design was introduced on January 8, 2003 at MacWorld SanFrancisco. The design has many flaws. Those flaws include limiting maximum display angle, non-user replaceable hard drive, and marginalized wireless reception.

    Why can't Apple make it out of the same plastic design they are using for the black MacBook?

    'cause then we'd get the crappy KB that comes with the MB? :-p Actually, if anyone is looking, I found a desktop KB with the same feel as the PB/MBP KB - the Enermax Aurora. I'm using it as an external on my MBP right now :-)
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  • Reply 23 of 95
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by seek3r View Post

    'cause then we'd get the crappy KB that comes with the MB?

    The Powerbook keyboard was not metal. It had just this very solid feel. I don't know about the MB Pro but I don't see why it would be different.
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  • Reply 24 of 95
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Link? They're selling them retail for the same price. In six months that could drop 50%. Wholesale cost could be $300 or less by then.

    But I agree that the current button is too thin.

    I doubt wholesale would be that cheap by then. the current cheapest sony blu-ray player is IIRC $499, and thats like dvd player sized. Even if blu-ray players are 50% cheaper by then, the laptop size drives will (probably) not be, as they need to be much smaller and are in much less demand.

    And I third the notion that the current button is too thin, but I personally don't care if it is/isn't magnetic.

    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Exactly. And it'll have SSE4 (much faster multimedia e.g. video compression), be manufactured on "Hi-K" silicon (lower power consumption, less heat), have more LII cache (speeds up lots of stuff), and have slightly higher clock speeds.

    Where by "slightly higher clock speeds" you mean up to 3.33 ghz on a dual core at the same wattage as a merom.
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  • Reply 25 of 95
    I don't want Penryn for the extra speed/horsepower/NOS/whatever it's got. I want it because it will supposedly make my battery go longer. Although it will also include a lot of nice features for a CPU. It's no longer so much about the clock speed anymore.

    Also, whatever happened to all this new emerging battery technology that is suppose to be coming down the pipe. How come those laptops on run for like 10 hours or more? When we going to see fuel cell technology take off? There's gotta be something better around than Li-Ion, albiet costing a fortune. Imagine having to charge your computer once a month!
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  • Reply 26 of 95
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Go Banana View Post

    How come those laptops on run for like 10 hours or more?

    Because they use ultra-low-power CPUs? It's got nothing to do with their battery technology. Li-polymer is the best there is.

    Originally Posted by Go Banana View Post

    Also, whatever happened to all this new emerging battery technology that is suppose to be coming down the pipe ? When we going to see fuel cell technology take off? There's gotta be something better around than Li-Ion, albiet costing a fortune. Imagine having to charge your computer once a month!

    The thing with fuel cells is that you can't plug into the mains in order to recharge. Fuel cells have to be re-fuelled. The logistics of this will stop it ever happening. So you want a fuel-cell-powered laptop? What happens when you take your laptop on the road and no-one has the fuel-cell refuelling equipment you need when it runs out?
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  • Reply 27 of 95
    Is it silly to think that they could just stick Multi-Touch on the trackpad for things like zooming in documents and such? I realize it's more for use with something that doesn't have a mouse interface, but it is called "Multi-Touch" so wouldn't it be reasonable to think it was "Multi-Purpose" as well?

    Also, what do you guys think about a textured case design? Something with a little more feel to it?

    Funny, every time I say the word Multi-Touch I think of Fifth Element when the girl calls it a "Mool-tee-Pass".
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  • Reply 28 of 95
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Because they use ultra-low-power CPUs? It's got nothing to do with their battery technology. Li-polymer is the best there is.

    The thing with fuel cells is that you can't plug into the mains in order to recharge. Fuel cells have to be re-fuelled. The logistics of this will stop it ever happening. So you want a fuel-cell-powered laptop? What happens when you take your laptop on the road and no-one has the fuel-cell refuelling equipment you need when it runs out?

    Buy a new laptop? No, really I don't expect fuel cell tech to hit it big anytime soon, maybe if we all lived on Tatooine and drank blue milk or something, but not here. So theoretically, if we had Penryn in the driver seat, SSD on board, OLED showing, would we be looking at 6-7 hours maybe at best? That's still not superfantastic.
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  • Reply 29 of 95
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Karelia View Post

    See, this I don't get. A black anodized version would kick ass, but why should it cost more? And for that matter, why does the black MacBook cost more?

    Because there are plenty of people out there who will pay a premium = more profit for Apple.
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  • Reply 30 of 95
    Originally Posted by CoolHandPete View Post

    King's Quest IV wasn't that great a game anyway... now if it were King's Quest III, I'd be crying right along with you.

    I don't remember...which was the one where you played the woman and got stuck in the whale?
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  • Reply 31 of 95
    Originally Posted by Go Banana View Post

    I don't remember...which was the one where you played the woman and got stuck in the whale?

    You got it - it was IV. Then they took away the most fun element: typing.

    Call me crazy, but I personally think there's still a place for typing - even in "modern" games. There's just something about having to come up with the words out of your own head -

    On topic: I think the time is right for the next MBP to come in a beautiful, clean, elegant black, hearkening back to the early awe of the TiBook.
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  • Reply 32 of 95
    tenoscetenosce Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    New keyboard design, new case design, and mag latch.


    Completely agree with the need for keyboard changes. At the very minimum:

    1. Put the CTRL key as the bottom-leftmost key - this would be a huge change for MS Office users who depend on keyboard shortcuts to speed through tasks (i.e. move the fn key someplace else)

    2. Give us a real DEL key in addition to the BACKSPACE key masquerading as a "delete" key

    3. On the 17" Macbook Pro, there is enough space for a numeric keypad - and would also make it look more "balanced" - there is now too much empty space

    4. Would be nice to have a better keyboard from a tactile standpoint - try a ThinkPad and you will know what I mean


    1. Apple mice now have right-click functionality, so why not give us a RIGHT-CLICK button - the current single one is too big anyway (the large size makes it less responsive than smaller buttons on other notebooks); the 2-finger right-clicking function is not that easy to execute for us older folk - I often have to try several times as I typiclly end up moving something than achieving a right-click


    Currently when I use Windows Vista under Boot Camp 1.3, I get about half the battery life I get when in OSX. If Apple want to seriously try to convert more Windows folks over to at least using a Mac hardware platform first, they will need to figure out how to optimize battery life for Windows too.


    For the 15" Macbook Pro, please put both UBS ports together - or better yet, give us another one. There are an increasing number of USB devices (e.g. portable hard drives) that require one port for power.


    This has been raised many times in the past. The Macbook Pro really needs a docking solution (a real one, not one of those horrible 3rd party ones that just stick connectors into the various ports) so that more corporate users can consider it as an alternative to the Dells and IBMs and Vaios out there. At the minimum, consider putting all the connectors at the back - a MBP connected to an external display is a mess today.


    I hate having to carry things separately, but have to do so now because I have to carry a memory card reader for the PCI Express slot that normally holds my wireless broadband card...

    Just my 2 cents.

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  • Reply 33 of 95
    targontargon Posts: 103member
    I need

    Optional 1920x1200 display for 15"

    2 eSATA ports to get around the single Firewire controller limitation (audio interfaces and ext hard drives-performance issues) and to finally get away from bridge board solutions for external hard discs.

    2 more USB ports

    Optional 250gig 5400/7200 drives (should be shipping by the time Leopard ships)
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  • Reply 34 of 95
    I would probably love a black metal case. I'm the first to agree however that the current design is beautiful and doesn't require any drastic changes to the overall design. But I think that buying it kinda makes you feel as though you've just bought a brand new 5 year old computer because even though it's a great design, it's a dated one.

    I'm currently using a black Macbook and I love it but I wish it wasn't plastic anymore as it's difficult to keep clean looking. I've always lusted for the Macbook Pro's beautiful styling but even though I don't think they'll actually offer alternate colors on the "Pro" machine, I think it would be a welcome change to have the option.
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  • Reply 35 of 95
    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


    Completely agree with the need for keyboard changes. At the very minimum:

    1. Put the CTRL key as the bottom-leftmost key - this would be a huge change for MS Office users who depend on keyboard shortcuts to speed through tasks (i.e. move the fn key someplace else)

    2. Give us a real DEL key in addition to the BACKSPACE key masquerading as a "delete" key

    3. On the 17" Macbook Pro, there is enough space for a numeric keypad - and would also make it look more "balanced" - there is now too much empty space

    4. Would be nice to have a better keyboard from a tactile standpoint - try a ThinkPad and you will know what I mean


    1. Apple mice now have right-click functionality, so why not give us a RIGHT-CLICK button - the current single one is too big anyway (the large size makes it less responsive than smaller buttons on other notebooks); the 2-finger right-clicking function is not that easy to execute for us older folk - I often have to try several times as I typiclly end up moving something than achieving a right-click


    Currently when I use Windows Vista under Boot Camp 1.3, I get about half the battery life I get when in OSX. If Apple want to seriously try to convert more Windows folks over to at least using a Mac hardware platform first, they will need to figure out how to optimize battery life for Windows too.


    For the 15" Macbook Pro, please put both UBS ports together - or better yet, give us another one. There are an increasing number of USB devices (e.g. portable hard drives) that require one port for power.


    This has been raised many times in the past. The Macbook Pro really needs a docking solution (a real one, not one of those horrible 3rd party ones that just stick connectors into the various ports) so that more corporate users can consider it as an alternative to the Dells and IBMs and Vaios out there. At the minimum, consider putting all the connectors at the back - a MBP connected to an external display is a mess today.


    I hate having to carry things separately, but have to do so now because I have to carry a memory card reader for the PCI Express slot that normally holds my wireless broadband card...

    Just my 2 cents.


    Keyboard, Trackpad, More USBs, and Mem Card reader-Agreed. Docking Station-I could care less, but I do like to have at least some connections on the side for ease of access. And Battery life-Doesn't Vista kill the battery life on any laptop it's on? Especially the 'better' versions that are resource hogs.
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  • Reply 36 of 95
    aiolosaiolos Posts: 228member
    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


    Completely agree with the need for keyboard changes. At the very minimum:

    1. Put the CTRL key as the bottom-leftmost key - this would be a huge change for MS Office users who depend on keyboard shortcuts to speed through tasks (i.e. move the fn key someplace else)

    2. Give us a real DEL key in addition to the BACKSPACE key masquerading as a "delete" key

    3. On the 17" Macbook Pro, there is enough space for a numeric keypad - and would also make it look more "balanced" - there is now too much empty space

    4. Would be nice to have a better keyboard from a tactile standpoint - try a ThinkPad and you will know what I mean

    Hell yea, that would be an awesome improvement for when using windows! And the numeric keypad is a good idea, it does look too empty. And yeah an actual del key would be nice, haha I remember my dad borrowing my computer for a couple minutes to send an email, and having him ask me, WTF is wrong with this del button, hahaha.

    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


    1. Apple mice now have right-click functionality, so why not give us a RIGHT-CLICK button - the current single one is too big anyway (the large size makes it less responsive than smaller buttons on other notebooks); the 2-finger right-clicking function is not that easy to execute for us older folk - I often have to try several times as I typiclly end up moving something than achieving a right-click

    Yeah, we seriously need a right click button. Apple always talks about simplicity, but having a right click button WOULD be more simple, duh!

    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


    Currently when I use Windows Vista under Boot Camp 1.3, I get about half the battery life I get when in OSX. If Apple want to seriously try to convert more Windows folks over to at least using a Mac hardware platform first, they will need to figure out how to optimize battery life for Windows too.

    That is quite annoying in windows, especially when I´m only using to play games, especially when I don't have a charging outlet.

    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


    For the 15" Macbook Pro, please put both UBS ports together - or better yet, give us another one. There are an increasing number of USB devices (e.g. portable hard drives) that require one port for power.

    Would be nice

    Originally Posted by Tenosce View Post


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  • Reply 37 of 95
    I think all this docking station nonsense is just that. You're never going to see Apple make one so just forget about it. And as far as making more "Windows" keys on a Mac, Apple is accommodating for Windows switchers, they're not trying to turn Macs into PCs. And how friggin' difficult is it to tap the trackpad with two fingers??? Maybe some of you war vets with blown-off fingers and kids that play with fireworks are having a tough time with this, my sympathies, really. But for the rest of you-get it through your thick, nubby fingers that it's now actually easier to right-click on a Mac trackpad than it is on a PC.
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  • Reply 38 of 95
    kareliakarelia Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    I need

    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    Optional 1920x1200 display for 15"

    Good luck. The current one is 1440 x 900, try upgrading to 1680 x 1050 first.

    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    2 eSATA ports to get around the single Firewire controller limitation (audio interfaces and ext hard drives-performance issues) and to finally get away from bridge board solutions for external hard discs.

    I can see one, maybe, as an addition to the 17", but no way will you see it on the 15".

    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    2 more USB ports

    On the 15", sure. The 17" is OK, and at most, only needs one more USB.
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  • Reply 39 of 95
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Right now I think the MacBook Pro line is really crap. From the crappy uneven illumination and narrow viewing angles in the 15" and the standard 17" to the yellowish cast in the displays to the static and hiss coming through the headphone jack, it's a mess right now. The current design has run its course. We're 4 1/2 years on the same design. They NEED to change the design and FIX all of the flaws wit this product! I find it so frustrating! It's not worth the $2,000+!
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  • Reply 40 of 95
    kareliakarelia Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    Right now I think the MacBook Pro line is really crap. From the crappy uneven illumination and narrow viewing angles in the 15" and the standard 17" to the yellowish cast in the displays to the static and hiss coming through the headphone jack, it's a mess right now. The current design has run its course. We're 4 1/2 years on the same design. They NEED to change the design and FIX all of the flaws wit this product! I find it so frustrating! It's not worth the $2,000+!

    Do you have one? Perhaps yours needs servicing, because all the ones I've seen have never had that problem, with the exception of the ones that were bad enough they were getting repaired. Needless to say, the problem was quickly remedied. The outer design of a machine has no effect on the functionality of the parts inside, so you could build a MacBook Pro in the case of a PowerBook 140 and it would still work fine.

    All I can say is that everyone wants Apple to redesign the MacBook Pro, but as soon as they do, everyone will complain that it's not as good as the old ones. A redesign is much easier said than done.
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