Exorbitant data rates keeping iPhone out of Canada?

in iPhone edited January 2014
Steep wireless data rates may be the primary reason Canadians have not yet been treated to Apple Inc.'s revolutionary iPhone handset, according to one expert.

"The barrier to the iPhone in Canada is not Apple," says Michael Geist, Canada research chair of Internet and e-commerce law at the University of Ottawa. "Rather, it is the lack of wireless competition that [...] leads to pricing that places Canadians at a significant disadvantage compared with other developed countries."

In the U.S., AT&T's combined iPhone service and data plans start at just $59.99 for 450 anytime minutes, 5000 additional night and weekend minutes, and unlimited data. But in Canada, as Geist notes, a comparable plan for Rogers Wireless -- the only carrier with an iPhone-compatible GSM network -- would currently run about $295 per month.

Rogers charges $60 for 500 anytime minutes, $25 for an additional $500 anytime minutes and a whopping $210 for 500MB data plan. Unlike AT&T, the Canadian carrier does not offer an unlimited data plan and its monthly minutes do not rollover to the next month if they go unused.

If Rogers does introduce the iPhone to its customers, it will have to make major changes to its data pricing, Geist told Canada's National Post on Monday. "I don't see how you can have an iPhone with the pricing structure that they're offering," he said.

In an email advisory sent to subscribers earlier this year, Rogers said that it was still sorting out iPhone availability and pricing terms with Apple. However, the carrier confidently claimed that it would be the only Canadian provider to offer the Apple handset.

Since then, no further details on the matter have surface. However, a recent posting to Best Buy's Canadian website hinted that an announcement could be imminent.


  • Reply 1 of 93
    Rates for Canada are outrageous compared to elsewhere. Would love to have an iPhone but, do not see anyway I will be handing over a mortgage size payment to the Telco every month.
  • Reply 2 of 93
    Oh man, and I thought that US mobile phone providers sucked!

    Btw, in all fairness: thus far, I must admit to being hugely impressed by ATT -- maybe they're on their best behavior for the first couple of weeks. We'll see.
  • Reply 3 of 93
    You know cell service is bad in a country when US service compares favorably with it...
  • Reply 4 of 93
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Canadian $210 for 500MB... that's laughable...

    i hope apple get's the same deal as in the US... in germany they will for sure...!!!!

    t-mobile will be mor ethan happy to do a ?59 all data inclusive with 500 anytime minutes.... and unlimited SMS!!!!
  • Reply 5 of 93
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by ChevalierMalFet View Post

    You know cell service is bad in a country when US service compares favorably with it...

  • Reply 6 of 93
    Originally Posted by ChevalierMalFet View Post

    You know cell service is bad in a country when US service compares favorably with it...


    It seems its true then Rodgers SUCKS!
  • Reply 7 of 93
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by polar315 View Post

    Rates for Canada are outrageous compared to elsewhere. Would love to have an iPhone but, do not see anyway I will be handing over a mortgage size payment to the Telco every month.

    Does anybody know if there is any infrastructural (is that a word?) reason for costs to be so high in Canada? I know it is a big country with a relatively small population, but I assume that Rogers would only be focusing on the population centers which would mitigate, to some extent, these costs.

    How about the cold. Do the towers have to be constructed differently or with power-hungry deicers up there?

    Or is it simply a case of a de facto monopoly that is trampling the people in Canada land?

    I dunno. Its hard to believe that those extremely high costs are legitimate, but it is worth asking if anybody knows a reason why other than the simple money-grubbing, innovation-stunting, monopolistic bastards...
  • Reply 8 of 93
    Originally Posted by polar315 View Post

    Rates for Canada are outrageous compared to elsewhere. Would love to have an iPhone but, do not see anyway I will be handing over a mortgage size payment to the Telco every month.

    Yep, my thought exactly.

    A couple of years ago, all the wireless companies had unlimited data plans (before Rogers bought Fido), it was listed for $60 at Fido (I didn't check the other companies).

    Then Rogers bought Fido and lo and behold, all unlimited data plans from all the wireless providers (Bell, Telus, Rogers and the now Rogers-subsidiary Fido) simply disappeared.

    Last time I checked they all had the same prices. $100 for 100 MB of data. And that is despite Canada having Anti-collusion laws.

    For now and until things change, I won't be upgrading from my most basic wireless plan. If they want more of my money, which I don't mind paying, they have to give me more for it. I don't like the feeling that Canadian companies now give me. Every time I think of anything other than the most basic plans, I start feeling like I'm dropping my pants and bending over.
  • Reply 9 of 93
    i wonder what are they gonna do in Belgium. here, it is forbidden to sell 2 products at once, like a subscription and a mobile phone(that's why we always pay full price for mobile phones).

    in belgium you get 275min for 55 euros,

    and these are the data plans with GPRS or 3G(only big cities)

    Access Time Option (standaard)\t€ 0,4158 / 5 min

    (€ 4,99/hour).

    Access Volume Option\t€ 0,50 / 100 KB\t

    bundle of 10 MBt€ 18,15 / month\t10 MB (accounted per 10 KB)\toutside the 10 MB: € 0,0177 / 10 KB
  • Reply 10 of 93
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    If Rogers does introduce the iPhone to its customers, it will have to make major changes to its data pricing, Geist told Canada's National Post on Monday. "I don't see how you can have an iPhone with the pricing structure that they're offering," he said.

    Easy ! Allow the iPhone to be bought without any data package !

    I for one would be perfectly happy with a GSM phone and wifi, sans EDGE!

    3G is only available in the Greater Toronto Area anyways for now, so real non-corporate use of cell-based internet is going to take much more time in this geographically vast country that unfortunately invested WAY too much in old analogue technology years, being limited opportunities for competition in the Telcom sector. It'll come eventually ... but painfully slow.
  • Reply 11 of 93
    shaminoshamino Posts: 536member
    I wonder if this pricing model would be used for the iPhone, or if Apple would insist on something more affordable as a condition of allowing Rogers to sell it.
  • Reply 12 of 93
    macaximxmacaximx Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by panamajack View Post

    Easy ! Allow the iPhone to be bought without any data package !

    I for one would be perfectly happen with a GSM phone and wifi, sans EDGE!

    My thoughts exactly. Will Rogers allow this? I also think Rogers wants to protect it's music service.
  • Reply 13 of 93
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by jbravo556 View Post

    A couple of years ago, all the wireless companies had unlimited data plans (before Rogers bought Fido), it was listed for $60 at Fido (I didn't check the other companies).

    Then Rogers bought Fido and lo and behold, all unlimited data plans from all the wireless providers (Bell, Telus, Rogers and the now Rogers-subsidiary Fido) simply disappeared.

    Last time I checked they all had the same prices. $100 for 100 MB of data. And that is despite Canada having Anti-collusion laws.

    Well, I guess you answered my question...

    I hope Apple can force some change up there...
  • Reply 14 of 93
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    It sounds like it would be a lot cheaper for Canadians to go the US to get an iPhone and then just pay roaming charges.

    Originally Posted by ollebolle View Post

    i wonder what are they gonna do in Belgium. here, it is forbidden to sell 2 products at once, like a subscription and a mobile phone(that's why we always pay full price for mobile phones).

    I'm also under the impression that Belguim phones can't be sold locked. This makes selling the iPhone in Belguim a difficult feat for Apple.
  • Reply 15 of 93
    Sorry, guys, but I'm the reason that the iPhone hasn't come to Canada yet.

    Apple really hate me.
  • Reply 16 of 93
    I've never really understood Canada, Rogers is huge, it's the cable, TV, internet, phones... but it's Rogers.... That's like "Bob's Wireless" except his name is Roger. A better name wasn't available?

    Maybe Rogers means something else in French?

    Anyway, a lot of my artist friends live in Canada, so I hope they can get iPhones soon. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get one in the US with a huge shortage right now. Let's get these things in stock people.
  • Reply 17 of 93
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Well, I guess you answered my question...

    I hope Apple can force some change up there...

    With only a single national GSM provider, I wonder what kind of leverage Apple really can have over Rogers, besides pure consumer lust.

    On the other hand, it does provide Rogers an opportunity to grab people away from the CDMA carriers.

    A question on Cdn. data rates: aret there more competitive rates for enterprise users ? Blackberries are just as popular in the home of RIM has in other major business centers .... are Canadian firms just paying more, or have their economies of scale brought prices down ?
  • Reply 18 of 93
    Originally Posted by John the Geek View Post

    I've never really understood Canada, Rogers is huge, it's the cable, TV, internet, phones... but it's Rogers.... That's like "Bob's Wireless" except his name is Roger. A better name wasn't available?

    Maybe Rogers means something else in French?

    Anyway, a lot of my artist friends live in Canada, so I hope they can get iPhones soon. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get one in the US with a huge shortage right now. Let's get these things in stock people.

    Good job with the guess on that one. lol. Rogers would happen to be the last name of the creator of the company, Ted Rogers Sr. (who i believe invented the first modern cable systems that we use today) Since then Ted Rogers Jr. has taken over the company (even though he is getting up into his 70's I think) and then his son Edward Rogers is running the Cable side of the business.

    I certainly hope for iPhone as well, but I think it is like everyone else has said, there will need to be huge changes with data packages for it to become at all affordable up here. Needless to say if they figure it out then they will be able to take over huge amounts of market share from Bell and Telus. I can understand why it may take a while though, becuase Wireless has been a cash cow for Rogers, making them record profits and I am sure that the data plans have a role to play in all of that. Needless to say alot of waiting will be done, but it will be worth it!
  • Reply 19 of 93
    samiamsamiam Posts: 27member
    Rogers is the worst ever telecom company. I would rather cut off my ear than get a cell phone from them. It isn't just that their cell service is horrible, but their cable service is the worst I have ever heard of. If that weren't bad enough, their customer service is non-existent. You have a better chance of getting killed by a terrorist than getting any customer service from these people. They charge you for everything... EVERYTHING.


    Wow I feel a little better now.... just let it all flow out of me.
  • Reply 20 of 93
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by samiam View Post

    Rogers is the worst ever telecom company. I would rather cut off my ear than get a cell phone from them. It isn't just that their cell service is horrible, but their cable service is the worst I have ever heard of. If that weren't bad enough, their customer service is non-existent. You have a better chance of getting killed by a terrorist than getting any customer service from these people. They charge you for everything... EVERYTHING.

    Oh please. Rogers is no better or worse than anyone else. It's the same as people grumbling in the US about AT&T. If Verizon got the iPhone contract, people would grumble about Verizon.

    Telus and Bell are no better either.
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