Well, it's time: E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!



  • Reply 61 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Nope, I'm not kidding at all. If this ref was really more excited about making calls against PHI, SOMEONE other than you would be talking about it. The internet's a big place....

    Funny, because I've talked to several people in person that agree with me. Whatever.

    Now, on to a more serious note: The Patriots Cheating! Have you been following this?

    Word is Bellichick may get suspended, the team will be fined, and they'll lose draft picks (multiple picks).

    A decent opinion piece from sportsline:


    Now, let me say I have never liked Bellichick. I really always thought the guy was a classless schmuck. The way he treated the media, other coaches and players was disgusting. He looks disheveled and doesn't take pride in his appearance. Anyone see how he pushed the camera guy and blew off Peyton Manning's overture at the end of the AFC Championship last year?

    But putting that aside, I did respect his raw abilities as a coach. At this point though, I am wondering what everyone else is: How good were the Patriots the last 5 years or so. Did they deserve to win all those games, including the Super Bowl against the Eagles in 2004? Or at San Diego last year? Many, many Eagles fans felt that the PAts knew what was coming in the second half and were bewildered. I don't think anyone actually believed they were cheating though.

    So..my thinking is this: Bellichick must be suspended for 8 games. The team should be fined at least $100,000 (I prefer $500,000) and lose their 1st, 2nd and 3rd round draft picks entirely...AND the money that goes with them (meaning they can't spend it elsewhere). It's severe, but what they've done is severe. They may very well be a fraudulent team in terms if championships. They may have cheated the Eagles and Rams out of Super Bowls. They probably did the same for the Chargers at the playoff game last year, which cost Marty Shottenheimer his goddamned job. And God only knows how many times they cheater the Colts. The amount of damage they have done the to league and it's fans is simply unreal.

    And if it happens again? Bellichick gets kicked out the league. Period.
  • Reply 62 of 286
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    The whole Pats thing is incredible. Even if the charges end up getting dropped (unlikely from what I've read) they are always going to have a


    next to their record during the Bellichick years. Bellichick may be an ass, but it's unfortunate for the players, since they had an excellent organization from a personnel point of view. Many skilled, team players on that squad.
  • Reply 63 of 286
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I don't think I'd go quite as far as that editorial.

    I'd go with a first and fourth round pick, and a two game suspension for the coach (without pay). If one team is doing this, it's pretty likely other teams are as well. The punishment would be harsh enough make other teams who may be doing similar things reconsider, yet recognize that this has probably been going on in nudge nudge wink wink fashion on other teams.

    It'd also be good if they could shrink their salary cap by a million or two, but the players association would never stand for that.

    There's also rumors going around about putting microphones on defensive players so they could record audibles, and having a defensive player with a radio in his helmet (something that's been proposed but hasn't had enough teams vote for it to happen). If that stuff was true, I'd suspend Bellichick for the rest of the season. That all seems to be wild speculation at this point, so you have to take those rumors with a big grain of salf.
  • Reply 64 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    I don't think I'd go quite as far as that editorial.

    Well, the language was definitely heated, but why would you not go that far specifically?


    I'd go with a first and fourth round pick, and a two game suspension for the coach (without pay).

    I disagree. That's nowhere near severe enough. Allow me to repost a few sentences from my last post. See if it changes your mind:



    They may have cheated the Eagles and Rams out of Super Bowls. They probably did the same for the Chargers at the playoff game last year, which cost Marty Shottenheimer his goddamned job. And God only knows how many times they [cheated] the Colts. The amount of damage they have done the to league and it's fans is simply unreal.

    Consider that. For me, that's a half season suspension, multiple top draft picks and a huge ass fine. Think about it: They may have cheated their way into winning the Super Bowl three times. It's not just those teams that suffered either. Think about the playoff teams they beat. Football is big business too...imagine the money Philly lost by not winning the Superbowl. Imagine the potential damage to revenue for the Chargers. And as I said...Shottenheimer might not have lost his job were it not for his first round loss. I mean...it just keeps getting worse the more one things about it. They hurt literally thousands of people, AND the image of the league.


    if one team is doing this, it's pretty likely other teams are as well. The punishment would be harsh enough make other teams who may be doing similar things reconsider, yet recognize that this has probably been going on in nudge nudge wink wink fashion on other teams.

    I don't know as I believe that. I guess we'll never know, 'cause they're going to stop now!


    It'd also be good if they could shrink their salary cap by a million or two, but the players association would never stand for that.

    Fuck the players association. In fact, the opinions I've heard state that if they lose picks, they lose the cap room with them. That's what should happen.


    There's also rumors going around about putting microphones on defensive players so they could record audibles, and having a defensive player with a radio in his helmet (something that's been proposed but hasn't had enough teams vote for it to happen). If that stuff was true, I'd suspend Bellichick for the rest of the season. That all seems to be wild speculation at this point, so you have to take those rumors with a big grain of salf.

    I didn't hear that, though I knew there had been proposals for radios in the defensive player's helmets for the purposes of play calling. It will almost certainly pass now, or so I'd think.
  • Reply 65 of 286
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Think about it: They may have cheated their way into winning the Super Bowl three times. It's not just those teams that suffered either. Think about the playoff teams they beat. Football is big business too...imagine the money Philly lost by not winning the Superbowl.

    Eagles question methods used by Pats winning the SB


    Sheldon Brown and the Eagles hoped a blitz would rattle Tom Brady.

    One problem: Every time the Eagles rushed Brady in the Super Bowl, the Patriots nullified the defensive attack with screen passes. Lots of them. On almost every play defensive coordinator Jim Johnson called for a blitz, the Patriots used the short pass to confuse the Eagles.

    After the Patriots beat the Eagles 24-21 in 2005 to win the Lombardi Trophy, Brown thought the Patriots beat them with nothing but sharp offensive playcalling. Now, he's not so sure.


    Some Eagles said occasional signal-stealing is an accepted part of the game. But they believe what the Patriots are accused of doing crosses the football morality line because it threatens the integrity of the game.

  • Reply 66 of 286
    Well, it's all academic now that the penalty has been handed down. It seems fair enough to me. I don't think you can penalize for infractions you think maybe happened.
  • Reply 67 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Well, it's all academic now that the penalty has been handed down. It seems fair enough to me. I don't think you can penalize for infractions you think maybe happened.

    Not specifically, no. But it should be taken into consideration. I am actually pretty happy with the decision. The fine is huge...way more than I thought it would be. I still think he should have suspended for half the season. Goodell presented a false dilemma of the suspension not being as long lasting as the draft pick and the fine. But it really should have been all three.
  • Reply 68 of 286
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Not specifically, no. But it should be taken into consideration. I am actually pretty happy with the decision. The fine is huge...way more than I thought it would be. I still think he should have suspended for half the season. Goodell presented a false dilemma of the suspension not being as long lasting as the draft pick and the fine. But it really should have been all three.

    All 3? For using a camcorder? You gotta remember, stealing opposing teams' signals wasn't the rule-breaking part. Only using the camcorder was. If a team has a guy on the sideline with binoculars and a sketch pad, it's OK. It was only the fact this Pats guy was using a camcorder that made it a violation.

    Even though I'm a Pats fan (and have been since the 80s), I'm glad they were fined and lost a draft pick. They could've even suspended Belichick a game as well, but 1/2 the season is going a bit overboard IMO.
  • Reply 69 of 286
    I like The Onion

    Really, you could write a similar article for almost any team, but I'll be darned if those Eagles fans aren't just fun to pick on.

    This one is also hilarious.
  • Reply 70 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    I like The Onion

    Really, you could write a similar article for almost any team, but I'll be darned if those Eagles fans aren't just fun to pick on.

    This one is also hilarious.

    Dude...that Philly/McNabb article is AWESOME. hahaha.


    "This organization expects a lot from Donovan," Reid told a group of angry fans Wednesday. "After all, we did use the second overall draft pick on him eight years ago, and while he's done really well considering we made him run the offense for years with bargain- basement wide receivers and running backs that couldn't stay healthy, I agree that now is the time to finally get something back on our investment."

  • Reply 71 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by PBG4 Dude View Post

    All 3? For using a camcorder? You gotta remember, stealing opposing teams' signals wasn't the rule-breaking part. Only using the camcorder was. If a team has a guy on the sideline with binoculars and a sketch pad, it's OK. It was only the fact this Pats guy was using a camcorder that made it a violation.

    Even though I'm a Pats fan (and have been since the 80s), I'm glad they were fined and lost a draft pick. They could've even suspended Belichick a game as well, but 1/2 the season is going a bit overboard IMO.

    Dude...it was a BLATANT violation. They cheated. It's not anywhere near the same as sitting down with a clipboard and pencil. What's worse is they've been caught doing it before. You have to be kidding.

    I think the decision is a good one, but I still think Belichick should have been suspended for 8 games. I want you to think abut it like this: A head coach in the NFL knowingly cheated.

    Again, consider the damage:
    • Possible fraudulent championships

    • Possible fraudulent playoff wins

    • Loss of confidence in league's integrity

    • Impact to Patriot's ticket sales and/or merchandising

    • Damage to Philadelphia Eagles, Carolina Panthers, and St. Louis

      Rams. All three may have won without the Pats cheating.

    • The loss of Marty Shottenheimer's JOB.

    • Possible fraudulent win streak against Colts. Subsequent financial impacts.

    • Inflating of Tom Brady's stats in QB rating, passing yards, interceptions, sacks, et al.

    The list goes on. Worst of all, it's irreversible damage. So don't tell me a half season suspension of that sleaze bag would have been "over the top." He did it on purpose. Jesus.
  • Reply 72 of 286
    "The Cowboys are 2-0; the 49ers are 2-0; the Packers are 2-0; O.J. is in jail; it's like it's the mid 90's again."
  • Reply 73 of 286
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    "The Cowboys are 2-0; the 49ers are 2-0; the Packers are 2-0; O.J. is in jail; it's like it's the mid 90's again."

    That was pretty funny.

    As for the Eagles....ugh...

    NO, absolutely NO game plan adjustments by Reid, AGAIN.

    Westbrook is tearing up the 'Skins D? Throw 3 passes in a row every time you get inside the 20.

    Another year without a single wide-out that scares the defense. All opponents for the rest of the year are going to follow the Skins blueprint and man 2 man with bump on the WR/TE, and put 7 in the box to contain Westbrook. There will be absolutely nothing the Eagles will be able to do about it, since Reid has used the same game plan for the last 8 seasons.

    Shameful, just shameful.

    Too soon to start a petition for Reid's dismissal?
  • Reply 74 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by iPoster View Post

    That was pretty funny.

    As for the Eagles....ugh...

    NO, absolutely NO game plan adjustments by Reid, AGAIN.

    Westbrook is tearing up the 'Skins D? Throw 3 passes in a row every time you get inside the 20.

    Another year without a single wide-out that scares the defense. All opponents for the rest of the year are going to follow the Skins blueprint and man 2 man with bump on the WR/TE, and put 7 in the box to contain Westbrook. There will be absolutely nothing the Eagles will be able to do about it, since Reid has used the same game plan for the last 8 seasons.

    Shameful, just shameful.

    Too soon to start a petition for Reid's dismissal?

    Obviously I have been critical of him and called for him to go before. It's a very tough call. We've been to the NFC Championship game 4 years in a row, going to the Super Bowl once. We've been in the playoffs consistently.

    That said, my problem with Reid has been three-fold:

    1. He doesn't emotionally/mentally prepare and motivate the team. They often come out flat. Only the team seems to be able to turn itself around. In that same vein, we often notice a lack of urgency because Reid doesn't DEMAND it.

    2. He makes poor, amateurish coaching decisions and mistakes at times...or at least lets them happen.

    3. He doesn't show loyalty consistently. Take McNabb vs. Trotter. Trotter slows down a bit and he gets the boot despite being a morale leader. McNabb, Mr. Captain of the Ship (TM) makes rookie mistakes, but unquestionably stays on board (not that he should go...I'm just saying).

    As for the loss and the team this year:

    1. McNabb is not throwing well. His running is improving, but he's still not confident.

    2. The defense has been soft. Missed tackles, lack of big plays, etc.

    3. The offense has been soft. Where is that explosiveness we had? Consistency was always a problem, but now the big plays seen to be gone too.

    4. Kickoff and return teams are a joke.

    5. McNabb, with Reid, has created too much of a laid back atmosphere and thinks too much about his team and not enough about his own play. He's always talking about he needs to get the team back to such and such a point and how he is going to lead. Dude, just shut up and play. You'd play better and more success. And let's fact it Donny...you're not the head coach. Your job is to execute, which you are not doing. Lead more by example.

    Also, I don't see any goal setting. One thing the oft criticized T.O. brought was that sentiment that "We won't be happy until we win the Super Bowl." I don't want to hear how "this is super bowl team" and "well it's a long season and were gonna go make some plays <insert dumb grin> and maybe this, maybe that...blah, blah. Set the goal and work like bitches until you reach it. I don't want to hear about how much "fun" football is. You all need to have your asses kicked a bit since my $200 tickets are paying your gazillion dollar salaries. Fuckers. Win or go home.
  • Reply 75 of 286
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    PHI: D. McNabb 21-26, 381 yds, 4 TDs

    I'd love to see similar numbers the rest of the year!

  • Reply 76 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by iPoster View Post

    PHI: D. McNabb 21-26, 381 yds, 4 TDs

    I'd love to see similar numbers the rest of the year!

    Dude...what a fucking game! Biggest point total for the Eagles since the 50s. 56-21. I just don't get this team. What was it, the uniforms? McNabb looked like his old self, Westbrook was great...the D played well against a hot offense. And, all this without Dawkins or Sheppard.

    I guess we just wait and see at this point. This is the team I thought they had from the start. Time will tell.
  • Reply 77 of 286
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    ...I just don't get this team. What was it, the uniforms?...

    No, they played the Lions. Detroit is no powerhouse. In fact, their defense is ranked at the bottom of the NFL.

    While McNabb and the Eagles looked sharp, lets see how they do against a team that is actually good.
  • Reply 78 of 286
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Cake View Post

    No, they played the Lions. Detroit is no powerhouse. In fact, their defense is ranked at the bottom of the NFL.

    While McNabb and the Eagles looked sharp, lets see how they do against a team that is actually good.

    Uh, the Lions were 2-0 and are NOT the team they were in the last....uh, 20 years. They are a decent team. Fine, they're not the Patriots. But they're decent. It was a quality win.
  • Reply 79 of 286
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Uh, the Lions were 2-0 and are NOT the team they were in the last....uh, 20 years. They are a decent team. Fine, they're not the Patriots. But they're decent. It was a quality win.

    Yeah, they beat the Raiders and the Vikings - both crap teams.

    Detroit's defense is ranked at the bottom of the league:

    Look, a win is a win in my book, no matter how ugly.

    Today, the Eagles shined. I'm just saying that this was not a true test of who the Eagles are.

    This one was easy.
  • Reply 80 of 286
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Uh, the Lions were 2-0 and are NOT the team they were in the last....uh, 20 years. They are a decent team. Fine, they're not the Patriots. But they're decent. It was a quality win.

    I give Detroit 6 wins, tops. Really, their defense is truly awful. Some talent on the defensive line, but pretty awful otherwise, especially the secondary. A fine win for the Eagles, regardless. McNabb was hitting receivers perfectly in stride. I still expect them to win the NFC East.
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