Cracked Macbook Screen

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I haven't even had my MacBook for a month yet, and my stupid peice of shit little brother already cracked the screen. I would take pictures but it sickens me too look at it. THAT'S how bad it is.

Anyways, I do have AppleCare but I am pretty sure it won't cover it, so where do you recommend I take my MacBook to get serviced. How long does it normally take to replace the screen, and how much does it usually cost. I looked around on a few websites and seen it runs about $400-$600 which kind of really sucks.

Thanks for the help.


  • Reply 1 of 26
  • Reply 2 of 26
    Originally Posted by bobmarksdale View Post


    Well I'm only 18 so I'm still under my parent's insurance. Will they cover this?
  • Reply 3 of 26
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    Well I'm only 18 so I'm still under my parent's insurance. Will they cover this?

    You might want to check your father's home owner's insurance policy. They might cover it, but there will also probably be a deductible amount you would have to pay.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    If you can do it yourself, has replacement MacBook screens for $300.
  • Reply 5 of 26
    make your filthy brother pay for it. and if he's really young and has no jobs, cut him up and sell his organs in the Philippines.
  • Reply 6 of 26
    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    make your filthy brother pay for it. and if he's really young and has no jobs, cut him up and sell his organs in the Philippines.

    hahahahahaha. nice.

    but he's convinced my parents that he didn't do it, even though he's broken my CD's, an iPod, mulitple gameboys, multiple PS2 controllers, my car windshield, and countless other items.

    i am going through since they seem to be the cheapest and seem like a pretty reputable site. and yes, i have to pay for it.
  • Reply 7 of 26
    Originally Posted by Royboy View Post

    You might want to check your father's home owner's insurance policy. They might cover it, but there will also probably be a deductible amount you would have to pay.

    the deductable we found out would be $500. so i decided to go through as it's $100 cheaper.

    then again i might just pay the deductable and go through apple since i think going through a non-apple company voids the warranty.

    any thoughts/suggestions on what i should do. anyone?
  • Reply 8 of 26
    oops... double post... read below.
  • Reply 9 of 26
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    the deductable we found out would be $500. so i decided to go through as it's $100 cheaper.

    then again i might just pay the deductable and go through apple since i think going through a non-apple company voids the warranty.

    any thoughts/suggestions on what i should do. anyone?


    MacService does not communicate any warranty information to Apple. Most services will not void your warranty.

    I would probably contact them and ask explicitly about your case just to make sure it is included in 'most'.


    They do use your case as an example, so it probably will be. How convenient.
  • Reply 10 of 26
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    I haven't even had my MacBook for a month yet, and my stupid peice of shit little brother already cracked the screen. I would take pictures but it sickens me too look at it. THAT'S how bad it is.

    Anyways, I do have AppleCare but I am pretty sure it won't cover it, so where do you recommend I take my MacBook to get serviced. How long does it normally take to replace the screen, and how much does it usually cost. I looked around on a few websites and seen it runs about $400-$600 which kind of really sucks.

    Thanks for the help.


    Before you do anything, did you buy the MacBook with a credit card?

    Many credit cards have a buyer protection policy built in that says if anything bad happens to what you buy with it for a certain period of time - anything! - even it it's your fault - and it's probably within 30 or 90 days which this is - they will get it fixed or replaced.

    So before you do some 3rd party thing, check to see if you have this. If you do, you can get it replaced/repaired at Apple and the card covers it.
  • Reply 11 of 26
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    ... and my stupid peice of shit little brother .....

    love that.
  • Reply 12 of 26
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    hahahahahaha. nice.

    but he's convinced my parents that he didn't do it, even though he's broken my CD's, an iPod, mulitple gameboys, multiple PS2 controllers, my car windshield, and countless other items.

    i am going through since they seem to be the cheapest and seem like a pretty reputable site. and yes, i have to pay for it.

    OMG I'd fucking kill him.
  • Reply 13 of 26

    I emailed MacService about voiding AppleCare if I go through them, and am still waiting on a response. I am pretty sure it will, but it can't hurt to double check.

    My parents don't want to claim it under home owners cause my dad said the rates will go up. Fucking cheap asses. Do they not fucking understand that my MacBook plays a crucial part in success as a college student?! Most of my notes and papers are on it, and it was a great tool to keep me organized for school. No, they'd rather save themselves a few dollars, and have me potentially end up paying a lot more than they'd ever have to if they just claimed it. I'd pay the $500 deductable, and the rest would be covered by the insurance. Apple would repair it and I'd have it back in a few days.

    I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
  • Reply 14 of 26
    you should ask first - crack later
  • Reply 15 of 26
    Dude if i were you i'd most probably lock all the stuff pretty much OUT of reach of him / very important without notifying him where nor the real reason why / and

    i assume it's a family issue so .. i guess you should rather talk to your parents .. and probably after year or two move to a campus ? how about that

  • Reply 16 of 26
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post


    I emailed MacService about voiding AppleCare if I go through them, and am still waiting on a response. I am pretty sure it will, but it can't hurt to double check.

    My parents don't want to claim it under home owners cause my dad said the rates will go up. Fucking cheap asses. Do they not fucking understand that my MacBook plays a crucial part in success as a college student?! Most of my notes and papers are on it, and it was a great tool to keep me organized for school. No, they'd rather save themselves a few dollars, and have me potentially end up paying a lot more than they'd ever have to if they just claimed it. I'd pay the $500 deductable, and the rest would be covered by the insurance. Apple would repair it and I'd have it back in a few days.

    I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

    Do you pay rent? Do you pay for the insurance? Get renters insurance if it's all that important to you.

    Fucking cheap ass, indeed.
  • Reply 17 of 26
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

    Selling your brother's organs is sounding better all the time.
  • Reply 18 of 26
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    Do you pay rent? Do you pay for the insurance? Get renters insurance if it's all that important to you.

    Fucking cheap ass, indeed.

    While I do not pay rent, I pay for my phone bill, car insurance, college tuition and books, and personal spending. I bought my laptop too. All while working 30 hours a week and going to school full time. Basically all I use my house for is a place to sleep, and an occasional meal.

    Wasn't sure if you were calling me a cheap ass or them?
  • Reply 19 of 26
    Originally Posted by tripo View Post

    Dude if i were you i'd most probably lock all the stuff pretty much OUT of reach of him / very important without notifying him where nor the real reason why / and

    i assume it's a family issue so .. i guess you should rather talk to your parents .. and probably after year or two move to a campus ? how about that

    Talking to my parent's hasn't worked. I am taking out student loans and getting the hell out of here next year. MSU here I come!
  • Reply 20 of 26
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    While I do not pay rent, I pay for my phone bill, car insurance, college tuition and books, and personal spending. I bought my laptop too. All while working 30 hours a week and going to school full time. Basically all I use my house for is a place to sleep, and an occasional meal.

    Wasn't sure if you were calling me a cheap ass or them?

    You. Calling someone who foots the bill for your lodging (overall the most costly expense a person can have in their lives) a "cheap ass" 'cause they won't bail your ass out of a jam you got yourself into is lame.

    If you have something that's important to you, take care of it. If it's as important as you make it out to be, then insure it. Don't whine about how someone else is a "cheap ass" for not taking care of something you obviously don't take care of yourself.

    All this is a tangent though, brought out by your diatribe against the folks that have taken care of your every need for the last 20 years or so. Just ignore what I'm saying the same way you've ignored what your parents have done for you and go back to being self-absorbed.
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