iPhone supply running low with AT&T, some Apple Stores

in iPhone edited January 2014
Despite an apparent surplus after the June 29th launch, iPhones have largely been sold out at AT&T shops and have also run out at some of Apple's own outlets.

AT&T reported on Saturday that the company had all but depleted the supply of the Apple handsets it had been given for the launch just a day before. The cellphone carrier was unwilling to state just how many of the phones had been sold but noted that "virtually all" of the company-run stores had sold out completely.

Various allegations have been made online, however, that suggested each of AT&T's more than 1800 official stores received relatively few of the devices versus their Apple counterparts, making them more likely to run out from the beginning. Apple has so far declined to say how many units had passed through its doors, and said only that it had seen "a lot of excitement and buzz" at its 162 US shops, according to a company spokeswoman.

Apple supply, in turn, had initially been healthy but was also set to run low over the course of the weekend. The firm's web-based availability tracker initially reported all American stores as having stock on hand by the end of Friday evening but is now showing signs that its own retail branches are feeling the effects of strong initial demand.

California was the hardest hit by the first wave of customers, according to the charts. Outlets in the Los Angeles and San Francisco regions have cleared nearly all of their iPhones, with the Bay Area's stock having reportedly emptied its backrooms particularly quickly.

"The Burlingame Apple Store went through two shipments of iPhones this morning, selling out by 10:30AM," said Scott Beale of art promo house Laughing Squid. "I was able to get there just in time."

Parts of Hawaii and Texas were also reporting iPhone droughts as of Saturday night, while certain major cities such as Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Miami, and Oklahoma City similarly claimed to have exhausted their supplies.


  • Reply 2 of 79
    That perhaps explains why, in the mall where I got my iPhone at the Apple Store (AS), there were about 300 people lined up outside the AS, but barely a handful outside the ATT store upstairs! And, as far as I could tell, not one person left the Apple line to go to the ATT line.

    Smart thinking, I guess, since all of those waiting in the Apple got theirs on Friday evening -- the process was managed in a very civilized, calm way, with Apple even handing out free bottles of water to those waiting in line. I was probably #250 in line, and I got mine at 6.45 PM. (I don't know about the ATT store).

    Btw, did I mention that this product justifies every bit of its hype? If 'crackberrys' were addictive, I have a feeling this will end up requiring AA (Apple-oholics Anonymous)!

  • Reply 3 of 79
    This is perhaps an obvious one, but still one, nonetheless, that Apple should have reiterated for the average buyer: You not only have to have the latest version of iTunes installed (7.3?), but you must also be online. O/w, the purchase is a bust when you get it home (unless, of course, you took it right away to an ATT store to get it activated).
  • Reply 4 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Smart thinking, I guess, since all of those waiting in the Apple got theirs on Friday evening -- the process was managed in a very civilized, calm way, with Apple even handing out free bottles of water to those waiting in line. I was probably #250 in line, and I got mine at 6.45 PM. (I don't know about the ATT store).

    Numbr 250 after 45 minutes you say. Did you see many people buying 2 iPhones? Did tehy mention any supply constraints of the 4 or 8GB models?

    I'm trying to figure out how many iPhones the Apple stores received to then determine how many have been sold. From the comments, articles and blogs I've read it appears that there was at least 400 or 500 units per store.

    I think the 25 or so per AT&T store sounds about right but I can't figure out the Apple Store figures. If I were in the country I'd call a couple Apple Stores and inquire.
  • Reply 5 of 79
    gobogobo Posts: 1member
    The sys requirements are available as with any Apple product listing. While I can appreciate how this information can be overlooked, it is nonetheless, printed on the box.
  • Reply 6 of 79
    ajhillajhill Posts: 81member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That perhaps explains why, in the mall where I got my iPhone at the Apple Store (AS), there were about 300 people lined up outside the AS, but barely a handful outside the ATT store upstairs! And, as far as I could tell, not one person left the Apple line to go to the ATT line.

    Smart thinking, I guess, since all of those waiting in the Apple got theirs on Friday evening -- the process was managed in a very civilized, calm way, with Apple even handing out free bottles of water to those waiting in line. I was probably #250 in line, and I got mine at 6.45 PM. (I don't know about the ATT store).

    Btw, did I mention that this product justifies every bit of its hype? If 'crackberrys' were addictive, I have a feeling this will end up requiring AA (Apple-oholics Anonymous)!

    AA (Apple-oholics Anonymous)! Love it! And yes, I will be at the first meeting!

    Forget all the superlatives. It can all be said with the following: "Simply the best consumer product I have ever purchased." It's that good and will get even better as I learn the subtleties tomorrow at the Apple store workshop. The summer's looking up!
  • Reply 7 of 79
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Numbr 250 after 45 minutes you say. Did you see many people buying 2 iPhones? Did tehy mention any supply constraints of the 4 or 8GB models?

    I'm trying to figure out how many iPhones the Apple stores received to then determine how many have been sold. From the comments, articles and blogs I've read it appears that there was at least 400 or 500 units per store.

    I think the 25 or so per AT&T store sounds about right but I can't figure out the Apple Store figures. If I were in the country I'd call a couple Apple Stores and inquire.

    I'd say that roughly one or two in every ten walked out with two. So, your guess of 500 in the store that I was at may not be such a bad estimate. But I was not at a 'big city' store such as in Boston or NYC. I wouldn't be surprised if they had double that number.

    So, if we say, an average of 600-700 per Apple store, we are talking about 110,000-125,000 in total? Add to that, perhaps, 25 handsets per ATT store times 1500 stores = 37,500. Thus, it is possible that Apple sold a total of ~150K - 160K handsets thru retail outlets on Day 1. Assuming equal parts 4GB and 8GB, that's $80 million - $90 million revenues.

    And, no one mentioned any supply constraints for either model -- indeed, I had the sense that the employees were told that the party line was, "we have no idea how many we have left, it is just on a first come, fist served basis; we'll keep going until we run out."
  • Reply 8 of 79
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Numbr 250 after 45 minutes you say. Did you see many people buying 2 iPhones? Did tehy mention any supply constraints of the 4 or 8GB models?

    I'm trying to figure out how many iPhones the Apple stores received to then determine how many have been sold. From the comments, articles and blogs I've read it appears that there was at least 400 or 500 units per store.

    I think the 25 or so per AT&T store sounds about right but I can't figure out the Apple Store figures. If I were in the country I'd call a couple Apple Stores and inquire.

    when i got in line at 4:00pm there was around 800 people in line the lines when all around the mall but it when fast though, when i seen kids like 8 to 12 year olds walking out with 2 i started freaking out but, the manager came out and said there was enough for everyone in line, i whent back today and theres still people making lines there, its like they where been made on the spot, and the store is still showing stock,not to mention apple employees where handing out refreshments and coffee and water A+ for apple
  • Reply 9 of 79
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    What kind of idiot parent lets their 8 or 12 year old get a $600 phone? Unbelievable. Some parents spoil their kids to the point of making them unbearable to deal with.
  • Reply 10 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    apple stores have to have more than 1000+

    Very cool. Is that a large Apple Store?

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So, if we say, an average of 600-700 per Apple store, we are talking about 110,000-125,000 in total? Add to that, perhaps, 25 handsets per ATT store times 1500 stores = 37,500. Thus, it is possible that Apple sold a total of ~150K - 160K handsets thru retail outlets on Day 1. Assuming equal parts 4GB and 8GB, that's $80 million - $90 million revenues.

    Don't forget about the AT&T and Apple Store online sales. I think that could easily double the numbers.

    I still have a 2-4 week ship date, but this is a typical Apple strategy. I'm hopeful it will ship within a few days.
  • Reply 11 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    What kind of idiot parent lets their 8 or 12 year old get a $600 phone? Unbelievable idiocy.

    Maybe they were buying it for their parents and were paid to stand in line. Maybe they saved up money themselves. Maybe they were middle aged with a rare growth stunting disease.
  • Reply 12 of 79
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Maybe they were buying it for their parents and were paid to stand in line. Maybe they saved up money themselves. Maybe they were middle aged with a rare growth stunting disease.

  • Reply 13 of 79
    For what it's worth . . . for those trying to estimate first weekend sales totals . . . I was told that every AT&T store received 60 iPhones (15 4gb and 45 8gb). I was led to believe that's the stock that EVERY one of their stores received, nationwide . . .

    But the information came from someone at a northern California store . . . so it's reasonable to speculate that those stores were sent more than, say, an AT&T store in Iowa . . . and what was meant was that all the stores IN HIS AREA go the same stock of 60 phones.

    Anyway . . . FYI
  • Reply 14 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gimmegimmemomo View Post

    For what it's worth . . . for those trying to estimate first weekend sales totals . . . I was told that every AT&T store received 60 iPhones (15 4gb and 45 8gb). I was led to believe that's the stock that EVERY one of their stores received, nationwide . . .

    But the information came from someone at a northern California store . . . so it's reasonable to speculate that those stores were sent more than, say, an AT&T store in Iowa . . . and what was meant was that all the stores IN HIS AREA go the same stock of 60 phones.

    Anyway . . . FYI

    Someone needs to do some random calling to AT&T and Apple Store on Sunday so we can get a better idea of the insider account of unit sales for this Apple product. *cough* Kasper? *Cough*
  • Reply 15 of 79
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    From reports, it sounds like an average of 70-80 iPhones per AT&T store for just under 150k units, and 160k units at the Apple stores.

    My hope is that they can pull off 1M sales in the first week, but it is a stretch. It sounds like the Apple stores sold out from their stock by Saturday morning. If they got another delivery late morning, then they have a shot at it. Since everything else has been orchestrated so well, I can only hope that they managed to handle distribution perfectly...

    It's going to be interesting to find out how it all went...
  • Reply 16 of 79
    cato988cato988 Posts: 307member
    i called 3 ATT stores in my area and they all said 50 units
  • Reply 17 of 79
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Maybe they were buying it for their parents and were paid to stand in line. Maybe they saved up money themselves. Maybe they were middle aged with a rare growth stunting disease.

    You have hit the nail on the head. The parents would be sitting in a cafe with a an espresso or two and a croissant and would send the offspring to do the line waiting. Some time later the child dutifully returns and is rewarded with their coke, latest bionicle or whatever. Definitely the way to do it.
  • Reply 18 of 79
    I live in Southern California and I went to 2 stores, one in Costa Mesa, and one in Whittier, and they both did not have ANY iPhones on hand. ZERO. They told us all they could do was have us place orders and we would get them before the stores even got their shipments. They said that we could have them by earliest on Tuesday (July 3rd)

    Only a few AT&T stores in my area had iPhones actually on hand.. and I was told that those stores only received 20. (And the line at the Brea mall was 2,000+ people strong)
  • Reply 19 of 79
    I am here in Atlanta and choose to do something different and went to line up at the AT&T store in Atlantic Station (new inner city downtown shopping area), I got there at 12:40 om and was only 14th in line.

    At about 3pm the Manager came out and told me that everyone in that line could get the iPhone of their choice, she said she had enough for 8g models for everyone in that line at the time. There were a little more then 30 of us at that point. Once the doors opened we had about 50.

    The Lenox Mall Store had about 250 by 11am and I am sure it was well over 400 by opening.

    So I am sure that the AT&T store had at least 50 phones, if not more. Interesting thing to note is that at the store we were in, the employees still were trying to process the phones like the do with any other phone and was taking forever to buy your phone. I was 14th in line and didn't even step up and have my hand on a phone until 6:35!
  • Reply 20 of 79
    idleidle Posts: 49member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    What kind of idiot parent lets their 8 or 12 year old get a $600 phone? Unbelievable. Some parents spoil their kids to the point of making them unbearable to deal with.

    Someone at the store I was at said that he had bought two iPhones at an AT&T store on Friday and as he was walking out, he saw a man give each of his children a wad of cash...he was then approached by the kids who offered $1200 each for his phones. And people wonder why some kids are growing up without proper values

    On the Apple Store front, I saw probably 75% of people walk out with 2 phones, mostly of the 8gb variety. It's a pretty wealthy area, though.
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