New iPod games; iPhone data plan; Sprint's anti-iPhone talking points

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple has released a new trio of iPod games aimed at helping students prep for the S.A.T.'s. Meanwhile, some hints at potential AT&T iPhone data plans have surface. And Sprint has issued to its retail employees a guide filled with "iPhone Talking Points" to help curb iPhone converts.

Kaplan SAT Prep games for iPod

Apple through its iTunes Store on Monday released a trio of educational games by Kaplan to help students prepare for the Standard Aptitude Tests (SATs). SAT Prep Math 2008, SAT Prep Reading 2008 and SAT Prep Writing 2008 are available for $4.99 each.

"Kaplan has helped more than three million students score higher on admissions exams and get into the nation's top colleges and universities," Apple wrote on the iTunes store. "Now, Apple is bringing Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies and tips to the iPod so you can prepare for your college admissions anytime, anywhere."

SAT Prep 2008 games are compatible only with the fifth-generation iPod with iPod Software 1.2 or later. The titles, which are only in the English language, include practice quizzes, informative audio tutorials, and performance feedback. They also allow users to listen to music tracks while prepping.

Possible iPhone data plan details

Meanwhile, the BGR is citing its usual AT&T managerial sources in saying the carrier's iPhone data plan -- or "iPlan" -- will cost iPhone adopters "around $34.99 to $44.99 and feature unlimited data, and either 2000 text messages, or unlimited text messages."

The blog site adds that once Sunday's iPhone shipments pass through customs, they'll be transfered to FedEx, which will then hold individual store shipments until Friday afternoon.

Sprint outlines anti-iPhone battle plan

Also preparing for Friday's "iDay" is Sprint, which last week issued a series of guides designed to help retail employees counteract customers who are looking to cancel their service contracts in favor of rival AT&T and iPhone.

The document, title "iPhone Talking Points Guide for Sales and Customer Care," comes by way of MDN, which notes that Sprint staffers "are being told to expect an initial drop of up to 6 percent of their current 'smart phone' customers" beginning with Friday's iPhone launch.

We've highlighted some of Sprint's more entertaining anti-iPhone talking points, though all are accessible via a quick PDF download [124K]:

"Using the iPhone on the GSM/EDGE network may be like having a really powerful computer on dial up."

"Whether you want music, email, web surfing or business files, our phones will download everything faster."

"Concerned about coverage? I think you?ll see that we are comparable or better than all other carriers. Let me show you the map on our Power Network Coverage Tool to verify your coverage area."

"We have many handsets that are MP3 players."

"You want to have music with your phone? Let me show you the new Upstage or the Fusic II."

"Any music phone from Sprint lets you download songs instantly ? out of thin air."

"Are you sure 4G or 8G is enough storage for you? To give you a comparison, most iPods/MP3 players hold 40 to 60Gigs or more."

"The Upstage takes external mini-disks for unlimited storage."

"Sure we have less expensive phones than the iPhone. The MotoQ, for example, is only $79 and is an MP3 player, PDA, camera, mobile internet device, and of course, a phone."

"Most current Smartphones have secure email necessary for business functionality. "

"The iPhone uses Yahoo and Mac email which is not secure. "

"[iPhone] has a non-replaceable battery. "

"[iPhone] offers no external storage. "

"The iPhone is an Apple product and has some nice features. It also has a nice price. Do you really need all those features in one device?"


  • Reply 1 of 88
    ringoringo Posts: 329member
    "The iPhone uses Yahoo and Mac email which is not secure. "

    Oh what a lie! They make it sound like you're tied down to those services.
  • Reply 2 of 88
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 3 of 88
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    So if you're a [cancelling] sprint customer you have to go through the ENTIRE checklist with the store person?
  • Reply 4 of 88
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    what they dont know is that 3G is already on the iphone and is just waiting for a firmware update to get it workin, also it will perform 5x better than any smartphone do to the complete OS X on it, thats was goin to make it hot, imagine making unlimited phones call through skype on it, with spyke running trough iphone data plan, thats whats really everyone is scare of, it could kill the entire cell phone industry and send apple sky rocket
  • Reply 5 of 88
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    what they dont know is that 3G is already on the iphone

    Prove it.
  • Reply 6 of 88
    mugwumpmugwump Posts: 233member
    If ATT and Apple are really interested in a riot of device sales, that "iPlan" will be for voice and data combined. I mean, we're only talking about EDGE speeds, and Sprint offers that up almost free.
  • Reply 7 of 88
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    I'm currently a Sprint user. If you are also a spring user and want to laugh even more, do a search for iPHONE on the Sprint Search and just start following the links. It takes you right to their anti-iPHONE propoganda page.

    Funny thing was... it took me forever to get there. hmmm
  • Reply 8 of 88
    bderwestbderwest Posts: 36member
    "The iPhone is an Apple product and has some nice features. It also has a nice price. Do you really need all those features in one device?"


    Really? Do you really need all those lovely super cool features in one device? Wouldn't you rather buy three devices? Pants usually come with four pockets. What will you do with the other three?? You obviously didn't think this through. How about I sell you this nice fusik? You can grab music "OUT OF THIN AIR"


    If ATT and Apple are really interested in a riot of device sales, that "iPlan" will be for voice and data combined. I mean, we're only talking about EDGE speeds, and Sprint offers that up almost free.

    Yeah, T-Mobile's Web costs me $5 per month for unlimited data. Although that's just GPRS. So nevermind.

    My phone sucks
  • Reply 9 of 88
    ringoringo Posts: 329member
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    what they dont know is that 3G is already on the iphone and is just waiting for a firmware update to get it workin, also it will perform 5x better than any smartphone do to the complete OS X on it, thats was goin to make it hot, imagine making unlimited phones call through skype on it, with spyke running trough iphone data plan, thats whats really everyone is scare of, it could kill the entire cell phone industry and send apple sky rocket

    Alright, that's enough Kool-aid for you.
  • Reply 10 of 88
    My wife and I just canceled our Sprint account after six years and went with AT&T not solely for the iPhone but because we have been treated so horribly by Sprint customer service. This just proves there total lack of understanding and downright arrogance.
  • Reply 11 of 88
    bderwestbderwest Posts: 36member
    I just read through the PDF. There are way more jewels of poo-flavored PR in there.

    My favorite happens to be the last of the "talking points:" ?We will lead in the Wi-MAX deployment.?

    Which sounds like they're vowing to lead some weird super-robot army to destroy people...
  • Reply 12 of 88
    They have no reason to be nice to you anymore.

    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    i just broke the news to verizon that my 3 lines there going to go down on friday, and after customer service being so nice for year, they did not sound that way today

  • Reply 13 of 88
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    i just broke the news to verizon that my 3 lines there going to go down on friday, and after customer service being so nice for year, they did not sound that way today
  • Reply 14 of 88
    Originally Posted by sfschier55 View Post

    My wife and I just canceled our Sprint account after six years and went with AT&T not solely for the iPhone but because we have been treated so horribly by Sprint customer service. This just proves there total lack of understanding and downright arrogance.

    yeah, my treo 700p is being ebay'd on w/e (maybe shud do it now??!)

    tired of no new palm browser enhancements, no multitasking, no new email client, palm o/s crashing, memory issues, "fast" evdo being - can u believe - OVERhyped!

    (that tether to my laptop is kind of a noose)

    i did like the palm games tho :0

    and the speakerphone mp3 playa...

    but isn't some extra screen space better than a just ok keyboard??

    did i mention the $150 bill each month for unlimited data/2000 mins/ and the lovely option of $5/month for sending mms!

    can at&t be worse???

    sprint, hope u are still around still in 5 yrs... more competition helps us all
  • Reply 15 of 88
    wallywally Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by BdeRWest View Post

    My favorite happens to be the last of the "talking points:" ?We will lead in the Wi-MAX deployment.?

    Which sounds like they're vowing to lead some weird super-robot army to destroy people...

    You're right - that sounds so funny.

    I think the thing that is irritating the most is just how all these companies seem so frantic to try and do a smear campaign against the iPhone. ZDnet/CNet with all of there super-negi bloggers. Instead of talking trash - why not just make a better product?

    "Sometimes the best defense is a diet"
  • Reply 16 of 88
    They don't make phones, they only sell the services. How can they make a better product. There are some nice smartphones out there, it just depends on what you're looking for.

    Originally Posted by Wally View Post

    You're right - that sounds so funny.

    I think the thing that is irritating the most is just how all these companies seem so frantic to try and do a smear campaign against the iPhone. ZDnet/CNet with all of there super-negi bloggers. Instead of talking trash - why not just make a better product?

    "Sometimes the best defense is a diet"

  • Reply 17 of 88
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    It is just sooooooo satisfying to see companies like Sprint on the run! (I was a customer once).

    This product is going to be such a kick-in-the-bu77 for a third-rate industry that is well past deserving it -- watching them squirm is alone worth the price of admission!

  • Reply 18 of 88
    I think there is a glitch in the Matrix, the post seem out of order.
  • Reply 19 of 88
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    what they dont know is that 3G is already on the iphone and is just waiting for a firmware update to get it workin, also it will perform 5x better than any smartphone do to the complete OS X on it, thats was goin to make it hot, imagine making unlimited phones call through skype on it, with spyke running trough iphone data plan, thats whats really everyone is scare of, it could kill the entire cell phone industry and send apple sky rocket

    No offense, but are you retarded?
  • Reply 20 of 88
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    the info has been out long enough that people have either decided to buy or not, most in the almost know ...know that this is truly a revolollutionary product are there hasn't ever been this kind of buzz about any carrier or phone. at t will smoke them and they are kicking themselves for ignoring apple....verizon most of all

    gee lets sell this to a much does it cost to swing a customer to your side......major dollars and at t can do this with one swipe.

    they are all jealous and customers are tired of the monopoly of junk phones and service from the carriers. we have been held hostage toooo long by the carriers....that's what they wanted all along. remember when verizon crippled their bluetooth phones, and the customers yelled at them and left.

    freedom to the customers
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