Cracked Macbook Screen



  • Reply 21 of 26
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    You. Calling someone who foots the bill for your lodging (overall the most costly expense a person can have in their lives) a "cheap ass" 'cause they won't bail your ass out of a jam you got yourself into is lame.

    If you have something that's important to you, take care of it. If it's as important as you make it out to be, then insure it. Don't whine about how someone else is a "cheap ass" for not taking care of something you obviously don't take care of yourself.

    All this is a tangent though, brought out by your diatribe against the folks that have taken care of your every need for the last 20 years or so. Just ignore what I'm saying the same way you've ignored what your parents have done for you and go back to being self-absorbed.

    A. Don't see how I got myself into a "jam", I mean it's not liked I purposely left my laptop in its case, in my desk, and then let my brother sneak into my room and smash it once he realized it was password protected.

    B. Before you go ahead and judge me, why don't you stop and realize that the basis of your judgment is coming from a post on an online forum. Don't think for a second that you can define the relationship between my parents and I, or even define me for that matter. I think you need to get the fuck over yourself.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    Say to your parents that if they educate your brother better this all wouldn't happen, blame them, it's their fault, they have to teach your brother that some things like that are wrong!

    Education is very important or your brother will end up as a drug dealer or whatever in prison.

    Really, and don't hesitate to hit your brother yourself, your parents wouldn't like it but they have to know you're sick of it.

    Grtz Oxid
  • Reply 23 of 26
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by j.rucinski View Post

    A. Don't see how I got myself into a "jam", I mean it's not liked I purposely left my laptop in its case, in my desk, and then let my brother sneak into my room and smash it once he realized it was password protected.

    B. Before you go ahead and judge me, why don't you stop and realize that the basis of your judgment is coming from a post on an online forum. Don't think for a second that you can define the relationship between my parents and I, or even define me for that matter. I think you need to get the fuck over yourself.

    A. You call your parents "cheap ass" 'cause they won't pay for something of yours that's broken. Get a job and move out if you don't like living off their generosity.

    B. I didn't judge you 'till you called your parents "cheap ass" for not taking responsibility for the state of your property. Yeah, read that sentence again - it's YOUR property, so it's your responsibility. If I were to walk outside and find my car smashed - it's my dime. If I left my laptop in the car and it gets stolen - again, it's my dime. So, I insure it. I don't whine about how someone else is too "cheap ass" to take care of my stuff.

    I realize that responsibility is foreign to you, but get over yourself and at least try to learn what it is to be an adult. If I heard that my youngest (20 yrs old) was calling me a "cheap ass" 'cause I didn't fork out cash for his broken shit, I'd kick his ass to the curb and let him see how his "cheap ass" dad not paying for his room and board feels.

    In fact, it doesn't surprise me that you're having the problem you're having. From how it sounds, your parents raised more than one self-centered brat who doesn't appreciate the cost of things.

    I've been paying my own way since I got out of high school - well over 30 years ago. I know what "taking responsibility for yourself" really is, and what it takes. I sure don't have to listen to some whining self-indulgent kid talk crap without slinging it back at him.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    A. You call your parents "cheap ass" 'cause they won't pay for something of yours that's broken. Get a job and move out if you don't like living off their generosity.

    B. I didn't judge you 'till you called your parents "cheap ass" for not taking responsibility for the state of your property. Yeah, read that sentence again - it's YOUR property, so it's your responsibility. If I were to walk outside and find my car smashed - it's my dime. If I left my laptop in the car and it gets stolen - again, it's my dime. So, I insure it. I don't whine about how someone else is too "cheap ass" to take care of my stuff.

    I realize that responsibility is foreign to you, but get over yourself and at least try to learn what it is to be an adult. If I heard that my youngest (20 yrs old) was calling me a "cheap ass" 'cause I didn't fork out cash for his broken shit, I'd kick his ass to the curb and let him see how his "cheap ass" dad not paying for his room and board feels.

    In fact, it doesn't surprise me that you're having the problem you're having. From how it sounds, your parents raised more than one self-centered brat who doesn't appreciate the cost of things.

    You're more than twice j.rucinki's age, and have a different way of speaking. Take away the different speaking styles and drama, and just judge the incident in and of itself:

    Say you're a parent and you have two kids. The older one just got a new computer. It's a critical tool in his life, he uses it for school, and he takes good care of it. Your younger child purposely brakes the older child's computer. The older child doesn't have enough money to properly fix it.

    What do you do?

    Wouldn't a good solution be for the parents to help pay for the repair of the computer (since the parents are presumably responsible for the younger child, and realize that it's important for the older child to have a working computer), and then make the younger brother pay them back - and vicariously the older brother back - in some way?
  • Reply 25 of 26
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by Duddits View Post

    You're more than twice j.rucinki's age, and have a different way of speaking. Take away the different speaking styles and drama, and just judge the incident in and of itself:

    Say you're a parent and you have two kids. The older one just got a new computer. It's a critical tool in his life, he uses it for school, and he takes good care of it. Your younger child purposely brakes the older child's computer. The older child doesn't have enough money to properly fix it.

    What do you do?

    Wouldn't a good solution be for the parents to help pay for the repair of the computer (since the parents are presumably responsible for the younger child, and realize that it's important for the older child to have a working computer), and then make the younger brother pay them back - and vicariously the older brother back - in some way?


    but he's convinced my parents that he didn't do it

    He's said it himself - his parents don't believe him, they believe his brother. That sort of thing doesn't happen in a vacuum - there's history here we've not become privy to.

    What must have happened in the past that a college age kid isn't believed and his younger brother is, when the issue at hand is a broken item of significant worth? And while you're asking yourself that question, re-read his posts.
  • Reply 26 of 26
    Sorry if I have come off like a flaming internet psycho but when people try to tell me I am wrong when I am pretty sure I am right, then I get kind of angry.

    My parents are still making me pay for the laptop, but what am I to do? I guess just stop bitching and get it fixed, which is why I sent it to MacService. Should be back sometime next week or so. I am in DIRE need of it!

    Thanks/apologies to everyone.
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