Must have improvements



  • Reply 61 of 79
    So moving on, can anyone tell me if the following things have been implemented (or is there any word on them)

    Bluetooth profile for file sharing?

    Delivery reports for SMS?

    Video recording?
  • Reply 62 of 79
    Sorry to bump this but can anyone please confirm if any of the functions in my above post are now possible on the iphone?

  • Reply 63 of 79
    No, none of the above mentioned have bee dealt with.
  • Reply 64 of 79
    I don't believe any of those functions are there yet.
  • Reply 65 of 79
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    Jabber client on any phone with data capabilities.

    If the Jabber server implements JEP-0013 then you get the same kind of store and forward behavior as SMS but not the notification part. Unless you build it into the client. I think JEP-0013 is still draft but at least one open source server implemented it.

    I suppose the easy way is to see if the user is "Away" and then beep/vibrate if a new IM appears. "Away" being "haven't done anything in the last 5 minutes".

    While not Jabber IM I thought Colloquy got ported to the iPhone.

    With neither C# or Java a Jabber client app on the iPhone ain't gonna be done by me.
  • Reply 66 of 79
    Thanks for confirming that.
  • Reply 67 of 79
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by Riptide View Post

    I'm sorry. I'm calling "bullshit" on this. I'm not talking about a business phone or for the ability of Apple to deliver solutions that would be looked upon more kindly by Corporate IT and Purchasing Departments. Yes, Apple marketed this phone at retail, and made no bones about it. For 45 minutes in the midtown Manhattan Apple store I played with Safari, the iPod, looked at call functionality etc., and played with the virtual keyboard At no point did I or ANY of the 10 or so buyers of the iPhone that I know purchased this iPhone within the first week of release realize that the basic functionality that is avaialble on EVERY other phone or retail mobile device offered by AT&T (such as as the ability to text multiple recipients at once, or copy/forward elements of a text or mail message to others, or even have an Alarm that would ALWAYS go off when set). Nor did any of us attempt simulating a call in a busy street to realize that the ringer would almost never be loud enough to hear the phone ring.

    I would defy anybody to name a single phone supported by LG, Nokia, Motorola, HTC, Smasung that restricts a user's ability to text just one person at a time.

    "Caveat Emptor"

    The offerings of other providers don't obligate Apple.
  • Reply 68 of 79
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    "Caveat Emptor"

    The offerings of other providers don't obligate Apple.

    They certainly don't.

    I'm ready to dump my iPhone. I absolutely love the browser.. it truly is sensational, and yes it's the best music phone out there by some margin , but IMO everything else is below par compare to the competition.

    Apple has spent more time figuring out ways to stop hackers and have added zero requested functionality other than the ability to charge their customers for using music they already own as a ring tone.

    For me, the changes need to be in place for Nov launch of UK iPhone or its time to move on.
  • Reply 69 of 79

    Apple has spent more time figuring out ways to stop hackers and have added zero requested functionality other than the ability to charge their customers for using music they already own as a ring tone.

    Apple has said they will not stop the software hacks, they just won't actively prevent software updates from breaking the hacks. Jobs has even alluded to blessing some of the 3rd party software that has been developed. As far as hacking the phone to use on any carrier. Apple is contractually obligated to stop that but so far has not gone out of its way to stop it.

    Software updates will come when Apple is ready, they are not working on Riptide's schedule.
  • Reply 70 of 79
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by Ri[U

    ptid[/U]e;1145050]Apple has spent more time figuring out ways to stop hackers and have added zero requested functionality other than the ability to charge their customers for using music they already own as a ring tone.

    The phone's been out the market for what - less than 100 days?

    Sell it if you wish. I just got mine and plan to keep it for years. The things you find to be show stoppers aren't on my radar at all.
  • Reply 71 of 79
    Has anyone seen the new features on firmware update 1.1.1? They are posted on and are included on the UK version of the phone. Customizing the double-click of the home button, TV Out option, Edge roaming on/off, and of course WiFi Itunes store. Pretty cool I just want to know where the MMS is.
  • Reply 72 of 79
    essentially all of the improvements requested here are possible w/ software updates.

    my main regret w/ the iphone is lack of a2dp. how do you sell a phone billed as "the greatest iPod ever", give it bluetooth, and NOT let someone listen to music via said bluetooth?

    that said, here's my wishlist, much of which has been addressed already:

    via software updates:

    FLASH support for safari

    option for horizontal keyboard in all apps

    multiple sms recipients

    faster way to delete multiple emails

    ability to create mailbox folders for each email account, regardless of pop/imap

    copy/paste text

    send notes to calendar

    voice dialing!

    consistent UI [why are some apps black, some grey, some steel blue?]

    weather displayed in icon [instead of sunny and 73] - the ical icon shows today's date, why not weather, and why does the clock show 10:15? and the stocks icon could show the DJIA and daily change.

    a tip button on the calculator? to quickly add 18%?

    ability to create music playlists on the phone

    smart shuffle [as in iTunes]

    some schweet games i can play on an airplane

    via hardware updates:


    add'l storage [16 - 32 gigs in january?]

    video recording [640 x 480 x 30 fps or better - N95 does this]

    gps [with on / off similar to bluetooth and wifi to save battery]

    i don't care about 3G. i'm in range of home/work/free wifi 95% of the time.

    ...and a laser pointer and a subwoofer and a built in electric razor, and a fast lane pass, and a mobil speedpass all built in.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    I doubt we will see any change on the hardware setting. Apple would be better of just including them in the iphone sucessor. When I get mine im just going to make sure i alwasy carry around my ixus! :-) Its such a nice screen for photo viewing so why not just make sure you have a nice camera to hand.
  • Reply 74 of 79
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The ubiquity of SMS is not because of its superiority. It is ubiquitous because the mobile phone companies force it to be by denying the alternatives a fair chance in the market. As more phones gain IM and email clients the situation will change.

    I'm not sure of your insistence that SMS in inherently easier to use. It doesn't send messages by osmosis. You have to tell it who the message is going to the same as IM and email. Generally all of this information is indexed so we never have to remember it. We only have to know the name of the person whom we are sending the message to. \\

    God, i hate repeating myself all the time on this issue, but i am sure that people on these forums just believe what they believe and refuse to listen to anything else.

    There has been real email clients on many many mobile phone in Europe for years and years, i honestly have not had a phone in at least 5 years that has not had a POP3 email client. POP3 is easy to set up and most people have an email address they can use.

    You think that the mobile phone companies force people to use SMS? If email was better at phone to phone messaging then we would all be emailing each other from our phones now. SMS won because it is easier, it is quicker, it is push technology and it is far more reliable than email - email remember has tom leave the network operators network and go accross the internet through 2 different email providers servers back across the internet and back onto a mobile network, SMS and MMS at most travels 2 networks, phone to phone.

    Did you know that SMS was never meant to be a consumer service? It was designed purely as a way to update sim cards and for servicing. It was a complete accident that SMS took off the way it did and took all the network operators by complete surprise! This is how you know it is a great technology, nothing forced, nothing marketed, just a killer application that changed the face of mobile communications.
  • Reply 75 of 79
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    ... here's my wishlist,




    via hardware updates:


    video recording [640 x 480 x 30 fps or better - N95 does this]...


    and a laser pointer and a subwoofer and a built in electric razor, and a fast lane pass, and a mobil speedpass all built in.

    Why do you feel that it would take a hardware change? When I use my camera on my iPhone I get 2 MPixels of "live" video displayed on my screen - if they software interpolated that down to 640 X 480 and saved it, it would be a video recording...and with the built in scaling software (or is it hardware?) on the iPhone, it shouldn't be that difficult.

    I've read others saying they thought it required additional hardware also and I just don't see it.
  • Reply 76 of 79
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple has said they will not stop the software hacks, they just won't actively prevent software updates from breaking the hacks. Jobs has even alluded to blessing some of the 3rd party software that has been developed. As far as hacking the phone to use on any carrier. Apple is contractually obligated to stop that but so far has not gone out of its way to stop it.

    Software updates will come when Apple is ready, they are not working on Riptide's schedule.

    It never ceases to amuse me that Apple has all these brown-nosing cheerleaders -- Pom poms et all! "Go Apple, Go, I love all that you do. so!
  • Reply 77 of 79
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    The phone's been out the market for what - less than 100 days?

    Sell it if you wish. I just got mine and plan to keep it for years. The things you find to be show stoppers aren't on my radar at all.

    Good for you!! "Go team, go!"
  • Reply 78 of 79
    Do add to the list:

    1. A "find" feature in the contacts functions. I have 3,000 contacts I use in business and am I the only person who does not always remember last names?
  • Reply 79 of 79
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by Riptide View Post

    Good for you!! "Go team, go!"

    No, I'm not a team supporter, I'm an informed consumer. I researched the iPhone and made sure I would be happy with it and that it would suit my needs. I was smart.

    Too bad you weren't.
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